Why would conservatives vote for DeSantis?

I think we're missing the point here.

He is using the power of the government, to regulate whatever social outcome is desired.

On one hand, Florida is pretty much all red, so the constituents must support it.

However, it does set a dangerous precedent in my opinion, for say, future democrats to do what they want, to achieve whatever social outcome is desired.

All false.
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He has defeated asshole Dems at every turn that's why. First destroy those punks in the Dem party, then we'll worry about conservative values.
Compromising principles and selling your soul to achieve a desired political outcome? What do you actually stand for then?
"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy."

Do you know what it means?

It means that you have a loser mentality.
Serious question. DeSantis has done more than any other candidate or recent president to increase the power of the state over individual rights and no one seems to care. Is conservative ideology changed in terms of using the state to enforce it’s desired social outcome?
How has DeSantis done that?
Serious question. DeSantis has done more than any other candidate or recent president to increase the power of the state over individual rights and no one seems to care. Is conservative ideology changed in terms of using the state to enforce it’s desired social outcome?
Examples please?
"Compassion is a weakness your enemies will not share." - Ra's al Ghul

"That's why it's so important. It separates  us from them." - Batman
The OP's position is fair. Many conservatives are willing to abandon core elements of their values in the fight against liberalism. Liberals do this too of course, but still.

Explain what those core elements are.
"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy."

Do you know what it means?
Dims have already made that decision.
I think we're missing the point here.

He is using the power of the government, to regulate whatever social outcome is desired.

On one hand, Florida is pretty much all red, so the constituents must support it.

However, it does set a dangerous precedent in my opinion, for say, future democrats to do what they want, to achieve whatever social outcome is desired.
How is DeSantis doing that?
Serious question. DeSantis has done more than any other candidate or recent president to increase the power of the state over individual rights and no one seems to care. Is conservative ideology changed in terms of using the state to enforce it’s desired social outcome?
Legitimate question.
Conservatism has become a bastardised "ideology" since Buckley and his bullshit started in the 1950's. Like a snowball rolling down hill. Limited government, hardnosed approach to spending, and hands off foreign policy are things of a very distant past.
I am very pleased with the way he has run the state. Best Governor in my life time. He kept Florida from going bat shit crazy during the Pandemic and I like his attack on wokeness. He has done a lot of good things.

However, I didn't like that he signed the bill allowing the Internet tax. He ran on a platform of lower taxation and he allowed that filthy ass tax to be passed.

I am also disappointed that he is not pressuring the Legislature to pass Open Carry. He is being a chickenshit by saying that he will pas whatever the Legislature gives him. He will claim victory with not having to get a permit to carry but that missed the boat.

As far as being President he would be better than anyone else I can think of that has a chance of winning. Trump did a great job but the relentless attack by the Democrat scum has left him too damaged to win again. Too bad we let the Democrat filth get away with stealing the 2020 election and using the government to attack political opposition.

What I don't understand is why would anybody ever have voted for Joe Potatohead. A 46 year record of being wrong on every issue and a record of corruption that would even make the Clintons envious. a friggin idiot by all measurements and an absolute failure as President.

Mostly only unvetted and unverifiable ballots voted for him.
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I think we're missing the point here.

He is using the power of the government, to regulate whatever social outcome is desired.

On one hand, Florida is pretty much all red, so the constituents must support it.

However, it does set a dangerous precedent in my opinion, for say, future democrats to do what they want, to achieve whatever social outcome is desired.

Once you start using the government to force ideologically-based cultural changes you are getting into dicey territory.

I’m a firm believer in balance: we need both conservatives and liberals to keep each other from excess.

Cultural changes need to come from the ground up, until a tipping point is reached. A number of these laws being passed are well funded astroturf. I’m flabbergasted because what ie happening in Florida is the antithesis of small government conservatism and individual rights.
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He's been successfully fighting for law enforcement raises for years now and shows no signs of stopping. If one candidate is trying to get me raises while the other hangs out with people that want to defund the police, well, my choice is obvious.
That is a reasonable answer, but why hasn’t he managed to increase pay for law enforcement?
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The liberals use the government to force feed society a bunch of destructive crap, and when government is used to push back, the crocodile tears about state power and individual rights start flowing.
Aren’t you just forcefeeding your own brand of ideological crap?
"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy."

Do you know what it means?
There are no just wars?

Once you start using the government to force ideologically-based cultural changes you are getting into dicey territory.
Liberals have been doing that since WW I.
I’m a firm believer in balance: we need both conservatives and liberals to keep each other from excess.
Why do we need liberals?

Cultural changes need to come from the ground up, until a tipping point is reached. A number of these laws being passed are well funded astroturf. I’m flabbergasted because what ie happening in Florida is the antithesis of small government conservatism and individual rights.
Gay marriage came from the ground up?

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