Why Won’t Trump Show Us The Warrant? Because It Shows His Criming.

How do you know? Did he show it to you?
The FBI lied to the FISA court that right there is a done deal. But
They initiated a kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmore and the field chief involved in that kidnapping was transfered to the field office in DC. The field office in DC was sent to Florida to serve the warrant. I forget but don't they have FBI agents in Florida?
You really have to wonder did he make it out of the second grade. “Criming “. Then wants to be taken seriously.
I do not care who you are that is funny.

Crim is British Slang for a criminal.

So I can understand what he meant. And so could you.
The FBI lied to the FISA court that right there is a done deal. But
They initiated a kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmore and the field chief involved in that kidnapping was transfered to the field office in DC. The field office in DC was sent to Florida to serve the warrant. I forget but don't they have FBI agents in Florida?
Dude, one of those fuckup plead guilty and the rest should have too.
Sorry, Donald. Screaming “planted evidence” isn’t going to distract anyone outside of MAGAland from the fact that the Trump team has the answer to why the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago this week. They have a copy of that search warrant that explains precisely what the FBI was looking for. Search warrants spell out what law enforcement intends to search for and what laws officials believe may have been broken.

Show us the warrant Donny, so we can see how innocent you are.
I think we all know why now; https://www.usnews.com/news/top-new...ents-in-search-of-trumps-home-washington-post
The FBI lied to the FISA court that right there is a done deal. But
They initiated a kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmore and the field chief involved in that kidnapping was transfered to the field office in DC. The field office in DC was sent to Florida to serve the warrant. I forget but don't they have FBI agents in Florida?
So you don’t know. Ok.
huge win for trump…he got Garland to release the warrant…now we need the affidavit…but doubt he’ll actually release that.

85 percent of the population sees this demafasict regime taking us in the wrong direction…the people are against tyrants
I guess if he had bleached them or used a hammer to destroy them then you people would have to accept that. Precedent was set by one of your own.

So president's before Trump have done this?

Isn't that what we said about Hillary using her private phone for official business? Everyone does it including team Trump. So why did Republicans make a big deal out of it? It was like they wanted to throw Hillary in jail for going 5 over the speed limit.

And I'm not aware of any former president proven to have done what we know Trump has done. Stop deflecting. Do you have proof?

And Trump was the one who turned what he did into a felony, right? He should have left it a misdemeanor.

Is Trump above the law? Is that what you want? President's are above the law like Putin is above the law? Stop it!
Sorry, Donald. Screaming “planted evidence” isn’t going to distract anyone outside of MAGAland from the fact that the Trump team has the answer to why the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago this week. They have a copy of that search warrant that explains precisely what the FBI was looking for. Search warrants spell out what law enforcement intends to search for and what laws officials believe may have been broken.

Show us the warrant Donny, so we can see how innocent you are.
Democrats like you won't be satisfied until all your party's deep state lies execute the life out of President Trump. Your pride won't allow you to think about how you passed on lies to the American public that were dreamed up and written by Hillary Rodham Clinton, who bears the brunt of the damages the Democrat Party inflicted on President Trump, and their plans to impeach him at the whim of Barack Obama, who on the last day of his office ordered his remaining staff to see to it that President Trump was impeached by any means possible.
So you believe that if you are innocent and tell the truth, you can talk all you want and never be convicted?
I have only been in court once. I told the truth and won.
but back to your question the answer is maybe. if someone tells the truth an that shows they are guilty then they wont get off.
That is the 5th conundrum for Trump. If he is honest he confirms his guilt.
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I have only been in court once. I told the truth and won.
but back to your question the answer is maybe. if someone tells the truth an that shows they are guilty then they wont get off.
That is the 5th conundrum for Trump. If he is honest he confirms his guilt.
The totalitarian globalists have most people in power positions in the world. Trudeau of Canada shut down the lives of striking truckers calling them racists and insurrectionists. He used the biblical buy and sell on their ways of living to end it. He gets marching orders.

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