Will an Obama loss turn to rioting?

anyone who can watch state after state suppress the vote for the sole purpose of stealing the election and not be angry about that, is a traitor to america

let me change that

anyone who can watch state after state suppress the vote for the sole purpose of stealing the election and not be angry about that, is a fucking traitor to america

You coming for us righties Conz...should we be worried?

Naaa, you are just another sissy assed internet tough guy.

it wont be me, dont worry...i will sit back and watch the United States Army take out you terrorists, that is their job.

(smile) Says the armchair general that hasn't anything other than his Brownie Uniform?
If Romney loses, will those unstable white folks go all uni-bomber on us?

Dunno, where is Algore, and why would he care if Romney lost?

Al Gore's living it up in his McMansion in Tennessee. I don't think he'll turn to rioting.

It's the less stable white folks that really concern me. You just never know when those white folks are gonna lose it, donchaknow.
Blacks in the ghetto could riot or most likely do random attacks on white people they come across like what happened in the Rodney King verdict where black Marines killed 1-2 white Marines in NC.

They might attack Korean shop owners in south central LA, some white owned bars near the southside of Chicago, etc. Afterall, it's not their fault their clown lost and they are unemployed goons....it is white people's fault.

Any whites near big city ghetto areas the night of the election or 1-2 nights afterwards is stupid. I could see some dumb white TV newscrew get caught in the ghetto trying to interview the "locals."

Lemme guess: You wonder Blacks vote Democrat 90+% of the time?

I cannot understand why blacks don't run to the Republicans when they are welcomed by such as GoneBezerk.

Gonebezerk is probably one of the "nicer" ones.................................. :lol:
It is beginning to sound like you might be looking for some reason to riot. Every American over 18 should be allowed to vote....once. This can not be done without verification.

why do you vehemently and viciously hate America?

I know, cuz there are Black people in it, and Jewish people and Muslim people and Latino people and Gay people and by and large most of them vote for Dems, and that makes you angry

We know, the planet knows...

you are one odd person. I will be watching you on TV

Probably after he/she bursts into a local PTA or town hall meeting and opens fire with an evil assault weapon.
Many of the frustrated Blacks, Unions, and extremist thought Obama to be their savior only to find themselves deeper in misery. Yet they do not blame Obama for opportunities taken away. If Obama loses then we must realize there is a probability there will be rioting in the larger cities of this country. This is my thought. What is yours?

It's a guarantee! Blacks and OWS liberals will be out protesting, vandalizing, looting and destroying property. Whites will be a prime target! I will be home in the burbs watching on TV!

Call it paranoia, but I will have my Saiga 12 20 round barrel fully loaded and Springfield MDX ready to go!

You have the nerve to call someone a racist you racist fucking PIG. :lol:
Many of the frustrated Blacks, Unions, and extremist thought Obama to be their savior only to find themselves deeper in misery. Yet they do not blame Obama for opportunities taken away. If Obama loses then we must realize there is a probability there will be rioting in the larger cities of this country. This is my thought. What is yours?

I doubt there will be any rioting. I think most of those who supported Obama have already lost faith in him.

That greatly depends on why they supported him in 2008. He's still got plenty of supporters who can only see as far as his skin color and they won't care if they tear some shit up should he lose.
Many of the frustrated Blacks, Unions, and extremist thought Obama to be their savior only to find themselves deeper in misery. Yet they do not blame Obama for opportunities taken away. If Obama loses then we must realize there is a probability there will be rioting in the larger cities of this country. This is my thought. What is yours?

It's a guarantee! Blacks and OWS liberals will be out protesting, vandalizing, looting and destroying property. Whites will be a prime target! I will be home in the burbs watching on TV!

Call it paranoia, but I will have my Saiga 12 20 round barrel fully loaded and Springfield MDX ready to go!

For future psychiatric analysis, this post, poster, will serve as a prime example of the white supremacist in 2012 America
does that statement mean you think there will be rioting or not? By the way many of us feel that the cheating by the dems only made it a close election.

If your party wins this elections this time arround it will be because you cheated your asses off.

You will see millions in the streets protesting.

You will call it rioting no matter how civil the protests are.

What makes you so sure it will be because of cheating? Maybe Obummer loses because he sucks. Maybe it's because more legal voters place their vote for Romney instead of Obummer. Ever think of that?

Dude, I cannot believe you just asked TM if she thought?!
Many of the frustrated Blacks, Unions, and extremist thought Obama to be their savior only to find themselves deeper in misery. Yet they do not blame Obama for opportunities taken away. If Obama loses then we must realize there is a probability there will be rioting in the larger cities of this country. This is my thought. What is yours?

Here we go again. This fantasy gets new legs about once every 2-3 weeks now. :lol:

It will only get worse the closer we get to the election.
Al Gore's living it up in his McMansion in Tennessee. I don't think he'll turn to rioting.

You're the one who brought up old Unibomber Algore.

It's the less stable white folks that really concern me. You just never know when those white folks are gonna lose it, donchaknow.

a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc., in the streets.

   [ri-tahrd, for 1–3, 5; ree-tahrd for 4]
verb (used with object)

a. a mentally retarded person.
b. a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.

The second pertains to you.
Common fact is way more people will leave their home on election day with the intent of voting Dem vs Con

math doesnt lie

what will happen when they get to the polls, dont know yet.

baggers think they want a civil war, still pissed about the first one, but they dont really
I've been thinking that's a distinct possibility for a while now. Think it depends on the size of the beating the Dims take on election day and how they frame the rhetoric. If they get creamed by a decent margin I think it would be harder, for example, to start the Truthmatters-like b.s. that Republicans engaged in their alleged time-honored voter fraud claptrap. But if it's a lot closer at the end I fully expect them to start beating the drums that Republicans stole it, someone then cues the race pimps Al and Jesse, and they start dealing race cards like a Vegas veteran.

anyone who can watch state after state suppress the vote for the sole purpose of stealing the election and not be angry about that, is a traitor to america

let me change that

anyone who can watch state after state suppress the vote for the sole purpose of stealing the election and not be angry about that, is a fucking traitor to america
Dumb ass whose being suppressed if everybody is required to show an ID?
yep, voter suppression would be something to watch right here in America

i guess they cant rely on Diebold to steal the election anymore, even though they will try as well
Al Gore's living it up in his McMansion in Tennessee. I don't think he'll turn to rioting.

You're the one who brought up old Unibomber Algore.

It's the less stable white folks that really concern me. You just never know when those white folks are gonna lose it, donchaknow.

a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc., in the streets.

   [ri-tahrd, for 1–3, 5; ree-tahrd for 4]
verb (used with object)

a. a mentally retarded person.
b. a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.

The second pertains to you.
It's alright, Uncensored. The White folks rioting will probably leave you alone.
I've been thinking that's a distinct possibility for a while now. Think it depends on the size of the beating the Dims take on election day and how they frame the rhetoric. If they get creamed by a decent margin I think it would be harder, for example, to start the Truthmatters-like b.s. that Republicans engaged in their alleged time-honored voter fraud claptrap. But if it's a lot closer at the end I fully expect them to start beating the drums that Republicans stole it, someone then cues the race pimps Al and Jesse, and they start dealing race cards like a Vegas veteran.

anyone who can watch state after state suppress the vote for the sole purpose of stealing the election and not be angry about that, is a traitor to america

let me change that

anyone who can watch state after state suppress the vote for the sole purpose of stealing the election and not be angry about that, is a fucking traitor to america
Dumb ass whose being suppressed if everybody is required to show an ID?


stop being a terrorist, after you do a little bit of research and find out how many of these cant vote all of a sudden

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