Why Won’t Trump Show Us The Warrant? Because It Shows His Criming.

What difference does it make, air tight or not? Half the Country saw what happened on Jan.6, knows Trump is guilty as hell & the other half defends him. As far as this warrant goes, his fan club knows he stole Top Secret documents but they don't give a shit because TRUMP IS GOD.

There's no such thing as "air tight" with these nut jobs.
I still haven't had an explanation for this hypocrisy;
I have not paid enough attention to their up and coming people. I hope we have better choices from both parties, than 2020.
dont hold your breath....quality people dont run anymore....its not worth it for all the shit the media put them and their family through...
I still haven't had an explanation for this hypocrisy;

Everything Trump accuses others of, he's guilty of. Everything.

If Trump isn't prosecuted it will be the worse miscarriage of justice in the history of this Country.

Fuck him & the horse he rode in on.
Everything Trump accuses others of, he's guilty of. Everything.

If Trump isn't prosecuted it will be the worse miscarriage of justice in the history of this Country.

Fuck him & the horse he rode in on.

Cool circle jerk post! :cool:

Give us another one, nimrod.
dont hold your breath....quality people dont run anymore....its not worth it for all the shit the media put them and their family through...
It is not just the media. It is, also, political opponents. Not only from the opposing party, but your own party. Politics has been getting nastier every year but Trump took it to a new level. And he was successful.
I guess if he had bleached them or used a hammer to destroy them then you people would have to accept that. Precedent was set by one of your own.
You’re hoping the former 1-term president bleached the classified material?

Whacked the paper with a hammer?
It is not just the media. It is, also, political opponents. Not only from the opposing party, but your own party. Politics has been getting nastier every year but Trump took it to a new level. And he was successful.

And it was way overdue!!
It is not just the media. It is, also, political opponents. Not only from the opposing party, but your own party. Politics has been getting nastier every year but Trump took it to a new level. And he was successful.
i dont have a party elmer....i am on record here since 08 saying how much i hate both parties....
It had better. And whatever the hell they took had better be significant and/or criminal on a historic basis.

Given the hyper-toxic, hyper-sensitive current environment they SURELY must know about, I don't remember the government taking a bigger risk within our shores.
You can crawl back in your hole and stop pretending to be an impartial observer

You elected this criminal cabal

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