Why'd God make an expanding instead of static universe?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Wouldn't a static fixed size universe be easier to monitor? If it's constantly expanding isn't there a constant stream of new stuff requiring his attention?
Wouldn't a static fixed size universe be easier to monitor? If it's constantly expanding isn't there a constant stream of new stuff requiring his attention?
A creator creates. An expanding universe allows for creation. A static one settles for renewal. (Just a thought.)
For someone who doesn't understand God, you sure start alot of threads about him.
Wouldn't a static fixed size universe be easier to monitor? If it's constantly expanding isn't there a constant stream of new stuff requiring his attention?

In every point of the universe the universe is expanding in all directions - so every point is always in the middle and whoever travels through the universe is alway in the middle of the universe. Somehow typically the way of god, isn't it? Maybe he likes to show to us in this way: Every point of the universe is always very important for him and "change" is the most constant thing in the world.

If the universe was not growing, it would be dying. As it stands there is a lot more life in it as new stars are being created all the time, and it all comes from the original big bang. If God had created a static universe it would all have had to be formed at the beginning which might be impossible, even for God.
Wouldn't a static fixed size universe be easier to monitor? If it's constantly expanding isn't there a constant stream of new stuff requiring his attention?

In every point of the universe the universe is expanding in all directions - so every point is always in the middle and whoever travels through the universe is alway in the middle of the universe. Somehow typically the way of god, isn't it? Maybe he likes to show to us in this way: Every point of the universe is always very important for him and "change" is the most constant thing in the world.

Excellent answer.
If the universe was not growing, it would be dying. As it stands there is a lot more life in it as new stars are being created all the time, and it all comes from the original big bang. If God had created a static universe it would all have had to be formed at the beginning which might be impossible, even for God.

Dying anyway in point of fact. Google Big Freeze sometime.
Wouldn't a static fixed size universe be easier to monitor? If it's constantly expanding isn't there a constant stream of new stuff requiring his attention?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the OP of totally the biggest LOON ever to pen an USMB OP. Delta4 is without question a total mental case.
Wouldn't a static fixed size universe be easier to monitor? If it's constantly expanding isn't there a constant stream of new stuff requiring his attention?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the OP of totally the biggest LOON ever to pen an USMB OP. Delta4 is without question a total mental case.

Thanks. Nice to know I'm worth insulting.
Wouldn't a static fixed size universe be easier to monitor? If it's constantly expanding isn't there a constant stream of new stuff requiring his attention?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the OP of totally the biggest LOON ever to pen an USMB OP. Delta4 is without question a total mental case.

Thanks. Nice to know I'm worth insulting.

Not really, My team's not on television in my area and I am bored. You're so simpleminded and I do enjoy picking on the mentally challenged.
If the universe was not growing, it would be dying. As it stands there is a lot more life in it as new stars are being created all the time, and it all comes from the original big bang. If God had created a static universe it would all have had to be formed at the beginning which might be impossible, even for God.

You don't know what's impossible for the allmighty god ("allmighty" means to be more mighty than only endless mighty), because you know nothing about how strange other universes are able to be if they are real. Think about a universe for example, where mathematics is not existing at all then you are also not able to think about this universe at all. In such a universe we could not exist - but this doesn't mean god could not make it. Better to say: In such a universe we could perhaps not exist - if god made our existance there not possible, what we also don't know now.

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If the universe was not growing, it would be dying. As it stands there is a lot more life in it as new stars are being created all the time, and it all comes from the original big bang. If God had created a static universe it would all have had to be formed at the beginning which might be impossible, even for God.

You don't know what's impossible for the allmighty god ("allmighty" means to be more mighty than only endless mighty), because you know nothing about how strange other universes are able to be if they are real. Think about a universe for example, where mathematics is not existing at all then you are also not able to think about this universe at all. I such a universe we could not exist - but this doesn't mean god could not make it.

If the existing universe has been expanding for 14 billion years since the big bang. It has taken that long to create it. How could God have instantly inflated the universe from nothing to its present size? That would seem impossible. Therefore the expanding universe is the only way to make one, and a static universe is impossible.
If the universe was not growing, it would be dying. As it stands there is a lot more life in it as new stars are being created all the time, and it all comes from the original big bang. If God had created a static universe it would all have had to be formed at the beginning which might be impossible, even for God.

You don't know what's impossible for the allmighty god ("allmighty" means to be more mighty than only endless mighty), because you know nothing about how strange other universes are able to be if they are real. Think about a universe for example, where mathematics is not existing at all then you are also not able to think about this universe at all. I such a universe we could not exist - but this doesn't mean god could not make it.

If the existing universe has been expanding for 14 billion years since the big bang. It has taken that long to create it. How could God have instantly inflated the universe from nothing to its present size? That would seem impossible. Therefore the expanding universe is the only way to make one, and a static universe is impossible.

The creation of the universe was finished within a first plank second - what's maybe seven days for god. Short version: nothing was - everything was; time, space, energy, natural laws and so. That's creation - then starts evolution. Seven or eight days later we are here now and it's not over yet.

By the way. The believers in atheism and/or nihilsm and/or materialism have the problem that they don't know why something is here. It makes no sense that something is existing (even if it should be only an illusion what's existing), so not only spiritual=religious people have problems to explain parts of their belief. But lots of people today seem to believe they don't believe and try to force everyone not to believe too, because this saves the world from idiots who believe in god worldwide. Sometimes seems to be our own universe a little strange too. Specially the english speaking world is often very strange for a stranger like me.

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I just wish he would show himself.. He would solve the worlds problems. ALL of them. But the fucker would rather us kill each other and let children starve. Not worthy of worship IMO
There's no proof that a god created anything.

Could be nothing exists but you know you are existing. But why for heavens sake do you exists? Or let me ask it this way: Why exists [your] existance?

I just wish he would show himself.. He would solve the worlds problems. ALL of them. But the fucker would rather us kill each other and let children starve. Not worthy of worship IMO

If God revealed himself and interfered with everything we do, we would have no freedom to choose. Therefore we would not learn from our mistakes. According to occult theology we learn from our actions over many incarnations, and face karmic consequences that force change in our soul. So we grow through experience.
I just wish he would show himself.. He would solve the worlds problems. ALL of them. But the fucker would rather us kill each other and let children starve. Not worthy of worship IMO

If God revealed himself and interfered with everything we do, we would have no freedom to choose. Therefore we would not learn from our mistakes. According to occult theology we learn from our actions over many incarnations, and face karmic consequences that force change in our soul. So we grow through experience.
If he showed his face, we wouldn't have freedom? Why not? IMO, that would make people want to change out of their own free will. There wouldn't be any more questions.
And no, im not talking about him raping someone else. God show his/her face.
We don't learn from our mistakes. Shit man, it is now "hip" to ignore history.

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