WikiLeaks Will Drop the Atom Bomb on November 5, 2016

So much for this being a discussion...




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LOL Thanks. It's just another alt-right steaming pile of nothing that they pass around each other's hands and no one can find the soap.
lol, dude, you are fucking ignorant. I am not even a hacker and I have heard the same thing about 4chan.

If you think it is bullshit, why dont you create an account and go talk some shit over there and see what the fuck happens, and stop running your fucking mouth, ass hat.
LOL Thanks. It's just another alt-right steaming pile of nothing that they pass around each other's hands and no one can find the soap.
lol, dude, you are fucking ignorant. I am not even a hacker and I have heard the same thing about 4chan.

If you think it is bullshit, why dont you create an account and go talk some shit over there and see what the fuck happens, and stop running your fucking mouth, ass hat.

I agree. Their reputation is formidable. Dark web stuff.

I guess we'll see on the 5th.

Putin Hearts Trump...

The "Rick Rolling" Follies LOL

11.3.2016 - 8:23 PM EDT
First Fake?

US intelligence agencies are now looking at faked documents aimed at discrediting Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party as part of their probe of Russian efforts to disrupt and discredit the US presidential campaign.

From Reuters ...

The FBI and U.S. intelligence agencies are examining faked documents aimed at discrediting the Hillary Clinton campaign as part of a broader investigation into what U.S. officials believe has been an attempt by Russia
to disrupt the presidential election, people with knowledge of the matter said.
Read More →
- Josh Marshall
"Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic"; so why post it?

What is your agenda C-K?
His agenda is spread any and all anti Clinton Bull shit...he is a Trump Fanatic consuming Imported Bull shit ..some of it Imported from Macedonia
Pro-Trump Misinformation Is Big Business
November 3, 2016

BuzzFeed News identified more than 100 pro-Trump websites being run from a single Macedonian town.

The young Macedonians who run these sites don’t care about Donald Trump. They are responding to straightforward economic incentives: As Facebook regularly reveals in earnings reports, a US Facebook user is worth about four times a user outside the US. The fraction-of-a-penny-per-click of U.S. display advertising — a declining market for American publishers — goes a long way in Veles. Several teens and young men who run these sites told BuzzFeed News that they learned the best way to generate traffic is to get their politics stories to spread on Facebook — and the best way to generate shares on Facebook is to publish sensationalist and often false content that caters to Trump supporters.
We're talking about something very explosive that could involve pedophiles, human trafficking and a host of other crimes.
You are getting Rick Rolled LOL Just like when you were orgasmic that Michelle had unfriended Hillary...just like your Ecstasy about a false story that Clinton was going to be indicted ,,,, just like Assange and Guccifer and Trey Gowdy Benghazi Show you will be disappointed but you will be back for More LOL
"Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic"; so why post it?

What is your agenda C-K?

Why not? There are literally hundreds of threads and posts here.....even with links...that turn out to be false. At least CK is giving warning it may not happen.

How obsequious of you. Comey did the same thing, and I am sick and tired of the bullshit and lies and efforts by foreign interests and neo fascists in America to influence the voters. I have kids and they do too, and Donald Trump ls the greatest danger to America than any other person now on the radar.

That conclusion is not one from a partisan hack, it is from me, a Navy Vet who spent a 32 year career enforcing the laws of democratically elected governments, at time under the control of the R's and at other times under the control of the D's. I've been married to the same women since 1974, we have two sons and I coached LL Baseball, CYO Basketball and volunteered at their schools and at the church.

Faux patriots, faux Christians and lying bigots, racists and misogynists dominate this board and are a great threat to the principles and values once treasured by leaders in both the R and D parties. Extremism in defense of self interests is evil, and those who will support Trump and vote for the extreme members of Congress are evil themselves.
What a partisan hack....
Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic but previous posting from whoever this person is has proven to pan out. They've called the WikiLeaks dumps from the beginning so I'm inclined to pay attention to this one as bizzare as it may seem.

This dump on the 5th is bone chilling and according to the author its authenticity will be verified by the FBI, CIA and NYPD. When you read this post its pretty fucking freaky and IF this dump happens its going to shake this country to its core.

Before signing off, I want to add they have been saying this was coming for some time and it hasn't. They do explain the delays, which make sense, but that still doesn't validate anything. As I said above I'm inclined not to outright dismiss it because of their track record, whether that holds up is yet to be seen. Remember remember the 5th of November

The post is in two parts, be sure to read both.

/pol/ - Over the next few days many new documents will be - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

4chan? No shit? Are you really that far alt-right?
Asks the alt-left fascist.....:lol:
"Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic"; so why post it?

What is your agenda C-K?
This is a forum, we share info. I cannot verify if its authentic nor can I verify if its hoax. Lets be honest some of this isn't new info, but it has now been given a date

The is an actual forum dedicated to the sharing of info like this. Maybe a mod will do us all a favor and put it there.
While not verified this isn't the first time this info has surfaced.
True or not remains to be seen but I wouldnt be surprised in the least if it turned out to be factual.

My favorite! It may not be true...and I don't really know what it is, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is true. Anything is possible whe these crooks are concerned. It's best to believe negative things about them.
Meanwhile here is Reality Check as to Real Law breaking.... I am talking about the Orange Galoot Trump

Jon Ralston @RalstonReports
Here's the NLRB decision accusing Trump Las Vegas of breaking the law by refusing to bargain with the Culinary: …

7:27 PM - 3 Nov 2016
Why can't people get it through their heads that these things Trump has done can't compare to Hillarys fiascos and the obvious criminality in almost everything she does? Keep trying. Not working and won't work. Hillary is toast, which they serve in jail with chipped beef. Enjoy.
"Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic"; so why post it?

What is your agenda C-K?

Why not? There are literally hundreds of threads and posts here.....even with links...that turn out to be false. At least CK is giving warning it may not happen.

How obsequious of you. Comey did the same thing, and I am sick and tired of the bullshit and lies and efforts by foreign interests and neo fascists in America to influence the voters. I have kids and they do too, and Donald Trump ls the greatest danger to America than any other person now on the radar.

That conclusion is not one from a partisan hack, it is from me, a Navy Vet who spent a 32 year career enforcing the laws of democratically elected governments, at time under the control of the R's and at other times under the control of the D's. I've been married to the same women since 1974, we have two sons and I coached LL Baseball, CYO Basketball and volunteered at their schools and at the church.

Faux patriots, faux Christians and lying bigots, racists and misogynists dominate this board and are a great threat to the principles and values once treasured by leaders in both the R and D parties. Extremism in defense of self interests is evil, and those who will support Trump and vote for the extreme members of Congress are evil themselves.

Merely your opinion. Just as I posted mine. It's called a message board for that reason. We write messages.

I am guessing with all those attributes you are a Hillary supporter? You are allowed. May not be for long if she gets in though. This is not from a partisan hack either.
I have said time and again (until I am sick of it).....I am NOT a Republican. I am NOT a Democrat.

Of course it is my opinion, and off course other opinions are posted, but the question implied in my post which you ignored is whose opinion has merit?

The Neo fascists who support Trump, or the moderate D's, R's and I's who see the common sense / pragmatic - yes establishment - road to peace and prosperity. Trump flips and flops on every issue, tells the crowds what they want to hear, and ignores laying out a plan - Make America Great Again - isn't a plan and by eschewing the traditional American etho, compassion, he strays too far into the abyss.

Of course I've voted for HRC, and the Democrats who represent my family in the Senate and the H. of R. What has austerity by the Congress done to repair, renew and replace are aging infrastructure, what have they done to create a comprehensive immigration policy and how would the replace health care in America if not return to the death panels of for profit insurance companies?

We need serious people to make serious decisions, not ideologues and sheep to vote to keep their job, but to vote to benefit the many, not the few.
Why can't people get it through their heads that these things Trump has done can't compare to Hillarys fiascos and the obvious criminality in almost everything she does? Keep trying. Not working and won't work. Hillary is toast, which they serve in jail with chipped beef. Enjoy.
Sorry brother to have to break it to you but the only one facing trial for Fraud and for Rape happens to be Trump..that is a DOCUMENTED UNDENIABLE FACT...

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