Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

The economy will turn around in 1 year once Obamacare is destroyed, domestic drilling is opened up again and the EPA/DOJ are stopped from attacking companies on bogus liberal charges.

Companies have money to invest and grow but they are hoarding the money for fear of things getting worse, threats of more taxes and endless regulation. Obamcare is at the heart of the mess forcing some companies to put their employees on healthcare plans, which drives up costs.

Just 157 days to go!

Hang tough, America!!
Should Pubs be rewarded for putting us in this mess (WORLD DEPRESSION and dumbazz wars, huge growth of AlQaeda), and now paralyzing the gov't since 2/2010 (and they even lie about THAT)?

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

Why in the world do you vote for these disastrous, lying incompetents?

Romneycare, not as good as health reform, led to lower health costs IMMEDIATELY, and now has cost rises down to 2%/year. (Frontline, last night- but they're COMMUNISTS!! LOL) They don't call em Pub dupes for nothing...
Should Pubs be rewarded for putting us in this mess (WORLD DEPRESSION and dumbazz wars, huge growth of AlQaeda), and now paralyzing the gov't since 2/2010 (and they even lie about THAT)?

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

Why in the world do you vote for these disastrous, lying incompetents?

Romneycare, not as good as health reform, led to lower health costs IMMEDIATELY, and now has cost rises down to 2%/year. (Frontline, last night- but they're COMMUNISTS!! LOL) They don't call em Pub dupes for nothing...

Except that Massachusetts still has the highest health care premiums in the nation. Granted, this had nothing to do with Romneycare. But Romneycare didn't do a damn thing to solve it either. So, you point is empty.
And they're about to pass Romneycare II, which will definitely do even more.

Pub dupes- back to the BAD OLD DAYS... Read "The Good Old Days- They Were TERRIBLE!" Absolutely clueless...
20% of USA believes the Great Recession BEGAN with Obama- Propaganda suqs!!

Friday, May 04, 2012
Hey, Romneycare may get a 'death panel'

Not really. But legislation is afoot to create an IPAB (Independent Payment Advisory Board) on steroids -- Trenbolone to the ACA's Creatine. The WSJ's Jennifer Levitz and Anna Matthews report:

Key state legislative leaders unveiled a bill Friday that proposes setting a target for the rate at which overall health spending should rise—a step that would once again put the state in the forefront of efforts to remake the American health-care system...

The rate of growth in spending on health—initially set to parallel the growth of the state's overall economy as measured by its gross domestic product—would be enforced by a regulatory authority. Health-care providers and health plans that the regulator found to be pushing spending above the goal would have to submit improvement plans to bring expenses down. Institutions would still be able to challenge their findings by showing extenuating circumstances, such as necessary improvements to the system, that kept expenses up. The authority, which will include government, industry and consumer representatives, would ultimately have the power to force them to renegotiate their contract.

The federal IPAB, by contrast, can merely send a package of cost-control reforms to Congress, which would give it an up-or-down vote, rather than putting the onus on providers or insurers (e.g., Medicare itself, or Medicare Advantage plans, since IPAB oversees Medicare only). The target inflation rate is stricter in the Massachusetts legislation, too.

Additionally, the pending legislation would try, like the ACA but apparently with more sweeping incentives, to move healthcare providers off fee-for-service:

The bill from House Speaker Robert DeLeo and state Rep. Steven Walsh, co-chairman of the legislature's Joint Committee on Health Care Financing—and two key Democrats in a Democratic-controlled legislature—would take another major step by forcing changes in how insurers pay hospitals and other health-care providers, moving them away from the traditional method of fees for each service. It would require health plans to give greater price transparency to consumers, so people would know how much they would pay out of their pockets for particular medical services
Go ahead, Romney -- denounce Romneycare II as "government-run healthcare." This is a bid for the state to exercise much more sweeping top-down cost control than the ACA does.
Posted at 7:21 PM

Hey, Romneycare may get a 'death panel' | xpostfactoid

It's just amazing- just think of the dupe moaning when health costs begin to be controlled- by devil government...and they HAVE to have affordable, guaranteed care...OH NOZE!!!


Worst party and stupidest voters EVER....unbelievable...
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Obama like a laser beam on unemployment- soon as the 6 fundraisers are over

President Obama Hosts 6 Fundraisers Friday on Minneapolis, Chicago Visit

President Obama will jump-start what looks to be a major June fundraising push with six money events today in Minneapolis and Chicago – the most fundraisers he’s held in a single day since launching his bid for a second term.
Obama is expected to raise more than $7.2 million total for the Obama Victory Fund (OVF), according to figures provided by the campaign.

I just hope he does have some time for a golf game or two
Because I'm not into paying higher costs because of someone else. Our system was fine. The only thing that needed fixed was the out of control costs and all the HCA has done is make it worse.

So you have chosen to have no health insurance. What are your financial plans in the event of a catastrophic health event?

So you have chosen to make assumptions about me. I suppose my last two surgeries paid for themselves? Or maybe I got them done at a local prepaid clinic?

Just shut up fool.

I asked you:

Why are you uninsured?

and you replied:

Because I'm not into paying higher costs because of someone else

So you TOLD me you don't have insurance. I didn't assume anything.

Now, again, do you have insurance or not?
So you have chosen to have no health insurance. What are your financial plans in the event of a catastrophic health event?

So you have chosen to make assumptions about me. I suppose my last two surgeries paid for themselves? Or maybe I got them done at a local prepaid clinic?

Just shut up fool.
Amusing how they assume that if government is not providing it, you don't have it. Maybe I should say frightening.

He TOLD me he didn't have insurance you fat whore.
Obama like a laser beam on unemployment- soon as the 6 fundraisers are over

President Obama Hosts 6 Fundraisers Friday on Minneapolis, Chicago Visit

President Obama will jump-start what looks to be a major June fundraising push with six money events today in Minneapolis and Chicago – the most fundraisers he’s held in a single day since launching his bid for a second term.
Obama is expected to raise more than $7.2 million total for the Obama Victory Fund (OVF), according to figures provided by the campaign.

I just hope he does have some time for a golf game or two

Perhaps you've noticed Congress has been paralyzed since 2/4/2010, and he's done all he can- quite a bit., loudmouth, brainwashed dupe. Dems don't enjoy passing stupid electioneering bills that have no chance of passing. They like solving problems- Pubs like to make money off chumps like you, and prefer power, country be damned...
Give this man a cigar!!

The real problem isn't politicians, or the 1%, or "pubs", or socialist democrats. It's the american people.

You think government is broken? Then stop voting the same broken politicians back into power.

You think a certain business is unethical? Stop shopping there.

You don't like the policies in a certain state? Then fucking move.

All of our problems start with us. We are the zero sum of the country's problems. But we think that we can keep doing the same things we have been for decades, and things will magically change just because we're mad about it.

But on topic. Romney won't fix Obama's mess, he'll compound upon it. He'll keep letting the federal reserve do whatever they want, he'll keep passing more free-trade agreements, he won't do a damn thing about immigration, he won't reduce spending, he won't do anything that will actually help. He'll just keep making people believe that lowering taxes is the magical healing elixir to all of the countries problems. Make no mistake though, the same thing would happen if Obama is left in office, so who gives a shit which way you morons vote.

Great post shame that none of the so called conservatives won't respond to it.
Give this man a cigar!!

The real problem isn't politicians, or the 1%, or "pubs", or socialist democrats. It's the american people.

You think government is broken? Then stop voting the same broken politicians back into power.

You think a certain business is unethical? Stop shopping there.

You don't like the policies in a certain state? Then fucking move.

All of our problems start with us. We are the zero sum of the country's problems. But we think that we can keep doing the same things we have been for decades, and things will magically change just because we're mad about it.

But on topic. Romney won't fix Obama's mess, he'll compound upon it. He'll keep letting the federal reserve do whatever they want, he'll keep passing more free-trade agreements, he won't do a damn thing about immigration, he won't reduce spending, he won't do anything that will actually help. He'll just keep making people believe that lowering taxes is the magical healing elixir to all of the countries problems. Make no mistake though, the same thing would happen if Obama is left in office, so who gives a shit which way you morons vote.

Great post shame that none of the so called conservatives won't respond to it.

No, greedy Pubs ARE the problem, along with their propaganda and their dupes. The Dems have actually made a huge step in fixing health care- a HUGE problem, their jobs bills and training to prepare our workers to be globally competitive are blocked by Pubs.

States Rights are code for regression and bigottry, the Dems are trying to overcome the worst. Distrusting gov't is a self fulfilling prophecy. If you can't tell the difference between the parties, you're the problem too. Read something- start with my sig, all FACT>
Do Americans pay to fly Papa Obama's barber in every two weeks?

German Public Radio reported on Wednesday that the American taxpayers pay for President Obama to have his hair cut every 10 - 14 days.


well if his policies are no good then at least he can look good
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So you have chosen to have no health insurance. What are your financial plans in the event of a catastrophic health event?

So you have chosen to make assumptions about me. I suppose my last two surgeries paid for themselves? Or maybe I got them done at a local prepaid clinic?

Just shut up fool.

I asked you:

Why are you uninsured?

and you replied:

Because I'm not into paying higher costs because of someone else

So you TOLD me you don't have insurance. I didn't assume anything.

Now, again, do you have insurance or not?

Your question was longer that 4 words. Way to twist a post to justify your lies.

I have so much god damn insurance its insane. But my job requires alot of it. Thanks to uncle sams desire to butt the fuck in, on some jobs I have to have over 2 mill in comercial coverage. You know, enough to cover the 10 cement trucks I may total all at once in an accident with my half ton pick up.

go be clueless somewhere else

This is not a one-term mess nor is the entirety of it exclusively the fault of Obama. Neither is it entirely the fault of Bush. The housing disaster began decades ago, gradually becoming the snowball from hell with the passage of more and more poorly constructed changes and course corrections that only aggravated the situation. Obama simply exacerbated a multi-pronged package of disasters thru an obvious lack of knowledge and experience. He simply did not comprehend the scope of the situation and blindly forged ahead with his own agenda, tossing softballs at the financial problems and leaping headlong into the 1 1/2 yrs of healthcare debacle.

Are you REALLY that clueless??!!!!


.....Where Obama TOOK OVER.....McCain totally FOLDED.....and, Lil' Dumbya RAN-OUTTA-THE-ROOM!!!!
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Give this man a cigar!!

The real problem isn't politicians, or the 1%, or "pubs", or socialist democrats. It's the american people.

You think government is broken? Then stop voting the same broken politicians back into power.

You think a certain business is unethical? Stop shopping there.

You don't like the policies in a certain state? Then fucking move.

All of our problems start with us. We are the zero sum of the country's problems. But we think that we can keep doing the same things we have been for decades, and things will magically change just because we're mad about it.

But on topic. Romney won't fix Obama's mess, he'll compound upon it. He'll keep letting the federal reserve do whatever they want, he'll keep passing more free-trade agreements, he won't do a damn thing about immigration, he won't reduce spending, he won't do anything that will actually help. He'll just keep making people believe that lowering taxes is the magical healing elixir to all of the countries problems. Make no mistake though, the same thing would happen if Obama is left in office, so who gives a shit which way you morons vote.

Great post shame that none of the so called conservatives won't respond to it.

No, greedy Pubs ARE the problem, along with their propaganda and their dupes. The Dems have actually made a huge step in fixing health care- a HUGE problem, their jobs bills and training to prepare our workers to be globally competitive are blocked by Pubs.

States Rights are code for regression and bigottry, the Dems are trying to overcome the worst. Distrusting gov't is a self fulfilling prophecy. If you can't tell the difference between the parties, you're the problem too. Read something- start with my sig, all FACT>

I can't even believe I'm responding to you. Why should I read a damn thing you ever post, let alone your sig? You are, without a doubt, one the biggest, most blind, brainwashed, unapologetic partisan hacks on this board. How someone could be so idiotic as to find no fault with anything their party does is beyond me.
big business is already successful. corporate america is thriving. it's workers who aren't. you do understand the difference, yes?

I unnerstan. Prolly why I didn't reference "corporate America". I was thinking of the small and medium size business's that will be responsible for the bulk of job creation in the future.

I know an Obama hater that runs a roofing company. He has lots of storm business. He is hiring all the roofers he can find BECAUSE HE HAS THE BUSINESS AND CAN MAKE MORE MONEY.

Right now this guy is so busy he could care less who is President.

See the difference? And see why the "job creators" will hire. Because they have business. Not because Mittens might become Pres.

Ask that roofer if he's holding back due to higher impending taxes.

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