Wikileaks Vindicated! US Intelligence Officially Verifies Government Child Sex Ring!

Hell yes its true... good lord you cant click into the DNI link? As in DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE? It takes you right to the document and you can do a word search for the word "forgery" and you'll see the document in the video, and the paragraph read form and highlighted is right there in the doc... don't make me call you assumptive morons lol... it'll be mainstream news before you get to it sheesh lol

You don't get it... point out what in the 20+ page document says Pizzagate is true.
you guys cant really be this stupid and lazy... too lazy to click into a 5 minute video and the link taking you directly to the document? REALLY? LOL ...FORGIVE ME LOL, i thought i was joining a group with some amount of intelligence
Hello Everyone! I am new here, and breaking news that vindicates Mr Assange and Wikileaks! Everyone REALLY NEEDS to see this! U.S. intelligence reports verify high level government child sex ring in DNI report! Please SHARE!

Spam bot.

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Just like cockroaches !!!
you guys cant really be this stupid and lazy... too lazy to click into a 5 minute video and the link taking you directly to the document? REALLY? LOL ...FORGIVE ME LOL, i thought i was joining a group with some amount of intelligence clearly thought wrong!
you guys cant really be this stupid and lazy... too lazy to click into a 5 minute video and the link taking you directly to the document? REALLY? LOL ...FORGIVE ME LOL, i thought i was joining a group with some amount of intelligence
Actually, we realize how stupid it is to click on conspiracy videos
you guys cant really be this stupid and lazy... too lazy to click into a 5 minute video and the link taking you directly to the document? REALLY? LOL ...FORGIVE ME LOL, i thought i was joining a group with some amount of intelligence
Why go through the video? Here is the link straight to the document:
There is nothing in the document to support your claim. Not one word about any child sex ring.
So what do you think the emails regarding spirit cooking, and the pedi key words were all about? They were the real deal emails, and the document DOES say this.. So yes the DNI verifies it is NOT a conspiracy theory... the FBI themselves verify the key words refer to pedophilia


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uh huh.... you're a paid troll then because DNI says these are ALL valid emails...
Seems legit. Someone should do something about this.
What we can do about it is pass on the info to everyone we know and start calling media outlets, congressmen, senators, Trump, and every alternative news source possible.. i agree, we are responsible for the actions of those in government
well no its not spam... I don't make money on this... my videos aren't monitored... i do this because i believe in what i do... id hope the same for everyone herei am a member of several Assange groups... so what if i make vids. I am also working on proof of life investigations, calling embassies, john kerry's office, and people need to know that DNI verifies pizza gate and etc... so really if you folk don't take Assange seriously and have no concern for his status, or the fact he is vindicated and atrocities are being carried out by members of our government on CHILDREN... I'm afraid i don't know what to tell you.

I see. So you're really a tinfoil hat nut. Do you have a sign, and stand on the street corner yelling "THE END IS NEAR!!" too?
Seems legit. Someone should do something about this.
What we can do about it is pass on the info to everyone we know and start calling media outlets, congressmen, senators, Trump, and every alternative news source possible.. i agree, we are responsible for the actions of those in government
Send your info to trumps twatter account. Maybe you and your research will be mentioned in the SOTU speech.
Agree with Rightwinger, going to need a link to a credible source. A YouTube video ain't gonna cut it.

You think this is possibly true?

But I'm willing to be proven wrong.

I wonder why you don't realize that your approach makes you seem like an imbecile?

This is not a possibility. A thinking person would immediately dismiss this charge as an impossibility.

Impossible is for the closed minded.
If you were to watch the video you'd see the link directly to the Official DNI Report is in the description ... it is also shown in the video... Dayum click into it lol The link is right there taking you TO
Thats ok... everyone in the know, knows that Snowden's leaked NSA documents broke the news on paid trolls, who are hired and trained en mass to troll social media to help them "shape public opinion"... i wrote articles on their training... which is college accredited by the way and i have a copy of it... You guys are easy to handle... and expose. anyone clicking into that video knows though, IF they are looking for the truth, that intelligence is now admitting the spirit cooking, pay to play, and pizza gate is REAL... and ALL your trolling won't change that ;)

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