Why would anyone object to Virginia’s new gun laws?

Democrats are either going to get altered or abolished if you continue to infringe on my rights

Why do you hate the 1st but defend the 2nd so much? you are no better than the gun grabbers.
In order to drive my car, I have to regularly prove that I am a capable driver without too many speeding tickets or accidents, my car has to be annually registered and inspected and it has to carry insurance at all times.

That's so I won't accidentally kill others on the road. The gun laws proposed by Virginia are in the same vein. Simply trying to keep some semblance of order on those who own guns so others aren't hurt by them.

I am sure it has already been said, but there is no Constitutionally protected right to drive a car, but there is to own a gun.
The US Supreme Court has only recently taken an expansive view of the 2nd Amendment and even in Heller the Court ruled that it was not "unlimited." There is no right that an individual can own a machine gun, bazooka or flame thrower.
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Seriously busybee01 - your ignorance is both astounding and horrifying:
Then why do the rich and powerful engage in lobbying?
I just explained that in the post you are responding to. To educate legislators on the will of the people. :eusa_doh:
That is why the rich and powerful are getting richer and more powerful. They have bought off the Republican Party.
Except that more wealth transferred to the wealthy under the Dumbocrats (Obama admitted as much) while wages are going up under President Trump and the Republicans.

You seriously need to educate yourself.

Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1%
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

Violations of a Civil Right........no different from saying you can only vote in one election and not others and universal background checks 1) don't work and 2) are only desired as a pretext to get universal gun registration.............and allowing localities to ban guns on their own creates an environment where you won't be able to carry your legal gun anywhere since these localities will start banning the in every public space they can find.....

Right wing paranoia. There are no violations of any civil rights.
Government cannot prevent that

killers will always find a way

better you should try to stop the hate being spewed toward Christians
Keeping guns out of the hands of lunatics will.
You mean a total ban and confiscation

thats not acceptable

and would not succeed anyway since criminals do not obey the law
Gun confiscation is a red herring argument. It is about keeping guns out of the hands of lunatics. Virginia’s laws are more than sensible and reasonable. If SCOTUS rules otherwise so be it.
It depends on who gets to decide who is a lunatic. Can you spot a lunatic?

A judge does that. It's called due process.
Liberal judges cannot be trusted with that power
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

There is nothing wrong with those new weapons laws.

What's wrong is the far right radical extremists. In their mind any weapon safety laws are taking their weapons from them. They're of course lying but if they couldn't lie they wouldn't have anything to say.

They want crazy people and felons to have weapons.

They also, at least the male far right radical extremists, have very small penises and are over compensating for it. Or they feel they have no control of their lives. Throw in a large. helping of paranoia.

They are pathetic people because their actions get a lot of innocent people murdered.
All these laws are legal and in place in many states

Beyond that, they are sensible legislation

Some of them are in my state too. The state legislature won't pass those laws here but we have the ballot initiative here. Anyone can get a petition on an issue and with enough signatures, it gets on the ballot.

The weapons safety laws have mostly been passed by the people at the ballot box here in my state. It shows that the majority of the people don't object to these laws and actually want them.

It's a very small minority who allowed the relaxed weapons laws and the epidemic of shootings in our nation.

If you look at the rally in Virginia this weekend, it was a big crowd. The reality is that most of the people in that crowd don't live in Virginia. They traveled from other states to go to that rally. They don't represent the majority of the people of the state. The majority of the people in Virginia and the nation want these laws. The Supreme Court has already ruled them constitutional. So all the cries from the far right radical extremists are nothing but a pack of lies.

If they have to lie, how valid is their point?
1. A limit of one handgun purchase per month

How does being able to purchase over 12 handguns a month make you safer? Unlimited handgun purchases opens a path to shill purchasers where a legal buyer can buy guns to sell to criminals

It is a Right to own guns, and they are a legal product.........this is essentially saying you can only buy one Newpaper a month or go to only one website a month........you moron,

Buying more than 12 guns a year violates your rights? That does not pass the laugh test. You are the moron.
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

There is nothing wrong with those new weapons laws.

What's wrong is the far right radical extremists. In their mind any weapon safety laws are taking their weapons from them. They're of course lying but if they couldn't lie they wouldn't have anything to say.

They want crazy people and felons to have weapons.

They also, at least the male far right radical extremists, have very small penises and are over compensating for it. Or they feel they have no control of their lives. Throw in a large. helping of paranoia.

They are pathetic people because their actions get a lot of innocent people murdered.
All these laws are legal and in place in many states

Beyond that, they are sensible legislation

Some of them are in my state too. The state legislature won't pass those laws here but we have the ballot initiative here. Anyone can get a petition on an issue and with enough signatures, it gets on the ballot.

The weapons safety laws have mostly been passed by the people at the ballot box here in my state. It shows that the majority of the people don't object to these laws and actually want them.

It's a very small minority who allowed the relaxed weapons laws and the epidemic of shootings in our nation.

If you look at the rally in Virginia this weekend, it was a big crowd. The reality is that most of the people in that crowd don't live in Virginia. They traveled from other states to go to that rally. They don't represent the majority of the people of the state. The majority of the people in Virginia and the nation want these laws. The Supreme Court has already ruled them constitutional. So all the cries from the far right radical extremists are nothing but a pack of lies.

If they have to lie, how valid is their point?

. The majority of the people in Virginia and the nation want these laws.

Well, that certainly explains why so many cities and counties in Viginia have decided to become 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries, doesn't it?
In order to drive my car, I have to regularly prove that I am a capable driver without too many speeding tickets or accidents, my car has to be annually registered and inspected and it has to carry insurance at all times.

That's so I won't accidentally kill others on the road. The gun laws proposed by Virginia are in the same vein. Simply trying to keep some semblance of order on those who own guns so others aren't hurt by them.

I am sure it has already been said, but there is no Constitutionally protected right to drive a car, but there is to own a gun.
The US Supreme Court has only recently taken an expansive view of the 2nd Amendment and even in Heller the Court ruled that it was not "unlimited." There is not right that an individual can own a machine gun, bazooka or flame thrower.

There should be
1. A limit of one handgun purchase per month

How does being able to purchase over 12 handguns a month make you safer? Unlimited handgun purchases opens a path to shill purchasers where a legal buyer can buy guns to sell to criminals

Ok. Let’s say I find a wonderful mint condition matched set of Colt .45 revolvers. These are the ones made famous in every western movie ever. The old Colt .45 Peacemaker of lore and legend.

Matched set means sequential serial numbers, and that is extremely rare. Oh darn. I can only buy one, so the set is broken up. While I am waiting for my thirty day period to expire, someone else buys the other gun, and the extremely valuable matched set is now worth less than a quarter of what it was. Damn it all Virginia, you screwed up a fine addition to a Collection.

More examples? I want two pistols. One to carry legally with my permit, and one larger one for more target shooting. The carry one if you don’t know is going to be smaller and more easily concealable. Target shooting means bigger and a longer barrel.

Oh wait, more examples? Fine. My shooting competition handgun is worn out. And I am looking to enter a new series. This one would require two pistols. Well I am sure I can find a good second pistol a month later, after the series has started.

There are lots of reasons to buy more than one. But let me ask you this.

If the legislature was to pass a law saying that you could only participate in one protest a month, would that be a problem? You have your freedom of speech, don’t you? To insure that this law is followed, we will be taking careful note of all people participating in the protests. If you violate the law, and attend two protests demanding that Trump be removed, and protesting some other thing, you are in violation of the law. Would that be fine in your mind?

Take any other civil right, and limit it. You are only entitled to one lawyer a month during police questioning. You are only entitled to protections from illegal search and seizures once a month.

We know words hurt people, so limiting the First Amendment Protections to once a month is fair isn’t it?

Or how about Abortions? Once a year seems fair. I mean, if you need more than one abortion a year you are obviously using it as a means of normal birth control. It isn’t a morning after pill, it is an invasive medical procedure.

Limit any other right, and you would be stomping on the floor screaming that Republicans are Nazi’s. But if it is guns, well then Republicans are Nazi’s for opposing it.
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.
Absolutely there is nothing in those laws that any rational person should find objectionable. It is about the public safety. Given comments on this board and others by right-wingers there are people that should not be anywhere near dangerous objects much less guns.
/——/ Those who give up liberty for the false sense of security deserve neither. BF
Then why are NRA conventions gun-free zones?
Democrats are either going to get altered or abolished if you continue to infringe on my rights

Why do you hate the 1st but defend the 2nd so much? you are no better than the gun grabbers.

that is one dumb comment,,,arent you the one ignoring the 1st by condemning his comment,,he has a right to say that,,

No, because I am not trying to get him to stop or trying to get the government to force him to. condemning a comment does not infringe upon the right to say it.

are you really this stupid or is it just an act for the internet?
Since the Second Amendment was written, when firearms were one-shot muskets and the writers of the Constitution suspected that the British would be back, which they were in 1812, we now actually have a formal militia. It is known as the National Guard. I am hoping that no one is attacked in Richmond this afternoon, and that none of the thugs expected to assemble confronts a member of the Virginia Police or the Virginia Guard.

These thugs are costing us millions, MILLIONS, with their gangsterism. My thoughts are with the members of Virginia law enforcement at this time, who put their lives on the line. And who, at least, must be paid as they should be. We already know that people from out of state are heading to the Commonwealth to incite violence. None of those arrested by the FBI were from the Commonwealth, BTW, and one is even an undocumented alien.
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.
Absolutely there is nothing in those laws that any rational person should find objectionable. It is about the public safety. Given comments on this board and others by right-wingers there are people that should not be anywhere near dangerous objects much less guns.
/——/ Those who give up liberty for the false sense of security deserve neither. BF
Liberty to me is going to church and not fearing I will be shot in the head during a hymnal.
Government cannot prevent that

killers will always find a way

better you should try to stop the hate being spewed toward Christians
You mean "by" christians?
Since the Second Amendment was written, when firearms were one-shot muskets and the writers of the Constitution suspected that the British would be back, which they were in 1812, we now actually have a formal militia. It is known as the National Guard. I am hoping that no one is attacked in Richmond this afternoon, and that none of the thugs expected to assemble confronts a member of the Virginia Police or the Virginia Guard.

These thugs are costing us millions, MILLIONS, with their gangsterism. My thoughts are with the members of Virginia law enforcement at this time, who put their lives on the line. And who, at least, must be paid as they should be. We already know that people from out of state are heading to the Commonwealth to incite violence. None of those arrested by the FBI were from the Commonwealth, BTW, and one is even an undocumented alien.
The second clearly referenced well regulated militias. The gun lobby has worked hard to change its meaning. Bearing arms is a military term.

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