Will American forces leaving Iraq forever a be an Iran win or TrumpO win?

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops
Ahmed Rasheed
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers said they would use a special parliamentary session on Sunday to push for a vote on a resolution requiring the government to ask Washington to withdraw U.S. troops from the country.

The session was called after a U.S. drone strike on Friday on a convoy at Baghdad airport that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Since the killings, rival Shi'ite political leaders have called for U.S. troops to be expelled from Iraq in an unusual show of unity among factions that have squabbled for months.

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops

Will TrumpO surrender to Iraq if Iraq’s lawmakers tell him to get every last American soldier and contractor out of Iraq forever?

And this cannot be considered good;

View attachment 298443
I thought Barry Hussein announced he won in Iraq and got all our troops out.

What happened?
Let me get this straight.

George W Bush lies to invade Iraq & gets us stuck in a quagmire war. He takes out Sadam Hussein, Iran's number one enemy why dick Cheney's Halliburton worked in Iran's oilfields hekping Iran produce more oil and add to their treasury.

During the Obama administration, Iraq refuses to sign the agreement protecting our troop so Obama must pull out most combat troops.

After ISIS gets stronger, our troops are welcome back into Iraq & ISIS is forced to grow in Syria. Obama works with groups in Syria like the Kurds to out ISIS on the road to defeat while pushing for regime change in Syria.

Trump comes along. Iran influence in Iraq increases.

Trump bails out of Syria abandoning the Kurds to the Turks an Russia.

Trump kills a high ranking Iranian in Iraq pissing off Iraq who throws our troops out & files a complain against the US to the UN.

Iran has threatened retaliation while ending any following of the nuke agreement & starts enriching uranium.

US citizens everywhere are now at risk. Iran is back to making nukes, We lost 4600 soldiers to establish a friendly oil rich nation & Trump just pissed it away.
When are you going to get something straight?
That guy should have been popped years ago.

Leave. Maintain a presence in the Gulf and the Mediterranean. Let the tribes fight it out, then destroy the winner if necessary. Same in Afghanistan.

What with Iran's increasing influence over Iraq, I predict they too will be under sanctions by the end of the year.
Iran has lots of money (oil).
They no longer need to send money fighting Iraq (thanks to Bush).

4600 soldiers died trying to keep Iraqi oil in friendly hands & Trump just gave it to Iran.
Today, technically we produce enough oil to take care of ourselves. Its time for all of our friends to donate to the cause of keeping the peace in the middle east or whatever you want to call it. They either can raise their taxes a big way or make cuts in some of their social programs, Like medical care. 30 years of this. At what point is enough...enough?
QUOTE="Flash, post: 23808270, member: 52472"]His policy now is "if you fuck with us we will fuck you back more".[/QUOTE]

Trouble is TrumpO is fucking with Iran first just as the same warmongering neocons got another dumbass in GWBush to invade Iraq in 2003. Those same neocon warmongers always said the road to Tehran goes through Baghdad and they got TrumpO under their neocon warmongers spell. Just like they got you.
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Rather one thinks it's good or bad depends on how much they support the President at the time. When Obama brought all American troops out of Iraq his supporters cheered his critics howled it will be the same if this happens with Trump. Some in Iraq want Iran involvement in the country some don't if all U.S. forces are gone there is almost sure to be an all out war between these factions which the U.S. won't be in the middle of but Iran will people can decide for themselves who usually comes out the winner in situations like these.
Iran announced today that they are officially reneging on that idiot deal that was negotiated with Obama.

That means they have to give money back, doesn't it?

Oh wait, they aren't going to give the money back because that fucking moron Obama gave all the money to the Mullahs up front in cash.

My god what an idiot!

More than an idiot. A willing supporter.
Wait, so Iran is reconstituting their nuclear program is Obama’s fault?

What do you mean "reconstructing?" They never stopped; Obama funded it for years.

Who told you that?

The little Goebbels of your party press, as a matter of fact.

US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran - CNNPolitics

Obama never met an Islamic Jihadi he didn't support.
Rather one thinks it's good or bad depends on how much they support the President at the time. When Obama brought all American troops out of Iraq his supporters cheered his critics howled it will be the same if this happens with Trump. Some in Iraq want Iran involvement in the country some don't if all U.S. forces are gone there is almost sure to be an all out war between these factions which the U.S. won't be in the middle of but Iran will people can decide for themselves who usually comes out the winner in situations like these.
The Iraqi government refused to sign the agreement that protects our troops,.

Quot lying & acting like Obama had a choice.

Trump did not a make a decision to pull our our troops. He did something stupid & got us thrown out.
Barry da Fairy is an agent of Iran. He promoted the interests and objectives of Iran from the day he assumed power. His being a queer isn't the issue, though may play into the psychosis of victimhood that led him to betray America.

Funny thing, Barry entered office a pauper and left with a hundred million. What is it you Hezbollah-democrats say about that "emoluments clause?" Oh, that only applies to Republicans....
Still no ref??!!
I love the zero college rube replies
100 million? Another lie?

Reference to what, moron? By the way, Summa Cum Laude (baccalaureate) and Delta Mu Delta (baccalaureate and graduate).
Didn’t know they gave advanced degrees in trolling.

I suspect there is very little you do know. Thus far I have seen only the bleat of "orange man bad" from you.

So far I’ve seen you do nothing but defend Trump, even when he contradicts himself.

Hell, a few months ago the Trump supporters were telling us how amazing he was after he pulled back from a strike in Iran after they downed our drone. Now he’s amazing for a far bigger escalation. Y’all are like a cult.

Ohh look, the drone is bleating "orange man bad" talking points from the Marxist hate site.

Say, have you EVER had a thought?

Didn't think so. CNN will instruct you on what to think and say next...
Rather one thinks it's good or bad depends on how much they support the President at the time. When Obama brought all American troops out of Iraq his supporters cheered his critics howled it will be the same if this happens with Trump. Some in Iraq want Iran involvement in the country some don't if all U.S. forces are gone there is almost sure to be an all out war between these factions which the U.S. won't be in the middle of but Iran will people can decide for themselves who usually comes out the winner in situations like these.
The Iraqi government refused to sign the agreement that protects our troops,.

Quot lying & acting like Obama had a choice.

Trump did not a make a decision to pull our our troops. He did something stupid & got us thrown out.
Thanks for admitting Obama couldn't negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag with a machete.
Iran 4000 years old 2 wars
USA 300 years old, 250 wars
The epitome of the ugly american

Prepositions, you illiterate little cum bucket. Iran IS 4000 years old. (Iran is actually 140 years old, formed in 1842 by the Ottoman Empire out of Persia and Azerbaijan)

Persia of Antiquity was in a state of constant warfare from 1500 BC until it's demise at the hand of Alexander the Great in 334 BC.) Persia was ruled by the Greeks for 400 years and was in relative peace. Persia declared war on Rome and was defeated, becoming a vassal state until the Muslim hoards invaded and overthrew the country in 628. From that time until 1100 AD persia was in prolonged and constant war as Ethnic Persians, the Christian Mamluks fought the Islamic Arabs in an attempt to free Persia. In 1256 Genghis Khan invaded Persia and destroyed the Mamluks, allowing the Ottoman Turks the opportunity to absorb Persia in 1534 when the Mongols finally left.

You have no education, and simply make shit up to further your political agenda.

Again I ask, did you complete a primary school education?
Uncensored2008, post: 23807599
This Cleric could be the next democrat ally to achieve room temperature.

What would be achieved by killing the most popular politician’ militia leader, parliamentary king maker and cleric in Shiite Iraq since we will be forced to leave Iraq anyway?

getting the US kicked out of Iraq will be a huge win for Iran and for ISIS should they be able to stage a comeback.

If the Obama coalition that removed most of ISIS from Iraq has to leave, Shiite Iraq will go down if Shiite Iran is taken downs

Sunnis and ISIS will fill the void.

I’m curios to gear what Lindsay Graham has to say about TrumpO getting US Troops kicked out of Iraq

I thought Potentate Obamugabe stopped the war in Iraq and already withdrew our troops?

You Communists can't seem to keep your lies straight.
1. That the Iranian Mullahs would not adhere to the treaty

you are a liar. Iran adhered to the Treaty even past the time after Trumo said he was the one to break it.

so if you lie about that you are must likely lying about everything.

why should we pay attention to you?

  • VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran has remained within the main restrictions on its nuclear activities imposed by a 2015 deal with major powers, a confidential report by the U.N. atomic watchdog indicated on Thursday.
    In its second quarterly report since President Donald Trump announced in May that the United States would quit the accord and reimpose sanctions, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran had stayed within the caps on uranium enrichment levels, enriched uranium stocks and other items.
Iran is complying with nuclear deal restrictions: IAEA report
It wasn’t a treaty, Dummy.

It was and Executive Order.

Yup. The deal was between Obama and Iran, period. It ended with his presidency.
That’s idiotic. It was a deal with the US government, Iran and 4 other countries.

So Comrade, you can show the ratification of the treaty by the Senate?

Nah, you're just lying, yet again.
Rather one thinks it's good or bad depends on how much they support the President at the time. When Obama brought all American troops out of Iraq his supporters cheered his critics howled it will be the same if this happens with Trump. Some in Iraq want Iran involvement in the country some don't if all U.S. forces are gone there is almost sure to be an all out war between these factions which the U.S. won't be in the middle of but Iran will people can decide for themselves who usually comes out the winner in situations like these.
The Iraqi government refused to sign the agreement that protects our troops,.

Quot lying & acting like Obama had a choice.

Trump did not a make a decision to pull our our troops. He did something stupid & got us thrown out.
One of Obama's main campigan promises of 2008 was ending the war in Iraq and bringing the troops out Obama made no real effort to get an agreement with Iraq because he never wanted one that would have keep him from doing what he campiganed on. So the only one lying and acting like Obama had no choice is you.
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If Americans are forced to leave Iraq I'm unsure whether it's an Iranian or Trump win. I never was for GW Bush's sending troops over there back in 2003 and so their leaving wouldn't break my heart. As for the consequences, hopefully the Pentagon and those in Washington have a handle on that but based on past history that takes a lot of faith. Being optimistic I'm leaning towards calling it for Trump, at least for now.

You partisans have it so easy to decide these matters.
So the only one lying and acting like Obama had no choice is you.

no,you are lying. BUSH surrendered to Iraq just before leaving office in 2009, when he agreed to withdraw all US troops from Iraq according to a date certain.

There were no terms about future negotiations to stay longer. The Iraqis would never Grant immunity to US TROOPS from Iraqi courts and law and so there was no choice but to withdraw all.

you are lying that Obama had a choice to keep troops there or abide by the Bush Maliki SOFA negotiated in 2008.
So the only one lying and acting like Obama had no choice is you.

no,you are lying. BUSH surrendered to Iraq just before leaving office in 2009, when he agreed to withdraw all US troops from Iraq according to a date certain.

There were no terms about future negotiations to stay longer. The Iraqis would never Grant immunity to US TROOPS from Iraqi courts and law and so there was no choice but to withdraw all.

you are lying that Obama had a choice to keep troops there or abide by the Bush Maliki SOFA negotiated in 2008.

See the far left propaganda knows no bounds..

Bu then again what do you expect from those that supported the illegal wars of Obama!
If Americans are forced to leave Iraq I'm unsure whether it's an Iranian or Trump win. Being optimistic I'm leaning towards calling it for Trump, at least for now.

Can you explain how you decided that Iraq kicking US troops out is a win for TrumpO and a loss for Iran. There is no scenario I can think of where Iran is not celebrating a win over that.
That guy should have been popped years ago.

Leave. Maintain a presence in the Gulf and the Mediterranean. Let the tribes fight it out, then destroy the winner if necessary. Same in Afghanistan.

What with Iran's increasing influence over Iraq, I predict they too will be under sanctions by the end of the year.
Iran has lots of money (oil).
They no longer need to send money fighting Iraq (thanks to Bush).

4600 soldiers died trying to keep Iraqi oil in friendly hands & Trump just gave it to Iran.

I say Iran will:
  • Get US kicked out of Iraq
  • Keep Developing Nuclear Weapons
  • Wait till next guy and hope it will be a sane one not under impeachment
It is simple... Few years Iran knows they will have a Nuclear Weapon and trump let it happen... Trump couldn't stand for an Obama win. Iran will increase it's influence over Iraq and get US out of the region... This is a big win for them and major loss for Israel and Saudi...

Trump will be painting it as some sort of master stroke and that he wanted to leave there all along while ignoring an Iranian Nuclear power..

PS To the Israelis: Be careful what you wished for, you got the US embassy in Jerusalem but a nuclear Iran...
Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops
Ahmed Rasheed
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers said they would use a special parliamentary session on Sunday to push for a vote on a resolution requiring the government to ask Washington to withdraw U.S. troops from the country.

The session was called after a U.S. drone strike on Friday on a convoy at Baghdad airport that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Since the killings, rival Shi'ite political leaders have called for U.S. troops to be expelled from Iraq in an unusual show of unity among factions that have squabbled for months.

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops

Will TrumpO surrender to Iraq if Iraq’s lawmakers tell him to get every last American soldier and contractor out of Iraq forever?

And this cannot be considered good;

View attachment 298443

I think it would be great. Remove all our troops, all arms the US provided and every bit of the equipment we provided. Let Iraq have what they had before the Iraq war.

They already fought an eight year war with Iran with no winner. Let the assholes kill themselves.

Pull our troops out of the ME, sit back and watch the show. More than works for me.

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