Will A Suicide terrorists infected with Ebola cross our southern border???


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
Will A Suicide terrorists infected with Ebola cross our southern border???===According to a senior health fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, the world has no strategic plan to contain the worst Ebola outbreak in history while scientists are saying an outbreak on U.S. soil would require sweeping measures.

Total quarantine of cities or sections of infected cities and restrictions on air travel could be expected.

“We’re now in a perfect storm,” Laurie Garrett said in a CFR conference call Thursday in which she described the United Nations World Health Organization as “bankrupt” and drowning in debt. “There is no strategic plan for how this epidemic will be brought under control.”

The same term, “perfect storm,” was also used to describe the Ebola outbreak Thursday by the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, Dr. Tom Frieden, in testimony before Congress.

If the statements are true, each nation must come up with its own plan to protect its people.

In the United States, that job falls to the CDC in Atlanta. As Frieden testified Thursday, the CDC raised its emergency operations center to Level 1, the highest possible alert in an effort to better coordinate a CDC-organized surge of health professionals and equipment being rushed to West Africa in an effort to contain the Ebola outbreak.

Nearly 900 people have died of Ebola in four west African countries since February.

Frieden also told Congress that it’s “inevitable” that someone with Ebola will get on a plane and fly to the United States, risking an outbreak here.

If, or when, Ebola does show up in the United States, the only way to combat the virus is through strict quarantines, said Dr. Arthur Robinson, a biochemist with Oregon-based Doctors for Disaster Preparedness.

“I don’t want to contribute to scaring everybody but at the same time, you’re dealing with total quarantine,” Robinson said. “You might have to quarantine entire small cities. Hopefully that doesn’t happen but it could.”

Robinson, who stresses that he has no inside knowledge of the government’s plans other than what he’s already seen play out, says he doubts the United States would be adequately prepared for a major outbreak of Ebola on its soil.

“I’ve spoken to people who are experts on African diseases and they are not very sanguine about CDC’s ability to deal with things like this,” Robinson said. “Their experience in dealing with bacterial warfare is almost zero, but that’s almost what you have here.

“We know almost nothing, this is a world we’ve barely scratched the surface in,” he continued. “We are probably not prepared. We have nothing that stops a virus other than quarantine and hoping it dies out. It has its own DNA, a code that is also able to penetrate a living cell. The virus takes over the living cell. The cell pops and then those viruses infect other cells. But by itself it is inert. It has the DNA but it does not have the machinery to reproduce itself without a living cell (as its host).” Will A Suicide terrorists infected with Ebola cross our southern border??? OBAMA NEEDS TO SECURE OUR BORDERS NOW!!!

Read more at What Ebola outbreak would look like in U.S.
Will A Suicide terrorists infected with Ebola cross our southern border???=== what a easy,cheap weapon of mass destruction against the USA and our open borders. WHERE IS OUR CLUELESS LEADER OBAMA???
Will A Suicide terrorists infected with Ebola cross our southern border???=== what a easy,cheap weapon of mass destruction against the USA and our open borders. WHERE IS OUR CLUELESS LEADER OBAMA???

Any claim of concern about suicide bombers on US soil is overstated, overblown, and simply political. If we were gonna have that problem, it would have visited us long ago.
Ebola is not the disease you need fear crossing the border. When a pandemic strikes, it will be something much more mundane...

By the way, what is it like to spend your life living in fear?
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Are you kidding! obama INTENDS to import disease no matter how deadly.

Feds Bend CDC Rules for Sick Illegal Immigrants

HOUSTON, Texas -- Individuals and families immigrating to the U.S. legally are required to pay for and undergo medical examinations by approved physicians; those who are deemed as having "inadmissible health-related conditions" are not allowed into the country. But the same standards are not applied to illegal immigrants, many of whom remain in the U.S. despite testing positive for diseases that would prevent law-abiding migrants from entering.
Will A Suicide terrorists infected with Ebola cross our southern border???=== WHAT A CHEAP,EASY WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION,NO ROCKET SCIENCE NEEDED. HEY!!! little kids walk across our southern border by the thousands HOW HARD WOULD IT BE FOR SUICIDE TERROTISTS INFECTED WITH EBOLA TO DO THE SAME???? THINK!! OUR GREAT CLUELESS LEADER NEEDS TO PROTECT OUR OPEN BORDERS!!!!!
Are you kidding! obama INTENDS to import disease no matter how deadly.

Feds Bend CDC Rules for Sick Illegal Immigrants

HOUSTON, Texas -- Individuals and families immigrating to the U.S. legally are required to pay for and undergo medical examinations by approved physicians; those who are deemed as having "inadmissible health-related conditions" are not allowed into the country. But the same standards are not applied to illegal immigrants, many of whom remain in the U.S. despite testing positive for diseases that would prevent law-abiding migrants from entering.
They didn't bend the rule, it was already there, via your link:

Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security
* Others include migrants who entered the United States without inspection, including those who entered with and without proper documentation

If they go through immigration hearings and want to stay they will have to be certified by a doctor. There aren't any diseases in Central America that don't already exist here. Hysteria looks good on you though.
Will A Suicide terrorists infected with Ebola cross our southern border???=== WHAT A CHEAP,EASY WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION,NO ROCKET SCIENCE NEEDED. HEY!!! little kids walk across our southern border by the thousands HOW HARD WOULD IT BE FOR SUICIDE TERROTISTS INFECTED WITH EBOLA TO DO THE SAME???? THINK!! OUR GREAT CLUELESS LEADER NEEDS TO PROTECT OUR OPEN BORDERS!!!!!

Easier, more effective, far more deadly ways of wiping out large numbers of people while simultaneously causing mass panic. But lest I give anyone ideas...You'll have to take my word for it.

The possibility of this happening is extremely remote. For a terrorist to do this, he/she would have to travel to an infected area in Africa, make an effort to infect himself, which he couldn't be sure he succeeded at until he showed the first signs. By then he would have VERY little time to get on a plane that would land in a country that would accept him, then find another plant to Mexico. All this time hiding his symptoms not just from the customs people but from fellow passengers. Then he has to get to the US border.

All this has to be done before he is incapacitated by the disease. It's just very highly unlikely. Terrorists know this, they likely won't even try.

This is the conclusion you came to when you THINK.

the possibility of this happening is extremely remote. For a terrorist to do this, he/she would have to travel to an infected area in africa, make an effort to infect himself, which he couldn't be sure he succeeded at until he showed the first signs. By then he would have very little time to get on a plane that would land in a country that would accept him, then find another plant to mexico. All this time hiding his symptoms not just from the customs people but from fellow passengers. Then he has to get to the us border.

All this has to be done before he is incapacitated by the disease. It's just very highly unlikely. Terrorists know this, they likely won't even try.

This is the conclusion you came to when you think.

lol!!! This is 2014 we can get on a jet and be on the other side of the world in just a few hours!!! A suicide terrorists can do the same!!! Think!

the possibility of this happening is extremely remote. For a terrorist to do this, he/she would have to travel to an infected area in africa, make an effort to infect himself, which he couldn't be sure he succeeded at until he showed the first signs. By then he would have very little time to get on a plane that would land in a country that would accept him, then find another plant to mexico. All this time hiding his symptoms not just from the customs people but from fellow passengers. Then he has to get to the us border.

All this has to be done before he is incapacitated by the disease. It's just very highly unlikely. Terrorists know this, they likely won't even try.

This is the conclusion you came to when you think.

lol!!! This is 2014 we can get on a jet and be on the other side of the world in just a few hours!!! A suicide terrorists can do the same!!! Think!

I already explained that. Did you bother to read my post?
We don't know whether they will or not but is it possible that suicide biological terrorists could easily cross our southern border? Damn right.
We don't know whether they will or not but is it possible that suicide biological terrorists could easily cross our southern border? Damn right.

Of course it's possible. It's also possible that Barack Obama will admit that his entire political career had been a scam and that he will resign tomorrow.
We don't know whether they will or not but is it possible that suicide biological terrorists could easily cross our southern border? Damn right.

They could also cross our northern border. BE DOUBLE SCARED!

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