Obama announces 275 US troops WILL be sent to Iraq to protect American embassy

I sure hope Obama hasn't ordered these 275 clay pigeons not to fire at any threats.

Nah. Remember when Bush had American troops riding around testing road side bombs in un armored humvees? That was making American troops targets. Who couldn't fire back after being blown up.

Obama will let them fight back instead of just driving around waiting to be blown up.

That Rummy and Bush, they had a strange way of fighting their war.

You''re confused.

Obama installed tougher ROEs that didn't allow troops to fire on threats with weapons u unless actually being fired upon. Insurgents could run between vehicles in a column holding AK47s or RPGs and not get blown to Hell simply because they weren't shooting at the moment.

The reason I know this is because I talk to the guys who are deploying there.
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Pull our people out and Nuke em from orbit.

I agree with the first half of that sentence, but why waste our weapons on them? Give them three weeks to complete the takeover and it'll be back to being an 8th century society again, so there's no need to nuke them.

LOL You are of course right.

Iraq will be an 8th century shithole full of Sharia Law and Muslim idiots.

I still think we oughtta nuke the whole place from orbit though.
I sure hope Obama hasn't ordered these 275 clay pigeons not to fire at any threats.

Nah. Remember when Bush had American troops riding around testing road side bombs in un armored humvees? That was making American troops targets. Who couldn't fire back after being blown up.

Obama will let them fight back instead of just driving around waiting to be blown up.

That Rummy and Bush, they had a strange way of fighting their war.

You''re confused.

Obama installed tougher ROEs that didn't allow troops to fire on threats with weapons u unless actually being fired upon. Insurgents could run between vehicles in a column holding AK47s or RPGs and not get blown to Hell simply because they weren't shooting at the moment.

The reason I know this is because I talk to the guys who are deploying there.

Nothing like sending our boys to war and tying their hands behind their backs with ridiculous ROE's.

Talk about ridiculous. Our boys should be shooting those assholes. If they use a mosque to shoot from then blow the motherfucker off its foundation. If the Muslims don't like it, then they better stop using their mosques for cover.

These ridiculous ROE's are getting our men killed. If your gonna fight a war then do whatever it takes to win the motherfucker.
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what an ironic !!!

The U.S. government interfere into the affairs of the state of Iraq
Violated all laws of humanity there
it was the reason for the choice of governor Shiite originally from Iran
That Governor stole state funds
Killed Sunni Muslims
Hanged them every day
Tortured them in prisons
his Soldiers is now raping women every day in prison
Demolish houses

After all that ,, the U.S. government innocently want to protect its embassy there

They are all criminals


I do not accept that the American soldiers die without guilt
Every human being in this world has the right to live in peace

By the way
do not forget the issue of the American soldier who raped Iraqi girl 14 years old and then kill her and her family Just because he did not know that these people are human beings and deserve to live as he said in an interview
and do not forget The Abu Ghraib scandal there happened the sexual torture
Some American soldiers tortured Iraqi prisoners in a manner even predators do not do

This scenario has been repeatedly happen there by the governor chosen by the U.S. government with all the ugliness

Excuse me
There are human beings lives in Iraq
I think that the American government should know the difference between humans and inanimate objects
Even inanimate objects does not it make sense to break them for no particular reason
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Marine security force. Its what they do. One of Marine Corps missions is to guard our embassies abroad. Need to pull out of that rat hole completely and let em slaughter each other. If Jordan and Saudi Arabia get nervous enough...they can do something about it. Oh BTW...Europe...fuck you too. Where are the Royal Marines? French Legionaries? Nope, always got to be America running around to police the world and run up our national debt for our grandchildren's future.
Maybe he shouldn't have Americans there to begin with, since Americans in Iraq are called "targets".
I wouldn't if YOU were the ambassador.

In fact, at that point, I'd encourage an attack.

Typical Mormon compassion.

Unlike you, I won't ascribe your stupidity to all native americans.


i think last time he was here it was kinda proven he may not be a "real" Indian.....he was asked serious questions about something that was going on with his "tribe" and he just ignored those questions.....and like i said...they were legit questions....a REAL "Lakhota" would have taken the questions because....they know the answers....
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Marine security force. Its what they do. One of Marine Corps missions is to guard our embassies abroad. Need to pull out of that rat hole completely and let em slaughter each other. If Jordan and Saudi Arabia get nervous enough...they can do something about it. Oh BTW...Europe...fuck you too. Where are the Royal Marines? French Legionaries? Nope, always got to be America running around to police the world and run up our national debt for our grandchildren's future.

i believe the UK has fought along side us plenty of times.....
Here is a question: Is he sending the troops in to destroy the embassy?

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