Why you haven’t seen a sit-down Biden interview yet


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Why you haven’t seen a sit-down Biden interview yet
The new president is most definitely not his predecessor, especially when it comes to media presence.

Why you haven’t seen a sit-down Biden interview yet - POLITICO
31 Jan 2021 ~~ By Christopher Cadelago & Sam Mintz

Joe Biden waited nearly four decades to become the most powerful man in the free world. Now that he is, he’s making himself scarce.
Biden is leaning on doctors and health experts to publicly detail his Covid policy. He’s relying on his Cabinet, economic advisers and other high-ranking administration officials to help sell his nearly $2 trillion rescue package. Biden’s press team, meanwhile, is standing in for their boss by blanketing TV programs with pledges to tell the truth even when it’s inconvenient. It’s one of the more arresting shifts after four years of a president who delighted in torturing the media with sudden pronouncements that often surprised and befuddled his own advisers.
As main protagonists go, Biden’s role has been comparatively limited — a startling contrast to the omnipresent president who preceded him. Donald Trump didn’t so much love the spotlight as he sought to totally consume it. Whether he was sending Twitter screeds at all hours or shouting answers over the ear-splitting blades of his presidential aircraft, Trump craved media attention like no American leader before him.
Some, including people close to Biden, say while it’s not a driving factor, there is a generational component to his decision not to scramble for attention. At 78, he is the oldest president in history. His tech savviness is not regularly touted. He has pledged to be a bridge to a future generation of Democrats — who welcome whatever bit of the attention he can give them.

“Most powerful man in the free world”
Hmm...., Wha an odd turn of phrase to describe a regime which stands in proud opposition to freedom.
Let’s be honest, neither he nor Kamala are in charge of this disaster.
When, not if, China Joe reseigns or dies and Harris becomes president, they may find her to be a little less submissive than Biden. Harris is a soulless Marxist and that makes her unpredictable.
Meanwhile, I have no doubt the Joey Xi's handlers are working on him to make the dupes of America believe he'has cognitive abilities.
The quisling propagandist media knows that it cannot hide China Joey Xi from extended public view indefinitely, so it is putting out quasi-plausible explanations for his absence, hoping that it will not have to publicly reckon with his cognitive decline before he dies or resigns.
Last week we heard whining about President Biden not giving a press conference his first week, He, of course, gave a long press conference. Now we hear whining about him not giving an interview. He will of course give an interview. Trumpers are simply stressed and desperate for anything to whine about.
Why you haven’t seen a sit-down Biden interview yet
The new president is most definitely not his predecessor, especially when it comes to media presence.

Why you haven’t seen a sit-down Biden interview yet - POLITICO
31 Jan 2021 ~~ By Christopher Cadelago & Sam Mintz

Joe Biden waited nearly four decades to become the most powerful man in the free world. Now that he is, he’s making himself scarce.
Biden is leaning on doctors and health experts to publicly detail his Covid policy. He’s relying on his Cabinet, economic advisers and other high-ranking administration officials to help sell his nearly $2 trillion rescue package. Biden’s press team, meanwhile, is standing in for their boss by blanketing TV programs with pledges to tell the truth even when it’s inconvenient. It’s one of the more arresting shifts after four years of a president who delighted in torturing the media with sudden pronouncements that often surprised and befuddled his own advisers.
As main protagonists go, Biden’s role has been comparatively limited — a startling contrast to the omnipresent president who preceded him. Donald Trump didn’t so much love the spotlight as he sought to totally consume it. Whether he was sending Twitter screeds at all hours or shouting answers over the ear-splitting blades of his presidential aircraft, Trump craved media attention like no American leader before him.
Some, including people close to Biden, say while it’s not a driving factor, there is a generational component to his decision not to scramble for attention. At 78, he is the oldest president in history. His tech savviness is not regularly touted. He has pledged to be a bridge to a future generation of Democrats — who welcome whatever bit of the attention he can give them.

“Most powerful man in the free world”
Hmm...., Wha an odd turn of phrase to describe a regime which stands in proud opposition to freedom.
Let’s be honest, neither he nor Kamala are in charge of this disaster.
When, not if, China Joe reseigns or dies and Harris becomes president, they may find her to be a little less submissive than Biden. Harris is a soulless Marxist and that makes her unpredictable.
Meanwhile, I have no doubt the Joey Xi's handlers are working on him to make the dupes of America believe he'has cognitive abilities.
The quisling propagandist media knows that it cannot hide China Joey Xi from extended public view indefinitely, so it is putting out quasi-plausible explanations for his absence, hoping that it will not have to publicly reckon with his cognitive decline before he dies or resigns.

He is the Dark Cabal's puppet, that will do anything for them. They just pull the strings and away he goes.
Why you haven’t seen a sit-down Biden interview yet
The new president is most definitely not his predecessor, especially when it comes to media presence.

Why you haven’t seen a sit-down Biden interview yet - POLITICO
31 Jan 2021 ~~ By Christopher Cadelago & Sam Mintz

Joe Biden waited nearly four decades to become the most powerful man in the free world. Now that he is, he’s making himself scarce.
Biden is leaning on doctors and health experts to publicly detail his Covid policy. He’s relying on his Cabinet, economic advisers and other high-ranking administration officials to help sell his nearly $2 trillion rescue package. Biden’s press team, meanwhile, is standing in for their boss by blanketing TV programs with pledges to tell the truth even when it’s inconvenient. It’s one of the more arresting shifts after four years of a president who delighted in torturing the media with sudden pronouncements that often surprised and befuddled his own advisers.
As main protagonists go, Biden’s role has been comparatively limited — a startling contrast to the omnipresent president who preceded him. Donald Trump didn’t so much love the spotlight as he sought to totally consume it. Whether he was sending Twitter screeds at all hours or shouting answers over the ear-splitting blades of his presidential aircraft, Trump craved media attention like no American leader before him.
Some, including people close to Biden, say while it’s not a driving factor, there is a generational component to his decision not to scramble for attention. At 78, he is the oldest president in history. His tech savviness is not regularly touted. He has pledged to be a bridge to a future generation of Democrats — who welcome whatever bit of the attention he can give them.

“Most powerful man in the free world”
Hmm...., Wha an odd turn of phrase to describe a regime which stands in proud opposition to freedom.
Let’s be honest, neither he nor Kamala are in charge of this disaster.
When, not if, China Joe reseigns or dies and Harris becomes president, they may find her to be a little less submissive than Biden. Harris is a soulless Marxist and that makes her unpredictable.
Meanwhile, I have no doubt the Joey Xi's handlers are working on him to make the dupes of America believe he'has cognitive abilities.
The quisling propagandist media knows that it cannot hide China Joey Xi from extended public view indefinitely, so it is putting out quasi-plausible explanations for his absence, hoping that it will not have to publicly reckon with his cognitive decline before he dies or resigns.
The president ISN'T supposed to take up all of our attention? How refreshing!
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This is the madness we are going to see for the next 4 years. The last president stopped giving press briefing, Biden has one daily. So here's to all this right wing whining:

Joe's doing a fine job so far returning the country to a sane normalness.

A nightmarish police state is unfolding in front of us and because the Trumpists were the first to be sacrificed, the left has still been on their honeymoon ignoring the fact that “pro-democracy” Biden is quickly becoming a dictator, bypassing Congress and ramming through a record number of executive actions.
Joe's doing a fine job so far returning the country to a sane normalness.

A nightmarish police state is unfolding in front of us and because the Trumpists were the first to be sacrificed, the left has still been on their honeymoon ignoring the fact that “pro-democracy” Biden is quickly becoming a dictator, bypassing Congress and ramming through a record number of executive actions.
This is a lie.
Joe's doing a fine job so far returning the country to a sane normalness.

A nightmarish police state is unfolding in front of us and because the Trumpists were the first to be sacrificed, the left has still been on their honeymoon ignoring the fact that “pro-democracy” Biden is quickly becoming a dictator, bypassing Congress and ramming through a record number of executive actions.
This is a lie.

This is the madness we are going to see for the next 4 years. The last president stopped giving press briefing, Biden has one daily. So here's to all this right wing whining:

View attachment 451374

View attachment 451376
He ended 50 jobs.

Probably because he is working trying to fix the shit bag he was left. We need a working president not one looking to get on TV everyday.

The problem is, yea he is working allright. Working for the Cabal. He is their puppet.
Another whine from disaffected right-wingers who still want to be catered to. Biden inherited a sinking ship the is the result of his predecessor's attempt to scuttle it. Working to right it, float it, and get it moving again doesn't leave much time for sit-down interviews.

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