Why would it be so difficult for Rand Paul to get the nomination if he ran?

Why would it be so difficult for Rand Paul to get the nomination if he ran?​

The boy is but a pale reflection of his dad. During his last run he worked too hard to distance himself from the old man alienating a ready base. Doubt he could get them back.
Why can't he get the traction to win? He has good values, Knows the game well. Is against most of the globalism we are facing. Is pro 2A and very Pro America.

It seems to me that he's a real conservative against wasteful spending and doesn't offend everyone weekly.

Could it be because he is articulate and intelligent. I know that confuses and offends the bulk of people these days.
He is an unprincipled sniveling twat...his neighbor should have finished the job.
So he's unqualified because he has an opinion you disagree with.
Unqualified as he supports or fell for something I do not, and never did, meaning he is probably a fool or political opportunist with bad judgement and would have supported changing the outcome, whether it reflected the vote or not. Either way, a danger to the United States, our constitution, the rule of law and free elections by the people, and not somebody fit for the highest office in the land. That party should purge the supporters of that lie of come out of their closets and admit, they do not support the Constitution or the principle of free elections, honoring the vote of the people. At least it would be truth in advertising. I still would not vote for them, as most won't either, due to unfitness for office.
It's as simple as that.
Rand Paul is no Ron Paul but he is a million times better than any Democrat and a hundred thousand times better than the RINOs.
Unqualified as he supports or fell for something I do not, and never did, meaning he is probably a fool or political opportunist with bad judgement and would have supported changing the outcome, whether it reflected the vote or not. Either way, a danger to the United States, our constitution, the rule of law and free elections by the people, and not somebody fit for the highest office in the land. That party should purge the supporters of that lie of come out of their closets and admit, they do not support the Constitution or the principle of free elections, honoring the vote of the people. At least it would be truth in advertising. I still would not vote for them, as most won't either, due to unfitness for office.
It's as simple as that.
IOW, you think he's unqualified because you disagree with his opinion on the 2020 election being fraudulent.
Your wall-of-text makes you appear desperate.
Unqualified as he supports or fell for something I do not, and never did, meaning he is probably a fool or political opportunist with bad judgement and would have supported changing the outcome, whether it reflected the vote or not.
Hear, hear.

He kind of pegged himself as a wuss, when he went out the wrong door and claimed that he was attacked because other people were walking beside him.

That would not make for a strong world leader.
Rand Paul is unworthy of the GOP nomination. In all his years in DC, the only person he ever really faced down was Fraudci and that mostly after the fact. He comes off as a weakling and truly lacks the 'it' factor, he's like Romney, in that sense. Although Romney has proven himself to be RINO trash, Paul simply can't excite enough people to matter.

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