Wikileaks Assange internet cut, Kerry in UK

Mon, 10/17/2016 - 7:04pm — Alex Ocana

There are only a few

...people keeping vigilance at the Ecuadorian Embassy, and although there are a number of black Land Rovers with tinted glass, and a Brinks truck pulled up to the back door... there has been nobody who has seen Julius Assange. People are justifiably worried.

With Europe threatening to ban RT news altogether. I suppose that means I will have to repost articles from freedom base in the Caribbean...

One thing that is pissing me off is that Trump, who is as nasty a fucking facist as Clinton could ever be, is the one who is filling twitter with the Podesta email leaks.. I don't see a left progressive analysis of the leaks. Clinton is responsible for anything that happens to Assange and Wikileaks. I will hope that if she has done something that hackers around the world will destroy her and her cronies.

Its depressing though because Kick Ass Torrentz disappeared in one minute, its coder arrested and jailed, all the servers destroyed... OK, we still have The Pirate Bay as a survival model. My guess (my hope) is that WikiLeaks has a good contingency plan and will survive.

Human Rights Observatory
Kerry Heads to London for Syria Talks With European Allies

On a day when Turkish-backed Syrian rebels captured a northern Syrian town from Islamic State symbolically important to the jihadists, the top U.S. diplomat is also meeting with Washington's European allies in London Sunday to discuss how to bring a halt to the Syrian conflict, now in its sixth year. John Kerry said a meeting in Switzerland with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, and several Middle Eastern countries a day earlier had produced "several ideas that need to be...

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© Voice of America - Sunday, October 16, 2016
There is no evidence of collusion between Russia and WikiLeaks, said Nicholas Weaver, a researcher at the International Computer Science Institute at the University of California, Berkeley.
.A foreign ministry statement said that while it stands by its decision in 2012 to grant Assange asylum, it doesn't interfere in foreign elections. Leftist President Rafael Correa's government said it was acting on its own and not ceding to foreign pressures.

The ministry didn't specify the extent of the restrictions on Assange's access to the internet, saying only that the limitations wouldn't affect WikiLeaks' ability to carry out its journalistic activities.
WikiLeaks has since responded on Twitter, saying the claims are false:

A front has released through US Democratic media an elaborate story accusing Julian Assange of paedophillia & taking US$1million from Russia

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
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from a feed with many responses:............................................................................................................................
5 points 1 day ago

Any news? Way to silent around here

permalinkSeth_21 16 points 1 day ago
  • Who is doing this down voting, and why are people so ready to give up their freedom and elect pure evil?

    permalinkchi-hi 2 points 1 day ago

    • It's decay at this point

      EnderG715UT 9 points 1 day ago

      Because if they actually used logic and reasoning with their decision making...

      They wouldn't be democrats.

      Seth_21 6 points 1 day ago

      Touché sir touché

      gfawke5 12 points 1 day ago

      Take a wild guess!

      Seth_21 6 points 1 day ago

      How are people so blindly following the media, I don't want to lose our freedoms because people are complacent
Beginning in 2010, several federal agencies, including the United States DoJ, CIA, FBI, and the NSA, launched an investigation into Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Amid the controversy, the hacker was also accused of sexually assaulting two women while attending a conference in Sweden.

While out on bail for the sexual assault charges, Assange sought and was granted asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
**************************************************************************************************************************************************************At the exact instant that the WikiLeaks press conference was underway, “coincidentally,” there was widespread internet disruptions at major corporate U.S. service providers, including Xfinity, Comcast, and Time Warner Cable. All providers amazingly suffered massive outages in the wee hours of the morning, with Comcast’s outages occurring on both coasts.


Then, mysteriously, at 5:13 EDT (USA)/ 11:13 (Berlin), right when Assange announced he would not yet be releasing the “October Surprise” on Hillary, the outages suddenly cleared right up. It’s also interesting to note that the only one live-streaming the event was Info Wars, with all major news outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, and the usual clowns, completely MIA. The liberal media was quick to start their usual crap-talking Tuesday morning, however, where they scoffed at Assange’s second cancellation of his announcement.

If these outages were not coincidental, this massive internet outage is nothing short of chilling. If Hillary Clinton really has enough sway to control the internet, it’s apparent that her evil swagger is not just confined to Washington, D.C. and the media, as she’s now actively controlling the flow of information.

It will be interesting to see what else happens to silence Assange, who still promises to deliver the bombshell that will finish Hillary sometime before the November elections.

H/T [Conservative Treehouse, Mediate]

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Milo could not be at NYU this week because of death threats. Not that I like or ever heard of him until lately. Yet it fits the blackout of free speech criticizing Hillary this week. Where is Assange?
By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Hacked emails belonging to Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta detailed the need for “discreet conversations” with companies like Apple, Facebook and Google.

WikiLeaks’ document dump of Mr. Podesta’s private conversations show just how integral Silicon Valley is to the Democrat presidential hopeful’s ambitions. An Oct. 26, 2014, email by Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook includes a “digital priorities and status” attachment written by Teddy Goff, President Obama’s former digital director for his re-election campaign, on the matter.

“Working relationships with Google, Facebook, Apple, and other technology companies were important to us in 2012 and should be even more important to you in 2016, given their still-ascendent positions in the culture,” Mr. Goff said. “These partnerships can bring a range of benefits to a campaign, from access to talent and prospective donors to early knowledge of beta products and invitations to participate in pilot programs. We have begun having discreet conversations with some of these companies to get a sense of their priorities for the coming cycle, but would encourage you, as soon as your technology leadership is in place, to initiate more formal discussions.”

The document also notes that Eric Schmidt, chief executive of Google’s parent company Alphabet, had a team that was working on “important products” for Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.
Julian Assange, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of WikiLeaks. © Axel Schmidt / Reuters
Ecuador’s embassy in London cut off Julian Assange’s internet access after coming under pressure from the US State Department, which supports Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, WikiLeaks activist Clark Stoeckley told RT.
“It’s quite a coincidence” that Assange, who has been holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy for over four years, was left without internet on Saturday “shortly after Julian and WikiLeaks had published the Goldman Sachs speeches that Hillary had been giving,” Stoeckley said.

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WikiLeaks says Ecuador cut off Assange’s internet after new Clinton emails published
“Obviously, the State Department is going to claim that they aren’t involved in this. They’ve lied in the past and they’ve also exaggerated many claims about what damage was done by the WikiLeaks. Where, in fact… there was no damage whatsoever. And it was, actually, just embarrassment,” he said.

According to the activist, the State Department is rooting for Clinton in the US presidential election to take place on November 8.

“It seems to me that the State Department, who’s chummy with Hillary Clinton because she was the Secretary of State (in 2009-2013), would try to control anything that might come out before this election,” he said.

Despite the internet cutoff, “the relationship between Ecuador and WikiLeaks and Julian Assange is still very amicable. They’ve been a wonderful host for letting him be a guest for four years,” Stoeckley said.

Stoeckley again urged Swedish authorities to drop sexual assault allegations against Assange to finally allow the WikiLeaks founder to leave the Ecuadorian embassy.

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