Will a Biden/Harris win destroy Medicare for our Senior Citizens?

Trump dummy. Trump is trying to bankrupt the program.
Should I just take your word for that?
With zero proof from you I guess I have to.

Also, BUSH dummy. Bush tried and he failed. Doesn't mean he didn't try. Baby steps. Republicans are patient and won't give up. Give Trump a second term and for sure you will lose 20% of your ss payouts when you retire, maybe more. Idiot.
Sure. You seem so rational and well informed. You couldn't possibly be full of shit.
Trump dummy. Trump is trying to bankrupt the program.

President Trump did not propose the Medicare for All Act of 2019 which would bankrupt and destroy the Medicare program which our Senior Citizens paid into all their lives. Kamala is one of its original sponsors! Stop making shit up.


The Biden/Harris socialist healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK
It was clear, concise and truthful; something alien to most of your posts.
Two our of three, anyway. Nothing "truthful" about you just dismissing something
as a "load of crap".
Especially when you never gave anyone the slightest reason to believe you or justify
your comment.

Biden IS sliding into senile dementia and all the Adderall in the world won't fix that.
And Kamala Harris already HAS announced her intention to put everyone in the Medicare system
regardless of what people may want.

It seems you are the one posting the load of crap.
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Biden IS sliding into senile dementia and all the Adderall in the world won't fix that.
And Kamala Harris already HAS announced her intention to put everyone in the Medicare system
regardless of what people may want.

I don't think our Senior Citizens realize what the Medicare for All Act of 2019, which Kamala Harris originally sponsored, would do to their program. I do think many of our Senior Citizens see the signs of dementia and fatigue in Biden, and realize Kamala may very well step in for Biden. And that is why VP Pence, during the coming debate, needs to call out Kamala for her attack on our Senior's Medicare program which they paid into all their lives.


The Biden/Harris socialist healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

With Joe Biden showing signs of dementia and fatigue, and a recent poll showing 59% Think Biden Unlikely to Finish A Four-Year Term in White House, Senior Citizens would do well to consider the threat to their Medicare program should Kamala Harris replace Biden as President.

In regard to this question and Kamal’s strongly held desire to impose her “Medicare for All” plan upon the American People, the following article is very informative and ought to be studied by our Senior Citizens. It should also be studied by those who have parents benefiting from the Medicare program which their parents paid into all their lives.

See: ‘Medicare for All’ Would Be Terrible for Seniors. The article begins:

"In a rare op-ed, President Trump recently suggested that “Medicare for All” proposals gaining popularity among Democrats would “demolish” the Medicare benefits that seniors expect to rely on. This provoked Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer to issue an angry rebuttal scrawled in red pen, in which he denied that Democrats supported single-payer health care and declared suggestions that Democrats had plans to outlaw private health insurance “NOT TRUE.”

Keep in mind that under Kamal’s Medicare for all plan, over 150 million Americans who now have privately paid-for health insurance plans, would have their plans outlawed, forcing them into Kamala’s plan, while 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country would also start receiving Medicare financed healthcare, which would bankrupt the Medicare program which our Senior Citizens paid into all their lives!

Forewarned is forearmed!


When it comes to healthcare, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the health care needs of millions of illegal entrants and foreign aliens.

Good grief, what a load of crap ^^^.

And what specifically are you referring to as "crap"? Are you suggesting Kamal's Medicare for All plan would not effectively end private health insurance plans which over 150 million American now have, and bankrupt our Senior's Medicare fund?

Exactly, what is the "crap" you are referring to? Eh?


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders.

Do you believe she can make a proclamation by EO to essentially end Private Sector Insurance?

Here's my takeaway to support what I mean as crap:

Neither Biden nor Harris will have the power to do anything you suggest.

Your fear mongering is crap as well as racist: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders.

The ACA, as hoped by Trump and Moscow Mitch and his Senate bitches, will be killed by the Supreme Court. This will create a massive crisis when the millions of US Citizen who have a preexisting condition will not be able to afford, or even qualify to buy health care insurance.

Adding the other plan, to abort abortions, any child born with a preexisting condition will not be covered, and any healthcare will be out of pocket.

The consequence of the nearsighted GOP, will create a crisis:

Public Hospital ER's will be flooded with people, causing the Public Hospitals to collapse and/or local Pols to raise taxes and leave other necessary services with inadequate funding.
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Neither Biden nor Harris will have the power to do anything you suggest.
This is the lie the left told to get Obama Scare passed along absolutely partisan lines.
We don't know that at this point.

Your fear mongering is crap as well as racist: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders.

CNN does not agree with you. You call it "fear mongering crap". The facts call it reality. Democrats eagerly look forward to gaining control so they can gift millions of illegal aliens with the gift of taxpayer financed
medical care. No es bueno.

The ACA, as hoped by Trump and Moscow Mitch and his Senate bitches, will be killed by the Supreme Court. This will create a massive crisis when the millions of US Citizen who have a preexisting condition will not be able to afford, or even qualify to buy health care insurance.
Medicare covers ALL pre existing conditions and always has despite the ACA propaganda.

Adding the other plan, to abort abortions, any child born with a preexisting condition will not be covered, and any healthcare will be out of pocket.
It's not clear what this is supposed to mean.

The consequence of the nearsighted GOP, will create a crisis:

Public Hospital ER's will be flooded with people, causing the Public Hospitals to collapse and/or local Pols to raise taxes and leave other necessary services with inadequate funding
Pure fear mongering. As already stated anyone not able to find health care through private insurers will find coverage under Medicare.
You know....MEDICARE. The program Kamala Harris wants to force everyone in the nation onto.
Do you believe she can make a proclamation by EO to essentially end Private Sector Insurance?

That is not a very clever deflection. The fact is, if the socialist controlled Democrat Party takes control of the House, Senate and the Presidency, you bet the Medicare for All Act of 2019 would become the law of the land. In addition, the filibuster would be ended, the Supreme Court would be packed with socialists, and we would wind up with at least two more Democrat controlled States.

Here is my proof:

“Everything Is On The Table”

Rasmussen and National Review?
But to answer your question: NO
Neither Biden nor Harris will have the power to do anything you suggest.
This is the lie the left told to get Obama Scare passed along absolutely partisan lines.
We don't know that at this point.

Your fear mongering is crap as well as racist: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders.

CNN does not agree with you. You call it "fear mongering crap". The facts call it reality. Democrats eagerly look forward to gaining control so they can gift millions of illegal aliens with the gift of taxpayer financed
medical care. No es bueno.

The ACA, as hoped by Trump and Moscow Mitch and his Senate bitches, will be killed by the Supreme Court. This will create a massive crisis when the millions of US Citizen who have a preexisting condition will not be able to afford, or even qualify to buy health care insurance.
Medicare covers ALL pre existing conditions and always has despite the ACA propaganda.

Adding the other plan, to abort abortions, any child born with a preexisting condition will not be covered, and any healthcare will be out of pocket.
It's not clear what this is supposed to mean.

The consequence of the nearsighted GOP, will create a crisis:

Public Hospital ER's will be flooded with people, causing the Public Hospitals to collapse and/or local Pols to raise taxes and leave other necessary services with inadequate funding
Pure fear mongering. As already stated anyone not able to find health care through private insurers will find coverage under Medicare.
You know....MEDICARE. The program Kamala Harris wants to force everyone in the nation onto.

"CNN does not agree with you. You call it "fear mongering crap". The facts call it reality. Democrats eagerly look forward to gaining control so they can gift millions of illegal aliens with the gift of taxpayer financed
medical care. No es bueno"

I don't care what CNN said or anything you've posted in your response, you effort to write a rebuttal is based on your biased opinion and not facts.

  • Medicare does not cover preexisting conditions for anyone under the age of 62, nor does it pay for 100% of the cost. ***
  • Your claim that my comment on Public Hospitals is fear mongering isn't thoughtful. Those without medicare and those who have not the money to buy private health insurance end up in Public Hospitals. They will get a bill, but most of them cannot pay for their treatment.
***Who is eligible for Medicare?
Do you believe she can make a proclamation by EO to essentially end Private Sector Insurance?

That is not a very clever deflection. The fact is, if the socialist controlled Democrat Party takes control of the House, Senate and the Presidency, you bet the Medicare for All Act of 2019 would become the law of the land. In addition, the filibuster would be ended, the Supreme Court would be packed with socialists, and we would wind up with at least two more Democrat controlled States.

Here is my proof:

“Everything Is On The Table”


The RED SCARE ^^^, again! Your proof is ridiculous. Medicare for all act has been tabled, there is no way that this utopianistic plan can be funded as indicated in the bill as written.

Any claim that the Democratic Party is socialist is based on ignorance and politics. The politics are as impractical as are the consequences of Medicare for All. Try to consider not only the intended consequences of any major policy, consider the unintended consequences. That takes thought. Try it sometime.
I don't care what CNN said or anything you've posted in your response, you effort to write a rebuttal is based on your biased opinion and not facts.
Your mind is locked down tight. So why are you arguing?

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I don't care what CNN said or anything you've posted in your response, you effort to write a rebuttal is based on your biased opinion and not facts.
Your mind is locked down tight. So why are you arguing?

Are you lying or did you fail to read the link I provided in the post you seem to want to mock?


With Joe Biden showing signs of dementia and fatigue, and a recent poll showing 59% Think Biden Unlikely to Finish A Four-Year Term in White House, Senior Citizens would do well to consider the threat to their Medicare program should Kamala Harris replace Biden as President.

In regard to this question and Kamal’s strongly held desire to impose her “Medicare for All” plan upon the American People, the following article is very informative and ought to be studied by our Senior Citizens. It should also be studied by those who have parents benefiting from the Medicare program which their parents paid into all their lives.

See: ‘Medicare for All’ Would Be Terrible for Seniors. The article begins:

"In a rare op-ed, President Trump recently suggested that “Medicare for All” proposals gaining popularity among Democrats would “demolish” the Medicare benefits that seniors expect to rely on. This provoked Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer to issue an angry rebuttal scrawled in red pen, in which he denied that Democrats supported single-payer health care and declared suggestions that Democrats had plans to outlaw private health insurance “NOT TRUE.”

Keep in mind that under Kamal’s Medicare for all plan, over 150 million Americans who now have privately paid-for health insurance plans, would have their plans outlawed, forcing them into Kamala’s plan, while 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country would also start receiving Medicare financed healthcare, which would bankrupt the Medicare program which our Senior Citizens paid into all their lives!

Forewarned is forearmed!


When it comes to healthcare, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the health care needs of millions of illegal entrants and foreign aliens.

Good grief, what a load of crap ^^^.

And what specifically are you referring to as "crap"? Are you suggesting Kamal's Medicare for All plan would not effectively end private health insurance plans which over 150 million American now have, and bankrupt our Senior's Medicare fund?

Exactly, what is the "crap" you are referring to? Eh?


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders.

You won't see Medicare for All under Biden. You'll have either 55 or 60 year old's allowed to buy into it and the states that did not expand Medicaid will have a public option.

Medicare for All would destroy private health insurance, create a government monopoly, and bankrupt our Senior Citizens' Medicare program


Just for the record, under the Senate's Medicare for all plan, which Kamala Harris supports, private healthcare insurance is destroyed by forbidding private insurance companies to cover what is covered under the Medicare for All plan.


(a) IN GENERAL.—Beginning on the effective date described in section 106(a), it shall be unlawful for—

(1) a private health insurer to sell health insurance coverage that duplicates the benefits provided under this Act; or

(2) an employer to provide benefits for an employee, former employee, or the dependents of an employee or former employee that duplicate the benefits provided under this Act.

(b) CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed as prohibiting the sale of health insurance coverage for any additional benefits not covered by this Act, including additional benefits that an employer may provide to employees or their dependents, or to former employees or their dependents.

The bottom line is, Medicare for All, as proposed in the Bill, creates a government monopoly which our forefathers emphatically viewed as “odious, contrary to the spirit of a free government and the principles of commerce, and ought not to be suffered”!


Joe Biden and Kamala D. Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders.

That was scrapped long ago.
Trump dummy. Trump is trying to bankrupt the program.

President Trump did not propose the Medicare for All Act of 2019 which would bankrupt and destroy the Medicare program which our Senior Citizens paid into all their lives. Kamala is one of its original sponsors! Stop making shit up.


The Biden/Harris socialist healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK
After 3 years of hearing trump say things then the next day you guys explain to us what we heard him say, in fact he did not say it. Lol whatever liars.
It was clear, concise and truthful; something alien to most of your posts.
Two our of three, anyway. Nothing "truthful" about you just dismissing something
as a "load of crap".
Especially when you never gave anyone the slightest reason to believe you or justify
your comment.

Biden IS sliding into senile dementia and all the Adderall in the world won't fix that.
And Kamala Harris already HAS announced her intention to put everyone in the Medicare system
regardless of what people may want.

It seems you are the one posting the load of crap.

You have no proof that Joe Biden is sliding into "senile dementia" nor any evidence that Sen. Harris is a radical. Your efforts to defame both of them, and ignore the past years of Trumpism, is sufficient evidence to assert that you hate America and Americans.
Trump's most recent infamous behavior, cutting the efforts by the H. or Rep. to support Americans who have lost their jobs and can't pay their rent, as well as small businesses is evil.

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