Wikileaks: Alex Jones, Eots Right


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
A document posted online by WikiLeaks reveals there were strategy discussions regarding the adoption of a "North American Union" – called the North American Initiative in this case – at the ambassadorial level in the United States government.
The concept of a North American Union largely has been ridiculed by many in government and media.
The WikiLeaks document was uncovered by investigators with Americans for Legal Immigration, and the organization reports they "appear to confirm an incremental and covert plan within the highest levels of the American and Canadian governments to accomplish deeper 'North American Integration,' while keeping most average citizens in the dark and bypassing the constitutions of the existing three sovereign nations of America, Canada and Mexico."
ALIPAC spokesman William Gheen told WND, "This is the smoking gun. This is not conjecture. This is a high-ranking member of the U.S. government who created this document."

The document, from "a secret 2005 U.S. embassy cable from Ottawa signed by then-Ambassador Paul Cellucci," states:

An incremental and pragmatic package of tasks for a new North American Initiative (NAI) will likely gain the most support among Canadian policymakers. Our research leads us to conclude that such a package should tackle both 'security' and 'prosperity' goals. This fits the recommendations of Canadian economists who have assessed the options for continental integration. While in principle many of them support more ambitious integration goals, like a customs union/single market and/or single currency, most believe the incremental approach is most appropriate at this time, and all agree that it helps pave the way to these goals if and when North Americans choose to pursue them.

WikiLeaks: 'North American Initiative' no 'theory'
a document posted online by wikileaks reveals there were strategy discussions regarding the adoption of a "north american union" – called the north american initiative in this case – at the ambassadorial level in the united states government.
The concept of a north american union largely has been ridiculed by many in government and media.
the wikileaks document was uncovered by investigators with americans for legal immigration, and the organization reports they "appear to confirm an incremental and covert plan within the highest levels of the american and canadian governments to accomplish deeper 'north american integration,' while keeping most average citizens in the dark and bypassing the constitutions of the existing three sovereign nations of america, canada and mexico."
alipac spokesman william gheen told wnd, "this is the smoking gun. This is not conjecture. This is a high-ranking member of the u.s. Government who created this document."

the document, from "a secret 2005 u.s. Embassy cable from ottawa signed by then-ambassador paul cellucci," states:

an incremental and pragmatic package of tasks for a new north american initiative (nai) will likely gain the most support among canadian policymakers. Our research leads us to conclude that such a package should tackle both 'security' and 'prosperity' goals. This fits the recommendations of canadian economists who have assessed the options for continental integration. While in principle many of them support more ambitious integration goals, like a customs union/single market and/or single currency, most believe the incremental approach is most appropriate at this time, and all agree that it helps pave the way to these goals if and when north americans choose to pursue them.

wikileaks: 'north american initiative' no 'theory'

Jerome Corsi? The guy who was about to spill the beans on Obama's Kenyan birth? On WND?


Sorry, what that cable says isn't what the conspiracists say about the NAU. Fail.
Become one vast nation with Canada and Mexico?


Canadians have given over to much for to long to the government.

Mexico? pfft It would take decades for us to fix what is wrong with Mexico.
im not going to loose any sleep over concepts and talk.
Would you lose sleep over any action?
North American Union Integration Time Line

Obama signature creates 'continental perimeter'

wow. you not only managed to cite WND, you managed to site a WND article written by Jerome Corsi.

that's what's known as a double credibility fail.
How about if I cite the Council on Foreign Relations?
Building a North American Community - Council on Foreign Relations
How about if a former President of Mexico confirmed it?:
Vicente Fox admits that he and George W. Bush have ’agreed’ on common currency, North American Union
Larry King, near the end of the broadcast, asked Fox a question e-mailed from a listener: "I would like to know how you feel about the possibility of having a Latin America united with one currency" Fox answered in the affirmative, admitting he and George W. Bush had "agreed" to pursue the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas – a free-trade zone extending throughout the Western Hemisphere – and that part of the plan was to institute a regional currency from Canada to the tip of South America
That would explain why the Fed issues QE II and is thinking about QE III. Can't replace something before it's destroyed right?

You better wake the fuck up!
yawn....I'll be long dead before any of this shit ever happens......unless we are attacked by extra terrestrials. They are out there ya know!

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