Will an Obama loss turn to rioting?

Making a requirement to show an ID before someone votes is cheating? Stupid asking someone for an ID is not cheating, if the only people required to show an ID were blacks or minorities or even known democrats then you can bitch about cheating. Showing an ID is required of all parties.

It sure is.

especially when you force it to take place right before an election so that people have less time to comply with the laws.

Its a poll tax.

that is illegal.
It's not a god damn poll tax you stupid bitch, it's not directed are one specific group all people will show their ID

Anything free is by definition not a poll tax which implies payment.
Many of the frustrated Blacks, Unions, and extremist thought Obama to be their savior only to find themselves deeper in misery. Yet they do not blame Obama for opportunities taken away. If Obama loses then we must realize there is a probability there will be rioting in the larger cities of this country. This is my thought. What is yours?

It's a guarantee! Blacks and OWS liberals will be out protesting, vandalizing, looting and destroying property. Whites will be a prime target! I will be home in the burbs watching on TV!

Call it paranoia, but I will have my Saiga 12 20 round barrel fully loaded and Springfield MDX ready to go!

For future psychiatric analysis, this post, poster, will serve as a prime example of the white supremacist in 2012 America

Great comeback mental midget!
I dont blame you for yelling on here "I am not a racist!"

Believe me when I tell you the entire planet knows why you are so emphatic with that statement, believe me, we know.

the entire planet knows you are attempting to steal the election, turn back the clock to the good ole Jim Crow days, etc.

believe me, the entire planet knows this, it is why you cant win no matter what
I dont blame you for yelling on here "I am not a racist!"

Believe me when I tell you the entire planet knows why you are so emphatic with that statement, believe me, we know.

the entire planet knows you are attempting to steal the election, turn back the clock to the good ole Jim Crow days, etc.

believe me, the entire planet knows this, it is why you cant win no matter what

You po, po black chile.....youz got to keep whitey down...gots to keep beatin him back cuz you donz want to wurk on da plantation aginz?
I dont blame you for yelling on here "I am not a racist!"

Believe me when I tell you the entire planet knows why you are so emphatic with that statement, believe me, we know.

the entire planet knows you are attempting to steal the election, turn back the clock to the good ole Jim Crow days, etc.

believe me, the entire planet knows this, it is why you cant win no matter what

You po, po black chile.....youz got to keep whitey down...gots to keep beatin him back cuz you donz want to wurk on da plantation aginz?


You really dont know how much of a racist this makes you look like?

Really ? :lol:

C'mon, you have to get better than this, I am not being paid to have a day off here, I am being paid to troll you guys and my boss, Mr. Gore, will be pissed if you dont make me work a little harder
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When did liberals become pro wall street ceo?

:lol::lol: That's what you got from that? :lol::lol:
I dont blame you for yelling on here "I am not a racist!"

Believe me when I tell you the entire planet knows why you are so emphatic with that statement, believe me, we know.

the entire planet knows you are attempting to steal the election, turn back the clock to the good ole Jim Crow days, etc.

believe me, the entire planet knows this, it is why you cant win no matter what

You po, po black chile.....youz got to keep whitey down...gots to keep beatin him back cuz you donz want to wurk on da plantation aginz?


You really dont know how much of a racist this makes you look like?

Really ? :lol:

C'mon, you have to get better than this, I am not being paid to have a day off here, I am being paid to troll you guys and my boss, Mr. Gore, will be pissed if you dont make me work a little harder

Poor Conz, as a Liberal you have zero grasp on sarcasm and parody, you also think that anything you say should simply be regarded as "truth".

You ACTUALLY think that someone is a racist just because you say so.

That ain't the way it works cuz.....sorry to burst your silly little algoreian bubble.

Ask ole Al if he is still pissed that TN didn't elect him Prez....uuuuumk?
This gets interesting about once every 2-3 weeks...the cons wring their hands about minority rioting (in the inner cities, hint hint)...then it's quiet for awhile...they they spool up again....short attention spans?
I say go........go...........go.............

And one more thing Im realllllllllllllllllllly hoping for: the neandethal black panthers to show up at polling stations. This time...........its gonna be historic faIl and will all be videotaped. I happen to know for a fucking fact ( at least in Pa) that if those savages show up there, they are going down hard.
We have told the extremists in our voting districts and regions, on the far left and the far right, any appearance intimidation and they go to jail until the polls close. Zero tolerance.
You ACTUALLY think that someone is a racist just because you say so.

son, practice short responses, since you are literally a moron and I am a genius, debating me will be easier for you with shorter responses

Translation, you got nuthin, I get it.

Clearly are quite the legend in your own mind, but the entire world can see....you aren't.

Didya ask ole Al about TN, is he still touchy about it?
Me? Nope. LEO will be on alert for any intimidation at the polls. In our regions, we have super GOP and Dem poll watchers and workers. And we know the wanna be bad girls and bad boys.
Who the fuck do you think obama supporters are, a bunch of thugs and hoodlums who want an excuse to riot so we can steal a bunch of televisions and nikes? FY.
Who the fuck do you think obama supporters are, a bunch of thugs and hoodlums who want an excuse to riot so we can steal a bunch of televisions and nikes? FY.

Righty is lied to all day long by fox and rush and beck and so on.

Righty believes all kinds of insane shit, none of it is true, not one bit.

They have a common thread, they fear the Black man, thus all the extreme hate and intolerance.

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