WikiLeaks Will Drop the Atom Bomb on November 5, 2016

Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic but previous posting from whoever this person is has proven to pan out. They've called the WikiLeaks dumps from the beginning so I'm inclined to pay attention to this one as bizzare as it may seem.

This dump on the 5th is bone chilling and according to the author its authenticity will be verified by the FBI, CIA and NYPD. When you read this post its pretty fucking freaky and IF this dump happens its going to shake this country to its core.

Before signing off, I want to add they have been saying this was coming for some time and it hasn't. They do explain the delays, which make sense, but that still doesn't validate anything. As I said above I'm inclined not to outright dismiss it because of their track record, whether that holds up is yet to be seen. Remember remember the 5th of November

The post is in two parts, be sure to read both.

/pol/ - Over the next few days many new documents will be - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

you never learn, gullible trumptard.

if this dump happens....
Why can't people get it through their heads that these things Trump has done can't compare to Hillarys fiascos and the obvious criminality in almost everything she does? Keep trying. Not working and won't work. Hillary is toast, which they serve in jail with chipped beef. Enjoy.
Sorry brother to have to break it to you but the only one facing trial for Fraud and for Rape happens to be Trump..that is a DOCUMENTED UNDENIABLE FACT...

It is also documented the rape charge is a civil charge. Many wealthy people are sued for rape. Kobie Bryant, Patrick Kane, and many others.

Fraud is something else, but Hillary has defrauded this country. Trump not so much.
Being authentic,or true or valid has never entered into Trumps tiny little brain...
He will throw any sort of nonsense out there knowing full well his followers
will suck it up like a vacuum cleaner.
"Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic"; so why post it?

What is your agenda C-K?

Why not? There are literally hundreds of threads and posts here.....even with links...that turn out to be false. At least CK is giving warning it may not happen.

How obsequious of you. Comey did the same thing, and I am sick and tired of the bullshit and lies and efforts by foreign interests and neo fascists in America to influence the voters. I have kids and they do too, and Donald Trump ls the greatest danger to America than any other person now on the radar.

That conclusion is not one from a partisan hack, it is from me, a Navy Vet who spent a 32 year career enforcing the laws of democratically elected governments, at time under the control of the R's and at other times under the control of the D's. I've been married to the same women since 1974, we have two sons and I coached LL Baseball, CYO Basketball and volunteered at their schools and at the church.

Faux patriots, faux Christians and lying bigots, racists and misogynists dominate this board and are a great threat to the principles and values once treasured by leaders in both the R and D parties. Extremism in defense of self interests is evil, and those who will support Trump and vote for the extreme members of Congress are evil themselves.
Whats that have to do with anything? You're off on some tangent about marriage, kids, sports, Trump and church.

We're talking about something very explosive that could involve pedophiles, human trafficking and a host of other crimes.

Your engaged in hate and fear politicking. Using emotional tactics and not offering pragmatic ideas to solve our myraid of problems isn't productive, it is the food for fools.

Child molesters should be a priority of the FBI when interstate crimes are committed, and human trafficking too; e-mails of a candidate for POTUS, a week or so before an election is nothing more than a false flag. NOTHING in the e-mails have been as volatile as Trumps callous disregard for health care, or the rights of minorities and women, or his dismissal of the needs to repair, replace and renew our infrastructure, or keeping the peace by building coalitions with other nations, and standing fast in our efforts to take the so called war on terror to them, by providing training, arms and command and control to the Muslim men to bring the fight to them.

Comey's agents seeking to find something to harm the Clinton campaign would better serve America by continuing to work with state and local agencies in the enormous task of rooting out terrorist - domestic and foreign - who are hiding in plan sight.
Media reports have long tied Bill Clinton to Epstein, with the Sexual Predator in Chief having made at least 20 trips on Epstein’s plane to the island. But Hillary had somehow skirted suspicion. Now sources say there’s email evidence that Hillary made at least six trips to the island herself as Epstein’s guest. And there’s reported to be evidence that Bill performed sex acts on girls ranging from 5 to 14 years old in recent years as part of an international sex ring.

Oh Oh. That is one nasty picture.
Hot dog! Anthony’s weiner may be what screws the Clintons - Personal Liberty®
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Trump more of a threat than clinton!!!!!!!!
Typical liberal BULLSHIT, "A dog I knew told me 'HE peed on the sidewalk" so he should be hanged!!!! Oh she just had a few people murdered and caused the deaths of thousands of our soldiers, lied to congress and the FBI, stole millions of dollars from the people, AND approved the sale of fissionable uranium capable of being made into warheads from OUR nuclear reserve stockpile to RUSSIA after a sizable BRIBE from them. Oh yes of course she is better than TRUMP to stupid shit liberals. The thing is none of that is speculation it is PUBLIC RECORD, and verifiable with government documents. You liberals are really screwed up in more ways that ted bundy.
Being authentic,or true or valid has never entered into Trumps tiny little brain...
He will throw any sort of nonsense out there knowing full well his followers
will suck it up like a vacuum cleaner.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute any of it, and I'm scared sh*tless that it will prove true. So I'll call him names instead, call Republicans names, and try to imply it's wrong even though I have no evidence.

DID the Democrats actually keep files of dirt on each other, to coerce their fellow Demmies into doing what they want?

And did their lousy security enable someone who's sick of it all, to get hold of the files, and publish them to reveal what the Dems were really doing?

I'd fight, lie, and scream too.
Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic but previous posting from whoever this person is has proven to pan out. They've called the WikiLeaks dumps from the beginning so I'm inclined to pay attention to this one as bizzare as it may seem.

This dump on the 5th is bone chilling and according to the author its authenticity will be verified by the FBI, CIA and NYPD. When you read this post its pretty fucking freaky and IF this dump happens its going to shake this country to its core.

Before signing off, I want to add they have been saying this was coming for some time and it hasn't. They do explain the delays, which make sense, but that still doesn't validate anything. As I said above I'm inclined not to outright dismiss it because of their track record, whether that holds up is yet to be seen. Remember remember the 5th of November

The post is in two parts, be sure to read both.

/pol/ - Over the next few days many new documents will be - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Why will they wait until a Saturday? NO ONE pays attention to news on a Saturday!

I totally agree Odium. This info should have been out much sooner, and since they already have announced that it is coming then they should release it now. Let's assume that it turns out to be all the proof they claim, and Hellary wins, which is still the most likely scenario. They are essentially letting a known criminal assume the office, and forcing an extensive and drawn out series of events to occur to remove her from the White House.

if any of this shit is true, it will make House of Cards look like a Disney After School Special.
When nothing happens when will the next bombshell will you claim is coming? The 6th, 7th and 8th?
4chan is one of the toughest forums on the net period. Their fact checking and verification skills are the highest. They have some of the tightest and most restrictive rules regarding sources and links.

4chan is the Marine corp of posting, if they say they have it, THEY HAVE IT.

You are out of your mind. It's a troll board dude. lol, jesus christ.
No its not. They use some of the most advanced hacking tech there. Ping programs and IP generators that rotate at 10,000 per second. Server replicator programs. You simply do not f#ck with them.

Yeah, some are good hackers. Some are just members, just like here. But it is 100% home to many, many trolls, that's for sure.
No dude, there are some serious white/black hats that hang out there. Trolls they are not. Trolls don't hang out on 4chan because they know they will meet an untimely demise. They are masters at doxing people so people do not go there to troll. It's that serious.

You and I must hang out on a totally different /b. lol

It's amazing what people still don't know about that place, though.. :eusa_whistle:
When nothing happens when will the next bombshell will you claim is coming? The 6th, 7th and 8th?
on all of them days, of course. and they will by hydrogen bombs, MOABs, neutron bombs, and a new special kind of astonishingly excellent bomb yet to be invented.

The website in the link looks like something a newb web designer made in 1997. A nine year old with a WYSIWYG web page creator could do better work in half an hour.

It's so stupid, if the evidence were real and there was 'video' and a bunch of other crap it could have been released a week ago with exactly the same effect. God the alt-right loves an empty conspiracy.

Heh. There's a reason why the owner of 4chan can't pay their own server costs and is looking to sell the site.
4chan has been sold to 2chan a site it was designed after.

That article is from last year.

The Worst Site On The Internet Is Going Broke. And This Guy Wants to Buy It.

LOL Thanks. It's just another alt-right steaming pile of nothing that they pass around each other's hands and no one can find the soap.

I tell myself whenever I see a post like this to just drive on by it's really bad mental projection from desperate people, but now and then it's wise to stop and ask what the homeless are all gathered together talking about.

And as usual I find it was a waste of time, thanks for the heads-up.

This is the first time I've ever heard 4chan labeled as an 'alt-right' site. Holy crap. lol
"Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic"; so why post it?

What is your agenda C-K?

Why not? There are literally hundreds of threads and posts here.....even with links...that turn out to be false. At least CK is giving warning it may not happen.

How obsequious of you. Comey did the same thing, and I am sick and tired of the bullshit and lies and efforts by foreign interests and neo fascists in America to influence the voters. I have kids and they do too, and Donald Trump ls the greatest danger to America than any other person now on the radar.

That conclusion is not one from a partisan hack, it is from me, a Navy Vet who spent a 32 year career enforcing the laws of democratically elected governments, at time under the control of the R's and at other times under the control of the D's. I've been married to the same women since 1974, we have two sons and I coached LL Baseball, CYO Basketball and volunteered at their schools and at the church.

Faux patriots, faux Christians and lying bigots, racists and misogynists dominate this board and are a great threat to the principles and values once treasured by leaders in both the R and D parties. Extremism in defense of self interests is evil, and those who will support Trump and vote for the extreme members of Congress are evil themselves.

Thank you! I totally agree! I am also sick of their lying twisted shit. I'll be glad when November 9 gets here.

Since when does "lying twisted shit" bother you?

"Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic"; so why post it?

What is your agenda C-K?

Why not? There are literally hundreds of threads and posts here.....even with links...that turn out to be false. At least CK is giving warning it may not happen.

How obsequious of you. Comey did the same thing, and I am sick and tired of the bullshit and lies and efforts by foreign interests and neo fascists in America to influence the voters. I have kids and they do too, and Donald Trump ls the greatest danger to America than any other person now on the radar.

That conclusion is not one from a partisan hack, it is from me, a Navy Vet who spent a 32 year career enforcing the laws of democratically elected governments, at time under the control of the R's and at other times under the control of the D's. I've been married to the same women since 1974, we have two sons and I coached LL Baseball, CYO Basketball and volunteered at their schools and at the church.

Faux patriots, faux Christians and lying bigots, racists and misogynists dominate this board and are a great threat to the principles and values once treasured by leaders in both the R and D parties. Extremism in defense of self interests is evil, and those who will support Trump and vote for the extreme members of Congress are evil themselves.

Thank you! I totally agree! I am also sick of their lying twisted shit. I'll be glad when November 9 gets here.

Since when does "lying twisted shit" bother you?


Okay, then please provide "credible" proof of when and where I have lied.
When nothing happens when will the next bombshell will you claim is coming? The 6th, 7th and 8th?
Bombshells already cometh. The people only care about handouts and vote for the one who'll give them the most present. Ignorance of the fact that the ones we take from will leave and there will be no one to take from in the future to pay for their gifts.

The website in the link looks like something a newb web designer made in 1997. A nine year old with a WYSIWYG web page creator could do better work in half an hour.

It's so stupid, if the evidence were real and there was 'video' and a bunch of other crap it could have been released a week ago with exactly the same effect. God the alt-right loves an empty conspiracy.

Heh. There's a reason why the owner of 4chan can't pay their own server costs and is looking to sell the site.
4chan has been sold to 2chan a site it was designed after.

That article is from last year.

The Worst Site On The Internet Is Going Broke. And This Guy Wants to Buy It.

LOL Thanks. It's just another alt-right steaming pile of nothing that they pass around each other's hands and no one can find the soap.

I tell myself whenever I see a post like this to just drive on by it's really bad mental projection from desperate people, but now and then it's wise to stop and ask what the homeless are all gathered together talking about.

And as usual I find it was a waste of time, thanks for the heads-up.

This is the first time I've ever heard 4chan labeled as an 'alt-right' site. Holy crap. lol

Let me share a few definitions from the liberal dictionary with you so you see how it works:

Nazi: Republican

Racist: Republican

Rapist: Republican

Libertarian: Republican

Dirty dishes: Republican

Hater: Republican

Belly button lint: Republican

Waiting in line: Republican

These aren't smart people. So what do you suppose they think "alt-right" means?
When nothing happens when will the next bombshell will you claim is coming? The 6th, 7th and 8th?
Bombshells already cometh. The people only care about handouts and vote for the one who'll give them the most present. Ignorance of the fact that the ones we take from will leave and there will be no one to take from in the future to pay for their gifts.

Try that when your nominee paid a dime in income taxes for the last 30 years.

This double sided bullshit has to stop
"Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic"; so why post it?

What is your agenda C-K?

Why not? There are literally hundreds of threads and posts here.....even with links...that turn out to be false. At least CK is giving warning it may not happen.

How obsequious of you. Comey did the same thing, and I am sick and tired of the bullshit and lies and efforts by foreign interests and neo fascists in America to influence the voters. I have kids and they do too, and Donald Trump ls the greatest danger to America than any other person now on the radar.

That conclusion is not one from a partisan hack, it is from me, a Navy Vet who spent a 32 year career enforcing the laws of democratically elected governments, at time under the control of the R's and at other times under the control of the D's. I've been married to the same women since 1974, we have two sons and I coached LL Baseball, CYO Basketball and volunteered at their schools and at the church.

Faux patriots, faux Christians and lying bigots, racists and misogynists dominate this board and are a great threat to the principles and values once treasured by leaders in both the R and D parties. Extremism in defense of self interests is evil, and those who will support Trump and vote for the extreme members of Congress are evil themselves.

Thank you! I totally agree! I am also sick of their lying twisted shit. I'll be glad when November 9 gets here.

Since when does "lying twisted shit" bother you?


Okay, then please provide "credible" proof of when and where I have lied.

Read any of your bizarre OP posts and the ridiculous crap you make up

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