Why wouldn't Jesus...

You are nothing if not delirious. See sparky..I was gonna leave quietly but then you had to open up your crazy pie hole. Do you really want to debate me on your hypocritical filthy blood sucking pedophile protecting fear mongering fairy tale religion?

Sure...why not? Ad hominem bigotry void of any demonstrable truth is easily handled.

What is that?... your new word for the day?

Here is your demonstrable proof. Existance in itself puts the burden of proof on the subject deemed in existance. There is no proof of the existance of god ..therefore god does not exist. It is not the responsibility of those not seeing, touching..or hearing a god to prove it does not exist.

In reality......those that CHARGE other people of lying...aka the prosecutor, must PROVE their charges. Do you expect 'I'....a straw person, who did not write one word in the Holy Scriptures...nor claim to have personally witnessed anything therein, to defend something that I did not personally see? I can believe that...but I am obligated to prove nothing. On the other hand...if you accuse something or someone, according to all common law offered in any civilized culture...YOU must PROVE those words you are accusing of being false by providing DEMONSTRABLE, OBSERVABLE, EMPIRICAL evidence that PROVES those words are errant from the truth. Or are you taking the ALINSKY position? YOUR CHARGES are enough to convict UNTIL those that YOU CHARGE can PROVE YOUR CHARGES TO BE WRONG....a total inversion of the TRUTH.

It becomes clear.....you have been a victim of indoctrination, in order for you to believe A LIE. Which is nothing unusual for an immoral atheist.
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Here is your demonstrable proof. Existance in itself puts the burden of proof on the subject deemed in existance. There is no proof of the existance of god ..therefore god does not exist. It is not the responsibility of those not seeing, touching..or hearing a god to prove it does not exist.

Simply because mankind has not yet proven the existence of God does not mean that God does not exist. We could not prove 200 years ago that atoms exist because we didn't have the technological means to do so. But that did not mean atoms did not exist.
Here is your demonstrable proof. Existance in itself puts the burden of proof on the subject deemed in existance. There is no proof of the existance of god ..therefore god does not exist. It is not the responsibility of those not seeing, touching..or hearing a god to prove it does not exist.

Simply because mankind has not yet proven the existence of God does not mean that God does not exist. We could not prove 200 years ago that atoms exist because we didn't have the technological means to do so. But that did not mean atoms did not exist.

Truth does not always have to come from OBSERVED empirical evidences...there are certain things that are true because they are SELF EVIDENT. For instance, it is true the Universe had a beginning. How do we know this? Because Physical Science which can be observed examples the expansion of the universe and confirms the Physical Fact that the Universe will one day Die...thus, even though we did not observe the beginning or the birth of the universe we know there was a beginning because if something is observed dying by degree....we know such cannot be eternal. Thus we can say by the Prima Facie evidence that is observed....we believe beyond a REASON of a DOUBT there was a beginning....and such is said to be TRUE because no one can offer any evidence to the contrary to ESTABLISH DOUBT.

By Such prima facie evidence The Christian can KNOW beyond the reason of a DOUBT that God does exist via exampling the Objective evidence that support that existence. For example, the words revealed in the Holy Scriptures that are self professed to be inspired by God. If they were indeed inspired by God those words would be infallible and incapable of being debunked as truth. And as of this date...there is no evidence offered by PHYSICAL SCIENCE or History Actual that can debunk any professed truth in the Holy Scriptures. Thus, by this example of PRIMA FACIE evidence....I can have Faith BEYOND THE REASON of a DOUBT.......God inspired those words.

Another example of FAITH that can be stated as TRUTH is the fact of convicting a criminal of a certain CHARGE. The Jury must have FAITH in the testimony of the witnesses that present condemning testimony because NONE of the 12 Jurors actually witnessed any crime. Thus they have FAITH in the testimony as being TRUE beyond the REASON of a DOUBT. It would be up to the defense counsel to present Empirically Observed Evidence that would DEBUNK that testimony and CAUSE DOUBT....if not, that witness stands as TRUTH. If it is not truth.....just how many people have been unjustly charged throughout history?
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As to the second part of your question, the answer is because just supporting these current bills is NOT helping the poor. The only people who will truly be doing Jesus' work are the rich who knowing this bill will cost them personally still support it.
I wasn't thinking about health care when I posed the original question but I have to address your points above.

Just supporting health care affordability for all is NOT helping the poor? Really?

What about the middle class and the lower classes that know this bill will cost them personally...don't they get brownie points from Jesus, too? I think they would.

This is actually why I've never begrudged paying taxes. Sitting through all those Sunday sermons at least instilled a sense of feeling for the rest of the people I share the country with and I've never had a problem contributing to the welfare of the country as a whole or individuals.

Guess that means I'm going straight through the Pearly gates! :eusa_angel:

Christ wanted People to be Charitable on their own, not by Force of Man's Law...

If you can Illustrate that it was any other way Using Scripture, then Please, Inform the Class...


As to the second part of your question, the answer is because just supporting these current bills is NOT helping the poor. The only people who will truly be doing Jesus' work are the rich who knowing this bill will cost them personally still support it.
I wasn't thinking about health care when I posed the original question but I have to address your points above.

Just supporting health care affordability for all is NOT helping the poor? Really?

What about the middle class and the lower classes that know this bill will cost them personally...don't they get brownie points from Jesus, too? I think they would.

This is actually why I've never begrudged paying taxes. Sitting through all those Sunday sermons at least instilled a sense of feeling for the rest of the people I share the country with and I've never had a problem contributing to the welfare of the country as a whole or individuals.

Guess that means I'm going straight through the Pearly gates! :eusa_angel:

Christ wanted People to be Charitable on their own, not by Force of Man's Law...

If you can Illustrate that it was any other way Using Scripture, then Please, Inform the Class...



Indeed.....Charity is one of the PERSONAL remaining gifts of the Holy Spirit of Truth -- 1 Cor. 13:13. The mission of the church/...aka kingdom that Jesus purchased with HIS BLOOD (Matthew 16:16-18) was not to FEED THE POOR (the flesh) as declared by Jesus Himself, but to feed the poor by giving sustenance to the SPIRIT/SOUL of man, as He defined His mission on earth was such -- John 6:26-27. His duty to the poor and everyone else was to simply present the Gospel truth (Luke 7:22)....for indeed that is the ultimate power of God....that Gospel Truth holds the power to save SOULS instead of a decaying flesh -- Romans 1:16

The Commissioned DUTY of the Holy Spirit as directed from HEAVEN was to Lead the New Testament church into ALL TRUTH -- John 16:13 We are promised that "GIFT" of truth which was the duty of the Holy Spirit to deliver when we REPENT and ALLOW the ACT OF BAPTISM to WASH AWAY OUR SINS in the very Name of Christ Jesus -- Acts 2:38

The commissioned duty of the New Testament Church and those that propagated the message of the Christ was, "Teach ALL NATIONS that Gospel TRUTH...which included the FIRST ACTS of SALVATION ....repentance and WATER BAPTISM -- Matthew 28:18-19

Search the SCRIPTURES (Acts 17:11), as those of the 1st century did....and you will find the truth, which informs us and teaches us of our INDIVIDUAL duties as Christians

Visit the and care for the widows, elderly, orphans -- James 1:27. Do good to all as you have opportunity -- Gal. 6:9-10. This is showing COMPASSION....an exampled trait of the Christ -- Luke 10:25-37. Compassion is ACTION...not talk nor sympathy -- James 2:15-17
Compassion is what separates the Goats from the Sheep -- Matt. 25:31-46. It is not pretentious but real. This is how we are to make INDIVIDUAL SACRIFICE and OFFERINGS to God our creator (Heb. 13:16). We do as much because each and every Christian has the authority to make spiritual sacrifices....WE ARE ALL PRIESTS in the divine order of Christianity, we are in no need of any pretentious priests or middle MAN that must grant us ABSOLUTION......WE ARE PRIESTS ourselves....each and every CHRISTIAN, we have the right and authority through our ADVOCATE...Christ Jesus to come before the throne of God in prayer for ourselves ( 1 Peter 2:5, Heb. 4:14-16).

But the mission of the CHURCH/KINGDOM as a whole unit is directed toward SAVING SOULS....from each congregation, the WORD OF GOD is commanded to be sent forth among the world -- 1 Thess. 1:8, the churches focus, just like the Christs was and is to TEACH the Gospel TRUTH and establish and example to the world through our individual actions as Christians (Matthew 28-18-20).

How do we know such is an individual endeavor? The church and the kingdom of God are synonymous...THE SAME THING as demonstrated via the Christ's own words when He declared that He would build HIS CHURCH (Matthew 16:16-18) And we are further informed JUST WHERE THAT KINGDOM OF GOD CAN BE LOCATED.....is it headquartered in some fancy building, some fancy and pompous city directed by some fancy hierarchy of DOGMATIC MEN? No indeed......Jesus informs us EXACTLY WHERE THAT kingdom of God...aka church of Christ is located.

"The KINGDOM OF GOD does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'SEE HERE!', or "SEE THERE!', FOR INDEED THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS 'WITHIN YOU'. -- Luke 17:20-21
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Hi, Ravi. What do you know about the poor? Or, for that matter, Christianity? Zen Christianity? I don't know. But, if you see the Buddha, kill him. You, I might just ignore.
Here is your demonstrable proof. Existance in itself puts the burden of proof on the subject deemed in existance. There is no proof of the existance of god ..therefore god does not exist. It is not the responsibility of those not seeing, touching..or hearing a god to prove it does not exist.

Simply because mankind has not yet proven the existence of God does not mean that God does not exist. We could not prove 200 years ago that atoms exist because we didn't have the technological means to do so. But that did not mean atoms did not exist.

Truth does not always have to come from OBSERVED empirical evidences...there are certain things that are true because they are SELF EVIDENT. For instance, it is true the Universe had a beginning. How do we know this? Because Physical Science which can be observed examples the expansion of the universe and confirms the Physical Fact that the Universe will one day Die...thus, even though we did not observe the beginning or the birth of the universe we know there was a beginning because if something is observed dying by degree....we know such cannot be eternal. Thus we can say by the Prima Facie evidence that is observed....we believe beyond a REASON of a DOUBT there was a beginning....and such is said to be TRUE because no one can offer any evidence to the contrary to ESTABLISH DOUBT.

By Such prima facie evidence The Christian can KNOW beyond the reason of a DOUBT that God does exist via exampling the Objective evidence that support that existence. For example, the words revealed in the Holy Scriptures that are self professed to be inspired by God. If they were indeed inspired by God those words would be infallible and incapable of being debunked as truth. And as of this date...there is no evidence offered by PHYSICAL SCIENCE or History Actual that can debunk any professed truth in the Holy Scriptures. Thus, by this example of PRIMA FACIE evidence....I can have Faith BEYOND THE REASON of a DOUBT.......God inspired those words.

Another example of FAITH that can be stated as TRUTH is the fact of convicting a criminal of a certain CHARGE. The Jury must have FAITH in the testimony of the witnesses that present condemning testimony because NONE of the 12 Jurors actually witnessed any crime. Thus they have FAITH in the testimony as being TRUE beyond the REASON of a DOUBT. It would be up to the defense counsel to present Empirically Observed Evidence that would DEBUNK that testimony and CAUSE DOUBT....if not, that witness stands as TRUTH. If it is not truth.....just how many people have been unjustly charged throughout history?

Actually, in Genesis, God created the world in six days. Science contradicts this. The earth was created over a billion years.
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Simply because mankind has not yet proven the existence of God does not mean that God does not exist. We could not prove 200 years ago that atoms exist because we didn't have the technological means to do so. But that did not mean atoms did not exist.

Truth does not always have to come from OBSERVED empirical evidences...there are certain things that are true because they are SELF EVIDENT. For instance, it is true the Universe had a beginning. How do we know this? Because Physical Science which can be observed examples the expansion of the universe and confirms the Physical Fact that the Universe will one day Die...thus, even though we did not observe the beginning or the birth of the universe we know there was a beginning because if something is observed dying by degree....we know such cannot be eternal. Thus we can say by the Prima Facie evidence that is observed....we believe beyond a REASON of a DOUBT there was a beginning....and such is said to be TRUE because no one can offer any evidence to the contrary to ESTABLISH DOUBT.

By Such prima facie evidence The Christian can KNOW beyond the reason of a DOUBT that God does exist via exampling the Objective evidence that support that existence. For example, the words revealed in the Holy Scriptures that are self professed to be inspired by God. If they were indeed inspired by God those words would be infallible and incapable of being debunked as truth. And as of this date...there is no evidence offered by PHYSICAL SCIENCE or History Actual that can debunk any professed truth in the Holy Scriptures. Thus, by this example of PRIMA FACIE evidence....I can have Faith BEYOND THE REASON of a DOUBT.......God inspired those words.

Another example of FAITH that can be stated as TRUTH is the fact of convicting a criminal of a certain CHARGE. The Jury must have FAITH in the testimony of the witnesses that present condemning testimony because NONE of the 12 Jurors actually witnessed any crime. Thus they have FAITH in the testimony as being TRUE beyond the REASON of a DOUBT. It would be up to the defense counsel to present Empirically Observed Evidence that would DEBUNK that testimony and CAUSE DOUBT....if not, that witness stands as TRUTH. If it is not truth.....just how many people have been unjustly charged throughout history?

Actually, in Genesis, God created the world in six days. Science contradicts this. The earth was created over a billion years.

Demonstrate the PHYSICAL SCIENCE that debunks anything declared in Genesis. Just who was there to OBSERVE that creation? You can present the PRETENSION of representing PHYSICAL SCIENCE by offering some philosophical theory attempting to explain what happened by presenting an educated guess, which has no way of being verified in the scientific method of Observed Reproducible experimental findings of fact.

The first thing that you will attempt to use is the unproven and un-calibrated THEORY of radio carbon dating that makes an assumption right from the start and journey's along as if that assumption is factual. And of course that unprovable assumption is made in having everyone to be be gullible enough to accept as fact that the rate of decay exampled in the radioactive elements used in this theory have been constant throughout antiquity.....which is absurd. There is a Plethora of SCIENTIFICALLY proven variables that effect the rate of decay....which ARE IGNORED to simply reach a predetermined TARGET DATE.

A theory holds the power to debunk nothing....for it does not even contain the facts needed to have itself accepted as a PHYSICAL LAW. Where there is the least chance or possibility of error there be no scientific facts exampled, and ALL theory self professes to the need of awaiting FUTURE CORRECTION...or such would be a PHYSICAL LAW.
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As to the second part of your question, the answer is because just supporting these current bills is NOT helping the poor. The only people who will truly be doing Jesus' work are the rich who knowing this bill will cost them personally still support it.
I wasn't thinking about health care when I posed the original question but I have to address your points above.

Just supporting health care affordability for all is NOT helping the poor? Really?

What about the middle class and the lower classes that know this bill will cost them personally...don't they get brownie points from Jesus, too? I think they would.

This is actually why I've never begrudged paying taxes. Sitting through all those Sunday sermons at least instilled a sense of feeling for the rest of the people I share the country with and I've never had a problem contributing to the welfare of the country as a whole or individuals.

Guess that means I'm going straight through the Pearly gates! :eusa_angel:

Christ wanted People to be Charitable on their own, not by Force of Man's Law...

If you can Illustrate that it was any other way Using Scripture, then Please, Inform the Class...



would Christ want you to be forced to pay for an unnecessary war? How about bailing out the money changers by force? or did God put in power our leaders and gvts?

who are your representatives in congress mal....?

Sorry Care, I got sidetracked and now I've lost my train of thought.

But, what I can say is:

Many quote the Golden Rule, "Love your neighbor as yourself." in Matthew 22:39 but forget the preceding two verses which dictates the Greatest Commandment to which the Golden Rule is secondary:

Jesus said "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind...this is the greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37.

If the OP's truly interested in the structure of society that Jesus would want...this would be first and all other considerations would be secondary.
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Sorry Care, I got sidetracked and now I've lost my train of thought.

But, what I can say is:

Many quote the Golden Rule, "Love your neighbor as yourself." in Matthew 22:39 but forget the preceding two verses which dictates the Greatest Commandment to which the Golden Rule is secondary:

Jesus said "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind...this is the greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37.

If the OP's truly interested in the structure of society that Jesus would want...this would be first and all other considerations would be secondary.
You aren't meant to do one and not the other.

And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[c] 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

22:1 And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said,

22:2 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son,

22:3 And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come.

22:4 Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.

22:5 But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise:

22:6 And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them.

22:7 But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.

22:8 Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy.

22:9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.

22:10 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.

22:11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:

22:12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.

22:13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

22:15 Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk.

22:16 And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the person of men.

22:17 Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?

22:18 But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?

22:19 Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny.

22:20 And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?

22:21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

22:22 When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.

22:23 The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,

22:24 Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

22:25 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:

22:26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.

22:27 And last of all the woman died also.

22:28 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.

22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

22:31 But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,

22:32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

22:33 And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine.

22:34 But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together.

22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

22:38 This is the first and great commandment.

22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

22:41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,

22:42 Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The son of David.

22:43 He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,

22:44 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?

22:45 If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?

22:46 And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.

The Holy Bible
I wasn't thinking about health care when I posed the original question but I have to address your points above.

Just supporting health care affordability for all is NOT helping the poor? Really?

What about the middle class and the lower classes that know this bill will cost them personally...don't they get brownie points from Jesus, too? I think they would.

This is actually why I've never begrudged paying taxes. Sitting through all those Sunday sermons at least instilled a sense of feeling for the rest of the people I share the country with and I've never had a problem contributing to the welfare of the country as a whole or individuals.

Guess that means I'm going straight through the Pearly gates! :eusa_angel:

Christ wanted People to be Charitable on their own, not by Force of Man's Law...

If you can Illustrate that it was any other way Using Scripture, then Please, Inform the Class...



would Christ want you to be forced to pay for an unnecessary war? How about bailing out the money changers by force? or did God put in power our leaders and gvts?

who are your representatives in congress mal....?


This thread is about the poor and you want to switch to war? Here is a question for you. Do you think Yeshua would have wanted Saddam's sons from feeding bound people into meat grinders while they watched? Another question: do you think Yeshua would have wanted Saddam's gassing Kurds stopped?

This is a real difficult concept, are you ready? If you don't have NATIONAL SECURITY, you don't have rights (of any sort), you don't have ANY security (unless you can provide your own), and you have NO PROPERTY (unless you can physically hold it).
That is why our Constitution grants the gov the powers to protect this country. If you read the Constitution, there is nothing, NOTHING about taking care of the poor. There is nothing about providing health care. The founders cared more about freedom for the individual than being part of a commune.

The people that are willing to "force" others to act ______ (fill in the blank), by passing laws are giving the gov, everybody's freedoms, mostly, without realizing what they are doing. They believe some politician that tells them it will help _____(fill in the blank), without considering their actions will limit their own freedoms in the future and the freedoms of all their future generations. That is selfish. That is being done with the "bailouts" and other proposed bills, now. That would not be wanted by Yeshua either.
Christ wanted People to be Charitable on their own, not by Force of Man's Law...

If you can Illustrate that it was any other way Using Scripture, then Please, Inform the Class...



would Christ want you to be forced to pay for an unnecessary war? How about bailing out the money changers by force? or did God put in power our leaders and gvts?

who are your representatives in congress mal....?


This thread is about the poor and you want to switch to war? Here is a question for you. Do you think Yeshua would have wanted Saddam's sons from feeding bound people into meat grinders while they watched? Another question: do you think Yeshua would have wanted Saddam's gassing Kurds stopped?

you tell me? nice drama queen act! what bull have you been sucking in?

Christ would have wanted us to stop the atrocities WHEN THEY WERE HAPPENING and not turn a blind eye to it, or give a hand shake and a wink for it....as we did at the time.

going in 10-20 years after the fact was wrong, stopping the genocide when IT WAS HAPPENING would have been moral....but still not necessarily OUR JOB here in the usa to do, but the iraqi's themselves....with our funding perhaps....

I believe it is unconstitutional for us to be the world's police....btw. YOU have no right to send our military men and women to die in war, unless it is for an imminent threat of war/harm against us, or a war declared on us.

This is a real difficult concept, are you ready? If you don't have NATIONAL SECURITY, you don't have rights (of any sort), you don't have ANY security (unless you can provide your own), and you have NO PROPERTY (unless you can physically hold it).
That is why our Constitution grants the gov the powers to protect this country. If you read the Constitution, there is nothing, NOTHING about taking care of the poor. There is nothing about providing health care. The founders cared more about freedom for the individual than being part of a commune.

the constitution gave powers to congress for MORE than JUST the military. A STANDING ARMY as we have, giving congress liberty to send them on any given notice all over the world IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL....maybe it is you my dear, who should be reading the CONSTITUTION. Our founding father's BIGGEST FEAR was a big military and the military industrial complex that could come from it, and did!

WE CAN keep us safe with one quarter the military/defense spending/taxation by FORCE as you all call it....there is so much corruption and waste and quid pro quo with the military industrial complex and our congress it is more than flabbergasting! we have 140,000 nukes....world wide because of this useless arms race we got in....WHAT THE HELL DID WE SPEND THAT MONEY ON THEM FOR? WASTEFULNESS IS ABOUND!!!! And this is tax payers money, taken out of our hands and the free market and just giving it to someone else, their buddies.

so, please SPARE ME on the tripe on what Christ would have supported in your opinion...I don't buy it.

feeding the poor is NOT the job of the Church....

though our tax dollars are being taken from us and GIVEN TO THEM through faith based initiatives to help take care of the needy....SHOULD THESE MONIES be withdrawn from these faith based initiatives since it is not the gvt's job as you say?

is this stealing from us as your lot keeps shouting?

The people that are willing to "force" others to act ______ (fill in the blank), by passing laws are giving the gov, everybody's freedoms, mostly, without realizing what they are doing. They believe some politician that tells them it will help _____(fill in the blank), without considering their actions will limit their own freedoms in the future and the freedoms of all their future generations. That is selfish. That is being done with the "bailouts" and other proposed bills, now. That would not be wanted by Yeshua either.

cut me a break.....where have you been with the money our gvt wastes on killing people, on the money changers, on the oil companies, the halliburtons and blackwaters, the military industrial complex, on the insurance industry, on throwing cash out by the millions if not billions to the iraqis without accounting for it? YET you have the balls to sit and say jesus would not support a society that wanted to provide for the neediest as best as they could with their tax monies?

I don't know who you worship, but it is not my God or Christ.

and, i am sorry if i was harsh, but you guys...are not as Holier than thou, as you think you come off....
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Sure...why not? Ad hominem bigotry void of any demonstrable truth is easily handled.

What is that?... your new word for the day?

Here is your demonstrable proof. Existance in itself puts the burden of proof on the subject deemed in existance. There is no proof of the existance of god ..therefore god does not exist. It is not the responsibility of those not seeing, touching..or hearing a god to prove it does not exist.

In reality......those that CHARGE other people of lying...aka the prosecutor, must PROVE their charges. Do you expect 'I'....a straw person, who did not write one word in the Holy Scriptures...nor claim to have personally witnessed anything therein, to defend something that I did not personally see? I can believe that...but I am obligated to prove nothing. On the other hand...if you accuse something or someone, according to all common law offered in any civilized culture...YOU must PROVE those words you are accusing of being false by providing DEMONSTRABLE, OBSERVABLE, EMPIRICAL evidence that PROVES those words are errant from the truth. Or are you taking the ALINSKY position? YOUR CHARGES are enough to convict UNTIL those that YOU CHARGE can PROVE YOUR CHARGES TO BE WRONG....a total inversion of the TRUTH.

It becomes clear.....you have been a victim of indoctrination, in order for you to believe A LIE. Which is nothing unusual for an immoral atheist.

Is it a mystery why you are so stupid? Let's look at a recent case where ignorant assertions get thrown out of court. Recently an idiot refused to deploy because she asserted in court that Obama was not an american or should prove it in her court case. She lost based on lack of evidense and her and her lawyer were literally thrown out of court with a warning to the lawyer to never file another frivouless lawsuit or face jail.

Show me a case where there is no factual evidence of somethings existance being allowed as evidence in court moron.
22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

22:38 This is the first and great commandment.

Does anyone realize that they didn't speak like this back then? I've always wondered why the bible is written like that, in Ye Olde English. Does anyone know?

Because the King James Translation was in English. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Would you like to read St. Jeromes Latin Vulgate Translation? How about Sanskrit? Hebrew? Greek? If it were in anything other than English, Where would You be?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
What is that?... your new word for the day?

Here is your demonstrable proof. Existance in itself puts the burden of proof on the subject deemed in existance. There is no proof of the existance of god ..therefore god does not exist. It is not the responsibility of those not seeing, touching..or hearing a god to prove it does not exist.

In reality......those that CHARGE other people of lying...aka the prosecutor, must PROVE their charges. Do you expect 'I'....a straw person, who did not write one word in the Holy Scriptures...nor claim to have personally witnessed anything therein, to defend something that I did not personally see? I can believe that...but I am obligated to prove nothing. On the other hand...if you accuse something or someone, according to all common law offered in any civilized culture...YOU must PROVE those words you are accusing of being false by providing DEMONSTRABLE, OBSERVABLE, EMPIRICAL evidence that PROVES those words are errant from the truth. Or are you taking the ALINSKY position? YOUR CHARGES are enough to convict UNTIL those that YOU CHARGE can PROVE YOUR CHARGES TO BE WRONG....a total inversion of the TRUTH.

It becomes clear.....you have been a victim of indoctrination, in order for you to believe A LIE. Which is nothing unusual for an immoral atheist.

Is it a mystery why you are so stupid? Let's look at a recent case where ignorant assertions get thrown out of court. Recently an idiot refused to deploy because she asserted in court that Obama was not an american or should prove it in her court case. She lost based on lack of evidense and her and her lawyer were literally thrown out of court with a warning to the lawyer to never file another frivouless lawsuit or face jail.

Show me a case where there is no factual evidence of somethings existance being allowed as evidence in court moron.

Sounds like the Emperor has no Clothes, and the Court wants to Support Him. Kadaffi wants to be His God Father too. Kenya Claims Him. Huggy claims Him too.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
In reality......those that CHARGE other people of lying...aka the prosecutor, must PROVE their charges. Do you expect 'I'....a straw person, who did not write one word in the Holy Scriptures...nor claim to have personally witnessed anything therein, to defend something that I did not personally see? I can believe that...but I am obligated to prove nothing. On the other hand...if you accuse something or someone, according to all common law offered in any civilized culture...YOU must PROVE those words you are accusing of being false by providing DEMONSTRABLE, OBSERVABLE, EMPIRICAL evidence that PROVES those words are errant from the truth. Or are you taking the ALINSKY position? YOUR CHARGES are enough to convict UNTIL those that YOU CHARGE can PROVE YOUR CHARGES TO BE WRONG....a total inversion of the TRUTH.

It becomes clear.....you have been a victim of indoctrination, in order for you to believe A LIE. Which is nothing unusual for an immoral atheist.

Is it a mystery why you are so stupid? Let's look at a recent case where ignorant assertions get thrown out of court. Recently an idiot refused to deploy because she asserted in court that Obama was not an american or should prove it in her court case. She lost based on lack of evidense and her and her lawyer were literally thrown out of court with a warning to the lawyer to never file another frivouless lawsuit or face jail.

Show me a case where there is no factual evidence of somethings existance being allowed as evidence in court moron.

Sounds like the Emperor has no Clothes, and the Court wants to Support Him. Kadaffi wants to be His God Father too. Kenya Claims Him. Huggy claims Him too.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Ya moron...supporting a sitting president is a real crime. I supported Bush until he actually commited REAL crimes against our country. So far I have seen zero proof that Obama has commited a crime. His winning has put the neo cons in a hole which benefits me also seeing as how they stole my party... Just wait till he passes health care with a public option. You think the vile neo cons are ass out now? You haven't seen anything yet. I look forward to a republican party that is not over run by traitors like Grassly and Bachmann.

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