Will American forces leaving Iraq forever a be an Iran win or TrumpO win?

Iran announced today that they are officially reneging on that idiot deal that was negotiated with Obama.

That means they have to give money back, doesn't it?

Oh wait, they aren't going to give the money back because that fucking moron Obama gave all the money to the Mullahs up front in cash.

My god what an idiot!

More than an idiot. A willing supporter.
Wait, so Iran is reconstituting their nuclear program is Obama’s fault?
When that dumbshit Obama made the nefarious deal with Iran there were three major criticisms of it:

1. That the Iranian Mullahs would not adhere to the treaty

2. That the money that Obama gave the Mullahs would be used for terrorism

3. That the deal empowered and legitimized the Iranians to become a regional power.

What we are seeing now in Iraq now is exactly what we feared would happen with Obama kissing the ass of the Mullahs.

The Moon Bats that voted for Obama were absolute idiots to put that asshole in charge of foreign policy.
Lying fuck.

Iran was living up to the agreement.

Mostly unfreezing Iran funds that you don't know where it was spent.

George W Bush gave Iran the standing it has today.

You Hezzbollah-democrats are such fools.

It is well established that Tehran has consistently denied IAEA inspectors access to military sites and other research locations. This is in direct contravention to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and bipartisan legislation set out by Congress, which compels the president to verify that “Iran is transparently, verifiably, and fully implementing the agreement.” Yet, according to the Institute for Science and International Security, as of the last quarterly report released in August, the IAEA had not visited any military site in Iran since implementation day.

For its part, the IAEA has been complicit in allowing Tehran to circumvent the agreement and act as a law unto itself. Consider that after the deal was negotiated with the five permanent U.N. Security Council members, it was revealed that Tehran and the IAEA had entered into a secret agreement which allowed the Iranian regime to carry out its own nuclear trace testing at the Parchin complex, a site long suspected of being a nuclear testing ground, and would report back to the IAEA with “selective” videos and photos. This arrangement, which went behind the back of Congress, is especially suspect when considered in light of the Iranian regime’s history of duplicity.}

Iran is violating the deal

That you are a liar and a scumbag is almost secondary to the fact that you are a traitor.
Iran announced today that they are officially reneging on that idiot deal that was negotiated with Obama.

That means they have to give money back, doesn't it?

Oh wait, they aren't going to give the money back because that fucking moron Obama gave all the money to the Mullahs up front in cash.

My god what an idiot!

More than an idiot. A willing supporter.
Wait, so Iran is reconstituting their nuclear program is Obama’s fault?

What do you mean "reconstructing?" They never stopped; Obama funded it for years.
He would have been, but Barry tipped his Iranian allies off about an Israeli strike on his "dear, dear friend" Soleimani .
Barry, hilarious
Why don't you have a few balls and call him what you really think?
An uppity nixxer?
And where is he and where are you rube?
Do you have a ref ?
Of course not

Barry da Fairy is an agent of Iran. He promoted the interests and objectives of Iran from the day he assumed power. His being a queer isn't the issue, though may play into the psychosis of victimhood that led him to betray America.

Funny thing, Barry entered office a pauper and left with a hundred million. What is it you Hezbollah-democrats say about that "emoluments clause?" Oh, that only applies to Republicans....
Still no ref??!!
I love the zero college rube replies
100 million? Another lie?

Reference to what, moron? By the way, Summa Cum Laude (baccalaureate) and Delta Mu Delta (baccalaureate and graduate).
Didn’t know they gave advanced degrees in trolling.

I suspect there is very little you do know. Thus far I have seen only the bleat of "orange man bad" from you.
Iran announced today that they are officially reneging on that idiot deal that was negotiated with Obama.

That means they have to give money back, doesn't it?

Oh wait, they aren't going to give the money back because that fucking moron Obama gave all the money to the Mullahs up front in cash.

My god what an idiot!

More than an idiot. A willing supporter.
Wait, so Iran is reconstituting their nuclear program is Obama’s fault?

What do you mean "reconstructing?" They never stopped; Obama funded it for years.

Who told you that?
Barry, hilarious
Why don't you have a few balls and call him what you really think?
An uppity nixxer?
And where is he and where are you rube?
Do you have a ref ?
Of course not

Barry da Fairy is an agent of Iran. He promoted the interests and objectives of Iran from the day he assumed power. His being a queer isn't the issue, though may play into the psychosis of victimhood that led him to betray America.

Funny thing, Barry entered office a pauper and left with a hundred million. What is it you Hezbollah-democrats say about that "emoluments clause?" Oh, that only applies to Republicans....
Still no ref??!!
I love the zero college rube replies
100 million? Another lie?

Reference to what, moron? By the way, Summa Cum Laude (baccalaureate) and Delta Mu Delta (baccalaureate and graduate).
Didn’t know they gave advanced degrees in trolling.

I suspect there is very little you do know. Thus far I have seen only the bleat of "orange man bad" from you.

So far I’ve seen you do nothing but defend Trump, even when he contradicts himself.

Hell, a few months ago the Trump supporters were telling us how amazing he was after he pulled back from a strike in Iran after they downed our drone. Now he’s amazing for a far bigger escalation. Y’all are like a cult.
Iran announced today that they are officially reneging on that idiot deal that was negotiated with Obama.

That means they have to give money back, doesn't it?

Oh wait, they aren't going to give the money back because that fucking moron Obama gave all the money to the Mullahs up front in cash.

My god what an idiot!

More than an idiot. A willing supporter.
Wait, so Iran is reconstituting their nuclear program is Obama’s fault?

What do you mean "reconstructing?" They never stopped; Obama funded it for years.
Iran 4000 years old 2 wars
USA 300 years old, 250 wars
The epitome of the ugly american
Iran announced today that they are officially reneging on that idiot deal that was negotiated with Obama.

That means they have to give money back, doesn't it?

Oh wait, they aren't going to give the money back because that fucking moron Obama gave all the money to the Mullahs up front in cash.

My god what an idiot!

More than an idiot. A willing supporter.
Wait, so Iran is reconstituting their nuclear program is Obama’s fault?

They never ended their nuclear program.
Iran announced today that they are officially reneging on that idiot deal that was negotiated with Obama.

That means they have to give money back, doesn't it?

Oh wait, they aren't going to give the money back because that fucking moron Obama gave all the money to the Mullahs up front in cash.

My god what an idiot!

More than an idiot. A willing supporter.
Wait, so Iran is reconstituting their nuclear program is Obama’s fault?

They never ended their nuclear program.

Kinda hard to have nuclear weapons without HEU.

(or plutonium but that definitely wasn’t an option under the agreement)
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Obama's Mullah buddies should be reminded of what happens when you fuck with the USA.

...and this was from a weak RINO President which Trump sure as hell ain't.

Iran announced today that they are officially reneging on that idiot deal that was negotiated with Obama.

That means they have to give money back, doesn't it?

Oh wait, they aren't going to give the money back because that fucking moron Obama gave all the money to the Mullahs up front in cash.

My god what an idiot!
This is perfect. Trump has them right where he wants em.
Idiot deal, from our PHD expert
Hilarious, from an old white fart sucking off his commie benefits.
Such a foreign policy expert!!!!
so--you are a racist = hypocrite also
When that dumbshit Obama made the nefarious deal with Iran there were three major criticisms of it:

1. That the Iranian Mullahs would not adhere to the treaty

2. That the money that Obama gave the Mullahs would be used for terrorism

3. That the deal empowered and legitimized the Iranians to become a regional power.

What we are seeing now in Iraq now is exactly what we feared would happen with Obama kissing the ass of the Mullahs.

The Moon Bats that voted for Obama were absolute idiots to put that asshole in charge of foreign policy.
Lying fuck.

Iran was living up to the agreement.

Mostly unfreezing Iran funds that you don't know where it was spent.

George W Bush gave Iran the standing it has today.

You Hezzbollah-democrats are such fools.

It is well established that Tehran has consistently denied IAEA inspectors access to military sites and other research locations. This is in direct contravention to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and bipartisan legislation set out by Congress, which compels the president to verify that “Iran is transparently, verifiably, and fully implementing the agreement.” Yet, according to the Institute for Science and International Security, as of the last quarterly report released in August, the IAEA had not visited any military site in Iran since implementation day.

For its part, the IAEA has been complicit in allowing Tehran to circumvent the agreement and act as a law unto itself. Consider that after the deal was negotiated with the five permanent U.N. Security Council members, it was revealed that Tehran and the IAEA had entered into a secret agreement which allowed the Iranian regime to carry out its own nuclear trace testing at the Parchin complex, a site long suspected of being a nuclear testing ground, and would report back to the IAEA with “selective” videos and photos. This arrangement, which went behind the back of Congress, is especially suspect when considered in light of the Iranian regime’s history of duplicity.}

Iran is violating the deal

That you are a liar and a scumbag is almost secondary to the fact that you are a traitor.

These stupid Moon Bat traitors are apologists for Obama's Mullah buddies so you giving them facts won't do any good.

They think Obama made a peachy keen deal and the Iranian Mullahs are honest as the day is long.

That is just the kind of morons they are.
Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops
Ahmed Rasheed
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers said they would use a special parliamentary session on Sunday to push for a vote on a resolution requiring the government to ask Washington to withdraw U.S. troops from the country.

The session was called after a U.S. drone strike on Friday on a convoy at Baghdad airport that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Since the killings, rival Shi'ite political leaders have called for U.S. troops to be expelled from Iraq in an unusual show of unity among factions that have squabbled for months.

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops

Will TrumpO surrender to Iraq if Iraq’s lawmakers tell him to get every last American soldier and contractor out of Iraq forever?

And this cannot be considered good;

View attachment 298443
I thought Barry Hussein announced he won in Iraq and got all our troops out.

What happened?
1. That the Iranian Mullahs would not adhere to the treaty

you are a liar. Iran adhered to the Treaty even past the time after Trumo said he was the one to break it.

so if you lie about that you are must likely lying about everything.

why should we pay attention to you?

  • VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran has remained within the main restrictions on its nuclear activities imposed by a 2015 deal with major powers, a confidential report by the U.N. atomic watchdog indicated on Thursday.
    In its second quarterly report since President Donald Trump announced in May that the United States would quit the accord and reimpose sanctions, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran had stayed within the caps on uranium enrichment levels, enriched uranium stocks and other items.
Iran is complying with nuclear deal restrictions: IAEA report
It wasn’t a treaty, Dummy.

It was and Executive Order.
Iran announced today that they are officially reneging on that idiot deal that was negotiated with Obama.

That means they have to give money back, doesn't it?

Oh wait, they aren't going to give the money back because that fucking moron Obama gave all the money to the Mullahs up front in cash.

My god what an idiot!

More than an idiot. A willing supporter.
Wait, so Iran is reconstituting their nuclear program is Obama’s fault?

What do you mean "reconstructing?" They never stopped; Obama funded it for years.
Iran 4000 years old 2 wars
USA 300 years old, 250 wars
The epitome of the ugly american
hahahah--you FUCKED UP up ''college''' boy--hahhahahah
250 wars = you are full of shit
Iran 2 wars???!!!!!
gee---how come you forgot the Syrian Civil War??
Greco-Persian Wars - Wikipedia
here's the list of the MANY wars Iran was involved with:
List of wars involving Iran - Wikipedia
1. That the Iranian Mullahs would not adhere to the treaty

you are a liar. Iran adhered to the Treaty even past the time after Trumo said he was the one to break it.

so if you lie about that you are must likely lying about everything.

why should we pay attention to you?

  • VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran has remained within the main restrictions on its nuclear activities imposed by a 2015 deal with major powers, a confidential report by the U.N. atomic watchdog indicated on Thursday.
    In its second quarterly report since President Donald Trump announced in May that the United States would quit the accord and reimpose sanctions, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran had stayed within the caps on uranium enrichment levels, enriched uranium stocks and other items.
Iran is complying with nuclear deal restrictions: IAEA report
It wasn’t a treaty, Dummy.

It was and Executive Order.

Yup. The deal was between Obama and Iran, period. It ended with his presidency.
Uncensored2008, post: 23807599
This Cleric could be the next democrat ally to achieve room temperature.

What would be achieved by killing the most popular politician’ militia leader, parliamentary king maker and cleric in Shiite Iraq since we will be forced to leave Iraq anyway?

getting the US kicked out of Iraq will be a huge win for Iran and for ISIS should they be able to stage a comeback.

If the Obama coalition that removed most of ISIS from Iraq has to leave, Shiite Iraq will go down if Shiite Iran is taken downs

Sunnis and ISIS will fill the void.

I’m curios to gear what Lindsay Graham has to say about TrumpO getting US Troops kicked out of Iraq

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