Wikipedia blackout to protest SOPA

This legislation means that we will no longer be able to quote or link a source or video.

Wikipedia is assembled from quotes & facts from books, magazines & news stories.

It will allow the USG to block foreign websites ie: (WikiLeaks).

This is not about OWS pirating games, music & movies. This will black-out our ability to view & discover what is happening in our world. The foreigners will know more about the world than we will here in the USA.

Oh.... so you think only OWS types are pirating? Gimme a fucking break. I worked in the industry and held my own PC business for a couple of years before deciding it wasn't worth it. You want to know WHO wanted software for nothing most? That's right... businesses. MS office, Quickbooks, hell... one guy tried to tell me that I didn't enclose the Win 2000 Pro disc with his PC that I built him and wanted another one. When I told him we'll have to call Microsoft to get a replacement disc(because I certainly didn't have it), he spilled the beans to me that he was hoping that I'd just cave in and give him one of my other OEM copies so he'd have another license for nothing.

Games and shit yep... there are lots of people who do that... not just OWS guys. I find your premise flawed and bigoted.
IT IS ANTI-freedom and against the consitution! Impeachments and removals should be had if they pass this anti-freeom bill!

You are not free to steal what belongs to someone else.

Did you create your avatar and your 'bitch' in the sig line?

If not, you are 'stealing what belongs to someone else' by virtue of this law.
Something needs to be done about Warez and IRC. Piracy virtually destroyed PC gaming, and that pisses me off. Grab a MIRC client and you too can be stealing thousands in games and movies in a matter of moments. Piracy is out of control, there is no defense of it nor question.

But SOPA isn't the answer. SOPA is typical of the heavy handed approach government is so well known for. Foxes keep killing the chickens, so SOPA shoots the family dog to combat the problem. Wikipedia doesn't encourage copyright violation and does a reasonable job of removing copyrighted material when found. To punish Wikipedia, or YouTube, Facebook, et al, for the sins of users who are violating the TOS of those sites is absurd and the wrong approach to dealing with the issue.

MIRC and Warez holy shit there's two terms I haven't heard in 15 years.
Marc Rubio has withdrawn his support from both bills. They are dead now. And a good thing. The blind support for this kind of corporate censorship by our resident 'Conservatives' simply demonstrates where they really stand on the First Amendment.
Something needs to be done about Warez and IRC. Piracy virtually destroyed PC gaming, and that pisses me off. Grab a MIRC client and you too can be stealing thousands in games and movies in a matter of moments. Piracy is out of control, there is no defense of it nor question.

But SOPA isn't the answer. SOPA is typical of the heavy handed approach government is so well known for. Foxes keep killing the chickens, so SOPA shoots the family dog to combat the problem. Wikipedia doesn't encourage copyright violation and does a reasonable job of removing copyrighted material when found. To punish Wikipedia, or YouTube, Facebook, et al, for the sins of users who are violating the TOS of those sites is absurd and the wrong approach to dealing with the issue.

The only game companies piracy destroyed were the ones that spent more time preventing people from playing their games than they did making thier games better. Steam had a massive piracy problem in Russia, they opened an office there and it disappeared.

People want the games, and are willing to pay for them. Give them a chance and they will. Refuse to sell to them and they will steal it. Making laws won't stop anything, changing the way you do business will.
Marc Rubio has withdrawn his support from both bills. They are dead now. And a good thing. The blind support for this kind of corporate censorship by our resident 'Conservatives' simply demonstrates where they really stand on the First Amendment.

You think Hollywood is conservative?
That wouldn't be very prudent or cost effective of the big evil corporation unless they had a legitimate reason to pursue the violator, now would it?

Let us see just how well your logic actually stands up to reality.

Universal Music Issues Questionable Takedown On Megaupload Video That Featured Their Artists [Updated] | Techdirt

Megaupload Sues Universal Over Questionable Video Takedown, As Says He Sent Takedown Too | Techdirt

Universal Music Takes Down 50 Cent's Official YouTube Video | Techdirt

UMG, MegaUpload Case Gets Even Stranger; Says He Didn't Authorize A Takedown | Techdirt

Gee, it seems Universal, which is a pretty big company, thinks it is worth its time to issue take downs of videos they do not own the rights to. Imagine giving them the power to block sites and cut off payment to any site that links to to sites that they do not like.

Good links

Ok, I'm off to download Moneyball....
Marc Rubio has withdrawn his support from both bills. They are dead now. And a good thing. The blind support for this kind of corporate censorship by our resident 'Conservatives' simply demonstrates where they really stand on the First Amendment.

when did chris dodd become a conservative, numbnuts?
That wouldn't be very prudent or cost effective of the big evil corporation unless they had a legitimate reason to pursue the violator, now would it?

Let us see just how well your logic actually stands up to reality.

Universal Music Issues Questionable Takedown On Megaupload Video That Featured Their Artists [Updated] | Techdirt

Megaupload Sues Universal Over Questionable Video Takedown, As Says He Sent Takedown Too | Techdirt

Universal Music Takes Down 50 Cent's Official YouTube Video | Techdirt

UMG, MegaUpload Case Gets Even Stranger; Says He Didn't Authorize A Takedown | Techdirt

Gee, it seems Universal, which is a pretty big company, thinks it is worth its time to issue take downs of videos they do not own the rights to. Imagine giving them the power to block sites and cut off payment to any site that links to to sites that they do not like.
Which means a private entity is taking control themselves.

Gubmint needs to get thier noses OUT of it, and let the private entities come up with thier own schemes.
Marc Rubio has withdrawn his support from both bills. They are dead now. And a good thing. The blind support for this kind of corporate censorship by our resident 'Conservatives' simply demonstrates where they really stand on the First Amendment.

when did chris dodd become a conservative, numbnuts?

Scott Brown, Jim DeMint Speak Out Against SOPA And Protect IP (TWEETS)

If Chris Dodd supports this, then he should be replaced in the next primary in his state. Same goes for any other supporter of these bills irregardless of their ideology.
That wouldn't be very prudent or cost effective of the big evil corporation unless they had a legitimate reason to pursue the violator, now would it?

Let us see just how well your logic actually stands up to reality.

Universal Music Issues Questionable Takedown On Megaupload Video That Featured Their Artists [Updated] | Techdirt

Megaupload Sues Universal Over Questionable Video Takedown, As Says He Sent Takedown Too | Techdirt

Universal Music Takes Down 50 Cent's Official YouTube Video | Techdirt

UMG, MegaUpload Case Gets Even Stranger; Says He Didn't Authorize A Takedown | Techdirt

Gee, it seems Universal, which is a pretty big company, thinks it is worth its time to issue take downs of videos they do not own the rights to. Imagine giving them the power to block sites and cut off payment to any site that links to to sites that they do not like.
Which means a private entity is taking control themselves.

Gubmint needs to get thier noses OUT of it, and let the private entities come up with thier own schemes.

Ah yes, a very good Fascist stance.
That wouldn't be very prudent or cost effective of the big evil corporation unless they had a legitimate reason to pursue the violator, now would it?

Let us see just how well your logic actually stands up to reality.

Universal Music Issues Questionable Takedown On Megaupload Video That Featured Their Artists [Updated] | Techdirt

Megaupload Sues Universal Over Questionable Video Takedown, As Says He Sent Takedown Too | Techdirt

Universal Music Takes Down 50 Cent's Official YouTube Video | Techdirt

UMG, MegaUpload Case Gets Even Stranger; Says He Didn't Authorize A Takedown | Techdirt

Gee, it seems Universal, which is a pretty big company, thinks it is worth its time to issue take downs of videos they do not own the rights to. Imagine giving them the power to block sites and cut off payment to any site that links to to sites that they do not like.

Good links

Ok, I'm off to download Moneyball....

My problem with the bill is that if gives the government, and various corporations, the power to go after any site they claim is infringing or facilitating infringement, which has included YouTube in the past, and either force them to remove all infringing content or be shut down. Universal said this video is infringing on their content.

[ame=]"Let's Go Crazy" #1 - YouTube[/ame]

Just in case you have as much trouble hearing the music as I do, that is a Prince song in the background.
Oh fucking nozies. IckyWiki has blacked itself out to pwotest!

Fight the man.

Fight the system.

Fight the powah!

Except, nobody gives a crap about this blackout.

Fuck Wiki.
That wouldn't be very prudent or cost effective of the big evil corporation unless they had a legitimate reason to pursue the violator, now would it?

Let us see just how well your logic actually stands up to reality.

Universal Music Issues Questionable Takedown On Megaupload Video That Featured Their Artists [Updated] | Techdirt

Megaupload Sues Universal Over Questionable Video Takedown, As Says He Sent Takedown Too | Techdirt

Universal Music Takes Down 50 Cent's Official YouTube Video | Techdirt

UMG, MegaUpload Case Gets Even Stranger; Says He Didn't Authorize A Takedown | Techdirt

Gee, it seems Universal, which is a pretty big company, thinks it is worth its time to issue take downs of videos they do not own the rights to. Imagine giving them the power to block sites and cut off payment to any site that links to to sites that they do not like.
Which means a private entity is taking control themselves.

Gubmint needs to get thier noses OUT of it, and let the private entities come up with thier own schemes.

They did, and got the government to write a law that would break the internet.
This was posted on Reddit after the blackout, I want everyone here to take note, it's more insidious than you think.

It's not a waiting game, it's a game of poker. Lamar Smith has a royal flush and few people know it.

SOPA may pass. It may not. He doesn't care, and it doesn't matter. The MPAA and RIAA started working on their legislative strategy to pass a new anti-piracy bill in late 2010. SOPA was designed to raise the noise. Everyone is playing right into the entertainment industries hand. The lobbyists are laughing manically at the ignorance of the mob. Even Wikipedia and reddit have played into it.

What people don't know about is the ace: H.R.1981, the Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 which is lying in wait. It's not complete. You see, PCIP is not contestable because it's about protecting children. They can, and very well might, copy and paste the full text of SOPA to the end of PCIP. That's the backup. That's the deal that was struck with entertainment industry lobbyists. We will try to push this anti-piracy bill. It probably won't work. Don't worry, we can pass it under an anti-child pornography bill.

There are two things which no Congressman will risk supporting: terrorism and child pornography. There can be no opposition, no discussion. Any anti-piracy law can ALWAYS be reframed as an anti-child pornography bill and it will pass, without even discussion. It will have the full support of the House (minus Ron Paul), the full support of the Senate, and most importantly the full support of the American people. NO ONE wants to risk being called a pedophile.

The entertainment industry has finally caught up with technology. They understand how it works. It took them 15 years, but they know what DNS is. They are going to exploit a fundamental problem with the way DNS is centralized and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. They have found an error in the very architecture of the Internet. The solution, from a free speech standpoint is not to fight it politically. The solution is the fix the error.

We must move to a decentralized system of DNS. It is not impossible. It requires some new thinking and a re-architecture of some web services, but it must be done if we want the Internet, as we know it today, to exist in 5 or 10 years.

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - H.R.1981 - All Information - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Look at the contents of this so called Child Pornography bill. Why is it targeting something besides Child Pornography? It is targeting all websites on the Internet.

If you think it can't or won't happen, it may not, but consider this. There is a bill with the exact same thing in Australia and Canada right now. They are Omnibus Crime Bills being passed under the guise of child protection.
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This was posted on Reddit after the blackout, I want everyone here to take note, it's more insidious than you think.

It's not a waiting game, it's a game of poker. Lamar Smith has a royal flush and few people know it.

SOPA may pass. It may not. He doesn't care, and it doesn't matter. The MPAA and RIAA started working on their legislative strategy to pass a new anti-piracy bill in late 2010. SOPA was designed to raise the noise. Everyone is playing right into the entertainment industries hand. The lobbyists are laughing manically at the ignorance of the mob. Even Wikipedia and reddit have played into it.

What people don't know about is the ace: H.R.1981, the Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 which is lying in wait. It's not complete. You see, PCIP is not contestable because it's about protecting children. They can, and very well might, copy and paste the full text of SOPA to the end of PCIP. That's the backup. That's the deal that was struck with entertainment industry lobbyists. We will try to push this anti-piracy bill. It probably won't work. Don't worry, we can pass it under an anti-child pornography bill.

There are two things which no Congressman will risk supporting: terrorism and child pornography. There can be no opposition, no discussion. Any anti-piracy law can ALWAYS be reframed as an anti-child pornography bill and it will pass, without even discussion. It will have the full support of the House (minus Ron Paul), the full support of the Senate, and most importantly the full support of the American people. NO ONE wants to risk being called a pedophile.

The entertainment industry has finally caught up with technology. They understand how it works. It took them 15 years, but they know what DNS is. They are going to exploit a fundamental problem with the way DNS is centralized and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. They have found an error in the very architecture of the Internet. The solution, from a free speech standpoint is not to fight it politically. The solution is the fix the error.

We must move to a decentralized system of DNS. It is not impossible. It requires some new thinking and a re-architecture of some web services, but it must be done if we want the Internet, as we know it today, to exist in 5 or 10 years.

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - H.R.1981 - All Information - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Look at the contents of this so called Child Pornography bill. Why is it targeting something besides Child Pornography? It is targeting all websites on the Internet.

If you think it can't or won't happen, it may not, but consider this. There is a bill with the exact same thing in Australia and Canada right now. They are Omnibus Crime Bills being passed under the guise of child protection.

This was posted on Reddit after the blackout, I want everyone here to take note, it's more insidious than you think.

It's not a waiting game, it's a game of poker. Lamar Smith has a royal flush and few people know it.

SOPA may pass. It may not. He doesn't care, and it doesn't matter. The MPAA and RIAA started working on their legislative strategy to pass a new anti-piracy bill in late 2010. SOPA was designed to raise the noise. Everyone is playing right into the entertainment industries hand. The lobbyists are laughing manically at the ignorance of the mob. Even Wikipedia and reddit have played into it.

What people don't know about is the ace: H.R.1981, the Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 which is lying in wait. It's not complete. You see, PCIP is not contestable because it's about protecting children. They can, and very well might, copy and paste the full text of SOPA to the end of PCIP. That's the backup. That's the deal that was struck with entertainment industry lobbyists. We will try to push this anti-piracy bill. It probably won't work. Don't worry, we can pass it under an anti-child pornography bill.

There are two things which no Congressman will risk supporting: terrorism and child pornography. There can be no opposition, no discussion. Any anti-piracy law can ALWAYS be reframed as an anti-child pornography bill and it will pass, without even discussion. It will have the full support of the House (minus Ron Paul), the full support of the Senate, and most importantly the full support of the American people. NO ONE wants to risk being called a pedophile.

The entertainment industry has finally caught up with technology. They understand how it works. It took them 15 years, but they know what DNS is. They are going to exploit a fundamental problem with the way DNS is centralized and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. They have found an error in the very architecture of the Internet. The solution, from a free speech standpoint is not to fight it politically. The solution is the fix the error.

We must move to a decentralized system of DNS. It is not impossible. It requires some new thinking and a re-architecture of some web services, but it must be done if we want the Internet, as we know it today, to exist in 5 or 10 years.

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - H.R.1981 - All Information - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Look at the contents of this so called Child Pornography bill. Why is it targeting something besides Child Pornography? It is targeting all websites on the Internet.

If you think it can't or won't happen, it may not, but consider this. There is a bill with the exact same thing in Australia and Canada right now. They are Omnibus Crime Bills being passed under the guise of child protection.


Wow, so much for you hating big government.
This was posted on Reddit after the blackout, I want everyone here to take note, it's more insidious than you think.

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - H.R.1981 - All Information - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Look at the contents of this so called Child Pornography bill. Why is it targeting something besides Child Pornography? It is targeting all websites on the Internet.

If you think it can't or won't happen, it may not, but consider this. There is a bill with the exact same thing in Australia and Canada right now. They are Omnibus Crime Bills being passed under the guise of child protection.


Wow, so much for you hating big government.

No. Just so much for me buying your "sky is falling" chicken little bullshit.

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