Why would it be wrong for the U.S to re-locate illegal immigrants to Sanctuary Cities?

I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
Well, I live in a sanctuary city and although I relish the irony, I want Trump to fix the problem, NOT MAKE IT WORSE. Punish sanctuary cities by taking away government funding in other ways...anything that would stick it to liberals we don't want legitimizing illegals. I don't know, make it mandatory to hire people that have a real actual birth certificate, identity . Births certificates, ( Have one) DNA fingerprints ....a national identity card. Why do people have a problem with that?

How about punishing the people who hire illegals. They wouldn't come if nobody would hire them.

There is a system called "e-verify", but it's not mandatory for employers to use it. Obama was filing charges against employers who hire illegals, but Trump hasn't filed a single charge against an employer, only the illegals working for them. Of course Trump hires illegals so why would he punish someone for doing what he does.

In Canada, we have a strict verification system for social insurance numbers, and employers are fined $10,000 if they don't have a copy of your social insurance card in your employment file. Even if you are a citizen. When an employer submits your withholding, if Revenue Canada can't match the name and the SIN, they contact the employer, and get it sorted. In the USA, if they can't match the name on the witholding to the SS, the government does nothing.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
Well, I live in a sanctuary city and although I relish the irony, I want Trump to fix the problem, NOT MAKE IT WORSE. Punish sanctuary cities by taking away government funding in other ways...anything that would stick it to liberals we don't want legitimizing illegals. I don't know, make it mandatory to hire people that have a real actual birth certificate, identity . Births certificates, ( Have one) DNA fingerprints ....a national identity card. Why do people have a problem with that?

How about punishing the people who hire illegals. They wouldn't come if nobody would hire them.

There is a system called "e-verify", but it's not mandatory for employers to use it. Obama was filing charges against employers who hire illegals, but Trump hasn't filed a single charge against an employer, only the illegals working for them. Of course Trump hires illegals so why would he punish someone for doing what he does.

In Canada, we have a strict verification system for social insurance numbers, and employers are fined $10,000 if they don't have a copy of your social insurance card in your employment file. Even if you are a citizen. When an employer submits your withholding, if Revenue Canada can't match the name and the SIN, they contact the employer, and get it sorted. In the USA, if they can't match the name on the witholding to the SS, the government does nothing.
Sure, why not? Been saying that all along. Why hire wetbacks, then make it seem like a moral quandary? The central scrutinizer wonders why we ask.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
Because it is an abuse of power to single out particular cities for partisan retribution


You Fucking Hypocrite. These cities have been saying they want to welcome these very kind of people. Its not Retribution; its accommodating them in what they claim they want. If they were lying, then that is their problem.
There is a system called "e-verify", but it's not mandatory for employers to use it. Obama was filing charges against employers who hire illegals, but Trump hasn't filed a single charge against an employer, only the illegals working for them. Of course Trump hires illegals so why would he punish someone for doing what he does.

Trump doesn't file charges against anybody. Our President doesn't do that. There have been several busts under Trump of illegals working for companies. Do you mean to tell me the "government" hasn't filed charges against them? Wanna bet they did?

The responses from The Sanctuary Cities to Trump are reinforcing what he’s saying, that it’s bad to have a sudden big influx of economically needy immigrants. Trump wins if he gets the sanctuary city proponents to show that they were just posing as immigrant friendly. He called their bluff.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
Well, I live in a sanctuary city and although I relish the irony, I want Trump to fix the problem, NOT MAKE IT WORSE. Punish sanctuary cities by taking away government funding in other ways...anything that would stick it to liberals we don't want legitimizing illegals. I don't know, make it mandatory to hire people that have a real actual birth certificate, identity . Births certificates, ( Have one) DNA fingerprints ....a national identity card. Why do people have a problem with that?

How about punishing the people who hire illegals. They wouldn't come if nobody would hire them.

There is a system called "e-verify", but it's not mandatory for employers to use it. Obama was filing charges against employers who hire illegals, but Trump hasn't filed a single charge against an employer, only the illegals working for them. Of course Trump hires illegals so why would he punish someone for doing what he does.

In Canada, we have a strict verification system for social insurance numbers, and employers are fined $10,000 if they don't have a copy of your social insurance card in your employment file. Even if you are a citizen. When an employer submits your withholding, if Revenue Canada can't match the name and the SIN, they contact the employer, and get it sorted. In the USA, if they can't match the name on the witholding to the SS, the government does nothing.

Good grief, you need to educate yourself so you don’t spread lies.

ICE delivers more than 5,200 I-9 audit notices to businesses across the US in 2-phase nationwide operation

Employers Beware: ICE Is Ramping Up I-9 Audits to Record Levels | Immigration View

You must be one of those that get their talking points and don’t erase arch the crap you spew.

Now runaway because you been caught again with misinformation.
There is a system called "e-verify", but it's not mandatory for employers to use it. Obama was filing charges against employers who hire illegals, but Trump hasn't filed a single charge against an employer, only the illegals working for them. Of course Trump hires illegals so why would he punish someone for doing what he does.

Trump doesn't file charges against anybody. Our President doesn't do that. There have been several busts under Trump of illegals working for companies. Do you mean to tell me the "government" hasn't filed charges against them? Wanna bet they did?

She just believes anything that fits her agenda, it doesn’t need to be true, it just has to fit her agenda.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
One point that's been overlooked... they're not illegal IMMIGRANTS. Immigrants come to America LEGALLY. These people came here illegally, number one, so they're illegal, number two, they weren't born here, so the legal description of such a person is ALIEN. Put the two together, a person that came illegally, a person that wasn't born here, and you have ILLEGAL ALIEN, period.

Don't play leftist word games.

But there is NO LOGICAL defense for sanctuary cities to say DON'T SEND THEM HERE. It's the biggest steaming pile of HYPOCRISY the democrats have engaged in to date. NO ONE is buying ANY of their BS gas. They want open borders, they want them roaming their streets protected from FEDERAL LAW, then let them HAVE THEM ALL. PROVE they love them so much, or STFU.
See... this isn't rocket science either. What the democrats have had planned, and have doing all along, is spreading the ILLEGAL ALIENS out around America to SCREW UP THE VOTE. If they all get shipped to ALREADY radical leftist cities and states, THAT WON'T HELP THE DEMOCRATS. So yeah, they're pissed. They're being called on their game so they're all UNHINGED spewing the most MORONIC BULL SHIT EXCUSES they can come up with. But I don't think Americans are buying it. They know. It's as obvious as the sun coming up.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
Well, I live in a sanctuary city and although I relish the irony, I want Trump to fix the problem, NOT MAKE IT WORSE. Punish sanctuary cities by taking away government funding in other ways...anything that would stick it to liberals we don't want legitimizing illegals. I don't know, make it mandatory to hire people that have a real actual birth certificate, identity . Births certificates, ( Have one) DNA fingerprints ....a national identity card. Why do people have a problem with that?

How about punishing the people who hire illegals. They wouldn't come if nobody would hire them.

There is a system called "e-verify", but it's not mandatory for employers to use it. Obama was filing charges against employers who hire illegals, but Trump hasn't filed a single charge against an employer, only the illegals working for them. Of course Trump hires illegals so why would he punish someone for doing what he does.

In Canada, we have a strict verification system for social insurance numbers, and employers are fined $10,000 if they don't have a copy of your social insurance card in your employment file. Even if you are a citizen. When an employer submits your withholding, if Revenue Canada can't match the name and the SIN, they contact the employer, and get it sorted. In the USA, if they can't match the name on the witholding to the SS, the government does nothing.

Good grief, you need to educate yourself so you don’t spread lies.

ICE delivers more than 5,200 I-9 audit notices to businesses across the US in 2-phase nationwide operation

Employers Beware: ICE Is Ramping Up I-9 Audits to Record Levels | Immigration View

You must be one of those that get their talking points and don’t erase arch the crap you spew.

Now runaway because you been caught again with misinformation.
I searched also to refute his point, but was bothered that, like you, only found articles dated last year. I wish this was more of a focus. As well as enforcing laws against giving them benefits. And what about folks that rent or sell them housing accommodations?

I completely agree with going after their employers. Remember when Clinton couldn't fill out his cabinet because it seemed all of them were using illegal nannies?

ZOE BAIRD – President Bill Clinton’s first nominee for attorney general withdrew in 1993 after it was learned that the $500,000-a-year corporate lawyer employed an illegal immigrant Peruvian couple to provide nanny services for her son and chauffeur her around and didn’t pay the required Social Security taxes for them.

KIMBA WOOD – Amazingly, just two weeks later, Wood, a federal judge in New York who was expected to be Clinton’s second choice for attorney general, withdrew her name. She admitted her baby sitter of seven years had been in the country illegally when hired in March 1986.

CHARLES RUFF – After Baird and Wood, this Washington lawyer and former Justice Department official was removed from Clinton’s “short list” of candidates for deputy attorney general after it was learned he failed to pay Social Security taxes for a woman who did domestic work for him over the previous eight years.

RON BROWN – Clinton’s then-newly confirmed commerce secretary acknowledged in 1993 he had not paid Social Security taxes for a woman who cleaned his house for five years. He scurried to pay the back taxes and penalties and remained in office.

FEDERICO PENA – Like Brown, Pena had already been confirmed as to his post, transportation secretary in this case, when the Baird case prompted him to acknowledge he failed to pay Social Security taxes for the caretaker of his two children.

SHIRLEY S. CHATER – Chater, the president of Texas Woman’s University was Clinton’s nominee to head the Social Security Administration when the White House disclosed on Aug. 3, 1993, that she failed to pay Social Security taxes for Nanny of 6 years. She paid the back taxes before her nomination, and she was confirmed.

BOBBY RAY INMAN – The retired Navy admiral withdrew in January 1994 as Clinton’s nominee to be defense secretary. He failed to pay required Social Security taxes for his housekeeper until just after Clinton nominated him.

STEPHEN BREYER – When Breyer was a nominee for the Supreme Court in mid-1994, it was disclosed that the then-chief judge of the U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston had failed to pay Social Security taxes for a man who worked in his house for 13 years. Breyer paid the overdue taxes. He was confirmed as a justice of the high court.

MICHAEL P.C. CARNS – The retired Air Force general withdrew in March 1995 as Clinton’s nominee to head the Central Intelligence Agency as he acknowledged failing to make promised payments to a Filipino youth who had worked for the Carns family as a household helper overseas and whom Carns had legally brought into this country when he was transferred back. Brought him back from the Philippines as an "employee" and then "forgot" to pay him at all!

It's like we have two Americas or something. One where there are laws we have to carefully follow and another where you do whatever the hell you want and if you get caught you just pay what should have already paid.

Trump absolutely should dump these illegals in Sanctuary Cities, except that hours after he made this threat the 9th Circus panel overruled the district judge's decision, so now these folks can again wait in Mexico for their hearings. Seems like he caught their attention, and they were right to assume he damn well wasn't bluffing.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
One point that's been overlooked... they're not illegal IMMIGRANTS. Immigrants come to America LEGALLY. These people came here illegally, number one, so they're illegal, number two, they weren't born here, so the legal description of such a person is ALIEN. Put the two together, a person that came illegally, a person that wasn't born here, and you have ILLEGAL ALIEN, period.

Don't play leftist word games.

But there is NO LOGICAL defense for sanctuary cities to say DON'T SEND THEM HERE. It's the biggest steaming pile of HYPOCRISY the democrats have engaged in to date. NO ONE is buying ANY of their BS gas. They want open borders, they want them roaming their streets protected from FEDERAL LAW, then let them HAVE THEM ALL. PROVE they love them so much, or STFU.
Well, Trump seems to have caught the attention of the three judge panel and they over ruled the earlier judge that said Trump couldn't make these folks wait in Mexico for their asylum hearings.

If they can run these damn caravans at our border, Trump can damn sure load them onto planes and unload them at San Francisco International or any other "Sanctuary" City with an airport.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.

great idea. the minimum wage is much higher there as well in many cases, so everyone will be happy
They need to go where the people will support them. Wyoming has no infrastructure to support them. Sanctuary cities are wanting them, so they need to go where they are wanted. People move to Wyoming to get away from places like San Francisco, not sure why you would would not send them to where they are wanted.

Wow... so let's review, shall we.

A Trump minion throws out a completely crazy idea.

The people who know what they are doing shoot it down.

The fact that someone even suggested this is leaked.

PEople downplay that this was even discussed, and that it was sensibly rejected for a whole bunch of good reasons.

Then the Orange Shitgibbon says he thinks it's a wonderful idea,

and all the Trump Cultists pop out of the woodwork defending it.

People, this is what a Cult looks like.
They need to go where the people will support them. Wyoming has no infrastructure to support them. Sanctuary cities are wanting them, so they need to go where they are wanted. People move to Wyoming to get away from places like San Francisco, not sure why you would would not send them to where they are wanted.

Wow... so let's review, shall we.

A Trump minion throws out a completely crazy idea.

The people who know what they are doing shoot it down.

The fact that someone even suggested this is leaked.

PEople downplay that this was even discussed, and that it was sensibly rejected for a whole bunch of good reasons.

Then the Orange Shitgibbon says he thinks it's a wonderful idea,

and all the Trump Cultists pop out of the woodwork defending it.

People, this is what a Cult looks like.
A crazy idea?! It's fucking brilliant! It also makes sense on so many levels.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.

Simple, these democrats are racists. They hate the brown skinned immigrants.
Here's a quote from your link >> "Figure 33 compares immigration judge initial case decisions with the number of case appeals the BIA received for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 through FY 2016. While the percentage of IJ decisions being appealed has returned to FY 2012 levels, the number of case appeals received by the BIA has increased compared to FY 2015."

Notice what years all this is derived from > Obama years. I don't believe a word of it. Illegals disappear the minute they're released. Everyone knows it.

It's common sense. Who would go to a court hearing, when that would get you deported, when all you have to do is disappear into the countryside, and you can stay for years ? Liberals have a bad habit of ignoring common sense.
Well, I live in a sanctuary city and although I relish the irony, I want Trump to fix the problem, NOT MAKE IT WORSE. Punish sanctuary cities by taking away government funding in other ways...anything that would stick it to liberals we don't want legitimizing illegals. I don't know, make it mandatory to hire people that have a real actual birth certificate, identity . Births certificates, ( Have one) DNA fingerprints ....a national identity card. Why do people have a problem with that?
Of course. And that applies to VOTING also. Still no state requires CITIZENSHIP PROOF to vote.
See... this isn't rocket science either. What the democrats have had planned, and have doing all along, is spreading the ILLEGAL ALIENS out around America to SCREW UP THE VOTE. If they all get shipped to ALREADY radical leftist cities and states, THAT WON'T HELP THE DEMOCRATS. So yeah, they're pissed. They're being called on their game so they're all UNHINGED spewing the most MORONIC BULL SHIT EXCUSES they can come up with. But I don't think Americans are buying it. They know. It's as obvious as the sun coming up.

Unfortunately many don't know. That's what makes this plan so brilliant, because it forces Democrats to expose themselves for the hypocrites they are.

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