Why would it be wrong for the U.S to re-locate illegal immigrants to Sanctuary Cities?

There is a system called "e-verify", but it's not mandatory for employers to use it. Obama was filing charges against employers who hire illegals, but Trump hasn't filed a single charge against an employer, only the illegals working for them. Of course Trump hires illegals so why would he punish someone for doing what he does.

Trump doesn't file charges against anybody. Our President doesn't do that. There have been several busts under Trump of illegals working for companies. Do you mean to tell me the "government" hasn't filed charges against them? Wanna bet they did?

She just believes anything that fits her agenda, it doesn’t need to be true, it just has to fit her agenda.

I don't know how they do it in Canada where she's from, but our President doesn't have the time to do perform or oversee every single function of the federal government. She probably knows that, but puts his name in there to make it look like it's all his doing.

The responses from The Sanctuary Cities to Trump are reinforcing what he’s saying, that it’s bad to have a sudden big influx of economically needy immigrants. Trump wins if he gets the sanctuary city proponents to show that they were just posing as immigrant friendly. He called their bluff.

Trump put himself in a no lose situation. If they bite their tongue, he wins because those vagrants will destroy an area in no time. If they fight it like they're doing, or otherwise bus those people out of there, it would demonstrate how they really feel about the asylum system we have.
don't know how they do it in Canada where she's from, but our President doesn't have the time to do perform or oversee every single function of the federal government. She probably knows that, but puts his name in there to make it look like it's all his doing.

The point she made, which went over your head, is that if we put an emphasis on enforcement on employers, the problem would be solved. Companies know who they are hiring.

That's the catch. The GOP and their One Percent masters don't want to end illegal immigration... they just want to keep you mad about it.
don't know how they do it in Canada where she's from, but our President doesn't have the time to do perform or oversee every single function of the federal government. She probably knows that, but puts his name in there to make it look like it's all his doing.

The point she made, which went over your head, is that if we put an emphasis on enforcement on employers, the problem would be solved. Companies know who they are hiring.

That's the catch. The GOP and their One Percent masters don't want to end illegal immigration... they just want to keep you mad about it.

The Republicans are trying to do a lot more than Democrats. Hey! They have control of the House now, so why are they wasting so much time trying to get dirt on Trump instead of doing their job like passing a law that all employers must use E-Verify?

When Republicans try to curb immigration be it illegal or fake asylum claims, the Democrats or their activist judges step in to stop Trump. So you want to blame Trump.
The Republicans are trying to do a lot more than Democrats. Hey! They have control of the House now, so why are they wasting so much time trying to get dirt on Trump instead of doing their job like passing a law that all employers must use E-Verify?

Well, because the crazy person in the white house is kind of a bigger priority. We don't need new laws to crack down on employers, the ones we have are good enough.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants | LegalMatch

Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:

  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
Most fines are broken down to the following:

  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
This does not include “harboring” illegal immigrants, or employing ten or more illegal immigrants in one year. Harboring an illegal immigrant can lead to ten years of prison time.

When Republicans try to curb immigration be it illegal or fake asylum claims, the Democrats or their activist judges step in to stop Trump. So you want to blame Trump.

yup... Trump took a non-issue and turned it into a crisis, without addressing the root cause, which is the lax enforcement of workplace rules.
Here are some examples of court results of businesses hiring illegals.

Asplundh, the tree-trimming company, has been hit by a $96 million penalty for hiring (and rehiring) illegal alien workers. According to the federal prosecutors it is the largest payment ever levied in an immigration case.


“The non-prosecution agreement requires Waste Management to continue its substantial remedial measures to address all past immigration violations and forfeit more than $5.5 million in proceeds gained from hiring an illegal workforce at the Afton location,” said Patrick

Waste Management to Forfeit $5.5 Million for Hiring Illegal Aliens

Ivan Hardt, owner of Sun Dry Wall &Stucco Inc. of Sierra Vista, was sentenced in Tucson in U.S. District Court to a year of probation for the misdemeanor conviction.

The 49-year-old also had pleaded guilty last year to the misdemeanor charge and a felony charge of conspiring to harbor illegal immigrants, but the felony charge will be dismissed if he pays the government $450,000.

Employer gets criminal conviction for hiring illegal aliens | HeraldNet.com
When Republicans try to curb immigration be it illegal or fake asylum claims, the Democrats or their activist judges step in to stop Trump. So you want to blame Trump.

yup... Trump took a non-issue and turned it into a crisis, without addressing the root cause, which is the lax enforcement of workplace rules.

Trump had done more to put pressure on businesses than anybody else.
When Republicans try to curb immigration be it illegal or fake asylum claims, the Democrats or their activist judges step in to stop Trump. So you want to blame Trump.

yup... Trump took a non-issue and turned it into a crisis, without addressing the root cause, which is the lax enforcement of workplace rules.

Trump had done more to put pressure on businesses than anybody else.
To those misunderstanding disgust at Trump wanting to dump immigrants in our cities. We’re fine with them.
It’s you we want gone.

The responses from The Sanctuary Cities to Trump are reinforcing what he’s saying, that it’s bad to have a sudden big influx of economically needy immigrants. Trump wins if he gets the sanctuary city proponents to show that they were just posing as immigrant friendly. He called their bluff.

Trump put himself in a no lose situation. If they bite their tongue, he wins because those vagrants will destroy an area in no time. If they fight it like they're doing, or otherwise bus those people out of there, it would demonstrate how they really feel about the asylum system we have.

Just suggesting it is a losing idea, but of course you fools think its super duper.

These refugees are PEOPLE, families. How about you treat them like people? Treat them the way YOU would want to be treated if you were forced to leave your homes.

Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me: Matthew 25:40
Here are some examples of court results of businesses hiring illegals.

All cases that were initiated when Obama was in charge. Sweet.

Trump had done more to put pressure on businesses than anybody else.

When has he done that? I know that he commuted the sentence of a Jewish plant owner who was actually sent to jail for hiring illegals. That will show them.

Trump commutes sentence of kosher meatpacking executive

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Wednesday commuted the sentence of an Iowa kosher meatpacking executive who had been sentenced to 27 years in prison for money laundering, marking the first time he’s used the presidential power.

The decision to intervene on behalf of Sholom Rubashkin, who ran the Iowa headquarters of a family business that was the country’s largest kosher meat-processing company, came at the urging of numerous members of Congress and a long list of high-ranking law enforcement officials, who argued the sentence was far too harsh for a first-time, nonviolent offender.


Rubashki was convicted in 2009 for submitting fake invoices to a bank that made Agriprocessors’ finances appear healthier than they were so that it could borrow more. His prosecution came after federal authorities raided the plant and arrested 389 illegal immigrants in 2008.
Here are some examples of court results of businesses hiring illegals.

All cases that were initiated when Obama was in charge. Sweet.

Trump had done more to put pressure on businesses than anybody else.

When has he done that? I know that he commuted the sentence of a Jewish plant owner who was actually sent to jail for hiring illegals. That will show them.

Trump commutes sentence of kosher meatpacking executive

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Wednesday commuted the sentence of an Iowa kosher meatpacking executive who had been sentenced to 27 years in prison for money laundering, marking the first time he’s used the presidential power.

The decision to intervene on behalf of Sholom Rubashkin, who ran the Iowa headquarters of a family business that was the country’s largest kosher meat-processing company, came at the urging of numerous members of Congress and a long list of high-ranking law enforcement officials, who argued the sentence was far too harsh for a first-time, nonviolent offender.


Rubashki was convicted in 2009 for submitting fake invoices to a bank that made Agriprocessors’ finances appear healthier than they were so that it could borrow more. His prosecution came after federal authorities raided the plant and arrested 389 illegal immigrants in 2008.
Isn't that what the POS in office was doing ?? Giving fake BS to banking officials while trying to get loans?
When Republicans try to curb immigration be it illegal or fake asylum claims, the Democrats or their activist judges step in to stop Trump. So you want to blame Trump.

yup... Trump took a non-issue and turned it into a crisis, without addressing the root cause, which is the lax enforcement of workplace rules.

Trump had done more to put pressure on businesses than anybody else.
To those misunderstanding disgust at Trump wanting to dump immigrants in our cities. We’re fine with them.
It’s you we want gone.
We feel the same. Separate the country into a few loose confederation nations. We make a deal on the what is left in D.C. to give out the checks and benefits from those who paid in. Do this in a peaceful way. We of course will have a war with each other at some point. But it will hopefully be many decades in the future. Give a period of years of legal immigration from within by people who do not agree with the new nation formed to another they currently live in. Do you agree? I left the city. And I moved to an area not Prog that had its own hate. Just as bad as you. And they can influence lower wage people like morons. As your agendas have done to yours. The surveillance culture is expanding massively. And those who destroyed others will see their own affected within a few years. And they will rue that day. For it is a coming. And it is here. Those Prog elected people that spew hate I love. They will get WMD's through one day and give us a fireworks celebration to bring balance of vendetta about.
It is childish and petty

Typical Trump.
Just like he shut down government for a month in a childish rage, flooding indigent immigrants into blue states is petty

Haven’t seen such a tactic since Castro sent boatloads to our shores

Typical libtard. “Let the illegals in, just don’t let them in where I live”.
They can find work at Trump Golf Courses

Why do you want illegals here if you don’t want them to work? I don’t want them here and I don’t want them to work here.

RW just says shit. He doesn't try, at all, to have it make any sense.

He's not clever enough to carry on a real discussion.

He is clever enough to realize that he cannot defend his positions or policies based on their merits.

But he is still emotionally committed to them, so he supports them with troll tactics and being an ass.

The only question I have for him any more, is does he even understand his real reasons for his positions, now that he understand that they are not good for the people of this nation?
Didn’t obammy already do that in Minnesota, with refugees? Isn’t that how Omar won?
Typical libtard. “Let the illegals in, just don’t let them in where I live”.
They can find work at Trump Golf Courses

Why do you want illegals here if you don’t want them to work? I don’t want them here and I don’t want them to work here.

RW just says shit. He doesn't try, at all, to have it make any sense.

He's not clever enough to carry on a real discussion.

He is clever enough to realize that he cannot defend his positions or policies based on their merits.

But he is still emotionally committed to them, so he supports them with troll tactics and being an ass.

The only question I have for him any more, is does he even understand his real reasons for his positions, now that he understand that they are not good for the people of this nation?

So you want illegals here. It’s your position that letting illegals in is good for the nation.

You believe sanctuary cities are good for the nation,

But sending the illegals who cross the border illegally to the sanctuary cities is NOT good for the nation. That sounds dumb.
All cases that were initiated when Obama was in charge. Sweet.

Time for new reading glasses Joe. You must have only clicked the last link. The other two were in 2017 and 2018. And mind you, that was just the first page of the Google search.

The point is companies are not getting away scot free. The laws are being enforced and businesses are paying the penalties for hiring illegals.

When has he done that? I know that he commuted the sentence of a Jewish plant owner who was actually sent to jail for hiring illegals. That will show them.

He was sent to jail for money laundering. He served over eight years in prison. That's more time than a person gets for vehicular homicide in DUI cases. And if you read your own article, it stated that Trump had strong bipartisan support to commute his sentence, even support from Nazi Piglosi. I'm all for people paying the price for their crimes, but it seems the judge in this case must have been like you--a Jew hater who sentenced this guy to 27 years in prison.

How Escalating ICE Raids in 2018 May Affect Your Business [UPDATE] | Workforce Blog

ICE Has Conducted Hundreds of Raids in New York Since Trump Came to Power. Here’s What Those Operations Look Like.
Why would it be wrong for the U.S to re-locate illegal immigrants to Sanctuary Cities?

Because it would make dimocrap scum pussies hurt??

The responses from The Sanctuary Cities to Trump are reinforcing what he’s saying, that it’s bad to have a sudden big influx of economically needy immigrants. Trump wins if he gets the sanctuary city proponents to show that they were just posing as immigrant friendly. He called their bluff.

Trump put himself in a no lose situation. If they bite their tongue, he wins because those vagrants will destroy an area in no time. If they fight it like they're doing, or otherwise bus those people out of there, it would demonstrate how they really feel about the asylum system we have.

Just suggesting it is a losing idea, but of course you fools think its super duper.

These refugees are PEOPLE, families. How about you treat them like people? Treat them the way YOU would want to be treated if you were forced to leave your homes.

Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me: Matthew 25:40

Wait a minute, how is moving them to these wonderful sanctuary cities and states mistreating them? Where should we send them, Disneyworld?

The problem we have here is that people who support these immigrants have no idea what the effect will be. They sit home in their townhouse community with people of like kind, and the nearest immigrant about 20 miles away or more, and then tell a pollster on the phone how much they support immigration.

So I say it's a great idea. Let these supporters see what the country could look like if their leaders ever get full power of the federal government again. In fact, I say we should ship some of them to your area in Canada. Then maybe you'll change your mind when that cute innocent neighbor girl on your street is found dead hacked up by a MS-13 immigrant with a machete.

One thing the Nazis were known for (much to their chagrin come 1945) was record-keeping.

An American viewspaper, don't know which, made a big deal out of the fact that there were something like 42,000 rapes reported in Nazi Occupied Paris in 1943.

People were shocked, shocked I tell you. How could those murderous Nazis allow that to happen? Shocking. Just horrific and shocking.

A few years later, some enterprising young man decided to do some statistical research and found that prior to the Nazi occupation, there were even MORE rapes reported. Every.Single.Year.

Seems the French kept good records, too.

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