Why would it be wrong for the U.S to re-locate illegal immigrants to Sanctuary Cities?

Then Democrats should proactively embrace all illegals into their sanctuary cities. I don’t want them to be thrown into a wood chopper. I want them to respect US law and process.

I would like a law that doesn’t allow for kidnapping and kids having to defend themselves in court.

I would like a strong vetting process so that kids who have been kidnapped and trafficked in can be protected.

We’re the ones kidnapping kids

No, the human traffickers and the people using kids who are not their kids to get in. But, you do come from the side of Blame America First.

Nah, I just think kidnapping children and putting them in cages is wrong

When did you register your complaint with the Obama Administration?
I would like a strong vetting process so that kids who have been kidnapped and trafficked in can be protected.

We’re the ones kidnapping kids

No, the human traffickers and the people using kids who are not their kids to get in. But, you do come from the side of Blame America First.

Nah, I just think kidnapping children and putting them in cages is wrong

Did you whine when Barry did it?

Under President Obama, it was a bug. Under your blob, it’s a feature that his supporters enjoy

So, you're saying it wasn't a problem when the Obama Administration did it, but it's a problem now?

That's just sad.
Well really they should go to the most unpopulated states first, like Wyoming. They perhaps can open a factory there. They need more people.

No, they should go to your State and actually to your house and you should welcome them in and remember you support their right to illegally come here...
there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.

we should also not be spending as much on prisons as we do; we have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
Execute criminals without appeal. If they are judged to be unsafe to release execute them. Prison problem solved.
Militia service could reform many, and be an alternative form of serving time.

I would not arm the majority of the idiots in State and County jails...
but you would incur the cost of building new prisons?
Upgrading Ellis Island is a more equitable solution under the common law.

Putting them on Ellis Island? Restrict their movements? What an evil person you are. If we send them to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Fresno, Anaheim or other Sanctuary cities, they will be happier, the only issue as no lefty will employee them while they are still non-citizens, so that would be an issue. Other than that the left loves and welcomes them.
Ellis Island could process thousands per day; we should have no refugee problem on our southern border.
Well really they should go to the most unpopulated states first, like Wyoming. They perhaps can open a factory there. They need more people.

No, they should go to your State and actually to your house and you should welcome them in and remember you support their right to illegally come here...
there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.

we should also not be spending as much on prisons as we do; we have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
Execute criminals without appeal. If they are judged to be unsafe to release execute them. Prison problem solved.
Militia service could reform many, and be an alternative form of serving time.

Giving criminals guns sounds like a really bad idea to me.
not with our extra-Constitutional and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; most should be able to apply for expungement.
We’re the ones kidnapping kids

No, the human traffickers and the people using kids who are not their kids to get in. But, you do come from the side of Blame America First.

What is so frustrating is they traffic these poor kids into the US, then the kids are kept by the US to protect the kids, then you get these left wing nuts that just distort what is actually going on to gain political points.

In many cases the kids don't belong to the adults. They were paid to bring them here.

These people in central and south America are not geniuses, otherwise they'd be living in a better country and have no need to come here. Authorities know what questions to ask of kids that they should know about their parents, and vice-versa.

When they determine that their answers are suspicious, US authorities look to find shelter for these kids either by relatives living in the US or at the very least, people from their country who live here.

It's amazing how you can make all these accusations with no proof. Only a small group of people have been suspected of human trafficking.

You accuse me of no proof and try and slip the notion that the group was “small”. Empirically speaking, given that you could care less about the small group ( aka “minority”), what are the real numbers or what is your definition of small “is is”?

"But experts have said that Trump's comments on human trafficking aren't exactly in line with current statistics. Founder and president of the Washington, D.C.-based Human Trafficking Legal Center Martina Vandenberg told CNN that the majority of human trafficking victims in the United States — roughly two thirds — are actually U.S. citizens. What's more, Vandenberg said that the majority of foreign-born human trafficking victims come into the United States legally on visas."

Trump Claimed A Border Wall Could Stop Human Trafficking — But These Stats Say Otherwise
don't know how they do it in Canada where she's from, but our President doesn't have the time to do perform or oversee every single function of the federal government. She probably knows that, but puts his name in there to make it look like it's all his doing.

The point she made, which went over your head, is that if we put an emphasis on enforcement on employers, the problem would be solved. Companies know who they are hiring.

That's the catch. The GOP and their One Percent masters don't want to end illegal immigration... they just want to keep you mad about it.

But your illegal Mexican cleaning lady is off limits right?

We’re the ones kidnapping kids

No, the human traffickers and the people using kids who are not their kids to get in. But, you do come from the side of Blame America First.

What is so frustrating is they traffic these poor kids into the US, then the kids are kept by the US to protect the kids, then you get these left wing nuts that just distort what is actually going on to gain political points.

In many cases the kids don't belong to the adults. They were paid to bring them here.

These people in central and south America are not geniuses, otherwise they'd be living in a better country and have no need to come here. Authorities know what questions to ask of kids that they should know about their parents, and vice-versa.

When they determine that their answers are suspicious, US authorities look to find shelter for these kids either by relatives living in the US or at the very least, people from their country who live here.

It's amazing how you can make all these accusations with no proof. Only a small group of people have been suspected of human trafficking.

The National Human Trafficking Hotline, a venture supported by federal money and operated by the anti-trafficking group Polaris , began tracking individual victim records in 2015. From January through June 31, 2018, it tracked 35,000 potential victims. Of those, there was a near equal distribution between foreigners on one hand and U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents on the other.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump on human trafficking

Most of the labor trafficking victims were foreign, and most of the sex trafficking victims were U.S. citizens. Of foreign nationals, Mexico had the most frequently trafficked.

Here is another part of it.

"His administration has not supplied evidence that women and girls are smuggled by the “thousands” across remote areas of the border for these purposes. What has been established is nearly 80 percent of international trafficking victims cross through legal ports of entry, a flow that would not be stopped by a border wall."
To those misunderstanding disgust at Trump wanting to dump immigrants in our cities. We’re fine with them.
It’s you we want gone.

Spoken like a true Commie. The DNC would be proud of your stance.
Better red than dead ,,,,,,,or republican

The problem with you leftists is you actually believe you own this country. You don't. You want to turn us into one of those other shithole Socialist countries, but never pack your bags to move there yourself.

But if it were up to me, I would divide this country right in half. A line from somewhere in Minnesota to Texas. Then conservative live on one side and liberals on the other. Nothing would make me happier. Then we will build a huge Trump wall so you can't get to our side.

That's the way to settle our many differences in this country. Plus never having to tolerate liberal idiocy would make life a whole lot better for most of us.
Just need to wall off California and NY.

"California's economy has surpassed that of the United Kingdom to become the world's fifth largest, according to new federal data made public Friday. California's gross domestic product rose by $127 billion from 2016 to 2017, surpassing $2.7 trillion, the data said.May 5, 2018"

"Residents in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York have some of the highest tax bills in the nation. They also pay thousands more in federal taxes than their state receives back in federal funding."

The Top Four Reasons California Is Unsustainable
Spoken like a true Commie. The DNC would be proud of your stance.
Better red than dead ,,,,,,,or republican

The problem with you leftists is you actually believe you own this country. You don't. You want to turn us into one of those other shithole Socialist countries, but never pack your bags to move there yourself.

But if it were up to me, I would divide this country right in half. A line from somewhere in Minnesota to Texas. Then conservative live on one side and liberals on the other. Nothing would make me happier. Then we will build a huge Trump wall so you can't get to our side.

That's the way to settle our many differences in this country. Plus never having to tolerate liberal idiocy would make life a whole lot better for most of us.
Just need to wall off California and NY.

"California's economy has surpassed that of the United Kingdom to become the world's fifth largest, according to new federal data made public Friday. California's gross domestic product rose by $127 billion from 2016 to 2017, surpassing $2.7 trillion, the data said.May 5, 2018"

"Residents in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York have some of the highest tax bills in the nation. They also pay thousands more in federal taxes than their state receives back in federal funding."

The Top Four Reasons California Is Unsustainable
Tax cut economics is why California is unsustainable. We were running budget surpluses until the right wing insisted on tax cut economics.
Seems like something Nixon would do

Even Nixon was not this slick. Trump just made a move to checkmate. If Democrats don't give him a problem, they will pollute their cities and states and drive them into bankruptcy. If they resist like they are doing now, it will show what hypocrites the Democrats are.

It's a win-win for Trump, so why shouldn't he do it?

Perhaps he should not of said at every rally how he is going to build a wall during his campaign, so the people came before the wall goes up. They do not know he isn't getting his wall.

He created this.

That's not why they are coming here. They are coming here because of the huge Welcome mat that the Democrats put on our border; the Democrat politicians, the Democrat appointed judges, the Democrat constituency base.........

Speaking of the wall, the Democrat put a stop to that too, yet we have more and more illegals crossing the border because the Democrats managed to flood our facilities and we have no choice but to let these people go into the country to bring harm to you and your family.

This is so grand, Do you know what this hypocrisy reminds me of?

Kennedys, Kochs help kill planned wind farm off Cape Cod

They are coming here because of the drug cartels. These drug cartels are fueled by American dollars. There is no evidence they pose any danger to the country.

There isn't?

One in five US prison inmates is a 'criminal alien'

Illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born: Study

You cite a opinion piece by Sheryl Attkinsson who is hardly a non-partisan. It shows only that figures can lie and liars figure. The other piece is by Lott another Trump supporter.

"Although Lott says his study is unique because “for the first time” he was able to differentiate between immigrants in the country legally and illegally, that claim was contested by Nowrasteh of the Cato Institute. Nowrasteh argues Lott’s study contains a “fatal flaw” in its assumption that it was able to “identify illegal immigrants” from the data. The Washington Post Fact Checker did a deep dive on the arguments and counterarguments about the validity of the study."

Worth noting that Cato is a libertarian think-tank.

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org
More importantly, if some are so upset at this idea they will work REALLY hard to fix the problem and support Trumps efforts in doing so.

He is calling out the hypocrisy obviously and you can be sure those citizens living in these Sanctuary Cities will take a vastly different perspective of this and their elected leaders if they see the numbers increase.

I don't think it's a bad or unjust choice at all. Trump has to outplay and expose those who won't support the policies he was elected on. Can you imagine Hollywood fools rethinking their position when there are tents outside their mansions?

Also, when someone says "we are a nation of immigrants", it's so disingenuous. Of course you are, but they didn't enter illegally. You controlled who entered and who could be emigrate. Many legal immigrants are probably asking themselves, "why did I go through the hassle?". Some probably still in the long process who have resentment for those who enter your country illegally.

I think what Trump should do is have Ben Carson buy up homes in the same area of all these do-good Democrats and put those people there. I'm sure Piglosi would love to have one or two dozen living on her street.

The Congress would have to authorize such a program.

No, Congress only authorizes the funds which HUD already has. It's up to the HUD director how those funds are spent.

No it is not. The HUD Director is not a king. He cannot buy up houses unless Congress approves. You really need to go back to school.
Seems like something Nixon would do

Even Nixon was not this slick. Trump just made a move to checkmate. If Democrats don't give him a problem, they will pollute their cities and states and drive them into bankruptcy. If they resist like they are doing now, it will show what hypocrites the Democrats are.

It's a win-win for Trump, so why shouldn't he do it?

Perhaps he should not of said at every rally how he is going to build a wall during his campaign, so the people came before the wall goes up. They do not know he isn't getting his wall.

He created this.

That's not why they are coming here. They are coming here because of the huge Welcome mat that the Democrats put on our border; the Democrat politicians, the Democrat appointed judges, the Democrat constituency base.........

Speaking of the wall, the Democrat put a stop to that too, yet we have more and more illegals crossing the border because the Democrats managed to flood our facilities and we have no choice but to let these people go into the country to bring harm to you and your family.

This is so grand, Do you know what this hypocrisy reminds me of?

Kennedys, Kochs help kill planned wind farm off Cape Cod

They are coming here because of the drug cartels. These drug cartels are fueled by American dollars. There is no evidence they pose any danger to the country.

We can take what we can take for asylum seekers, we are under no obligation to take them all and many are turned away, just like many other countries do.

There is plenty of room in this country. Other countries were not built on being a haven for people in fear of their lives as this country.
Because it is an abuse of power to single out particular cities for partisan retribution.

Your dear leader flew people all over the country, many were housed at military bases in MA, OK and CA.


Yes, in fact that is what is normally done. Unlike your Dear Leader who is talking about singling our specific places for retribution.

How is giving them what they asked for retribution? Theys loves themselves some illegals.

You know it is. That is why you support it.

We don’t need this sort of governance.

We don't need city and State governments harboring illegals either.


They are not harboring illegals. Maybe you need to learn the definition, "give a home or shelter to." Not asking about immigration status or not cooperating with ICE is not harboring them.
Trumpybear doesn't know the difference between an illegal immigrant and a refugee!

Red meat for the base.

They appear to be just a stupid.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
Because it is an abuse of power to single out particular cities for partisan retribution.

How is it retribution?

The left support these people coming here anyway they can get them. They tell us these are wonderful family people only looking to support themselves. But now that Trump wants to give the left what they want, it's considered punishment by the liberals?

Well if you consider this punishment, then what you are saying is that Democrats want to punish the entire country by letting these people in.

It is clearly political retribution. Even you recognize that. Do really think an action like that by the POTUS is appropriate?

“Those people” are amnesty seekers. That is a legal, not illegal status. Do you and Trump have a problem with legal immigrants?

No, why do you?

Please explain to me how it's retribution when Trump puts these people in liberal cities and it's not retribution when Democrats put them everywhere else. If these people being in our country is a negative, then they should not be in our country period. If they are not a negative as Democrats claim, they should have no problem welcoming in all those asylum seekers.

If Hillary were President, and she got disgusted with the Republicans demand for lower corporate taxes, and she allowed lower corporate taxes in red and purple states, how would that be retribution to Republicans? We would welcome such a move by the President.

Trump is admitting that he wants to put these refugees in sanctuary cities solely because they are sanctuary cities. That is political retribution. There is no evidence Democrats have ever done the same. Obama sent refugees to red and blue states. There is no evidence they are against taking their fair share.
I don't understand the counter argument. How is this political when the same politicians are welcoming such illegal immigration, giving them free stuff they don't even give Americans and refuse to fix the problem?

It's honestly mind boggling that anyone who openly supports Sanctuary Cities would be against this idea. It makes perfect sense. The places that want illegal immigration and defend them can now have an unlimited supply. Other communities that don't want lawlessness and breaching of their sovereignty will be void of it.
Because it is an abuse of power to single out particular cities for partisan retribution.

How is it retribution?

The left support these people coming here anyway they can get them. They tell us these are wonderful family people only looking to support themselves. But now that Trump wants to give the left what they want, it's considered punishment by the liberals?

Well if you consider this punishment, then what you are saying is that Democrats want to punish the entire country by letting these people in.

It is clearly political retribution. Even you recognize that. Do really think an action like that by the POTUS is appropriate?

“Those people” are amnesty seekers. That is a legal, not illegal status. Do you and Trump have a problem with legal immigrants?

No, why do you?

Please explain to me how it's retribution when Trump puts these people in liberal cities and it's not retribution when Democrats put them everywhere else. If these people being in our country is a negative, then they should not be in our country period. If they are not a negative as Democrats claim, they should have no problem welcoming in all those asylum seekers.

If Hillary were President, and she got disgusted with the Republicans demand for lower corporate taxes, and she allowed lower corporate taxes in red and purple states, how would that be retribution to Republicans? We would welcome such a move by the President.

Trump is admitting that he wants to put these refugees in sanctuary cities solely because they are sanctuary cities. That is political retribution. There is no evidence Democrats have ever done the same. Obama sent refugees to red and blue states. There is no evidence they are against taking their fair share.

I thought Trump stopped "catch and release."

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