Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?


   [rad-i-kuhl] Show IPA
adjective 1. of or going to the root or origin; fundamental: a radical difference.

2. thoroughgoing or extreme, especially as regards change from accepted or traditional forms: a radical change in the policy of a company.

3. favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms: radical ideas; radical and anarchistic ideologues.

4. forming a basis or foundation.

5. existing inherently in a thing or person: radical defects of character.

Radical | Define Radical at Dictionary.com

Fits Obama to a 'T'. No offense T. lol

Nothing he's done is radical.

There have been no 'extreme' changes in either foreign or domestic policy.
Even if he got in, he's not capable of doing anything but sitting there taking directives. The ones giving the directives are not capable of thinking about anything but lining their own pockets so no, he wouldn't be the one to "fix" anything.
Yes, it is. That and much more. But he'll have to do what he will refuse to do, so we'll have only marginal improvement in this country with regards to debt (if we have any at all) but I expect that the economy will at least increase growth to 6% and jobs to start to become available. He could have UE down to 4% inside of two years if he is all he claims to be.

I hear you

The US does have long term issues that neither party is ready to take on

The democrats- forget it - they have gone too radical to seek real changes
The Republicans- highly doubtful- the only hope there is that there are at least some members who understand the problems and changes necessary- but they are not the majority.
Given the candidates, My only real hope is that Romney will stop the direction that Obama began and then just sit as a place holder until we can find someone with the sack to do what needs to be done.

That's why he's getting my vote.
Isn't that what Romney did in Massachusetts.

btw, that would not have occurred had the GOP not successfully blocked the popular public option.

Yep, and I would have moved from his state. That's the one thing about Romney that I hate. Having said that it was constitutional in his state and the people had a voice. We didn't.

Why are you uninsured?

Because I'm not into paying higher costs because of someone else. Our system was fine. The only thing that needed fixed was the out of control costs and all the HCA has done is make it worse.
I don't see it as extreme or drastic change when it's been in place in Mass and is an old idea. He ran on a platform of universal healthcare. So none of this came out of the blue. His other options were single payer or a public option.
To review- Absolute dupe insanity. 20% now believe that Obama STARTED the depression, now a slow recovery- many thanks to Pub paralysis of the gov't. That 20% is the same half of Pub dupes who believe ACORN stole the election, or that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Marxist. Worst party and voters in the modern world- our national disaster...
Yep, and I would have moved from his state. That's the one thing about Romney that I hate. Having said that it was constitutional in his state and the people had a voice. We didn't.

Why are you uninsured?

Because I'm not into paying higher costs because of someone else. Our system was fine. The only thing that needed fixed was the out of control costs and all the HCA has done is make it worse.

Tort reform and allowing competition across state lines would help a lot
as well
I hear you

The US does have long term issues that neither party is ready to take on

The democrats- forget it - they have gone too radical to seek real changes
The Republicans- highly doubtful- the only hope there is that there are at least some members who understand the problems and changes necessary- but they are not the majority.
Given the candidates, My only real hope is that Romney will stop the direction that Obama began and then just sit as a place holder until we can find someone with the sack to do what needs to be done.

That's why he's getting my vote.
Likely, Mine too. At this point, he's a better alternative to Obama and a better choice for America.
You're lookin mighty red Frankie.

Well at least he seems sober, so far
Really whatever state institution he is located in
It would be nice if they cut down his computer time
Maybe they could replace it with more group therapy
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Facts are tough for brainwashed dupes...

Health Reform includes care guidelines that go a long way to cut malpractice, as well as much transparency in costs. Pubs who wanted a national exchange simply to stalll health reform are now strangely silent...

Breaking news for Pubchumps- They LOVE gouging you fools for crappe health care- same way they love illegal immigrants for cheap labor and keeping the chumps in line. All while distracting them with talk of useless hate laws and fences....BOO! Ay caramba! Pub dupes!
Lunch time soon

Hopefully, the left fisters will have nap time after that,,,,,
Yep, and I would have moved from his state. That's the one thing about Romney that I hate. Having said that it was constitutional in his state and the people had a voice. We didn't.

Why are you uninsured?

Because I'm not into paying higher costs because of someone else. Our system was fine. The only thing that needed fixed was the out of control costs and all the HCA has done is make it worse.

So you have chosen to have no health insurance. What are your financial plans in the event of a catastrophic health event?
Ironically, the Paul Ryan Medicare plan, which Romney supports, is going to force you to buy private health insurance via a voucher system,

since the vouchers are actually your money.

If you don't comply, your penalty will be the loss of your money.
Let me make something very clear.
It's not Obama nor Bush nor Clinton nor...........It's YOURS.
You idiots voted for it, paid for it,support it by waving you flags, and allow it to continue again and again with the same piss poor results.
murkins are insane.

Give this man a cigar!!

The real problem isn't politicians, or the 1%, or "pubs", or socialist democrats. It's the american people.

You think government is broken? Then stop voting the same broken politicians back into power.

You think a certain business is unethical? Stop shopping there.

You don't like the policies in a certain state? Then fucking move.

All of our problems start with us. We are the zero sum of the country's problems. But we think that we can keep doing the same things we have been for decades, and things will magically change just because we're mad about it.

But on topic. Romney won't fix Obama's mess, he'll compound upon it. He'll keep letting the federal reserve do whatever they want, he'll keep passing more free-trade agreements, he won't do a damn thing about immigration, he won't reduce spending, he won't do anything that will actually help. He'll just keep making people believe that lowering taxes is the magical healing elixir to all of the countries problems. Make no mistake though, the same thing would happen if Obama is left in office, so who gives a shit which way you morons vote.
Are you serious? There is nothing radical about giving the federal government the authority to tell private citizens what they must purchase as consumers or face federal fines? What is next, telling me I have to buy broccoli instead of lettuce because it has more nutrition?

It's not a radical idea if it's an idea that is not new and it has been done before. Please look up the definition of radical. Not agreeing with it doesn't make it radical.

Forcing us to buy a privately sold product from a for profit privately held business IS RADICAL
As I said NumbNuts. You're getting what you voted for.
The economy will turn around in 1 year once Obamacare is destroyed, domestic drilling is opened up again and the EPA/DOJ are stopped from attacking companies on bogus liberal charges.

Companies have money to invest and grow but they are hoarding the money for fear of things getting worse, threats of more taxes and endless regulation. Obamcare is at the heart of the mess forcing some companies to put their employees on healthcare plans, which drives up costs.
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Why are you uninsured?

Because I'm not into paying higher costs because of someone else. Our system was fine. The only thing that needed fixed was the out of control costs and all the HCA has done is make it worse.

So you have chosen to have no health insurance. What are your financial plans in the event of a catastrophic health event?

So you have chosen to make assumptions about me. I suppose my last two surgeries paid for themselves? Or maybe I got them done at a local prepaid clinic?

Just shut up fool.
The economy will turnaround in 1 year once Obamacare is destroyed, domestic drilling is opened up again and the EPA/DOJ are stopped from attacking companies on bogus liberal charges.

Companies have money to invest and grow but they are hoarding the money for fear of things getting worse, threats of more taxes and endless regulation. Obamcare is at the heart of the mess forcing some companies to put their employees on healthcare plans, which drives up costs.

Or lay them off because they can't justify the cost if thier endeavour is going to survive.
Because I'm not into paying higher costs because of someone else. Our system was fine. The only thing that needed fixed was the out of control costs and all the HCA has done is make it worse.

So you have chosen to have no health insurance. What are your financial plans in the event of a catastrophic health event?

So you have chosen to make assumptions about me. I suppose my last two surgeries paid for themselves? Or maybe I got them done at a local prepaid clinic?

Just shut up fool.
Amusing how they assume that if government is not providing it, you don't have it. Maybe I should say frightening.

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