Wikileaks Assange internet cut, Kerry in UK

Ecuador Cuts Assange's Internet

Why not his throat?

I find it most telling that leftards are not upset about the contents of the leaks of the power brokers that run the leftard clown posse where they reveal what they really thing about the serfs...oh no, they are pissed because it's being revealed and exposing this fraudulent election system. There was a website that I once frequented where a member was reported to the Secret Service on because he said he hoped Hitlery would eventually croak by a leftard that openly called for violence against Trump can't make this shit up. Leftards have got nothing...they can't silence me nor can they debate me. They will "ignore" me but they can't prevent me from waking others up which is something that they wish they could control but is out of their all they can do is a slow burn.....

Too funny....
they are pissed because it's being revealed and exposing this fraudulent election system.
What is fraudulent about it that will negatively affect Hair Drumpf? The Democratic Party's primary elections are not likely to affect him, if fraud existed there. The Republican Party's primary election benefited Hair Drumpf if fraud was there. Media bias, if it exists, is not fraud.

If you were not guilty, you wouldn't be hiding in an embassy.

If you were exposing the truth about the criminal elite that run this system, how easy would it be for them to make up charges sans any proof? I remember the giddiness of the leftard clown posse when Wikileaks was exposing truths about the Bushpuppet and Tony Blair....absolutely ecstatic and for good reason. But now that it is a Bush crime family pal that has a "D" by her name? All of the sudden Wikileaks isn't "credible" in the eyes of stupid, uninformed idiots like you.
they are pissed because it's being revealed and exposing this fraudulent election system.
What is fraudulent about it that will negatively affect Hair Drumpf? The Democratic Party's primary elections are not likely to affect him, if fraud existed there. The Republican Party's primary election benefited Hair Drumpf if fraud was there. Media bias, if it exists, is not fraud.

Are you really that fucking stupid? The fix was in for Hitlery starting at the DNC level to the corporate media that is owned by the same oligarchs that are backing can anyone be as stupid as you are and still navigate the web??? I'd really like to know......SMH......
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Are you really that fucking stupid? Thew fix was in for Hitlery starting at the DNC level to the corporate media that is owned by the same oligarchs that are backing her
Not as stupid as you, apparently, who does not grasp the significance of:
'What is fraudulent about it that will negatively affect Hair Drumpf? The Democratic Party's primary elections are not likely to affect him, if fraud existed there.'
I'm not sure the DNC backing a member of its own party is fraud, but in case it is, how about detailing the fraudulent acts?
Rigging elections and nomination processes is not fraud????? Seriously?????
Sputtering is not evidence. Front up with some evidence both an election was fraudulently rigged and that a nomination process was fraudulently rigged, by corporate media, in the instance you mention.
Rigging elections and nomination processes is not fraud????? Seriously?????
Sputtering is not evidence. Front up with some evidence both an election was fraudulently rigged and that a nomination process was fraudulently rigged by corporate media, in the instance you mention.

If you don't know how Sanders was stabbed in the back by the DNC that made Wasserman resign or how the lame stream media has focused on accusations against Trump while ignoring the damning Wikileaks release of e-mails from Hitlery and John Pedesto, then you are on the coveted ":unaware and compliant" morons that they crave......seriously.
Rigged for Trump! hahaha....The air time the media gave that cock sucker is a few billion dollars worth. Cruz would of ate Trump alive if they had equal time.

Matthew, I could surf the blogisphere for days and be hard pressed to come across another leftard as utterly clueless and stupid as you are. You are in a class all by yourself with your own personal "short bus".....(face palm)
If you don't know how Sanders was stabbed in the back by the DNC
So, no evidence of fraud by corporate media, that you claimed committed fraud. No evidence of fraud by anyone else.

I guess sputtering is all you have.
Matthew, I could surf the blogisphere for days and be hard pressed to come across another leftard as utterly clueless and stupid as you are.
Or you could just look in the mirror and find a poster much more clueless and stupid.
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