Why would it be wrong for the U.S to re-locate illegal immigrants to Sanctuary Cities?

Now they'll be stealing our prison jobs away too.
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?
So you support a Real ID act then?

How do you prove employers had an intent to hire illegals if the employees all had phony papers?

Unless they are computerized in the system, the employers really can't be held accountable, can they?

Simple fact is, most folks on the left don't want folks to have to be responsible for being ID'd. . . . for that very reason. You really can't let aliens off, AND blame the employer. CHOOSE ONE.

Correct. So let's say an employer doesn't give a job to a guy who speaks very broken English and from the south. Now it turns out the guy is an American citizen and sues the employer for discrimination.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
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The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?

I have a better idea: why not give five years to anybody who is caught here illegal?
Because those people are not coming here to "NOT WORK" -- and most of them don't come here and hire themselves...

Many of them (the dirty brown ones you don't like, not the others who overstay their Visas) -- come here to work for large agricultural corps, large hotel chains, etc --- how about we throw them in jail and see how quickly Republicans hop on the path to citizenship train...

Do you think Trump bitched out on closing the border because he just changed his mind on his own? No....his donors changed his mind for him because his donors enable illegal immigration more than anyone else

No, he was pressured from his peers because of the negative ramifications of closing the border such as trade.

We have an estimated 20 million illegals in this country. Do you mean to tell me they are all working illegally for American companies?

They don't come here just for jobs. They come here to have kids. Google the term Birther Tourism.

You want to throw Americans in jail and let the people who caused the problem to be left alone. How about we create a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison? Then you wouldn't have to worry about what employers do because they wouldn't be here in the first place, and that includes Visa overstays.
Fining the employers and deporting the illegal aliens is more cost effective.

We have no walls in some places on the southern border. What's stopping them from coming back and getting another (or the same) job? This is what we've been trying to explain to the left since this debate began. It does no good to keep bailing the water out of the boat unless you fix the hole where the water is coming in.
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?

I have a better idea: why not give five years to anybody who is caught here illegal?
Because those people are not coming here to "NOT WORK" -- and most of them don't come here and hire themselves...

Many of them (the dirty brown ones you don't like, not the others who overstay their Visas) -- come here to work for large agricultural corps, large hotel chains, etc --- how about we throw them in jail and see how quickly Republicans hop on the path to citizenship train...

Do you think Trump bitched out on closing the border because he just changed his mind on his own? No....his donors changed his mind for him because his donors enable illegal immigration more than anyone else

No, he was pressured from his peers because of the negative ramifications of closing the border such as trade.

We have an estimated 20 million illegals in this country. Do you mean to tell me they are all working illegally for American companies?

They don't come here just for jobs. They come here to have kids. Google the term Birther Tourism.

You want to throw Americans in jail and let the people who caused the problem to be left alone. How about we create a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison? Then you wouldn't have to worry about what employers do because they wouldn't be here in the first place, and that includes Visa overstays.
Fining the employers and deporting the illegal aliens is more cost effective.

We have no walls in some places on the southern border. What's stopping them from coming back and getting another (or the same) job? This is what we've been trying to explain to the left since this debate began. It does no good to keep bailing the water out of the boat unless you fix the hole where the water is coming in.

This happens very rarely with border jumpers. Mostly, it's from visa overstayers who just won't leave. They are found out, they disappear, reappear again, get discovered, disappear, repeat as necessary. I am not saying what you are saying doesn't happen but it's not the most common. We have a much larger problem with the over staying of Visas that has yet to be addressed.
I have a better idea: why not give five years to anybody who is caught here illegal?
Because those people are not coming here to "NOT WORK" -- and most of them don't come here and hire themselves...

Many of them (the dirty brown ones you don't like, not the others who overstay their Visas) -- come here to work for large agricultural corps, large hotel chains, etc --- how about we throw them in jail and see how quickly Republicans hop on the path to citizenship train...

Do you think Trump bitched out on closing the border because he just changed his mind on his own? No....his donors changed his mind for him because his donors enable illegal immigration more than anyone else

No, he was pressured from his peers because of the negative ramifications of closing the border such as trade.

We have an estimated 20 million illegals in this country. Do you mean to tell me they are all working illegally for American companies?

They don't come here just for jobs. They come here to have kids. Google the term Birther Tourism.

You want to throw Americans in jail and let the people who caused the problem to be left alone. How about we create a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison? Then you wouldn't have to worry about what employers do because they wouldn't be here in the first place, and that includes Visa overstays.
Fining the employers and deporting the illegal aliens is more cost effective.

We have no walls in some places on the southern border. What's stopping them from coming back and getting another (or the same) job? This is what we've been trying to explain to the left since this debate began. It does no good to keep bailing the water out of the boat unless you fix the hole where the water is coming in.

This happens very rarely with border jumpers. Mostly, it's from visa overstayers who just won't leave. They are found out, they disappear, reappear again, get discovered, disappear, repeat as necessary. I am not saying what you are saying doesn't happen but it's not the most common. We have a much larger problem with the over staying of Visas that has yet to be addressed.

I don't know how much you follow the news, but when illegals murder Americans, it's often pointed out how many times they were deported in the past. They just keep coming back.

The difference between Visa overstays and border jumpers is we at least have an idea who the Visa people are. These clowns coming over the border could be murderers, be carrying an infectious disease, may have criminal records from the country they came from. We can't even trust them when they give us their name.

That's why I say it's time to stop all immigrant problems, and create a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that carries a minimum five year prison sentence, and I do mean minimum. It can be much more than that.

That would retard border jumpers, stop Visa overstays, and remove the people who are currently here illegally.
Because those people are not coming here to "NOT WORK" -- and most of them don't come here and hire themselves...

Many of them (the dirty brown ones you don't like, not the others who overstay their Visas) -- come here to work for large agricultural corps, large hotel chains, etc --- how about we throw them in jail and see how quickly Republicans hop on the path to citizenship train...

Do you think Trump bitched out on closing the border because he just changed his mind on his own? No....his donors changed his mind for him because his donors enable illegal immigration more than anyone else

No, he was pressured from his peers because of the negative ramifications of closing the border such as trade.

We have an estimated 20 million illegals in this country. Do you mean to tell me they are all working illegally for American companies?

They don't come here just for jobs. They come here to have kids. Google the term Birther Tourism.

You want to throw Americans in jail and let the people who caused the problem to be left alone. How about we create a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison? Then you wouldn't have to worry about what employers do because they wouldn't be here in the first place, and that includes Visa overstays.
Fining the employers and deporting the illegal aliens is more cost effective.

We have no walls in some places on the southern border. What's stopping them from coming back and getting another (or the same) job? This is what we've been trying to explain to the left since this debate began. It does no good to keep bailing the water out of the boat unless you fix the hole where the water is coming in.

This happens very rarely with border jumpers. Mostly, it's from visa overstayers who just won't leave. They are found out, they disappear, reappear again, get discovered, disappear, repeat as necessary. I am not saying what you are saying doesn't happen but it's not the most common. We have a much larger problem with the over staying of Visas that has yet to be addressed.

I don't know how much you follow the news, but when illegals murder Americans, it's often pointed out how many times they were deported in the past. They just keep coming back.

The difference between Visa overstays and border jumpers is we at least have an idea who the Visa people are. These clowns coming over the border could be murderers, be carrying an infectious disease, may have criminal records from the country they came from. We can't even trust them when they give us their name.

That's why I say it's time to stop all immigrant problems, and create a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that carries a minimum five year prison sentence, and I do mean minimum. It can be much more than that.

That would retard border jumpers, stop Visa overstays, and remove the people who are currently here illegally.

I would agree on repeat offenders but not on first timers. First timers, just deport them, finger print them and let them know the second time it's a felony X class with a prison sentence. Funny thing is, some will opt for the prison sentence if their treatment in their country is worse than our federal prison but that can't be helped. The last thing we don't need is to jam up our prisons with first time offender illegal immigrants. Can you imagine saddling the prisons with a couple of million more prisoners.
When I live in the Denver, CO area, EVERY construction site was manned by Mexicans except for the foreman. Every landscaping crew, custodial crew, hotel workers, agriculture, etc. ALL Mexican, and I guarantee they were mostly illegal. Large, and small businesses hire them for pennies on the dollar, and that is why both Democrats and many Republicans support Open Borders (Amnesty) or at least not enforcing existing immigration law. Trump seems to be the only one.
The illegals last footstep before stepping into the USA was in Mexico, send them back, violently if possible and be done with them. If they come back, 5 years at hard labor automatically, then send them back.

You ever see what Mexico does to Americans in Mexico illegally?
How about we give 5 years of hard labor to anyone who hires illegals?

I have a better idea: why not give five years to anybody who is caught here illegal?
Because those people are not coming here to "NOT WORK" -- and most of them don't come here and hire themselves...

Many of them (the dirty brown ones you don't like, not the others who overstay their Visas) -- come here to work for large agricultural corps, large hotel chains, etc --- how about we throw them in jail and see how quickly Republicans hop on the path to citizenship train...

Do you think Trump bitched out on closing the border because he just changed his mind on his own? No....his donors changed his mind for him because his donors enable illegal immigration more than anyone else

Actually a lot of corporations balked. GM, Ford, and many others have production facilities in Mexico thanks to NAFTA. Closing the border means those products are at least delayed, and potentially stopped.

Also closing the border violates the USMC agreement that superseded NAFTA. So the Commerce and State Departments would have objected. Commerce arguing that it would cripple the US economy.
No, he was pressured from his peers because of the negative ramifications of closing the border such as trade.

We have an estimated 20 million illegals in this country. Do you mean to tell me they are all working illegally for American companies?

They don't come here just for jobs. They come here to have kids. Google the term Birther Tourism.

You want to throw Americans in jail and let the people who caused the problem to be left alone. How about we create a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison? Then you wouldn't have to worry about what employers do because they wouldn't be here in the first place, and that includes Visa overstays.
Fining the employers and deporting the illegal aliens is more cost effective.

We have no walls in some places on the southern border. What's stopping them from coming back and getting another (or the same) job? This is what we've been trying to explain to the left since this debate began. It does no good to keep bailing the water out of the boat unless you fix the hole where the water is coming in.

This happens very rarely with border jumpers. Mostly, it's from visa overstayers who just won't leave. They are found out, they disappear, reappear again, get discovered, disappear, repeat as necessary. I am not saying what you are saying doesn't happen but it's not the most common. We have a much larger problem with the over staying of Visas that has yet to be addressed.

I don't know how much you follow the news, but when illegals murder Americans, it's often pointed out how many times they were deported in the past. They just keep coming back.

The difference between Visa overstays and border jumpers is we at least have an idea who the Visa people are. These clowns coming over the border could be murderers, be carrying an infectious disease, may have criminal records from the country they came from. We can't even trust them when they give us their name.

That's why I say it's time to stop all immigrant problems, and create a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that carries a minimum five year prison sentence, and I do mean minimum. It can be much more than that.

That would retard border jumpers, stop Visa overstays, and remove the people who are currently here illegally.

I would agree on repeat offenders but not on first timers. First timers, just deport them, finger print them and let them know the second time it's a felony X class with a prison sentence. Funny thing is, some will opt for the prison sentence if their treatment in their country is worse than our federal prison but that can't be helped. The last thing we don't need is to jam up our prisons with first time offender illegal immigrants. Can you imagine saddling the prisons with a couple of million more prisoners.

The idea of a penalty is to provide a deterrent. Right now we have little.

I don't care how bad it is where you are from, the worst thing in the world is living in a cage. I don't think we would be filling many prison cells. What I think is we would have the same results that Arizona did when they started their own immigration policies. Everybody got the hell out of the state until DumBama had the courts rescind their new laws.
When I live in the Denver, CO area, EVERY construction site was manned by Mexicans except for the foreman. Every landscaping crew, custodial crew, hotel workers, agriculture, etc. ALL Mexican, and I guarantee they were mostly illegal. Large, and small businesses hire them for pennies on the dollar, and that is why both Democrats and many Republicans support Open Borders (Amnesty) or at least not enforcing existing immigration law. Trump seems to be the only one.

And trump is lying about it as well. Trump Industries could not exist without them as well.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.

They know the reason why. It's that they cant be assimilated quickly enough if they are dropped off here 10s of thousands at a time. They know cities like SF already have a huge homeless population not to mention all of California when it comes to that, they know schools will be swamped with 80 kids per teacher and half the class not speaking english well if at all, they know social services and housing programs will be hit to quickly, hospitals will have lines out the doors, and they have no idea if these immigrants will have diseases like measles or TB.
yes, they dont want any of these problems en mass, yet the people who run these cities are just fine with the rest of the country absorbing it all, even though it has the same negative effect, just slower.
After all since immigrants commit crimes much lower than native Americans, and work much harder than native Americans, you would think it would only be a net positive for 70,000 Honduran refugees to unload there next week.
Fining the employers and deporting the illegal aliens is more cost effective.

We have no walls in some places on the southern border. What's stopping them from coming back and getting another (or the same) job? This is what we've been trying to explain to the left since this debate began. It does no good to keep bailing the water out of the boat unless you fix the hole where the water is coming in.

This happens very rarely with border jumpers. Mostly, it's from visa overstayers who just won't leave. They are found out, they disappear, reappear again, get discovered, disappear, repeat as necessary. I am not saying what you are saying doesn't happen but it's not the most common. We have a much larger problem with the over staying of Visas that has yet to be addressed.

I don't know how much you follow the news, but when illegals murder Americans, it's often pointed out how many times they were deported in the past. They just keep coming back.

The difference between Visa overstays and border jumpers is we at least have an idea who the Visa people are. These clowns coming over the border could be murderers, be carrying an infectious disease, may have criminal records from the country they came from. We can't even trust them when they give us their name.

That's why I say it's time to stop all immigrant problems, and create a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that carries a minimum five year prison sentence, and I do mean minimum. It can be much more than that.

That would retard border jumpers, stop Visa overstays, and remove the people who are currently here illegally.

I would agree on repeat offenders but not on first timers. First timers, just deport them, finger print them and let them know the second time it's a felony X class with a prison sentence. Funny thing is, some will opt for the prison sentence if their treatment in their country is worse than our federal prison but that can't be helped. The last thing we don't need is to jam up our prisons with first time offender illegal immigrants. Can you imagine saddling the prisons with a couple of million more prisoners.

The idea of a penalty is to provide a deterrent. Right now we have little.

I don't care how bad it is where you are from, the worst thing in the world is living in a cage. I don't think we would be filling many prison cells. What I think is we would have the same results that Arizona did when they started their own immigration policies. Everybody got the hell out of the state until DumBama had the courts rescind their new laws.

First step to communicating with me is to lose the Obama hatred. Until you do, I really don't wish to give you a platform for your hatred. Obama is gone, Trump is here. Get the friggin over it. Now, retype that without the hate.
We have no walls in some places on the southern border. What's stopping them from coming back and getting another (or the same) job? This is what we've been trying to explain to the left since this debate began. It does no good to keep bailing the water out of the boat unless you fix the hole where the water is coming in.

This happens very rarely with border jumpers. Mostly, it's from visa overstayers who just won't leave. They are found out, they disappear, reappear again, get discovered, disappear, repeat as necessary. I am not saying what you are saying doesn't happen but it's not the most common. We have a much larger problem with the over staying of Visas that has yet to be addressed.

I don't know how much you follow the news, but when illegals murder Americans, it's often pointed out how many times they were deported in the past. They just keep coming back.

The difference between Visa overstays and border jumpers is we at least have an idea who the Visa people are. These clowns coming over the border could be murderers, be carrying an infectious disease, may have criminal records from the country they came from. We can't even trust them when they give us their name.

That's why I say it's time to stop all immigrant problems, and create a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that carries a minimum five year prison sentence, and I do mean minimum. It can be much more than that.

That would retard border jumpers, stop Visa overstays, and remove the people who are currently here illegally.

I would agree on repeat offenders but not on first timers. First timers, just deport them, finger print them and let them know the second time it's a felony X class with a prison sentence. Funny thing is, some will opt for the prison sentence if their treatment in their country is worse than our federal prison but that can't be helped. The last thing we don't need is to jam up our prisons with first time offender illegal immigrants. Can you imagine saddling the prisons with a couple of million more prisoners.

The idea of a penalty is to provide a deterrent. Right now we have little.

I don't care how bad it is where you are from, the worst thing in the world is living in a cage. I don't think we would be filling many prison cells. What I think is we would have the same results that Arizona did when they started their own immigration policies. Everybody got the hell out of the state until DumBama had the courts rescind their new laws.

First step to communicating with me is to lose the Obama hatred. Until you do, I really don't wish to give you a platform for your hatred. Obama is gone, Trump is here. Get the friggin over it. Now, retype that without the hate.

Don't tell me what to do. You don't like what I say, simply don't respond. It's quite easy.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.

They know the reason why. It's that they cant be assimilated quickly enough if they are dropped off here 10s of thousands at a time. They know cities like SF already have a huge homeless population not to mention all of California when it comes to that, they know schools will be swamped with 80 kids per teacher and half the class not speaking english well if at all, they know social services and housing programs will be hit to quickly, hospitals will have lines out the doors, and they have no idea if these immigrants will have diseases like measles or TB.
yes, they dont want any of these problems en mass, yet the people who run these cities are just fine with the rest of the country absorbing it all, even though it has the same negative effect, just slower.
After all since immigrants commit crimes much lower than native Americans, and work much harder than native Americans, you would think it would only be a net positive for 70,000 Honduran refugees to unload there next week.

For the Democrats, their goal right now is quite clear to those with the guts to see it.

They want to make white people a minority in this country for the first time in her history. But that doesn't mean they wish to do so in their areas alone. That defeats their entire purpose which is to make this a single-party nation forever. Confined to Democrat areas, immigrants are not as useful to them as when they are spread across the country.
Liberals were all for sanctuary cities Solely for the purpose of raising conservative hackles. The moment we decided to fully participate, they don’t want nothing to do with no Mexicans.
This happens very rarely with border jumpers. Mostly, it's from visa overstayers who just won't leave. They are found out, they disappear, reappear again, get discovered, disappear, repeat as necessary. I am not saying what you are saying doesn't happen but it's not the most common. We have a much larger problem with the over staying of Visas that has yet to be addressed.

I don't know how much you follow the news, but when illegals murder Americans, it's often pointed out how many times they were deported in the past. They just keep coming back.

The difference between Visa overstays and border jumpers is we at least have an idea who the Visa people are. These clowns coming over the border could be murderers, be carrying an infectious disease, may have criminal records from the country they came from. We can't even trust them when they give us their name.

That's why I say it's time to stop all immigrant problems, and create a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that carries a minimum five year prison sentence, and I do mean minimum. It can be much more than that.

That would retard border jumpers, stop Visa overstays, and remove the people who are currently here illegally.

I would agree on repeat offenders but not on first timers. First timers, just deport them, finger print them and let them know the second time it's a felony X class with a prison sentence. Funny thing is, some will opt for the prison sentence if their treatment in their country is worse than our federal prison but that can't be helped. The last thing we don't need is to jam up our prisons with first time offender illegal immigrants. Can you imagine saddling the prisons with a couple of million more prisoners.

The idea of a penalty is to provide a deterrent. Right now we have little.

I don't care how bad it is where you are from, the worst thing in the world is living in a cage. I don't think we would be filling many prison cells. What I think is we would have the same results that Arizona did when they started their own immigration policies. Everybody got the hell out of the state until DumBama had the courts rescind their new laws.

First step to communicating with me is to lose the Obama hatred. Until you do, I really don't wish to give you a platform for your hatred. Obama is gone, Trump is here. Get the friggin over it. Now, retype that without the hate.

Don't tell me what to do. You don't like what I say, simply don't respond. It's quite easy.

Wow, a "You aren't my Daddy" response. How adult of you, child.

If you had posted without the "I Hate Obama" crap, I think we might have come to an agreement. But instead, you just go and show you have no adult qualities worth discussing. Too bad. You really should have taken the advice.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.

Sanctuary cities are merely gateways to the rest of us. They'll take them alright, and then in the dead of night, bus them to red states so that illegals can elect our officials going forward.
They are already doing this anyway.
I don't know how much you follow the news, but when illegals murder Americans, it's often pointed out how many times they were deported in the past. They just keep coming back.

The difference between Visa overstays and border jumpers is we at least have an idea who the Visa people are. These clowns coming over the border could be murderers, be carrying an infectious disease, may have criminal records from the country they came from. We can't even trust them when they give us their name.

That's why I say it's time to stop all immigrant problems, and create a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that carries a minimum five year prison sentence, and I do mean minimum. It can be much more than that.

That would retard border jumpers, stop Visa overstays, and remove the people who are currently here illegally.

I would agree on repeat offenders but not on first timers. First timers, just deport them, finger print them and let them know the second time it's a felony X class with a prison sentence. Funny thing is, some will opt for the prison sentence if their treatment in their country is worse than our federal prison but that can't be helped. The last thing we don't need is to jam up our prisons with first time offender illegal immigrants. Can you imagine saddling the prisons with a couple of million more prisoners.

The idea of a penalty is to provide a deterrent. Right now we have little.

I don't care how bad it is where you are from, the worst thing in the world is living in a cage. I don't think we would be filling many prison cells. What I think is we would have the same results that Arizona did when they started their own immigration policies. Everybody got the hell out of the state until DumBama had the courts rescind their new laws.

First step to communicating with me is to lose the Obama hatred. Until you do, I really don't wish to give you a platform for your hatred. Obama is gone, Trump is here. Get the friggin over it. Now, retype that without the hate.

Don't tell me what to do. You don't like what I say, simply don't respond. It's quite easy.

Wow, a "You aren't my Daddy" response. How adult of you, child.

If you had posted without the "I Hate Obama" crap, I think we might have come to an agreement. But instead, you just go and show you have no adult qualities worth discussing. Too bad. You really should have taken the advice.

I don't come here to discuss issues on your terms like you don't come here to discuss issues on my terms. If you don't like me insulting your hero, then don't carry on the conversation. If I don't like something you say, I'm not going to lay out my set of rules. I'l just quit responding.
This happens very rarely with border jumpers. Mostly, it's from visa overstayers who just won't leave. They are found out, they disappear, reappear again, get discovered, disappear, repeat as necessary. I am not saying what you are saying doesn't happen but it's not the most common. We have a much larger problem with the over staying of Visas that has yet to be addressed.

I don't know how much you follow the news, but when illegals murder Americans, it's often pointed out how many times they were deported in the past. They just keep coming back.

The difference between Visa overstays and border jumpers is we at least have an idea who the Visa people are. These clowns coming over the border could be murderers, be carrying an infectious disease, may have criminal records from the country they came from. We can't even trust them when they give us their name.

That's why I say it's time to stop all immigrant problems, and create a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that carries a minimum five year prison sentence, and I do mean minimum. It can be much more than that.

That would retard border jumpers, stop Visa overstays, and remove the people who are currently here illegally.

I would agree on repeat offenders but not on first timers. First timers, just deport them, finger print them and let them know the second time it's a felony X class with a prison sentence. Funny thing is, some will opt for the prison sentence if their treatment in their country is worse than our federal prison but that can't be helped. The last thing we don't need is to jam up our prisons with first time offender illegal immigrants. Can you imagine saddling the prisons with a couple of million more prisoners.

The idea of a penalty is to provide a deterrent. Right now we have little.

I don't care how bad it is where you are from, the worst thing in the world is living in a cage. I don't think we would be filling many prison cells. What I think is we would have the same results that Arizona did when they started their own immigration policies. Everybody got the hell out of the state until DumBama had the courts rescind their new laws.

First step to communicating with me is to lose the Obama hatred. Until you do, I really don't wish to give you a platform for your hatred. Obama is gone, Trump is here. Get the friggin over it. Now, retype that without the hate.

Don't tell me what to do. You don't like what I say, simply don't respond. It's quite easy.

But you're telling him what to do.
I would agree on repeat offenders but not on first timers. First timers, just deport them, finger print them and let them know the second time it's a felony X class with a prison sentence. Funny thing is, some will opt for the prison sentence if their treatment in their country is worse than our federal prison but that can't be helped. The last thing we don't need is to jam up our prisons with first time offender illegal immigrants. Can you imagine saddling the prisons with a couple of million more prisoners.

The idea of a penalty is to provide a deterrent. Right now we have little.

I don't care how bad it is where you are from, the worst thing in the world is living in a cage. I don't think we would be filling many prison cells. What I think is we would have the same results that Arizona did when they started their own immigration policies. Everybody got the hell out of the state until DumBama had the courts rescind their new laws.

First step to communicating with me is to lose the Obama hatred. Until you do, I really don't wish to give you a platform for your hatred. Obama is gone, Trump is here. Get the friggin over it. Now, retype that without the hate.

Don't tell me what to do. You don't like what I say, simply don't respond. It's quite easy.

Wow, a "You aren't my Daddy" response. How adult of you, child.

If you had posted without the "I Hate Obama" crap, I think we might have come to an agreement. But instead, you just go and show you have no adult qualities worth discussing. Too bad. You really should have taken the advice.

I don't come here to discuss issues on your terms like you don't come here to discuss issues on my terms. If you don't like me insulting your hero, then don't carry on the conversation. If I don't like something you say, I'm not going to lay out my set of rules. I'l just quit responding.

Until you prefaced your comment with your "I Hate Obama" we had some common ground. Then you blew it all to hell. You seem to believe that anyone not towing exactly the tight line you think we all should are "Stinking Liberals". Well, cupcake, got news for you, there are one hell of a lot more of us Moderates that don't agree completely with either of you fringe nutcases than there are of you. You enjoy the ride right now but in the near future, the free ride you are enjoying is coming to an abrupt end. If you think your behavior is normal, it's not and never has been. In the last few years, your bunch has just gotten worse. The majority of us are tired of the song and dance and are going to put an end to it by putting your "Representatives" in office out to pasture. And I don't mean by automatically electing just Democrats either. The bulk of the Democrats that were elected into the House are moderates, not fringe. You only hear the fringes. The new Republicans that were elected into the house were also moderates. Regardless of party, we are taking back America. You know, the one you people on the fringes of both sides have broken. It's time to fix America.

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