Why would it be wrong for the U.S to re-locate illegal immigrants to Sanctuary Cities?

Trump did try that but once again, a liberal activist judge stopped him. Trump said nobody caught here illegally can apply for asylum.

Actually, I agree with that about illegals. If they are caught on US Soil and not turning themselves in at the border then you are right. But, most of these people find the nearest Border Agent and immediately turn themselves in. They don't really qualify as Illegal Aliens.

The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States
The law should be changed allowing for application for asylum from our consulates. With all the rapes that occur during the trek across Northern Mexico, no one should before forced to make that trek in order to apply for asylum.

More than likely they made that provision because they expected asylum to only be used by those who barely escaped their country with their lives. Not people that just decided they wanted a better place to live and didn't feel like using the energy to change their own country.

Kind of like a guy chasing a girl to kill her, and she frantically knocks on anybody's door for help. That's what our asylum was supposed to be for. If they can survive making it here and have absolutely no other safe place to go, we provide asylum for people like that.

Not anymore in the Southern American Countries. That policy was changed. Hence the Caravans. It was better when the decisions were made at the embassy level but the Embassies were jammed up so Trump putt an end to that. Now, our Border Crossings are jammed up.
Actually, I agree with that about illegals. If they are caught on US Soil and not turning themselves in at the border then you are right. But, most of these people find the nearest Border Agent and immediately turn themselves in. They don't really qualify as Illegal Aliens.

The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States
The law should be changed allowing for application for asylum from our consulates. With all the rapes that occur during the trek across Northern Mexico, no one should before forced to make that trek in order to apply for asylum.

More than likely they made that provision because they expected asylum to only be used by those who barely escaped their country with their lives. Not people that just decided they wanted a better place to live and didn't feel like using the energy to change their own country.

Kind of like a guy chasing a girl to kill her, and she frantically knocks on anybody's door for help. That's what our asylum was supposed to be for. If they can survive making it here and have absolutely no other safe place to go, we provide asylum for people like that.

Not anymore in the Southern American Countries. That policy was changed. Hence the Caravans. It was better when the decisions were made at the embassy level but the Embassies were jammed up so Trump putt an end to that. Now, our Border Crossings are jammed up.
You’re constantly bitching and crying about something you fucking pussy whipped bitch....
The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States
The law should be changed allowing for application for asylum from our consulates. With all the rapes that occur during the trek across Northern Mexico, no one should before forced to make that trek in order to apply for asylum.

More than likely they made that provision because they expected asylum to only be used by those who barely escaped their country with their lives. Not people that just decided they wanted a better place to live and didn't feel like using the energy to change their own country.

Kind of like a guy chasing a girl to kill her, and she frantically knocks on anybody's door for help. That's what our asylum was supposed to be for. If they can survive making it here and have absolutely no other safe place to go, we provide asylum for people like that.

Not anymore in the Southern American Countries. That policy was changed. Hence the Caravans. It was better when the decisions were made at the embassy level but the Embassies were jammed up so Trump putt an end to that. Now, our Border Crossings are jammed up.
You’re constantly bitching and crying about something you fucking pussy whipped bitch....

Do you mean that I hit the nail on the head on this one? Could it be the border Emergency is actually a fabrication caused by really, really bad Embassy Policy? Did I step on a red boo boo again? Do you need to have Trump kiss it and make it better?

What are you worried about. It's not like you are going to get off the couch..
Actually, I agree with that about illegals. If they are caught on US Soil and not turning themselves in at the border then you are right. But, most of these people find the nearest Border Agent and immediately turn themselves in. They don't really qualify as Illegal Aliens.

The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States
The law should be changed allowing for application for asylum from our consulates. With all the rapes that occur during the trek across Northern Mexico, no one should before forced to make that trek in order to apply for asylum.

More than likely they made that provision because they expected asylum to only be used by those who barely escaped their country with their lives. Not people that just decided they wanted a better place to live and didn't feel like using the energy to change their own country.

Kind of like a guy chasing a girl to kill her, and she frantically knocks on anybody's door for help. That's what our asylum was supposed to be for. If they can survive making it here and have absolutely no other safe place to go, we provide asylum for people like that.

Not anymore in the Southern American Countries. That policy was changed. Hence the Caravans. It was better when the decisions were made at the embassy level but the Embassies were jammed up so Trump putt an end to that. Now, our Border Crossings are jammed up.

Trump put an end to it? When did it start?

There is nothing in the Constitution stopping him either.

The constitution does not limit an otherwise all powerful federal government, it empowers an otherwise impotent federal government. Is that not the conservative point of view? At least, it was until Donald urinated in a Gatorade bottle for your drinking pleasure.

No. If you listen to any conservative broadcaster, you'd realize that we believe the Constitution was not to empower government, the Constitution was created to limit government. That's why many conservatives (smaller government people) are for constitutionalism, and the Democrats (large overpowering government) are anti-constitutionalists.

So you're telling me that the federal government can do anything it wants, as long as the constitution doesn't prohibit it? No wonder Obamacare turned out to be constitutional.
Quite the opposite actually, the government should be able to do only what is in the enumerated powers of the constitution, the rest is left to the states and the people. Protecting our borders is one of the charges of our government.
There is nothing in the Constitution stopping him either.

The constitution does not limit an otherwise all powerful federal government, it empowers an otherwise impotent federal government. Is that not the conservative point of view? At least, it was until Donald urinated in a Gatorade bottle for your drinking pleasure.

No. If you listen to any conservative broadcaster, you'd realize that we believe the Constitution was not to empower government, the Constitution was created to limit government. That's why many conservatives (smaller government people) are for constitutionalism, and the Democrats (large overpowering government) are anti-constitutionalists.

So you're telling me that the federal government can do anything it wants, as long as the constitution doesn't prohibit it? No wonder Obamacare turned out to be constitutional.

Unfortunately, yes. Where in our Constitution does it prohibit programs like Cash for Clunkers? Where does it prohibit government air conditioners or basketball courts like during the Clinton administration? Where does it prohibit the 88 federal welfare programs that make more Americans irresponsible?

Our founders couldn't think of everything nor could they look into the future to see what Americans would do. If they could have, the Constitution would be 100 pages long with a lot of color picture so that Democrats could understand it too.
I guess I understand it differently. I dont view it as the government doesnt can do anything it wants as long as the constitution doesnt prohibit it, I understand it as the constitution lays out what the government is allowed to do, beyond that, it goes to the states and the people.
Then Democrats should proactively embrace all illegals into their sanctuary cities. I don’t want them to be thrown into a wood chopper. I want them to respect US law and process.

I would like a law that doesn’t allow for kidnapping and kids having to defend themselves in court.

So you prefer to leave them in control of human traffickers and smugglers.

I would prefer a process to completely vet the adults as much as possible to mitigate the risk of human smuggling and traffickers. Catch and release is no sustainable and can grow into a major vulnerability from a security perspective; both to US citizens and innocent children being brought in.

How are you doing to do that?

Why is "how" the top of mind with you? Why are you willing to let catch and release continue? How does catch and release benefit US?
Then Democrats should proactively embrace all illegals into their sanctuary cities. I don’t want them to be thrown into a wood chopper. I want them to respect US law and process.

I would like a law that doesn’t allow for kidnapping and kids having to defend themselves in court.

So you prefer to leave them in control of human traffickers and smugglers.

I would prefer a process to completely vet the adults as much as possible to mitigate the risk of human smuggling and traffickers. Catch and release is no sustainable and can grow into a major vulnerability from a security perspective; both to US citizens and innocent children being brought in.

How are you doing to do that?

Why is "how" the top of mind with you? Why are you willing to let catch and release continue? How does catch and release benefit US?
Then Democrats should proactively embrace all illegals into their sanctuary cities. I don’t want them to be thrown into a wood chopper. I want them to respect US law and process.

I would like a law that doesn’t allow for kidnapping and kids having to defend themselves in court.

So you prefer to leave them in control of human traffickers and smugglers.

I would prefer a process to completely vet the adults as much as possible to mitigate the risk of human smuggling and traffickers. Catch and release is no sustainable and can grow into a major vulnerability from a security perspective; both to US citizens and innocent children being brought in.

How are you doing to do that?

Why is "how" the top of mind with you? Why are you willing to let catch and release continue? How does catch and release benefit US?

The "how" is at the top of my mind because without a real idea, you're just posting pipe dreams. I personally think that everyone caught entering illegally should be put on a boat and sent back to their nation of origin.
Trump is admitting that he wants to put these refugees in sanctuary cities solely because they are sanctuary cities. That is political retribution. There is no evidence Democrats have ever done the same. Obama sent refugees to red and blue states. There is no evidence they are against taking their fair share.

What fair share? We don't want them. You people do.

Who gives a shit what you want. Any plan should not depend on whether the people want them or not. It should not depend on whether the state is red or blue. Obama's policy sent people to blue states and red states. It played no favorites.

Well isn't that Commie now. Force people to accept your decisions or else. Yep, that was the DumBama way. Make everybody's life hell whether they wanted it or not.

There is nothing commie about it except you are the commie. You don't get to decide which laws you will obey if they are properly ordered. Obama's policies did not differentiate between red states and blue states. He sent refugees to red and blue states.

And apparently neither states wanted them. So he brought these people in and forced them on those states. However the sanctuary cities should have welcomed them with open arms. Red states don't want them period.

A solution to this? Let those sanctuary cities and states drop their sanctuary status.

I know that red states are filled with hateful people. It is the home of white supremacists. Who cares what red states want. If they don't want military bases in their state then we can close them.

State and local governments are not required to enforce immigration law.
Source for that claim?
Learn to Goggle dipshit.

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

Clearly letting them into our country and letting the, go and trust they will comeback isn’t working. We need to change something, otherwise we will continue to have illegal immigrants. If they were truly seeking asylum they would have stuck around and followed our legal path to citizenship.
Anyone caught entering illegally should automatically be denied asylum.If you want to request asylum you should request at a legal point of entry, or better yet, at one of the 11 US Consulates throughout Mexico rather than dragging your wife and daughters through the rape routes of Northern Mexico. Parents are so certain their daughters will be raped during the illegal crossing that they put them on birth control before making the trip. How anyone can claim keeping these rape routes open is "compassionate" makes no sense at all.

To claim asylum, you have to be in the country. Don't suggest you and Trump have any compassion considering you are helping the drug cartels.

Most asylum seekers are not granted asylum, in fact very are and that has been that way for a few decades. So, we need a better system to keep track of those that are seeking asylum. Then denial rate has been increasing since 2012. We are now about 58% which is a lot less than the denial rate in 1996 which was around 83%.

We can take in some but not all. We can have compassion but not at the risk of those living here already.

There is little or no risk to those living here. The fact is that drug cartels have taken over several Central American countries and they are fueled by America's appetite for drugs.
Actually, I agree with that about illegals. If they are caught on US Soil and not turning themselves in at the border then you are right. But, most of these people find the nearest Border Agent and immediately turn themselves in. They don't really qualify as Illegal Aliens.

The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

(CNN)The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal judge's order blocking the Trump administration's new asylum restrictions.

Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four liberal justices in the 5-4 ruling.
The administration's policy, signed on November 9, would temporarily bar migrants who illegally cross into the US through the southern border from seeking asylum outside of official ports of entry. A federal judge in California quickly blocked the order, and the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals agreed.

Supreme Court upholds block on Trump's asylum ban - CNNPolitics

A court that has someone who committed sexual assault. The Republicans are finished after 2020 and this pours more coal on the fire. The first thing Democrats should do is open a criminal investigation of Kavanaugh.

There was no proof of Kavanaugh committing sexual assault. It was an accusation that could not be confirmed and two of the accusers also backed off on the accusations after they accused. This going after people for alleged unproven allegations is nothing but BS.

Dr Ford spent all that time in therapy for entertainment I suppose. She knew that Judge was with Kavanaugh without looking at Kavanaugh's calendar. Several people have contradicted what Kavanaugh said to the committee. Republicans refused to allow a thorough FBI investigation. Now Trump wants another sexual harasser in Herman Cain for the Federal Reserve.
Nah, but don’t let the truth get in front of your lies.

Again, too funny to watch you guys say "how High" when your cult leader says "Jump".

You are back to trolling. Bye.

The truth hurts you brainless troll.

Joe didn't tell the truth, just played stupid and trolled, just as you are doing, dishonest hack.

You are the dishonest hack. You have to be one to be a Trump supporter.
Learn to Goggle dipshit.

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

Clearly letting them into our country and letting the, go and trust they will comeback isn’t working. We need to change something, otherwise we will continue to have illegal immigrants. If they were truly seeking asylum they would have stuck around and followed our legal path to citizenship.
Anyone caught entering illegally should automatically be denied asylum.If you want to request asylum you should request at a legal point of entry, or better yet, at one of the 11 US Consulates throughout Mexico rather than dragging your wife and daughters through the rape routes of Northern Mexico. Parents are so certain their daughters will be raped during the illegal crossing that they put them on birth control before making the trip. How anyone can claim keeping these rape routes open is "compassionate" makes no sense at all.

To claim asylum, you have to be in the country. Don't suggest you and Trump have any compassion considering you are helping the drug cartels.

Most asylum seekers are not granted asylum, in fact very are and that has been that way for a few decades. So, we need a better system to keep track of those that are seeking asylum. Then denial rate has been increasing since 2012. We are now about 58% which is a lot less than the denial rate in 1996 which was around 83%.

We can take in some but not all. We can have compassion but not at the risk of those living here already.

There is little or no risk to those living here. The fact is that drug cartels have taken over several Central American countries and they are fueled by America's appetite for drugs.

The cartels have taken over long ago. Like I said history has the majority of asylum seekers not making it in to stay, so like you said, set up a government facility, like a closed government base and they stay there until their petition to stay is granted or denied. The court could then have a place to process them, just like we did decades ago on Ellis Island.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.

Why would there be anything "WRONG" with Trump doing that?

I hope like Hell Trump buses in millions of illegals into these large cities.

The long term effect?
(1) perpetually decreasing property values
(2) cheaper labor that is unreliable thus negatively affecting productivity
(3) higher crime rates
(4) more businesses leaving the larger cities and moving over seas
(5) lower tax base will create massive infrastructure destruction
(6) cities will default, economic malaise will ensue, and a nationwide depression will evolve
(7) Trump's Republicans will FINALLY get that 'civil war' they keep bitching about, all the time

Trump has this ALL figured out; good on HIM !!!!!!!
Nah, but don’t let the truth get in front of your lies.

Again, too funny to watch you guys say "how High" when your cult leader says "Jump".

You are back to trolling. Bye.

The truth hurts you brainless troll.

Joe didn't tell the truth, just played stupid and trolled, just as you are doing, dishonest hack.

You are the dishonest hack. You have to be one to be a Trump supporter.

Moron, I didn't vote for Trump, I didn't vote for Clinton either, the two choices you gave us sucked and so I went to a third party and will stay a third party as both parties don't give a damn about the American people, only about their power and controlling the American people.

So, show me where Joe told the truth. Oh, wait, you can't. Thanks for playing Dembot.
Well really they should go to the most unpopulated states first, like Wyoming. They perhaps can open a factory there. They need more people.
No you fuckers take them......Wyoming doesn't want them......you want them, you get them.....and since they are wonderful for the country and commit no crime....I don't see why you don't take them....

fucking hypocrite
The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

(CNN)The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal judge's order blocking the Trump administration's new asylum restrictions.

Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four liberal justices in the 5-4 ruling.
The administration's policy, signed on November 9, would temporarily bar migrants who illegally cross into the US through the southern border from seeking asylum outside of official ports of entry. A federal judge in California quickly blocked the order, and the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals agreed.

Supreme Court upholds block on Trump's asylum ban - CNNPolitics

A court that has someone who committed sexual assault. The Republicans are finished after 2020 and this pours more coal on the fire. The first thing Democrats should do is open a criminal investigation of Kavanaugh.

There was no proof of Kavanaugh committing sexual assault. It was an accusation that could not be confirmed and two of the accusers also backed off on the accusations after they accused. This going after people for alleged unproven allegations is nothing but BS.

Dr Ford spent all that time in therapy for entertainment I suppose. She knew that Judge was with Kavanaugh without looking at Kavanaugh's calendar. Several people have contradicted what Kavanaugh said to the committee. Republicans refused to allow a thorough FBI investigation. Now Trump wants another sexual harasser in Herman Cain for the Federal Reserve.
she spent time in therapy, because her marriage was failing because she couldn't keep her legs closed.......
The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

(CNN)The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal judge's order blocking the Trump administration's new asylum restrictions.

Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four liberal justices in the 5-4 ruling.
The administration's policy, signed on November 9, would temporarily bar migrants who illegally cross into the US through the southern border from seeking asylum outside of official ports of entry. A federal judge in California quickly blocked the order, and the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals agreed.

Supreme Court upholds block on Trump's asylum ban - CNNPolitics

A court that has someone who committed sexual assault. The Republicans are finished after 2020 and this pours more coal on the fire. The first thing Democrats should do is open a criminal investigation of Kavanaugh.

There was no proof of Kavanaugh committing sexual assault. It was an accusation that could not be confirmed and two of the accusers also backed off on the accusations after they accused. This going after people for alleged unproven allegations is nothing but BS.

Dr Ford spent all that time in therapy for entertainment I suppose. She knew that Judge was with Kavanaugh without looking at Kavanaugh's calendar. Several people have contradicted what Kavanaugh said to the committee. Republicans refused to allow a thorough FBI investigation. Now Trump wants another sexual harasser in Herman Cain for the Federal Reserve.

Again, it is an accusation with no evidence. Her story doesn't line up with people that she claimed were there, even her good friend has no recollection. Way too many questions and with any proof whatsoever it is just a witch hunt and open to anyone's interpretation. I dislike the fact whether it be Democrat or Republican that we presume guilt with nothing but an accusation.

If you want to go by your standards, Clinton was a sexual predator the Democrats fought to keep in office. Joe Biden is guilty of sexual assault, which to me is also untrue because of lack of evidence. The same holds true with Russian collusion and Benghazi, it is all partisan BS and instead of both sides being stupid, confrontational and outright liars, they should work together.
What fair share? We don't want them. You people do.

Who gives a shit what you want. Any plan should not depend on whether the people want them or not. It should not depend on whether the state is red or blue. Obama's policy sent people to blue states and red states. It played no favorites.

Well isn't that Commie now. Force people to accept your decisions or else. Yep, that was the DumBama way. Make everybody's life hell whether they wanted it or not.

There is nothing commie about it except you are the commie. You don't get to decide which laws you will obey if they are properly ordered. Obama's policies did not differentiate between red states and blue states. He sent refugees to red and blue states.

And apparently neither states wanted them. So he brought these people in and forced them on those states. However the sanctuary cities should have welcomed them with open arms. Red states don't want them period.

A solution to this? Let those sanctuary cities and states drop their sanctuary status.

I know that red states are filled with hateful people. It is the home of white supremacists. Who cares what red states want. If they don't want military bases in their state then we can close them.

State and local governments are not required to enforce immigration law.

Red states are filled with those real Americans you unAmerican piece of shits hate. You need to stay in your super shitholes where you second class citizens are championed.

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