Why would it be wrong for the U.S to re-locate illegal immigrants to Sanctuary Cities?

The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?
No state bears a bigger burden of illegal immigration than Texas. I am ALL FOR relocating these criminal scumbags to those who have no problem with Texas bearing that burden.


Merry Christmas, Motherfuckers!!!

Learn to Goggle dipshit.

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

Clearly letting them into our country and letting the, go and trust they will comeback isn’t working. We need to change something, otherwise we will continue to have illegal immigrants. If they were truly seeking asylum they would have stuck around and followed our legal path to citizenship.
Anyone caught entering illegally should automatically be denied asylum.If you want to request asylum you should request at a legal point of entry, or better yet, at one of the 11 US Consulates throughout Mexico rather than dragging your wife and daughters through the rape routes of Northern Mexico. Parents are so certain their daughters will be raped during the illegal crossing that they put them on birth control before making the trip. How anyone can claim keeping these rape routes open is "compassionate" makes no sense at all.

To claim asylum, you have to be in the country. Don't suggest you and Trump have any compassion considering you are helping the drug cartels.

Most asylum seekers are not granted asylum, in fact very are and that has been that way for a few decades. So, we need a better system to keep track of those that are seeking asylum. Then denial rate has been increasing since 2012. We are now about 58% which is a lot less than the denial rate in 1996 which was around 83%.

We can take in some but not all. We can have compassion but not at the risk of those living here already.

There is little or no risk to those living here. The fact is that drug cartels have taken over several Central American countries and they are fueled by America's appetite for drugs.

Depends on where you live doesn't it?

The Illegal Drug Trade represent unbridled capitalism. Just like illegal alcohol fueled the gangs in the 20's, only worldwide. The violence in Central American is worst than what was on American streets during prohibition. The current violence is removed from view, and very few people care.
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?

How do you determine who gets the five years? I do agree we need to increase the penalties. I also know with e-verify it will sometimes fail.

ICE is currently auditing a record number of businesses for illegal immigrants and hiring violations. Businesses are under increased pressure which is great news.
Because the basic premise of Sanctuary Cities is ILLEGAL and the violates Federal Law. Yes, the cities should welcome Illegal Aliens or look like HYPOCRITES, and if they don't they should give up the Sanctuary City label, and cooperate with the Feds under existing law.

Well, it’s not illegal. I think we should start with that, and move on from there. What are the Sanctuary Cities doing? Well first they are refusing to honor what are called Retainers. These are requests from CBP to hold suspected illegals in jail until they can be picked up by CBP. It is not illegal to ignore a request. A Retainer has no force of law. It is essentially saying Hey Buddy, do me a favor here. The Sanctuary Cities are not breaking the law in ignoring those Retainers. If the CBP goes through the trouble for a Warrant, that is not a request from an agency, it is an order from the Court, which has force of law. The Local Police have no choice but to comply with the Warrant, failure to do so is at a minimum contempt of court, and could be aiding and abetting the Suspect.

So what else do the Sanctuary Cities do? They do not lease out space in the Jail to detain people for the CBP. There are not Federal Jails in every city. So transporting the individual to the closest Federal Jail may take quite a bit of time, and that time slows the productivity of the CBP agent. Yet, there is no law that says local jails must allow CBP to hold someone for a fee. It was a favor, like allowing your Neighbor to store his lawnmower in your garage. There is no law that says you must, and if you do, your an charge him a nominal fee.

Refusing to tell the CBP about your suspicions? There is no law that says you must share your suspicions with any Law Enforcement officer. You may not withhold facts, and the Sanctuary Cities get around this by telling their cops not to ask the immigration status of anyone. You can suspect it, but unless you ask the question, you do not know. Additionally enforcement of Immigration law is not a local police responsibility. As was confirmed during the Obama Administration, Immigration is a Federal Responsibility. If it is your Responsibility to do something, then expecting that I have the legal requirement to assist you is just silly.

So that covers the nonsense about how it is illegal to have a Sanctuary City.

Is it smart? I don’t think so. The arguments of the Local Police in those cities is at best stretching the point to the consistency of taffy.

I will agree with you that such policies are hypocritical in arguing against the placement of Illegals in those cities. Those same Democrats object to immediate deportation. Those same Democrats tend to argue that the Illegal Immigrants are just undocumented migrants. So I also can see no legal problem with, nor any moral problem with dumping the people into those cities.

But remember it isn’t illegal to refuse to help someone. There are very few situations in this world where you have the legal requirement to assist another. Cooperation may make a lot more sense, but it is not required by law, except in the issue of Warrants or other Court Orders.
Well really they should go to the most unpopulated states first, like Wyoming. They perhaps can open a factory there. They need more people.

If they were to open a Factory in Wyoming, why wouldn’t they hire local Wyoming folks first? I mean, who opens a Factory in the hopes that someone will show up to work? The availability of a local work force is one of the things they consider. Otherwise just opening one in the middle of Death Valley would be a great idea. Eventually someone will come.

So tell me Penelope. Are the people we are talking about undocumented Migrants worthy of respect and assistance, or a burden on local communities who will strain resources, and cause problems due to crime? Are they a benefit economically as we have been told, or a strain on the economy?
The Illegal Drug Trade represent unbridled capitalism.
Drugs are illegal. How is that unbridled capitalism?

Black Markets are not Free Markets.


LOL What? You think they're communist or socialist? Fuck no. Hard core Capitalist. That their product is illegal is just another cost/perk of doing business. Just like competition, it has it's cost in lives and product too. They can increase their prices and offer substandard products of varying quality and the consumer has absolutely no recourse. Buyer beware.
Some Sanctuary Cities, like Oakland are REFUSING to cooperate with Federal authorities as the Feds try to enforce the law. In fact the Mayor of Oakland purposely obstructed justice by warning illegals ICE was coming. That is ILLEGAL.

Let's start with that.
Well really they should go to the most unpopulated states first, like Wyoming. They perhaps can open a factory there. They need more people.

If they were to open a Factory in Wyoming, why wouldn’t they hire local Wyoming folks first? I mean, who opens a Factory in the hopes that someone will show up to work? The availability of a local work force is one of the things they consider. Otherwise just opening one in the middle of Death Valley would be a great idea. Eventually someone will come.

So tell me Penelope. Are the people we are talking about undocumented Migrants worthy of respect and assistance, or a burden on local communities who will strain resources, and cause problems due to crime? Are they a benefit economically as we have been told, or a strain on the economy?
The left isn't big on logic, nor do they know what a business is...and what it's purpose is.....
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?

How do you determine who gets the five years? I do agree we need to increase the penalties. I also know with e-verify it will sometimes fail.

ICE is currently auditing a record number of businesses for illegal immigrants and hiring violations. Businesses are under increased pressure which is great news.
Now you are worried about how we determine this or that?? Where are the passionate calls to punish those people who enable this brown insect like infestation of savages?

What happened to demanding Soros be arrested for funding migrant caravans? With zero evidence...there was no wait and see attitude about all of that...

You would probably be the same guy who is gung ho about indiscriminately punishing anyone who appears to look "illegal"

Except these illegals.....
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?

I have a better idea: why not give five years to anybody who is caught here illegal?
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?

I have a better idea: why not give five years to anybody who is caught here illegal?
Because those people are not coming here to "NOT WORK" -- and most of them don't come here and hire themselves...

Many of them (the dirty brown ones you don't like, not the others who overstay their Visas) -- come here to work for large agricultural corps, large hotel chains, etc --- how about we throw them in jail and see how quickly Republicans hop on the path to citizenship train...

Do you think Trump bitched out on closing the border because he just changed his mind on his own? No....his donors changed his mind for him because his donors enable illegal immigration more than anyone else
The problem is (I believe mostly because of this ruling by the court) is that they illegally cross the border, and when caught, claim they are seeking asylum and the agents are forced to treat them that way even though it's all BS.

This is the law.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

You must apply for asylum within one year of the date of their last arrival in the United States, unless you can show:

  • Changed circumstances that materially affect your eligibility for asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing
  • You filed within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
Obtaining Asylum in the United States

(CNN)The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal judge's order blocking the Trump administration's new asylum restrictions.

Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four liberal justices in the 5-4 ruling.
The administration's policy, signed on November 9, would temporarily bar migrants who illegally cross into the US through the southern border from seeking asylum outside of official ports of entry. A federal judge in California quickly blocked the order, and the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals agreed.

Supreme Court upholds block on Trump's asylum ban - CNNPolitics

A court that has someone who committed sexual assault. The Republicans are finished after 2020 and this pours more coal on the fire. The first thing Democrats should do is open a criminal investigation of Kavanaugh.

There was no proof of Kavanaugh committing sexual assault. It was an accusation that could not be confirmed and two of the accusers also backed off on the accusations after they accused. This going after people for alleged unproven allegations is nothing but BS.

Dr Ford spent all that time in therapy for entertainment I suppose. She knew that Judge was with Kavanaugh without looking at Kavanaugh's calendar. Several people have contradicted what Kavanaugh said to the committee. Republicans refused to allow a thorough FBI investigation. Now Trump wants another sexual harasser in Herman Cain for the Federal Reserve.

Why do you think when some leftist commie makes a claim, it should be investigated bye the FBI?

What are they going to investigate? She was at a house she supposedly didn't know where it was at. People she couldn't name outside of Kavanaogh. She didn't remember how she got there, didn't remember how she got home. She doesn't remember who's house it was. What's the FBI supposed to do, look into their crystal ball?

In other words, she's FOS. She's only a couple of years younger than me. Let me tell you back then, we didn't have a cell phone in our pockets. She created this story as if it happened five years ago. Her claim was that she dashed out of the house which means she didn't use their phone to call somebody. So who's phone did she use? It had to be a neighbor or she walked to a business to use a payphone. How could anybody not remember that?

Furthermore if she called somebody, she had to give them instructions as to where she was at. How could she have done that without knowing where she was at?

This Ford dingy is as FOS as it gets. She claims she could never stay in a house with only one door, then it was discovered she owns a house in Hawaii with one door. Claimed she was afraid of flying, and her ex-boyfriend stated they used to go flying all the time when they dated. Then she stalled the hearing for that same reason, and took a jet to the hearing the day before.
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?

I have a better idea: why not give five years to anybody who is caught here illegal?
Because those people are not coming here to "NOT WORK" -- and most of them don't come here and hire themselves...

Many of them (the dirty brown ones you don't like, not the others who overstay their Visas) -- come here to work for large agricultural corps, large hotel chains, etc --- how about we throw them in jail and see how quickly Republicans hop on the path to citizenship train...

Do you think Trump bitched out on closing the border because he just changed his mind on his own? No....his donors changed his mind for him because his donors enable illegal immigration more than anyone else

No, he was pressured from his peers because of the negative ramifications of closing the border such as trade.

We have an estimated 20 million illegals in this country. Do you mean to tell me they are all working illegally for American companies?

They don't come here just for jobs. They come here to have kids. Google the term Birther Tourism.

You want to throw Americans in jail and let the people who caused the problem to be left alone. How about we create a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison? Then you wouldn't have to worry about what employers do because they wouldn't be here in the first place, and that includes Visa overstays.
What fair share? We don't want them. You people do.

Who gives a shit what you want. Any plan should not depend on whether the people want them or not. It should not depend on whether the state is red or blue. Obama's policy sent people to blue states and red states. It played no favorites.

Well isn't that Commie now. Force people to accept your decisions or else. Yep, that was the DumBama way. Make everybody's life hell whether they wanted it or not.

There is nothing commie about it except you are the commie. You don't get to decide which laws you will obey if they are properly ordered. Obama's policies did not differentiate between red states and blue states. He sent refugees to red and blue states.

And apparently neither states wanted them. So he brought these people in and forced them on those states. However the sanctuary cities should have welcomed them with open arms. Red states don't want them period.

A solution to this? Let those sanctuary cities and states drop their sanctuary status.

I know that red states are filled with hateful people. It is the home of white supremacists. Who cares what red states want. If they don't want military bases in their state then we can close them.

State and local governments are not required to enforce immigration law.

Nobody is asking them to. What we are asking is that they inform ICE when they arrest an illegal for a crime, and ICE will pick them up.
There is nothing in the Constitution stopping him either.

The constitution does not limit an otherwise all powerful federal government, it empowers an otherwise impotent federal government. Is that not the conservative point of view? At least, it was until Donald urinated in a Gatorade bottle for your drinking pleasure.

No. If you listen to any conservative broadcaster, you'd realize that we believe the Constitution was not to empower government, the Constitution was created to limit government. That's why many conservatives (smaller government people) are for constitutionalism, and the Democrats (large overpowering government) are anti-constitutionalists.

So you're telling me that the federal government can do anything it wants, as long as the constitution doesn't prohibit it? No wonder Obamacare turned out to be constitutional.

Unfortunately, yes. Where in our Constitution does it prohibit programs like Cash for Clunkers? Where does it prohibit government air conditioners or basketball courts like during the Clinton administration? Where does it prohibit the 88 federal welfare programs that make more Americans irresponsible?

Our founders couldn't think of everything nor could they look into the future to see what Americans would do. If they could have, the Constitution would be 100 pages long with a lot of color picture so that Democrats could understand it too.
I guess I understand it differently. I dont view it as the government doesnt can do anything it wants as long as the constitution doesnt prohibit it, I understand it as the constitution lays out what the government is allowed to do, beyond that, it goes to the states and the people.

The Constitution charges what the federal government is to provide. However it doesn't limit it to just what's in there.

We who understand the intent of the Constitution also understand that those items listed in the document wouldn't be there if the founders intention were to allow the government to do anything they wanted.
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?

I have a better idea: why not give five years to anybody who is caught here illegal?
Because those people are not coming here to "NOT WORK" -- and most of them don't come here and hire themselves...

Many of them (the dirty brown ones you don't like, not the others who overstay their Visas) -- come here to work for large agricultural corps, large hotel chains, etc --- how about we throw them in jail and see how quickly Republicans hop on the path to citizenship train...

Do you think Trump bitched out on closing the border because he just changed his mind on his own? No....his donors changed his mind for him because his donors enable illegal immigration more than anyone else

No, he was pressured from his peers because of the negative ramifications of closing the border such as trade.

We have an estimated 20 million illegals in this country. Do you mean to tell me they are all working illegally for American companies?

They don't come here just for jobs. They come here to have kids. Google the term Birther Tourism.

You want to throw Americans in jail and let the people who caused the problem to be left alone. How about we create a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison? Then you wouldn't have to worry about what employers do because they wouldn't be here in the first place, and that includes Visa overstays.
Fining the employers and deporting the illegal aliens is more cost effective.

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