Will an Obama loss turn to rioting?

If Romney loses, will those unstable white folks go all uni-bomber on us?

Again that would be liberals doing the unibombing thing

By all accounts, the Kaczynskis were politically active, liberal and Democratic, while Lombard is a largely Republican suburb. In 1988, the father wrote a letter to the editor of the Chicago Tribune lamenting that the word "liberal" had come to be used "so pejoratively" and suggesting the label be treated "with the respect it deserves."

WashingtonPost.com: Unabomber Special Report
anyone who can watch state after state suppress the vote for the sole purpose of stealing the election and not be angry about that, is a traitor to america

let me change that

anyone who can watch state after state suppress the vote for the sole purpose of stealing the election and not be angry about that, is a fucking traitor to america
Dumb ass whose being suppressed if everybody is required to show an ID?


stop being a terrorist, after you do a little bit of research and find out how many of these cant vote all of a sudden

No group is being singled out and using that fear mongering information would make you a terrorist
yep, voter suppression would be something to watch right here in America

i guess they cant rely on Diebold to steal the election anymore, even though they will try as well

No group is being singled out and using that fear mongering information would make you a terrorist

Normally I would just laugh at this or whatever, but you actually believe this, dont you.

You see, if this country doesnt survive, you will be to blame, entirely and completely, your comment here couldnt be further from the truth, and you know it, it is the you know it part that makes you guilty of possibly destroying America...
If Americans turn out to be as stupid as they were in 2000 and 2004, I doubt that I'll riot. I'll just be pretty depressed. The more likely scenario is what I'll do when Romney/AynRyan goes down.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97JXkUK6NsM]Grateful Dead "Dancing In The Street" live 1967 San Fran. - YouTube[/ame]
No group is being singled out and using that fear mongering information would make you a terrorist

Normally I would just laugh at this or whatever, but you actually believe this, dont you.

You see, if this country doesnt survive, you will be to blame, entirely and completely, your comment here couldnt be further from the truth, and you know it, it is the you know it part that makes you guilty of possibly destroying America...

Since obam,a is liberal liberals support him this will be the cross you will bear it will be all your fault.
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It is beginning to sound like you might be looking for some reason to riot. Every American over 18 should be allowed to vote....once. This can not be done without verification.

It has been done without Voter ID for well over 200 years, dipshit.
Many of the frustrated Blacks, Unions, and extremist thought Obama to be their savior only to find themselves deeper in misery. Yet they do not blame Obama for opportunities taken away. If Obama loses then we must realize there is a probability there will be rioting in the larger cities of this country. This is my thought. What is yours?

It's a guarantee! Blacks and OWS liberals will be out protesting, vandalizing, looting and destroying property. Whites will be a prime target! I will be home in the burbs watching on TV!

Call it paranoia, but I will have my Saiga 12 20 round barrel fully loaded and Springfield MDX ready to go!

You have the nerve to call someone a racist you racist fucking PIG. :lol:

Yep I'm a racist for pointing out that two groups who are EXTREMELY in the bag for Obama will go NUTZ if he loses!!!

Is it also racist to point out South Africa is the rape, AIDS, car-jacking and baby rape capital of the world. Or that in the Congo and woman has a 65% chance of getting raped to and from her job!

So you can take your PCness and stick them up your ass!

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