Why would it be wrong for the U.S to re-locate illegal immigrants to Sanctuary Cities?

The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?

How do you determine who gets the five years? I do agree we need to increase the penalties. I also know with e-verify it will sometimes fail.

ICE is currently auditing a record number of businesses for illegal immigrants and hiring violations. Businesses are under increased pressure which is great news.
Now you are worried about how we determine this or that?? Where are the passionate calls to punish those people who enable this brown insect like infestation of savages?

What happened to demanding Soros be arrested for funding migrant caravans? With zero evidence...there was no wait and see attitude about all of that...

You would probably be the same guy who is gung ho about indiscriminately punishing anyone who appears to look "illegal"

Except these illegals.....

We don't need to punish illegal aliens, we need to send them back to their home. If they are asylum seekers we need to process them as quickly as we can and either accept them or send them home.

Soros? Arrested? I never asked for that, so you are way off on that accusation.

I am all for sending all illegal aliens home, I don't care what they look like, most are here on expired VISAs. The color of a person's skin is irrelevant to me.

You don't want to discuss the issue, you want to spread your hate and bigotry. If that is all you got, we have nothing further to discuss, I don't need to prove anything to you, I don't hold regressives in high regard.
Nah, but don’t let the truth get in front of your lies.

Again, too funny to watch you guys say "how High" when your cult leader says "Jump".

You are back to trolling. Bye.

The truth hurts you brainless troll.

Joe didn't tell the truth, just played stupid and trolled, just as you are doing, dishonest hack.

You are the dishonest hack. You have to be one to be a Trump supporter.
I'm not a dishonest hack and I'm a Trump supporter so you would be wrong.

You know, they go to Mexico!

Must be some Bad Hombres running that place huh?
If Trump is really serious about letting arrested illegals go free in cities that welcome them, I'd think buying a bus ticket would be the way to go. LOL
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?
So you support a Real ID act then?

How do you prove employers had an intent to hire illegals if the employees all had phony papers?

Unless they are computerized in the system, the employers really can't be held accountable, can they?

Simple fact is, most folks on the left don't want folks to have to be responsible for being ID'd. . . . for that very reason. You really can't let aliens off, AND blame the employer. CHOOSE ONE.

You know, they go to Mexico!

Must be some Bad Hombres running that place huh?
If Trump is really serious about letting arrested illegals go free in cities that welcome them, I'd think buying a bus ticket would be the way to go. LOL
Most of them arriving at these different cities won't stay there so what's the point ?
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?

How do you determine who gets the five years? I do agree we need to increase the penalties. I also know with e-verify it will sometimes fail.

ICE is currently auditing a record number of businesses for illegal immigrants and hiring violations. Businesses are under increased pressure which is great news.
Now you are worried about how we determine this or that?? Where are the passionate calls to punish those people who enable this brown insect like infestation of savages?

What happened to demanding Soros be arrested for funding migrant caravans? With zero evidence...there was no wait and see attitude about all of that...

You would probably be the same guy who is gung ho about indiscriminately punishing anyone who appears to look "illegal"

Except these illegals.....

We don't need to punish illegal aliens, we need to send them back to their home. If they are asylum seekers we need to process them as quickly as we can and either accept them or send them home.

Soros? Arrested? I never asked for that, so you are way off on that accusation.

I am all for sending all illegal aliens home, I don't care what they look like, most are here on expired VISAs. The color of a person's skin is irrelevant to me.

You don't want to discuss the issue, you want to spread your hate and bigotry. If that is all you got, we have nothing further to discuss, I don't need to prove anything to you, I don't hold regressives in high regard.
They need to stop coming here in the first damn place. We need to build a barrier they can't cross so we don't have to deal with them any longer. Their problems are not ours to solve.

You know, they go to Mexico!

Must be some Bad Hombres running that place huh?
If Trump is really serious about letting arrested illegals go free in cities that welcome them, I'd think buying a bus ticket would be the way to go. LOL
Most of them arriving at these different cities won't stay there so what's the point ?
Well that's sort of more of the absurdity of Trump and the sanctuary cities things. Illegal aliens wherever they are will gravitate to cities where they have some personal support base. Once they are here an not incarcerated it's Hasta La Vista Baby
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
Democrats have been facilitating the invasion for years. They put their foot to the pedal the last 3 years.

Barry shipped illegals all over the US, into Conservative areas, without warning local and state officials.

They love illegals and think every conservative-leaning/held district should be watered down / overrun with them...they just want them in THEIR neighborhoods.

You heard them - they pose a threat, they use up resources meant for local Americans, and illegals forced upon them - as Obama and Democrats have done and continue to try to do to the rest of the country is a 'punishment'.

At least this got the criminal-supporting, law-breaking, invasion-facilitating m*er f*ers to finally tell the truth and 'fess up'.
I believe if these "illegal" immigrants really want to come to the US, they should be put in those "sanctuary cities". Especially, in the state that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi resides. Maybe, she will truly understand the benefits these Demo-frauds are trying to push. Maybe they will come to terms, maybe it was a "very bad idea" in the first place. Maybe, Amnesty isn't the answer; as they first thought.
there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution; seeking asylum is a natural right. the right wing doesn't care because this is not an abortion thread.
I believe if these "illegal" immigrants really want to come to the US, they should be put in those "sanctuary cities". Especially, in the state that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi resides. Maybe, she will truly understand the benefits these Demo-frauds are trying to push. Maybe they will come to terms, maybe it was a "very bad idea" in the first place. Maybe, Amnesty isn't the answer; as they first thought.
there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution; seeking asylum is a natural right. the right wing doesn't care because this is not an abortion thread.
Right wing doesn't care about stuff having nothing to do with abortion. Linkee please.
If Trump is really serious about letting arrested illegals go free in cities that welcome them, I'd think buying a bus ticket would be the way to go. LOL
Most of them arriving at these different cities won't stay there so what's the point ?
Well that's sort of more of the absurdity of Trump and the sanctuary cities things. Illegal aliens wherever they are will gravitate to cities where they have some personal support base. Once they are here an not incarcerated it's Hasta La Vista Baby
Not to worry...

First we isolate them in the inner cities...

Then we move in to sweep 'em up and ship 'em out...
The constitution does not limit an otherwise all powerful federal government, it empowers an otherwise impotent federal government. Is that not the conservative point of view? At least, it was until Donald urinated in a Gatorade bottle for your drinking pleasure.

No. If you listen to any conservative broadcaster, you'd realize that we believe the Constitution was not to empower government, the Constitution was created to limit government. That's why many conservatives (smaller government people) are for constitutionalism, and the Democrats (large overpowering government) are anti-constitutionalists.

So you're telling me that the federal government can do anything it wants, as long as the constitution doesn't prohibit it? No wonder Obamacare turned out to be constitutional.

Unfortunately, yes. Where in our Constitution does it prohibit programs like Cash for Clunkers? Where does it prohibit government air conditioners or basketball courts like during the Clinton administration? Where does it prohibit the 88 federal welfare programs that make more Americans irresponsible?

Our founders couldn't think of everything nor could they look into the future to see what Americans would do. If they could have, the Constitution would be 100 pages long with a lot of color picture so that Democrats could understand it too.
I guess I understand it differently. I dont view it as the government doesnt can do anything it wants as long as the constitution doesnt prohibit it, I understand it as the constitution lays out what the government is allowed to do, beyond that, it goes to the states and the people.

The Constitution charges what the federal government is to provide. However it doesn't limit it to just what's in there.

We who understand the intent of the Constitution also understand that those items listed in the document wouldn't be there if the founders intention were to allow the government to do anything they wanted.
I think you and I are saying the same thing lol. 18 powers assigned to the government. That's it. Anything further is delegated to the states and the. The people.

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