Why you can't talk to a Leftist


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

This video demonstrates the difference between a liberal and a leftist. A liberal and a conservative have common goals, border security, social justice, etc., but a Leftists has no such common goals.

For example, a Leftist when discussing border security says walls and ICE are evil or immoral. At that point, the conversation has ended before it began. There are not common goals to discuss in relation to using these tools to better protect the border. A Leftist is not interested in border security.

Or when a Leftist says that white men are racists, the conversation is once again over before it begins. In fact, I posted this video without posting commentary and it got shut down, but before it did get shut down I had the typical parade of Leftists calling me a fascist. Again, at that point, the conversation has ended. What conversation is there with a Nazi?

So there ya go mods, commentary.

Every argument with a Leftist ends with the Leftist calling you a name. Racist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, bigot, take your pick. They have no intelligent, rational arguments, so must revert to the ad hominem.

So what's the point of arguing with them?
Then there's their odor.... Their inclination for violence... Looking stupid on your part arguing with a parrot...


This video demonstrates the difference between a liberal and a leftist. A liberal and a conservative have common goals, border security, social justice, etc., but a Leftists has no such common goals.

For example, a Leftist when discussing border security says walls and ICE are evil or immoral. At that point, the conversation has ended before it began. There are not common goals to discuss in relation to using these tools to better protect the border. A Leftist is not interested in border security.

Or when a Leftist says that white men are racists, the conversation is once again over before it begins. In fact, I posted this video without posting commentary and it got shut down, but before it did get shut down I had the typical parade of Leftists calling me a fascist. Again, at that point, the conversation has ended. What conversation is there with a Nazi?

So there ya go mods, commentary.


I agree 100% with this. But it doesn't cover the Rightist versus the Conservative. The exact same things can be said of that mix as well. Right now, the Rightists are in control of the Republican Party while the Leftists are in control of the Democratic Party. We are watching the two ultra fringe groups screw us from every direction.

So when you are busy defending your "Party" think of this. You may be just defending something really, really bad and putting down the really good things that should be promoted for both parties. Fascism versus Communism, two of the most blood thirsty groups that ever existed.

This video demonstrates the difference between a liberal and a leftist. A liberal and a conservative have common goals, border security, social justice, etc., but a Leftists has no such common goals.

For example, a Leftist when discussing border security says walls and ICE are evil or immoral. At that point, the conversation has ended before it began. There are not common goals to discuss in relation to using these tools to better protect the border. A Leftist is not interested in border security.

Or when a Leftist says that white men are racists, the conversation is once again over before it begins. In fact, I posted this video without posting commentary and it got shut down, but before it did get shut down I had the typical parade of Leftists calling me a fascist. Again, at that point, the conversation has ended. What conversation is there with a Nazi?

So there ya go mods, commentary.


I agree 100% with this. But it doesn't cover the Rightist versus the Conservative. The exact same things can be said of that mix as well. Right now, the Rightists are in control of the Republican Party while the Leftists are in control of the Democratic Party. We are watching the two ultra fringe groups screw us from every direction.

So when you are busy defending your "Party" think of this. You may be just defending something really, really bad and putting down the really good things that should be promoted for both parties. Fascism versus Communism, two of the most blood thirsty groups that ever existed.

Spineless Rs are running the party. Rightists? Hardly. Theyr'e spineless. At least the left has full conviction to turn hard to socialism and are running with it.

This video demonstrates the difference between a liberal and a leftist. A liberal and a conservative have common goals, border security, social justice, etc., but a Leftists has no such common goals.

For example, a Leftist when discussing border security says walls and ICE are evil or immoral. At that point, the conversation has ended before it began. There are not common goals to discuss in relation to using these tools to better protect the border. A Leftist is not interested in border security.

Or when a Leftist says that white men are racists, the conversation is once again over before it begins. In fact, I posted this video without posting commentary and it got shut down, but before it did get shut down I had the typical parade of Leftists calling me a fascist. Again, at that point, the conversation has ended. What conversation is there with a Nazi?

So there ya go mods, commentary.


I agree 100% with this. But it doesn't cover the Rightist versus the Conservative. The exact same things can be said of that mix as well. Right now, the Rightists are in control of the Republican Party while the Leftists are in control of the Democratic Party. We are watching the two ultra fringe groups screw us from every direction.

So when you are busy defending your "Party" think of this. You may be just defending something really, really bad and putting down the really good things that should be promoted for both parties. Fascism versus Communism, two of the most blood thirsty groups that ever existed.

Same old “both sides do it” defense for the batshit crazy left....
Prager University

About as prestigious as Trump University
Ya know why you can't talk to leftists?

Because you never engage in honest discussion

I know. I've tried talking to right wing nut jobs and all you get are grievance rants and bogus facts
Prager University

About as prestigious as Trump University

PU (say it aloud and you get what they are all about) was right about the Civil War:

It was unequivocally about slavery.

But, let's not condemn one side and acquit the other.

The North was opposed to slavery for economic reasons ONLY. They didn't give a rat fuck about black people. In fact they all believe they were the superior race too. They just did not want to institute slavery, because it hurt nonslave states.

I have a liberal cousin, so I know about liberals. Leftists are a different story.
IMO, they should probably all be put down like rabid dogs.

The only alternative is to marginalize them and mock them into non-existence.

I'll roll with the latter, I think it's a viable option.

Seriously, leftists are like brat toddlers before discipline.
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Every argument with a Leftist ends with the Leftist calling you a name. Racist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, bigot, take your pick. They have no intelligent, rational arguments, so must revert to the ad hominem.

So what's the point of arguing with them?

That usually goes both ways. People somehow don't understand that at the root of it it's not about one side being factually wrong and the other correct. The left and right have a fundamental disagreement about how the world should work and what is or isn't moral. That's why everybody logs off this forum still believing the same shit they believed yesterday. You will never prove a liberal with some depth fundamentally wrong, nor will they you. That's not how this works.

This video demonstrates the difference between a liberal and a leftist. A liberal and a conservative have common goals, border security, social justice, etc., but a Leftists has no such common goals.

For example, a Leftist when discussing border security says walls and ICE are evil or immoral. At that point, the conversation has ended before it began. There are not common goals to discuss in relation to using these tools to better protect the border. A Leftist is not interested in border security.

Or when a Leftist says that white men are racists, the conversation is once again over before it begins. In fact, I posted this video without posting commentary and it got shut down, but before it did get shut down I had the typical parade of Leftists calling me a fascist. Again, at that point, the conversation has ended. What conversation is there with a Nazi?

So there ya go mods, commentary.


You don't discuss with the enemy. You kick the asses of your enemies.

It's like expecting the Jews and the Nazis to have a common agreement during the holocaust. Liberals at least were pro America. However, they were wrong and gave birth to leftism. They had zero resistance or strength and just let the leftism sweep through... Many of the idiot liberals still support open borders, but that's probably just a defense mechanism for knowing that they failed even more than the conservatives who didn't conserve anything.
Vast generalizations never make for a good argument. This is an example of such an argument. Yes it's done by both sides. I often have to point out that I am not "you guys" when someone replies to me. Doing that is simply a way to deflect from the facts.
Extremes are not interested in having a conversation unless it’s one sided. They have no interest in anyone except those who march in lockstep with their ideas.

Liberals and conservatives can engage if they take the time to do so.
Why you can't talk to a Leftist

Trumpdrones are too f'n stupid, why else.
Trumpers make no secret of the fact that they are what they are because they can troll liberals.

How do you "engage" with someone like that?

Why would you try?

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