Why You Should Support Medicare For All: "Americans Die Younger in GOP States" To Hell with these crooks who dont know what to do with Big Pharma cash

the next time you hear a Republican complaining about crime, remind him of the crimes of Big Pharma!

Thanks to the "repeal and replace" hoax perpetrated by the GOP and Trump for seven years, Universal Health Care is inevitable.

Just a matter of time.

And then, as the GOP loses more and more of its demographic support, they will claim to always have been in favor of UHC.
How stupid are you? Republican refuse to give workers wages, refuse to cover health care, and give all the money to billionaires.

This is why your nation is in the toilet and the waters are swirling. You have to take care of the workers FIRST.
Sad that you have such a low opinion of workers' ability to look after themselves.

Personal responsibility means nothing to the far left. Pathetic.
Thanks to the "repeal and replace" hoax perpetrated by the GOP and Trump for seven years, Universal Health Care is inevitable.

Just a matter of time.

And then, as the GOP loses more and more of its demographic support, they will claim to always have been in favor of UHC.
Where does the money come from?

Please don't embarrass yourself with that lame whining of "TAX THE RICH", They already pay the vast majority of Federal Income Taxes and the lower 50 percent of workers pay no Federal Income Taxes.

Skip the CORPORATIONS too. Where does each and every dollar corporations use to pay taxes originate?

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Where does the money come from?

Please don't embarrass yourself with that lame whining of "TAX THE RICE", They already pay the vast majority of Federal Income Taxes and the lower 50 percent of workers pay no Federal Income Taxes.

Skip the CORPORATIONS too. Where does each and every dollar corporations use to pay taxes originate?

You seem to be under the impression I am in favor of UHC.

Actually, I have posted the free market solution to our health care problems many, many times on this forum.

What you have failed to understand is that the GOP is too retarded to come up with a plan. Rather than do the heavy lifting of actually solving problems, the GOP found it far easier to hoax the rubes for years on end that they have a solution when in fact they never did.

Trump saw how well this hoax was working for the GOP, and he jumped on the "repeal and replace" hoax bandwagon.

So now, thanks to the GOP and Trump, we will be saddled with UHC. They have made it inevitable.

So you should be asking Trump and the GOP where the money is going to come from.

As for your graphic of the federal debts, you should ask around. No one has beat the debt drum more than me on this forum.

No one.

And yet you tards were DEAD SILENT as Trump added $8 trillion to the debt. Where is THAT money going to come from?
You know what's really funny?

The tards constantly whine about Obamacare and how much it costs.

Yet they have never once complained about the GOP's entirely new federal government health care program which has cost taxpayers way more than Obamacare.

And I guarantee you not one of them has any idea what I am talking about.

That's just how gaslighted these submissive cucks are.
Yeah, I guess we do tend to plant more young criminals than in the blue states. ;)
prices are high because of government involvement,,,
of course it couldn't have anything to do with your hero Putin screwing up 15% of the oil and 15% of grain in the world. Do you blame Biden for the bird flu which is making eggs so expensive or the Chinese lockdowns or the supposedly 53% of inflation being price gouging by corporations your GOP pals? How do you explain that this is all biden's policies when every country in the world is going through the same thing and in fact we are the strongest economy in the world?
the next time you hear a Republican complaining about crime, remind him of the crimes of Big Pharma!


The right’s unwarranted opposition to expanding Medicaid is nothing but political spite; a reckless, irresponsible example of contempt for sound, responsible governance by Republicans for no other reason than the ACA was signed into law by President Obama.
What is your solution to the major problem of the massive unfunded liabilities for both Medicare and Social Security? Who gets screwed and not even kissed?

Democrats would prefer our FICA tax to be about 40% of your income, with businesses paying an equal amount.
Bullshit! I paid in for YEARS, no one's going to deprive me of my state sponsored butcher... errn... doctor.
youre right, it needs to be done slowly so people that paid in for yrs dont loose out on what they paid for,,

I dont have a problem if the states ran their own version,,
AARP number one myth is Medicare and SS are collapsing. No problem at all. Just the usual GOP garbage for the rubes
As you know, the AARP is a far-left insurance company. Given that, and looking at the figures as of today, how do you come to any other conclusion that radical changes must be made in our Social Security and Medicare systems?

Or, is that beyond you too?
youre right, it needs to be done slowly so people that paid in for yrs dont loose out on what they paid for,,

I dont have a problem if the states ran their own version,,
Decades ago, there was a brief loophole to opt out of Social Security. Galveston Texas and a couple of surrounding counties did, in fact, opt out and run their own system. Their system is liquid, not in debt and their benefits are double or more than what they would have been if they stayed. In addition, there are large death benefits as well.
As you know, the AARP is a far-left insurance company. Given that, and looking at the figures as of today, how do you come to any other conclusion that radical changes must be made in our Social Security and Medicare systems?

Or, is that beyond you too?
AARP is NOT an insurance company. Where did you get that BS from?
Decades ago, there was a brief loophole to opt out of Social Security. Galveston Texas and a couple of surrounding counties did, in fact, opt out and run their own system. Their system is liquid, not in debt and their benefits are double or more than what they would have been if they stayed. In addition, there are large death benefits as well.
The state of Kentucky employees all are ineligible for SS. You pay into your own retirement plan and the elected officials can destroy the investments made with that money and leave you destitute. Why do you think Kentucky has a Democrat as governor and practically every other office is a Republican? The Republican governor tried to cut teacher and other state employees retirements, make them contribute more of their paycheck There is a survivor benefit that reduces YOUR retirement, but no death benefit. The retirement fund had NOT been funded by the state legislature who was using our retirement for the state operating budget. It was in debt up to it's eyeballs!

I retired because I saw the writing on the wall. Fortunately, Republican governor Matt Bevin was soundly defeated in his reelection bid before he could push his dastardly plan through the legislature, many of which were supporters and were also not reelected, most losing in their primaries. They too saw the writing on the wall and funded the retirement system again, back to where it should have been.

Want to know the really nice part? My social security retirement was reduced because I paid into my retirement with my own damn money! The same will happen to anyone who leave s SS with enough credits to retire. Any other government retirement will be offset by reducing their SS they paid into! Because I paid into SS when I was working for the state of Florida, my SS was NOT reduced.

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