Why would it be wrong for the U.S to re-locate illegal immigrants to Sanctuary Cities?


actually it would be cheaper to let them bus themselves to the sanctify city of their choice. Just hand them a voucher, they'll get there. No reason to spend more money on them then we need to. Or we can use my idea and let the Militia practice at our new free fire border zone.

Then there will be some Nuremberg trials of anyone who follows this illegal order including Trump. Hang them by the neck until they are dead, dead, dead.
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They show up for their first appearances to make a plea. They don't show up for their final appearance when the court decides their fate.
Source for that claim?
Learn to Goggle dipshit.

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

Clearly letting them into our country and letting the, go and trust they will comeback isn’t working. We need to change something, otherwise we will continue to have illegal immigrants. If they were truly seeking asylum they would have stuck around and followed our legal path to citizenship.
Anyone caught entering illegally should automatically be denied asylum.If you want to request asylum you should request at a legal point of entry, or better yet, at one of the 11 US Consulates throughout Mexico rather than dragging your wife and daughters through the rape routes of Northern Mexico. Parents are so certain their daughters will be raped during the illegal crossing that they put them on birth control before making the trip. How anyone can claim keeping these rape routes open is "compassionate" makes no sense at all.

To claim asylum, you have to be in the country. Don't suggest you and Trump have any compassion considering you are helping the drug cartels.
Learn to Goggle dipshit.

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

Clearly letting them into our country and letting the, go and trust they will comeback isn’t working. We need to change something, otherwise we will continue to have illegal immigrants. If they were truly seeking asylum they would have stuck around and followed our legal path to citizenship.
Anyone caught entering illegally should automatically be denied asylum.If you want to request asylum you should request at a legal point of entry, or better yet, at one of the 11 US Consulates throughout Mexico rather than dragging your wife and daughters through the rape routes of Northern Mexico. Parents are so certain their daughters will be raped during the illegal crossing that they put them on birth control before making the trip. How anyone can claim keeping these rape routes open is "compassionate" makes no sense at all.

Trump did try that but once again, a liberal activist judge stopped him. Trump said nobody caught here illegally can apply for asylum.

Actually, I agree with that about illegals. If they are caught on US Soil and not turning themselves in at the border then you are right. But, most of these people find the nearest Border Agent and immediately turn themselves in. They don't really qualify as Illegal Aliens.

The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States
Learn to Goggle dipshit.

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

Clearly letting them into our country and letting the, go and trust they will comeback isn’t working. We need to change something, otherwise we will continue to have illegal immigrants. If they were truly seeking asylum they would have stuck around and followed our legal path to citizenship.
Anyone caught entering illegally should automatically be denied asylum.If you want to request asylum you should request at a legal point of entry, or better yet, at one of the 11 US Consulates throughout Mexico rather than dragging your wife and daughters through the rape routes of Northern Mexico. Parents are so certain their daughters will be raped during the illegal crossing that they put them on birth control before making the trip. How anyone can claim keeping these rape routes open is "compassionate" makes no sense at all.

Trump did try that but once again, a liberal activist judge stopped him. Trump said nobody caught here illegally can apply for asylum.

Actually, I agree with that about illegals. If they are caught on US Soil and not turning themselves in at the border then you are right. But, most of these people find the nearest Border Agent and immediately turn themselves in. They don't really qualify as Illegal Aliens.

Did you know that only 2% of the human cockroaches from the filthy brown south qualify for asylum?

You are the human cockroach that we need to get rid of.
Trump played his trump card. Seattle called him on it and welcomed the people in. So much for instilling fear into their hearts. Well, strumpets, the ploy didn't work. Now move on to the next fear campaign. I know you have more.

What makes you think Trump did it out of fear? He's got to put them someplace, so why not in a sanctuary city or state? Once they are overrun, let's see if the citizens are so willing to vote Democrat next election.

He didn't do it out of Fear for him. He tried to get the Cities to fear it. They just called him on it, that's all. Then the Courts overroad it all anyway.

I knew exactly what you meant, so once again, what made you think he did it out of fear (or to be more clear, make them be in fear)?

It's the way Trump operates. He keeps everyone around him is a constant state of panic if he can. I just don't choose to be part of that panic. I won't go into why he does it but it's the way he operates and always has. And, for the most part, it's worked.

I don't see that. This kind of reminds me of when Bush lowered taxes. He said in public that he was told by some wealthy people they don't need a tax cut. So Bush created a fund where they can send as much money to the federal government as they felt comfortable with. The fund barely raised enough money to stay open.

As I said earlier, Trump created a win-win plan. If these places fought with him about sending immigrants there, it displayed their hypocrisy. If they play it cool and tell Trump they're okay with it, it's only a matter of a short time before these vagrants ruin their cities. Like I said, Trump could care less either way. It's a no loss plan of his.

This is a lose-lose for Trump. it gives moderates and independents more reason to vote against Trump. Ordinary Americans do not like public policy being decided on getting even with your political opponents. They will reject this.
Because it is an abuse of power to single out particular cities for partisan retribution.

How is it retribution?

The left support these people coming here anyway they can get them. They tell us these are wonderful family people only looking to support themselves. But now that Trump wants to give the left what they want, it's considered punishment by the liberals?

Well if you consider this punishment, then what you are saying is that Democrats want to punish the entire country by letting these people in.

It is clearly political retribution. Even you recognize that. Do really think an action like that by the POTUS is appropriate?

“Those people” are amnesty seekers. That is a legal, not illegal status. Do you and Trump have a problem with legal immigrants?

No, why do you?

Please explain to me how it's retribution when Trump puts these people in liberal cities and it's not retribution when Democrats put them everywhere else. If these people being in our country is a negative, then they should not be in our country period. If they are not a negative as Democrats claim, they should have no problem welcoming in all those asylum seekers.

If Hillary were President, and she got disgusted with the Republicans demand for lower corporate taxes, and she allowed lower corporate taxes in red and purple states, how would that be retribution to Republicans? We would welcome such a move by the President.

Trump is admitting that he wants to put these refugees in sanctuary cities solely because they are sanctuary cities. That is political retribution. There is no evidence Democrats have ever done the same. Obama sent refugees to red and blue states. There is no evidence they are against taking their fair share.
Do you think putting them in sanctuary cities is wrong? If so, why? Where do you think they should go?

Obama sent them to both red and blue states. We could move them to military bases or any other government facility which people can stay with dignity.
Clearly letting them into our country and letting the, go and trust they will comeback isn’t working. We need to change something, otherwise we will continue to have illegal immigrants. If they were truly seeking asylum they would have stuck around and followed our legal path to citizenship.
Anyone caught entering illegally should automatically be denied asylum.If you want to request asylum you should request at a legal point of entry, or better yet, at one of the 11 US Consulates throughout Mexico rather than dragging your wife and daughters through the rape routes of Northern Mexico. Parents are so certain their daughters will be raped during the illegal crossing that they put them on birth control before making the trip. How anyone can claim keeping these rape routes open is "compassionate" makes no sense at all.

Trump did try that but once again, a liberal activist judge stopped him. Trump said nobody caught here illegally can apply for asylum.

Actually, I agree with that about illegals. If they are caught on US Soil and not turning themselves in at the border then you are right. But, most of these people find the nearest Border Agent and immediately turn themselves in. They don't really qualify as Illegal Aliens.

The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

(CNN)The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal judge's order blocking the Trump administration's new asylum restrictions.

Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four liberal justices in the 5-4 ruling.
The administration's policy, signed on November 9, would temporarily bar migrants who illegally cross into the US through the southern border from seeking asylum outside of official ports of entry. A federal judge in California quickly blocked the order, and the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals agreed.

Supreme Court upholds block on Trump's asylum ban - CNNPolitics
Because it is an abuse of power to single out particular cities for partisan retribution.

How is it retribution?

The left support these people coming here anyway they can get them. They tell us these are wonderful family people only looking to support themselves. But now that Trump wants to give the left what they want, it's considered punishment by the liberals?

Well if you consider this punishment, then what you are saying is that Democrats want to punish the entire country by letting these people in.

It is clearly political retribution. Even you recognize that. Do really think an action like that by the POTUS is appropriate?

“Those people” are amnesty seekers. That is a legal, not illegal status. Do you and Trump have a problem with legal immigrants?

No, why do you?

Please explain to me how it's retribution when Trump puts these people in liberal cities and it's not retribution when Democrats put them everywhere else. If these people being in our country is a negative, then they should not be in our country period. If they are not a negative as Democrats claim, they should have no problem welcoming in all those asylum seekers.

If Hillary were President, and she got disgusted with the Republicans demand for lower corporate taxes, and she allowed lower corporate taxes in red and purple states, how would that be retribution to Republicans? We would welcome such a move by the President.

Trump is admitting that he wants to put these refugees in sanctuary cities solely because they are sanctuary cities. That is political retribution. There is no evidence Democrats have ever done the same. Obama sent refugees to red and blue states. There is no evidence they are against taking their fair share.

What fair share? We don't want them. You people do.

Who gives a shit what you want. Any plan should not depend on whether the people want them or not. It should not depend on whether the state is red or blue. Obama's policy sent people to blue states and red states. It played no favorites.
How is it retribution?

The left support these people coming here anyway they can get them. They tell us these are wonderful family people only looking to support themselves. But now that Trump wants to give the left what they want, it's considered punishment by the liberals?

Well if you consider this punishment, then what you are saying is that Democrats want to punish the entire country by letting these people in.

It is clearly political retribution. Even you recognize that. Do really think an action like that by the POTUS is appropriate?

“Those people” are amnesty seekers. That is a legal, not illegal status. Do you and Trump have a problem with legal immigrants?

No, why do you?

Please explain to me how it's retribution when Trump puts these people in liberal cities and it's not retribution when Democrats put them everywhere else. If these people being in our country is a negative, then they should not be in our country period. If they are not a negative as Democrats claim, they should have no problem welcoming in all those asylum seekers.

If Hillary were President, and she got disgusted with the Republicans demand for lower corporate taxes, and she allowed lower corporate taxes in red and purple states, how would that be retribution to Republicans? We would welcome such a move by the President.

Trump is admitting that he wants to put these refugees in sanctuary cities solely because they are sanctuary cities. That is political retribution. There is no evidence Democrats have ever done the same. Obama sent refugees to red and blue states. There is no evidence they are against taking their fair share.

What fair share? We don't want them. You people do.

Who gives a shit what you want. Any plan should not depend on whether the people want them or not. It should not depend on whether the state is red or blue. Obama's policy sent people to blue states and red states. It played no favorites.

Well isn't that Commie now. Force people to accept your decisions or else. Yep, that was the DumBama way. Make everybody's life hell whether they wanted it or not.
Anyone caught entering illegally should automatically be denied asylum.If you want to request asylum you should request at a legal point of entry, or better yet, at one of the 11 US Consulates throughout Mexico rather than dragging your wife and daughters through the rape routes of Northern Mexico. Parents are so certain their daughters will be raped during the illegal crossing that they put them on birth control before making the trip. How anyone can claim keeping these rape routes open is "compassionate" makes no sense at all.

Trump did try that but once again, a liberal activist judge stopped him. Trump said nobody caught here illegally can apply for asylum.

Actually, I agree with that about illegals. If they are caught on US Soil and not turning themselves in at the border then you are right. But, most of these people find the nearest Border Agent and immediately turn themselves in. They don't really qualify as Illegal Aliens.

The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

(CNN)The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal judge's order blocking the Trump administration's new asylum restrictions.

Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four liberal justices in the 5-4 ruling.
The administration's policy, signed on November 9, would temporarily bar migrants who illegally cross into the US through the southern border from seeking asylum outside of official ports of entry. A federal judge in California quickly blocked the order, and the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals agreed.

Supreme Court upholds block on Trump's asylum ban - CNNPolitics

A court that has someone who committed sexual assault. The Republicans are finished after 2020 and this pours more coal on the fire. The first thing Democrats should do is open a criminal investigation of Kavanaugh.
Trump did try that but once again, a liberal activist judge stopped him. Trump said nobody caught here illegally can apply for asylum.

Actually, I agree with that about illegals. If they are caught on US Soil and not turning themselves in at the border then you are right. But, most of these people find the nearest Border Agent and immediately turn themselves in. They don't really qualify as Illegal Aliens.

The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

(CNN)The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal judge's order blocking the Trump administration's new asylum restrictions.

Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four liberal justices in the 5-4 ruling.
The administration's policy, signed on November 9, would temporarily bar migrants who illegally cross into the US through the southern border from seeking asylum outside of official ports of entry. A federal judge in California quickly blocked the order, and the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals agreed.

Supreme Court upholds block on Trump's asylum ban - CNNPolitics

A court that has someone who committed sexual assault. The Republicans are finished after 2020 and this pours more coal on the fire. The first thing Democrats should do is open a criminal investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trying to change the subject when proven wrong. How liberal of ya.
It is clearly political retribution. Even you recognize that. Do really think an action like that by the POTUS is appropriate?

“Those people” are amnesty seekers. That is a legal, not illegal status. Do you and Trump have a problem with legal immigrants?

No, why do you?

Please explain to me how it's retribution when Trump puts these people in liberal cities and it's not retribution when Democrats put them everywhere else. If these people being in our country is a negative, then they should not be in our country period. If they are not a negative as Democrats claim, they should have no problem welcoming in all those asylum seekers.

If Hillary were President, and she got disgusted with the Republicans demand for lower corporate taxes, and she allowed lower corporate taxes in red and purple states, how would that be retribution to Republicans? We would welcome such a move by the President.

Trump is admitting that he wants to put these refugees in sanctuary cities solely because they are sanctuary cities. That is political retribution. There is no evidence Democrats have ever done the same. Obama sent refugees to red and blue states. There is no evidence they are against taking their fair share.

What fair share? We don't want them. You people do.

Who gives a shit what you want. Any plan should not depend on whether the people want them or not. It should not depend on whether the state is red or blue. Obama's policy sent people to blue states and red states. It played no favorites.

Well isn't that Commie now. Force people to accept your decisions or else. Yep, that was the DumBama way. Make everybody's life hell whether they wanted it or not.

There is nothing commie about it except you are the commie. You don't get to decide which laws you will obey if they are properly ordered. Obama's policies did not differentiate between red states and blue states. He sent refugees to red and blue states.
Actually, I agree with that about illegals. If they are caught on US Soil and not turning themselves in at the border then you are right. But, most of these people find the nearest Border Agent and immediately turn themselves in. They don't really qualify as Illegal Aliens.

The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

(CNN)The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal judge's order blocking the Trump administration's new asylum restrictions.

Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four liberal justices in the 5-4 ruling.
The administration's policy, signed on November 9, would temporarily bar migrants who illegally cross into the US through the southern border from seeking asylum outside of official ports of entry. A federal judge in California quickly blocked the order, and the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals agreed.

Supreme Court upholds block on Trump's asylum ban - CNNPolitics

A court that has someone who committed sexual assault. The Republicans are finished after 2020 and this pours more coal on the fire. The first thing Democrats should do is open a criminal investigation of Kavanaugh.

Trying to change the subject when proven wrong. How liberal of ya.

That is going to be 1 reason why Trump is defeated in 2020 and the matter will be decided.
No, why do you?

Please explain to me how it's retribution when Trump puts these people in liberal cities and it's not retribution when Democrats put them everywhere else. If these people being in our country is a negative, then they should not be in our country period. If they are not a negative as Democrats claim, they should have no problem welcoming in all those asylum seekers.

If Hillary were President, and she got disgusted with the Republicans demand for lower corporate taxes, and she allowed lower corporate taxes in red and purple states, how would that be retribution to Republicans? We would welcome such a move by the President.

Trump is admitting that he wants to put these refugees in sanctuary cities solely because they are sanctuary cities. That is political retribution. There is no evidence Democrats have ever done the same. Obama sent refugees to red and blue states. There is no evidence they are against taking their fair share.

What fair share? We don't want them. You people do.

Who gives a shit what you want. Any plan should not depend on whether the people want them or not. It should not depend on whether the state is red or blue. Obama's policy sent people to blue states and red states. It played no favorites.

Well isn't that Commie now. Force people to accept your decisions or else. Yep, that was the DumBama way. Make everybody's life hell whether they wanted it or not.

There is nothing commie about it except you are the commie. You don't get to decide which laws you will obey if they are properly ordered. Obama's policies did not differentiate between red states and blue states. He sent refugees to red and blue states.

And apparently neither states wanted them. So he brought these people in and forced them on those states. However the sanctuary cities should have welcomed them with open arms. Red states don't want them period.

A solution to this? Let those sanctuary cities and states drop their sanctuary status.

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