Why Won't They Just Build A Wall To Stop Illegal Immigration???

As I mentioned previously, I spend time near the actual border on a regular basis. I don't live that far north of the border. I go to Nogales for medical care and meds on a regular basis.

I have witnessed the fact that the wall that has been built so far is continually subjected to theft. That's right, they come up to the fence with a cutting torch, cut entire sections of it away and cart them to the scrapyard to sell.

I don't dispute the need for a fence, that does help make it tougher for illegal border crossings. However; without manpower to guard the border, as well as the fence, the fence just gets stolen.

And I repeat, have you people ever heard of concrete? Steel? Professional Snipers?

If you build a concrete wall several feet wide, that goes 10+ feet underground, how can you get over that?

And to whoever said they'll still be arriving in planes etc.... Uh what planet do you live on where unknown planes sneak into US airspace?



Got any idea how long it would take to build a 2,000 mile wall to the specifications you mention?

Let's be generous and say we could do a mile a month. That's 2,000 months or 167 years.

Nice idea but not very practical.

I have no idea who decided to build a steel wall on the border, but to date, that is the only type of wall that has been built on the AZ/Mexico border-steel.
I suspect it has to do with the fact that concrete is impractical because of the problems associated with hauling it 150+ miles through a roadless desert to get to some of the border.
The border ain't New York City or Atalanta folks, it's mostly desert and range, no roads and even this time of year it cools down to a balmy 90 at night.

Portions of the steel fence are stolen on a regular basis, too bad if you don't like it-that's the facts.

Snipers? Really? Snipers? If that is a viable answer look out, because if it can be justified to send snipers after illegals, next it will be ok to send snipers after speeders on the interstate.....
As I mentioned previously, I spend time near the actual border on a regular basis. I don't live that far north of the border. I go to Nogales for medical care and meds on a regular basis.

I have witnessed the fact that the wall that has been built so far is continually subjected to theft. That's right, they come up to the fence with a cutting torch, cut entire sections of it away and cart them to the scrapyard to sell.

I don't dispute the need for a fence, that does help make it tougher for illegal border crossings. However; without manpower to guard the border, as well as the fence, the fence just gets stolen.

And I repeat, have you people ever heard of concrete? Steel? Professional Snipers?

If you build a concrete wall several feet wide, that goes 10+ feet underground, how can you get over that?

And to whoever said they'll still be arriving in planes etc.... Uh what planet do you live on where unknown planes sneak into US airspace?



Got any idea how long it would take to build a 2,000 mile wall to the specifications you mention?

Let's be generous and say we could do a mile a month. That's 2,000 months or 167 years.

Nice idea but not very practical.

I'm pretty sure if the Chinese could build a wall we can too.

And like I said, it's not like we don't need to job creation that could potentially stem from this project.

And unlike a lot of government made temp jobs, this one would actually be vastly more useful.
It would be a huge job obviously....

But not only would it save us money from keeping illegals out... It would also obviously provide a TON of temp jobs for the project.

I see no reason why this isn't getting done other than people just being lazy and not giving a shit about our country that is going down the drain.

reagan: "mr gorbachev.....tear down this wall!....and have it shipped piece by piece to the us/mexico border, please...."
It would be a huge job obviously....

But not only would it save us money from keeping illegals out... It would also obviously provide a TON of temp jobs for the project.

I see no reason why this isn't getting done other than people just being lazy and not giving a shit about our country that is going down the drain.

reagan: "mr gorbachev.....tear down this wall!....and have it shipped piece by piece to the us/mexico border, please...."

... That the best you got?
It would be a huge job obviously....

But not only would it save us money from keeping illegals out... It would also obviously provide a TON of temp jobs for the project.

I see no reason why this isn't getting done other than people just being lazy and not giving a shit about our country that is going down the drain.

Ever hear of a ladder and a shovel?

That makes too much sense. You can't have politicians do something so simple. It's beneath them.♠

Building a fence is not simple at all. Have you seen what they do to a fence? Work place enforcement is the only way to stop them, If they cannot work, they will leave, take their anchor babies with them and the will no come. Simple as that.
Building a wall to keep them out is as stupid an idea as rounding them up and putting them all on buses to send them back.

i agree ...open borders and no laws.....fuck it....make it a free for all....
It would be a huge job obviously....

But not only would it save us money from keeping illegals out... It would also obviously provide a TON of temp jobs for the project.

I see no reason why this isn't getting done other than people just being lazy and not giving a shit about our country that is going down the drain.

Ever hear of a ladder and a shovel?

ask the east german how that worked out for them...
It would be a huge job obviously....

But not only would it save us money from keeping illegals out... It would also obviously provide a TON of temp jobs for the project.

I see no reason why this isn't getting done other than people just being lazy and not giving a shit about our country that is going down the drain.

They have done that and then they timed the illegals going over it, it took them all of 20 seconds to scale the wall.
Haven't you smart ass people heard. If you build a fence they will go through, over, under, around it. If their are jobs and free healthcare they will. Some are already coming by boats.
'If you build a fence they will go through, over, under, around it.'

So true......just ask Pelosi.
No use. The US will be a magnet for economic migrants as long as the peoples of the south continue to live under the yoke of extreme wealth inequality, both within and between the countries of this hemisphere. Build a wall? They'll go by sea. Sink the boats? They'll dig beneath the wall. More and more will come by every mean; if they have to travel all the way to Russia to sneak in through Alaska, that is what they will do. If they have to go to Greenland to sneak in through Canada, that is what they will do. Remember that even now, they cross a burning desert for days, with the help of people whom they KNOW are less-than-savory individuals, or on rackety boats across the Gulf of Mexico, to escape the grinding brutality of poverty, to provide something for their families.

In fact, remittances have probably been more effective than any wall, militia, or government policy could possibly hope to be in keeping more people from making the trek. Some of the poorest countries in the continent basically survive on remittances from the US - my uncle, who lived in El Salvador for a while, would tell me there's actually statues and monuments to the "Far-away brother" (Hermano lejano), whose financial contributions from the US keep the entire extended family above water.

And besides, the vast majority of problems associated with illegal immigrants (underfunding of public services, for example) would be better served if the migrants could be openly counted so that the correct allocations of funds could take place. First of all, the majority are too brutally poor to pay any income tax in the first place - so that contribution is void. They nevertheless must pay an assortment of other taxes (i.e. excise, sales taxes). Second, immigrants, legal and illegal, are one of the primary reasons why the US is still maintaining a healthy growth rate in population, escaping the grim predictions of other countries with no history of immigration (say, Russia or Japan), who will soon be facing the prospect of an inverted pyramid in population which will undermine pensions and benefits (Japan's population is supposed to reach 65 million in 2100, down from 130 million today). What about crime? Crime in illegal immigrant communities is a function of their poverty, and exacerbated further due to the fact that they must remain hidden and afraid of the authorities; bringing them to light would not prevent these communities to appeal to the authorities to put dangerous criminals in jail - criminals which are even more a threat to their communities than others.

It is easy to take a short-sighted approach to this issue and deal with it in terms of violence and exclusion - such an approach is appealing only to the simple-minded and those akin to populist rhetoric. What is easier than demanding punishment and violence for the "other"? Some here deny these people even a though of human decency, of the fact that the vast majority of these people are just that - people - with families, with problems, with the impetus to survive. But if your very humanity cannot be moved by that, let it at least be moved by the fact that declaring War on the poor of this continent will be an open-ended conflict that will go on forever - with more locks, more guns, more blood, and more violence. And the more you feed the government's repressive apparatus, the more likely it will be to look beyond just illegal immigrants. Beware the National Security State, because it has wrecked havoc elsewhere.
'If you build a fence they will go through, over, under, around it.'

So true......just ask Pelosi.

nah....in california ...they jump your fence....swim your pool ...

and claim they are now free....
It would be a huge job obviously....

But not only would it save us money from keeping illegals out... It would also obviously provide a TON of temp jobs for the project.

I see no reason why this isn't getting done other than people just being lazy and not giving a shit about our country that is going down the drain.

simpler cheaper to make it clear to any businessman that illegals on your payroll will cost fines which will close said business.
It would be a huge job obviously....

But not only would it save us money from keeping illegals out... It would also obviously provide a TON of temp jobs for the project.

I see no reason why this isn't getting done other than people just being lazy and not giving a shit about our country that is going down the drain.

Ever hear of a ladder and a shovel?


Ever heard of concrete and reverse angle fences?
Ever complained about how long construction takes on a building or road near you? Imagine that extended over the entire southern border. The 167 year number someone posted earlier might be generous :lol:
Ever complained about how long construction takes on a building or road near you? Imagine that extended over the entire southern border. The 167 year number someone posted earlier might be generous :lol:

I'd be happy it was being built period.

Wouldn't care how long it took.

We need job creation.

This is the perfect idea.

It would pay for itself in a matter of years, not to mention lowering unemployment.

Half the people in this thread are pretending like we aren't capable of building such a wall, despite the Chinese building the Great Wall Of China.


Also, the funds are there for this to be made.

We just have to take the next step, and do it.
We should have more fence. Would it entirely stop the constant flow of illegal aliens? No. Would it slow them down to a trickle? Yes.

But, BUT, we also need to do FAR more than that. We need to enact some really tough laws for people that employ illegals. Fines, JAIL. And then cut off ALL the freebies. Run the tit DRY. NO MORE HAND OUTS FOR ILLEGALS, and, NO MORE ANCHOR BABIES. If you're here illegally, don't show up at a social services office looking for your ID and freebies, because instead you'll be handcuffed, jailed and deported. THAT is what we SHOULD be doing. If we did, this problem would virtually disappear, and kullyfornia wouldn't be broke anymore. The illegals have singlehandedly crippled that state, but kullyfornia is scared SHITLESS to address the issue or do anything about it. They're afraid the illegals would RIOT. So in effect, the illegals are holding kullyfornia HOSTAGE.
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