Why would anyone object to Virginia’s new gun laws?

Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

There is nothing wrong with those new weapons laws.

What's wrong is the far right radical extremists. In their mind any weapon safety laws are taking their weapons from them. They're of course lying but if they couldn't lie they wouldn't have anything to say.

They want crazy people and felons to have weapons.

They also, at least the male far right radical extremists, have very small penises and are over compensating for it. Or they feel they have no control of their lives. Throw in a large. helping of paranoia.

They are pathetic people because their actions get a lot of innocent people murdered.
All these laws are legal and in place in many states

Beyond that, they are sensible legislation
The government is prohibited from infringing upon the right to keep and bear arms. Whenever they do it is illegal.

It should never be a crime to keep and bear arms. Only if you commit a crime with the firearm.
None of the proposed or new laws infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.
Your making a law to the second amendment? lol but that’s not infringement ? Haha
Our founders put the ability for implementing rules and laws when rhey included the words "well-regulated militia".
1. A limit of one handgun purchase per month

How does being able to purchase over 12 handguns a month make you safer? Unlimited handgun purchases opens a path to shill purchasers where a legal buyer can buy guns to sell to criminals
Isn’t that already against the law? Then why do we need another law?
The NRA has worked hard to make sure criminals have easy access to guns. Just
Like angry children.
You are pushing the gun lobby interpretation. It’s to sell guns.
My little tinfoil hat, conspiracy-theory friend, the “Gun lobby” is made up of average, every day Americans such as myself who do not sell guns. We buy them. And unlike you lunatics hiding in your mom’s basement, we are merely supporting and defending the U.S. Constitution like a good American should.
The government is prohibited from infringing upon the right to keep and bear arms. Whenever they do it is illegal.

It should never be a crime to keep and bear arms. Only if you commit a crime with the firearm.
None of the proposed or new laws infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.
Your making a law to the second amendment? lol but that’s not infringement ? Haha
Our founders put the ability for implementing rules and laws when rhey included the words "well-regulated militia".
Unfortunately for you they put a comma between state and people
“State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

because they violate the Constitution.

That should be enough even for you.

Do they? That's hardly a given...

"The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."

Most gun laws violate the Constitution, even if the courts let them stand.
1. A limit of one handgun purchase per month

How does being able to purchase over 12 handguns a month make you safer? Unlimited handgun purchases opens a path to shill purchasers where a legal buyer can buy guns to sell to criminals
Isn’t that already against the law? Then why do we need another law?
If I were to agree with you, we would both be wrong
You are pushing the gun lobby interpretation. It’s to sell guns.
My little tinfoil hat, conspiracy-theory friend, the “Gun lobby” is made up of average, every day Americans such as myself who do not sell guns. We buy them. And unlike you lunatics hiding in your mom’s basement, we are merely supporting and defending the U.S. Constitution like a good American should.
You are translating it incorrectly and arming criminals with weak laws. Our homicide rate is 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control.
1. A limit of one handgun purchase per month

How does being able to purchase over 12 handguns a month make you safer? Unlimited handgun purchases opens a path to shill purchasers where a legal buyer can buy guns to sell to criminals
Isn’t that already against the law? Then why do we need another law?
The NRA has worked hard to make sure criminals have easy access to guns. Just
Like angry children.
The NRA has worked hard to make sure criminals have easy access to guns.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yep...and Republicans are “racist” and conservatives want “dirt air and dirty water”. :laugh:

You little imbeciles are so incapable of making a rational case for your absurd positions you’ve been left with nothing but outrageous claims.
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

because they violate the Constitution.

That should be enough even for you.

Do they? That's hardly a given...

"The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."

Most gun laws violate the Constitution, even if the courts let them stand.

Afraid they do not
The courts get to interpret the Constitution, not anonymous internet posters
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

because they violate the Constitution.

That should be enough even for you.

Do they? That's hardly a given...

"The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."

Most gun laws violate the Constitution, even if the courts let them stand.
Not at all.

The Supreme Court’s Worst Decision of My Tenure
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.
Absolutely there is nothing in those laws that any rational person should find objectionable. It is about the public safety. Given comments on this board and others by right-wingers there are people that should not be anywhere near dangerous objects much less guns.
/——/ Those who give up liberty for the false sense of security deserve neither. BF
Allowing assholes to run around in public armed is asking to get people killed
/—-/ Allowing drunks to drive is asking to get people killed. So take your car to the junk yard and have it crushed.
In order to drive my car, I have to regularly prove that I am a capable driver without too many speeding tickets or accidents, my car has to be annually registered and inspected and it has to carry insurance at all times.

That's so I won't accidentally kill others on the road. The gun laws proposed by Virginia are in the same vein. Simply trying to keep some semblance of order on those who own guns so others aren't hurt by them.
You are pushing the gun lobby interpretation. It’s to sell guns.
My little tinfoil hat, conspiracy-theory friend, the “Gun lobby” is made up of average, every day Americans such as myself who do not sell guns. We buy them. And unlike you lunatics hiding in your mom’s basement, we are merely supporting and defending the U.S. Constitution like a good American should.
You are translating it incorrectly and arming criminals with weak laws. Our homicide rate is 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control.
Some of the poorest towns in America all the residents own a gun and in some cases haven’t been a murder in decades.. its democrat policies that create failure
2. Universal background checks

Overwhelmingly supported by most Americans. Why don’t we want to keep gun sales away from criminals?
Dude, no law will ever prevent criminals from getting guns. That result simply can't be legislated.

Yes it can and is done every day in the US.

Nearly 3 million people have been denied legal purchase of weapons since background checks have been instituted. More would have been prevented with universal background checks on all weapon sales whether it's bought through a licenses dealer or not. My state requires that. We voted on it several years ago. Every weapon sale in my state has to go through a background check no matter how or where that gun is bought. With the exception sales in a family.

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Research Suggests Gun Background Checks Work, But They're Not Everything

Two recent studies provide evidence that background checks can significantly curb gun violence. In one, researchers found that a 1995 Connecticut law requiring gun buyers to get permits (which themselves required background checks) was associated with a 40 percent decline in gun homicides and a 15 percent drop in suicides. Similarly, when researchers studied Missouri's 2007 repeal of its permit-to-purchase law, they found an associated increase in gun homicides by 23 percent, as well as a 16-percent increase in suicides.
You are translating it incorrectly and arming criminals with weak laws.
Dumb ass...murder is already illegal (and is punishable by capital punishment).

Indisputable proof that the left doesn’t get that a criminal is a criminal because they don’t follow the law. God you people are so damn dumb it actually hurts.

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