Wikileaks Bombshell: Guccifer 2.0 Admits “Seth” Rich Was DNC Leaker

Wait... I thought Gucifer admitted before he was the one that hacked the servers? So which story are we supposed to believe? And now Gucifer is listed as a Russian spy and not just an independent hacker? Sounds to me like WikiLeaks can't keep their lies straight.
OK, I'LL PLAY this bull crud game of yours....

The Russians or Roger Stone on Trump's team killed him, the DNC, Hillary, Podesta etc needed him alive, to rat on who put him up to it....


If he was the leaker, NO ONE ON THE LEFT needed this guy dead...we needed him ALIVE, you stupid stupid stupid idiots....

Another thing.... Seth Rich was DEAD as a door nail, months before the Podesta emails were dumped by wiki leaks...

AND the reason the thieves stole nothing, is because the police were less than a block away when the murder was committed and there at the scene within a couple of minutes
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And while they're at it, how about Shawn Lucas "dropping dead" in his bathroom at age 38 within days of Seth Rich? No history of drug abuse and he apparently had some weird combination of drugs in his system. They also took several MONTHS to even release a cause of death.
Sure, go investigate Hilary, whatever.

No, but do a real investigation of the poor mans murder. Unlike the "sweep it under the rug" that the case would have received with a shrilary admin.
Fine, whatever.

You don't want to see a mans murder investigated? Really? You support murder and those who do it? You're a strange bird, that's for sure.

I said fine, whatever, go ahead, no worries mate.
As I posted in another thread, Gucifer 2.0 originally said HE hacked the server. Now he is saying he got the information from Seth Rich. He originally was a sole hacker... now he is a Russian spy. WikiLeaks said they didn't get the information from the Russians...but now they say they got it from Gucifer who is a Russian spy.

Do you guys not see all the bullshit here?
The Democrats have never shown any concern at all about all the "deaths" surrounding the Clintons....
You don't understand who is in charge of the DNC, who founded the Democratic Party etc....

Hints =

1. warmongering Zionist Chuck Schumer is the Dem Senate Leader
2. warmongering Zionist DWS was DNC chair
3. warmongering Zionist Harry Reid was the Dem Senate Leader

Who was in charge of the original Democrats and why did they love lawyers and slavery???
OK, I'LL PLAY this bull crud game of yours....

The Russians or Roger Stone on Trump's team killed him, the DNC, Hillary, Podesta etc needed him alive, to rat on who put him up to it....


If he was the leaker, NO ONE ON THE LEFT needed this guy dead...we needed him ALIVE, you stupid stupid stupid idiots....

Another thing.... Seth Rich was DEAD as a door nail, months and months before the Podesta emails were dumped by wiki leaks...

AND the reason the thieves stole nothing, is because the police were less than a block away when the murder was committed and there at the scene within a couple of minutes

Muggers rarely kill a mark unless he resists. Pistol shots in a downtown area at night sound like thunder so a mugger of any repute wouldn't chance arrest. Rich was shot in the back....muggers don't shoot fleeing marks....they slink off to find a target they can get close enough to to rob. The Rich murder was anything but a mugging gone wrong...he was hunted and shot. I believe there were two men seen on a grainy video surveillance video...were they Team Clinton, or somebody he'd pissed off or owed money to? mistaken identity? Who knows.
The Democrats have always been the party of death, except for criminals....
You don't understand who is in charge of the DNC, who founded the Democratic Party etc....

Hints =

1. warmongering Zionist Chuck Schumer is the Dem Senate Leader
2. warmongering Zionist DWS was DNC chair
3. warmongering Zionist Harry Reid was the Dem Senate Leader

Who was in charge of the original Democrats and why did they love lawyers and slavery???

Ahhh shit I'm so tired of hearing EVERYONE on both sides calling each other warmongers. Conservatives call Liberals warmongers... while Trump fires missiles and threatens North Korea. Just stop.

The same people calling Liberals warmongers are also the same people saying Obama was a push-over pussy... you can't have it both ways no matter how much you want it to be.
OK, I'LL PLAY this bull crud game of yours....

The Russians or Roger Stone on Trump's team killed him, the DNC, Hillary, Podesta etc needed him alive, to rat on who put him up to it....


If he was the leaker, NO ONE ON THE LEFT needed this guy dead...we needed him ALIVE, you stupid stupid stupid idiots....

Another thing.... Seth Rich was DEAD as a door nail, months and months before the Podesta emails were dumped by wiki leaks...

AND the reason the thieves stole nothing, is because the police were less than a block away when the murder was committed and there at the scene within a couple of minutes

Muggers rarely kill a mark unless he resists. Pistol shots in a downtown area at night sound like thunder so a mugger of any repute wouldn't chance arrest. Rich was shot in the back....muggers don't shoot fleeing marks....they slink off to find a target they can get close enough to to rob. The Rich murder was anything but a mugging gone wrong...he was hunted and shot. I believe there were two men seen on a grainy video surveillance video...were they Team Clinton, or somebody he'd pissed off or owed money to? mistaken identity? Who knows.

A gun shot in a bad part of town in a major city...which this was, is not a big deal. You have probably never been in one of these areas to know that.

One of the prisons I worked at was in the bad side of Dayton, Ohio...and I was out doing a parking lot and outer building check in the middle of the night. I heard some pops go off that sounded like gun shots. When I came inside I reported it to my Captain... you know what he said? "It was probably gun shots, it happens all the time. Next time bring your ass inside because they may be shooting at you."

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