Wikileaks Vindicated! US Intelligence Officially Verifies Government Child Sex Ring!

Looks like we got another gusto clone on our hands. Just wait until he starts posting scans of Nazi propaganda.
Thats ok... everyone in the know, knows that Snowden's leaked NSA documents broke the news on paid trolls, who are hired and trained en mass to troll social media to help them "shape public opinion"... i wrote articles on their training... which is college accredited by the way and i have a copy of it... You guys are easy to handle... and expose. anyone clicking into that video knows though, IF they are looking for the truth, that intelligence is now admitting the spirit cooking, pay to play, and pizza gate is REAL... and ALL your trolling won't change that ;)

I know. Those things are only real inside your head, and nobody can change that but you. A psychiatrist would probably help though.
So what do you think the emails regarding spirit cooking, and the pedi key words were all about? They were the real deal emails, and the document DOES say this.. So yes the DNI verifies it is NOT a conspiracy theory... the FBI themselves verify the key words refer to pedophilia
Ah, ok, so you admit that the ODNI does not actually say the pedophile ring is confirmed, only that none of the emails were forgeries. But none of the emails are about a child sex ring except in the minds of some twisted people who went to great lengths to mix and match and cherry pick to allege a conspiracy.
No... they say in fact the emails are legitimate and real... did you see them state otherwise?
No... they say in fact the emails are legitimate and real... did you see them state otherwise?
None of the emails are forgeries, That does NOT mean the the interpretation and the belief that some of the emails are codes for pedophiles are correct.
To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject:

You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it.

On Sep 2, 2014 2:54 PM, "Sandler, Susan" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote: Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.

Yeah, nothing to see here, folks......move along, ya stupid fucks.
i just take it some of you are paid opposition... thats cool too...

I just take it you're mental patient..... that's cool too.
For your future reference, next time you want to use this screen name, spell it right... That should be "T A Z E"

Next time, consider the fact we have a 16 character limit for our handles. It's called IMPROVISATION

No worries... if you don't want to be a loony toon, we won't Taz you... how about we henceforth refer to you as Dora the Explorer? Cool with you Dora?
To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject:

You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it.

On Sep 2, 2014 2:54 PM, "Sandler, Susan" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote: Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.

Yeah, nothing to see here, folks......move along, ya stupid fucks.

Are you really this uninformed? You don't know you're leaders are involved in spirit cooking? You don't know all the references to SELLING people? To the murder of "leakers"? To pedophilia? You're just an idiot dude lol... or a paid troll here to help "shape opinion"
No... they say in fact the emails are legitimate and real... did you see them state otherwise?
None of the emails are forgeries, That does NOT mean the the interpretation and the belief that some of the emails are codes for pedophiles are correct.

Cool... explain the references then to spirit cooking, Whats that? Explain the references to making examples of leakers, and then Seth Rich turns up dead... explain this... Explain the references to selling humans... and pedophilia... ill wait while you try to explain it all away...
No... they say in fact the emails are legitimate and real... did you see them state otherwise?
None of the emails are forgeries, That does NOT mean the the interpretation and the belief that some of the emails are codes for pedophiles are correct.

Cool... explain the references then to spirit cooking, Whats that?
Easy. Spirit Cooking is the name of a series of works Marina Abramovic did 20 years ago.
Spirit Cooking was the first project Jacob Samuel produced with his portable aquatint box, working with Abramović—a performance artist with little printmaking experience—in her Amsterdam studio. The artist chose to make a cookbook,writing a series of "aphrodisiac recipes" that serve as evocative instructions for actions or thoughts. To allow the artist to create the accompanying etchings in a manner consistent with her body-oriented practice, Samuel prepared the plates with soft ground so she could scratch directly onto the surface with her fingernails and encouraged her to work with spitbite, using her own saliva with nitric acid to paint on the plate.
Marina Abramović. Spirit Cooking. 1996 | MoMA
Odd, maybe a little freaky, but not Satanic, and nothing to do with pedophilia or a sex ring.

Explain the references to making examples of leakers, and then Seth Rich turns up dead... explain this
Seth Rich was not a leaker. He was a low level employee of the DNC, on his way home and talking to his girlfriend at the time he was shot in an area in which there had been a number of burglaries.

Explain the references to selling humans... and pedophilia... ill wait while you try to explain it all away...
There were no such references. I mean, seriously, do you really think "cheese pizza" is really code for child pornography?
Hello... i find it incredible that our own intelligence agencies would throw the Dems, who heralded these emails as fake, under the bus... but they damn sure did yesterday in their official report to obama and President elect Trump
Do you have a copy of that intel report?
To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject:

You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it.

On Sep 2, 2014 2:54 PM, "Sandler, Susan" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote: Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.

Yeah, nothing to see here, folks......move along, ya stupid fucks.

Are you really this uninformed? You don't know you're leaders are involved in spirit cooking? You don't know all the references to SELLING people? To the murder of "leakers"? To pedophilia? You're just an idiot dude lol... or a paid troll here to help "shape opinion"

Dude, I am on your side....I know damn well that this pedophile ring is going on and Comet Pizza is but a small cog in the my post again and try to take in the sarcasm.....
To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject:

You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it.

On Sep 2, 2014 2:54 PM, "Sandler, Susan" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote: Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.

Yeah, nothing to see here, folks......move along, ya stupid fucks.

Are you really this uninformed? You don't know you're leaders are involved in spirit cooking? You don't know all the references to SELLING people? To the murder of "leakers"? To pedophilia? You're just an idiot dude lol... or a paid troll here to help "shape opinion"

Dude, I am on your side....I know damn well that this pedophile ring is going on and Comet Pizza is but a small cog in the my post again and try to take in the sarcasm.....

Comet Pizza is in on it? With their secret basement that doesn't exist?
To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject:

You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it.

On Sep 2, 2014 2:54 PM, "Sandler, Susan" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote: Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.

Yeah, nothing to see here, folks......move along, ya stupid fucks.

Are you really this uninformed? You don't know you're leaders are involved in spirit cooking? You don't know all the references to SELLING people? To the murder of "leakers"? To pedophilia? You're just an idiot dude lol... or a paid troll here to help "shape opinion"

Dude, I am on your side....I know damn well that this pedophile ring is going on and Comet Pizza is but a small cog in the my post again and try to take in the sarcasm.....

Comet Pizza is in on it? With their secret basement that doesn't exist?

Borrowed from and the discussion about Pizzagate..,...
In case u missed it, James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong, center of 'Pizzagate' controversy, emphatically stated for the record yesterday on the Kojo Mnambi radio show that Comet Ping Pong DOES NOT HAVE A BASEMENT.Pizza Propaganda: The Local Fallout From Fake News - The Kojo Nnamdi Show

Now, this is problematic because it contradicts the available evidence we currently have. Including James Alefantis himself talking about canning 10 tons of tomatoes at Comet and storing them in said basement. Which can be found here in this Metro Weekly article. James Alefantis: From Scratch - Metro Weekly

In addition to his own words previously confirming the existence of a basement, we also have this book, Boutique Restaurants, which documents the interior of Comet Ping Pong. The only available images are too low of a resolution to make out the description of the basement looking image. However, the space depicted is able to be assumed to be a basement area of the building. (Cant find the direct link to the book image right now but i have the image here)

Another puzzling piece of information is the listing of Comet, 5037 Connecticut Ave. on Propertyshark, has the number of stories of the building listed as '2'. Whether this could just be an indication of the height of the building, or number of actual floors is inconclusive.

5037 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008 | PropertyShark

Here is a second property information site (provided by a commenter here on this article) that also has 5037 Connecticut listed as a 2 story building.

Other supporting evidence that lends a high probability of a chamber below Comet Ping Pong, is a confirmed basement level in a neighboring business, Politics and Prose (which is in the same building as Comet Ping Pong) Across the street there is Joe's Basement Bar, so we know buildings in the immediate vicinity have basements.

Images from James Alefantis' Instagram account show what appears to be construction work being conducted inside a basement area.
To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject:

You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it.

On Sep 2, 2014 2:54 PM, "Sandler, Susan" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote: Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.

Yeah, nothing to see here, folks......move along, ya stupid fucks.

Are you really this uninformed? You don't know you're leaders are involved in spirit cooking? You don't know all the references to SELLING people? To the murder of "leakers"? To pedophilia? You're just an idiot dude lol... or a paid troll here to help "shape opinion"

Dude, I am on your side....I know damn well that this pedophile ring is going on and Comet Pizza is but a small cog in the my post again and try to take in the sarcasm.....

Comet Pizza is in on it? With their secret basement that doesn't exist?

Borrowed from and the discussion about Pizzagate..,...
In case u missed it, James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong, center of 'Pizzagate' controversy, emphatically stated for the record yesterday on the Kojo Mnambi radio show that Comet Ping Pong DOES NOT HAVE A BASEMENT.Pizza Propaganda: The Local Fallout From Fake News - The Kojo Nnamdi Show

Now, this is problematic because it contradicts the available evidence we currently have. Including James Alefantis himself talking about canning 10 tons of tomatoes at Comet and storing them in said basement. Which can be found here in this Metro Weekly article. James Alefantis: From Scratch - Metro Weekly

In addition to his own words previously confirming the existence of a basement, we also have this book, Boutique Restaurants, which documents the interior of Comet Ping Pong. The only available images are too low of a resolution to make out the description of the basement looking image. However, the space depicted is able to be assumed to be a basement area of the building. (Cant find the direct link to the book image right now but i have the image here)

Another puzzling piece of information is the listing of Comet, 5037 Connecticut Ave. on Propertyshark, has the number of stories of the building listed as '2'. Whether this could just be an indication of the height of the building, or number of actual floors is inconclusive.

5037 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008 | PropertyShark

Here is a second property information site (provided by a commenter here on this article) that also has 5037 Connecticut listed as a 2 story building.

Other supporting evidence that lends a high probability of a chamber below Comet Ping Pong, is a confirmed basement level in a neighboring business, Politics and Prose (which is in the same building as Comet Ping Pong) Across the street there is Joe's Basement Bar, so we know buildings in the immediate vicinity have basements.

Images from James Alefantis' Instagram account show what appears to be construction work being conducted inside a basement area.

Dude... the local zoning commission said they don't have a basement. Why don't you go there and check for yourself? Like the guy with the gun did... :lmao:
To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject:

You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it.

On Sep 2, 2014 2:54 PM, "Sandler, Susan" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote: Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.

Yeah, nothing to see here, folks......move along, ya stupid fucks.

Are you really this uninformed? You don't know you're leaders are involved in spirit cooking? You don't know all the references to SELLING people? To the murder of "leakers"? To pedophilia? You're just an idiot dude lol... or a paid troll here to help "shape opinion"

Dude, I am on your side....I know damn well that this pedophile ring is going on and Comet Pizza is but a small cog in the my post again and try to take in the sarcasm.....

Comet Pizza is in on it? With their secret basement that doesn't exist?

Borrowed from and the discussion about Pizzagate..,...
In case u missed it, James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong, center of 'Pizzagate' controversy, emphatically stated for the record yesterday on the Kojo Mnambi radio show that Comet Ping Pong DOES NOT HAVE A BASEMENT.Pizza Propaganda: The Local Fallout From Fake News - The Kojo Nnamdi Show

Now, this is problematic because it contradicts the available evidence we currently have. Including James Alefantis himself talking about canning 10 tons of tomatoes at Comet and storing them in said basement. Which can be found here in this Metro Weekly article. James Alefantis: From Scratch - Metro Weekly

In addition to his own words previously confirming the existence of a basement, we also have this book, Boutique Restaurants, which documents the interior of Comet Ping Pong. The only available images are too low of a resolution to make out the description of the basement looking image. However, the space depicted is able to be assumed to be a basement area of the building. (Cant find the direct link to the book image right now but i have the image here)

Another puzzling piece of information is the listing of Comet, 5037 Connecticut Ave. on Propertyshark, has the number of stories of the building listed as '2'. Whether this could just be an indication of the height of the building, or number of actual floors is inconclusive.

5037 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008 | PropertyShark

Here is a second property information site (provided by a commenter here on this article) that also has 5037 Connecticut listed as a 2 story building.

Other supporting evidence that lends a high probability of a chamber below Comet Ping Pong, is a confirmed basement level in a neighboring business, Politics and Prose (which is in the same building as Comet Ping Pong) Across the street there is Joe's Basement Bar, so we know buildings in the immediate vicinity have basements.

Images from James Alefantis' Instagram account show what appears to be construction work being conducted inside a basement area.

Dude... the local zoning commission said they don't have a basement. Why don't you go there and check for yourself? Like the guy with the gun did... :lmao:

ALEFANTIS: Well, we make everything from scratch. Other restaurants, even good restaurants, will, like, not roast their own peppers. You can just buy the roasted peppers in a can. Or you can buy garlic oil. Some products you can get, and they’re consistent and they’re easy. But I didn’t even know that existed actually until they said that. I was like, “What do you mean? There’s another way? You can just buy these things?” Because a lot of restaurants will open a can and put it on. Like our sauce — we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them in the basement, have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in"
Are you really this uninformed? You don't know you're leaders are involved in spirit cooking? You don't know all the references to SELLING people? To the murder of "leakers"? To pedophilia? You're just an idiot dude lol... or a paid troll here to help "shape opinion"

Dude, I am on your side....I know damn well that this pedophile ring is going on and Comet Pizza is but a small cog in the my post again and try to take in the sarcasm.....

Comet Pizza is in on it? With their secret basement that doesn't exist?

Borrowed from and the discussion about Pizzagate..,...
In case u missed it, James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong, center of 'Pizzagate' controversy, emphatically stated for the record yesterday on the Kojo Mnambi radio show that Comet Ping Pong DOES NOT HAVE A BASEMENT.Pizza Propaganda: The Local Fallout From Fake News - The Kojo Nnamdi Show

Now, this is problematic because it contradicts the available evidence we currently have. Including James Alefantis himself talking about canning 10 tons of tomatoes at Comet and storing them in said basement. Which can be found here in this Metro Weekly article. James Alefantis: From Scratch - Metro Weekly

In addition to his own words previously confirming the existence of a basement, we also have this book, Boutique Restaurants, which documents the interior of Comet Ping Pong. The only available images are too low of a resolution to make out the description of the basement looking image. However, the space depicted is able to be assumed to be a basement area of the building. (Cant find the direct link to the book image right now but i have the image here)

Another puzzling piece of information is the listing of Comet, 5037 Connecticut Ave. on Propertyshark, has the number of stories of the building listed as '2'. Whether this could just be an indication of the height of the building, or number of actual floors is inconclusive.

5037 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008 | PropertyShark

Here is a second property information site (provided by a commenter here on this article) that also has 5037 Connecticut listed as a 2 story building.

Other supporting evidence that lends a high probability of a chamber below Comet Ping Pong, is a confirmed basement level in a neighboring business, Politics and Prose (which is in the same building as Comet Ping Pong) Across the street there is Joe's Basement Bar, so we know buildings in the immediate vicinity have basements.

Images from James Alefantis' Instagram account show what appears to be construction work being conducted inside a basement area.

Dude... the local zoning commission said they don't have a basement. Why don't you go there and check for yourself? Like the guy with the gun did... :lmao:

ALEFANTIS: Well, we make everything from scratch. Other restaurants, even good restaurants, will, like, not roast their own peppers. You can just buy the roasted peppers in a can. Or you can buy garlic oil. Some products you can get, and they’re consistent and they’re easy. But I didn’t even know that existed actually until they said that. I was like, “What do you mean? There’s another way? You can just buy these things?” Because a lot of restaurants will open a can and put it on. Like our sauce — we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them in the basement, have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in"

You keep believing that... and as for it being listed as a 2 story building? Have you seen a picture of the building?

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