WhyNot Boycott this proud pervert loving place??


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
WhyNot Boycott this proud pervert loving place?? BK
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"Judge not lest ye be judged"
You would think the Religion haters would at least get the passage right and/or at least understand it? But we're talking about Liberals here so they lie like rugs.

This verse is not speaking to not judging at all -- it is speaking to not judging unfairly or any other cheap and selfish way. . It doesn't mean you can't have an opinion. Go ahead and make all the fvckin' judgements you want!

What do you think the Justice System is all about? Judges and Juries listening to Testimony and handing down Judgement.

Libs/Marxists/Totalitarians don't understand Romans 13 either but that's for another thread.
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If I ate garbage, I'd go buy one but, even wrapped up in a nice rainbow wrapper, its still not fit to feed my dog.

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