Will ANYONE in the government be held accountable for violations of the first amendment via Twitter?

Will anyone be held to account for the government violating the first amendment rights of citizens?

  • Yes

  • No

  • There were no first amendment violations

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Okay Mac. Here is the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So without whining about how victimized you are, explain to me what you meant by "read the first amendment", and tell me you DIDN'T mean the part that says "congress shall make no law...."
Read the First Amendment.

Or don't. I don't care.
Gina Carano was fired from a Disney Star Wars program because she compared Republicans treatment to Jewish people with the holocaust. This was not any sleight to Jews. This was the way most people spew loudness. She was destroyed and to many people are treated the same way. At some point people will reel just to survive.

Yes, that's what Congress does. It makes laws. Now, we have a renegade lawless body of non-lawmakers suppressing our free speech. But they are still "the government". That our poor founding fathers never imagined that we would ALLOW a bureaucracy to get so far out of control does not mean that the govt is not STILL limiting free speech.

You either know this and are playing stupid, or you're actually stupid.

Pick one.

is completely ignored. Imagine that!

Free Speech does not apply to a private company.

It surely does when Yoel Roth is meeting with the FBI and attempting to make those calendar appts look more 'generic'
Gina Carano was fired from a Disney Star Wars program because she compared Republicans treatment to Jewish people with the holocaust. This was not any sleight to Jews. This was the way most people spew loudness. She was destroyed and to many people are treated the same way. At some point people will reel just to survive.
She worked for a private company. End of story.
To anyone but the most partisan it is clear that first amendment violations are abundant but will ANYONE be held to account for it?

If not our so called constitutional rights are nothing but a figment of our imagination IMO.

Hillary got away with initiating the largest criminal political scandal in US history, among many other crimes over decades...

Obama and his administration got away with committing treason via a failed coup attempt...

Pelosi and Democrats got away with multiple failed coup Impeachment attempts based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses during which they were proven to have treasonously manufactured false evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting President from office...

The FBI got away with violating the Constitution, the Rule of Law, the Patriot Act no less than 12 times, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on US citizens / a US President & his team, knowingly participating in a failed coup attempt, obstructing justice / hiding key evidence IOT protect a criminal President and his son / family, admittedly conducting multiple 'entrapment scheme' operations against US citizens, colluding w/the WH and DOJ to brand parents as 'domestic terrorists', and engaging in conspiracy and collusion to violate the 1st Amendment.

The leftist Gestapo and other criminals / traitors will never be held accountable for their crimes, as they continue to destroy the country.

Every time they get away with their crimes and treason they become more emboldened and determined to continue to do more.

is completely ignored. Imagine that!

Free Speech does not apply to a private company.

Additionally, Taibbi wrote that he couldn't find any such specific requests from the Trump admin
Hillary got away with initiating the largest criminal political scandal in US history, among many other crimes over decades...

Obama and his administration got away with committing treason via a failed coup attempt...

Pelosi and Democrats got away with multiple failed coup Impeachment attempts based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses during which they were proven to have treasonously manufactured false evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting President from office...

The FBI got away with violating the Constitution, the Rule of Law, the Patriot Act no less than 12 times, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on US citizens / a US President & his team, knowingly participating in a failed coup attempt, obstructing justice / hiding key evidence IOT protect a criminal President and his son / family, admittedly conducting multiple 'entrapment scheme' operations against US citizens, colluding w/the WH and DOJ to brand parents as 'domestic terrorists', and engaging in conspiracy and collusion to violate the 1st Amendment.

The leftist Gestapo and other criminals / traitors will never be held accountable for their crimes, as they continue to destroy the country.

Every time they get away with their crimes and treason they become more emboldened and determined to continue to do more.
Wow, that must be frustrating.

Well, it would be if any of it were true.
Hillary got away with initiating the largest criminal political scandal in US history, among many other crimes over decades...

Obama and his administration got away with committing treason via a failed coup attempt...

Pelosi and Democrats got away with multiple failed coup Impeachment attempts based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses during which they were proven to have treasonously manufactured false evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting President from office...

The FBI got away with violating the Constitution, the Rule of Law, the Patriot Act no less than 12 times, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on US citizens / a US President & his team, knowingly participating in a failed coup attempt, obstructing justice / hiding key evidence IOT protect a criminal President and his son / family, admittedly conducting multiple 'entrapment scheme' operations against US citizens, colluding w/the WH and DOJ to brand parents as 'domestic terrorists', and engaging in conspiracy and collusion to violate the 1st Amendment.

The leftist Gestapo and other criminals / traitors will never be held accountable for their crimes, as they continue to destroy the country.

Every time they get away with their crimes and treason they become more emboldened and determined to continue to do more.

And so far, in this thread, we have


So-called Americans, saying, yeah yeah they're a private entity, and generally minimizing the entire thing.

If the Trump admin had done this--if HIS FBI had done this, they would all lose their MINDS. And I would have no excuse to give.

You can't have a country with this, you just can't. At least not an America.
She worked for a private company. End of story.
Remember that when it reverses. When poverty expands enough the abusers of rights who are so smart become stupid. As the impoverished become pizzed enough to get even with newly elected dictatorial leaders who will supply the answers. Progs elect these people who are rebellion without a cause. Non-Progs have none. And they will show up at some point.
Additionally, Taibbi wrote that he couldn't find any such specific requests from the Trump admin
Sure. Why are they only being released selectively without context?

Twitter in 2020 granted requests from both President Donald Trump's White House and candidate Joe Biden's campaign to remove content, according to a thread published Friday by independent journalist Matt Taibbi.
Yes, that's what Congress does. It makes laws. Now, we have a renegade lawless body of non-lawmakers suppressing our free speech. But they are still "the government". That our poor founding fathers never imagined that we would ALLOW a bureaucracy to get so far out of control does not mean that the govt is not STILL limiting free speech.

You either know this and are playing stupid, or you're actually stupid.

Pick one.
"Hey Mac, I do know that no law has been created here, so this isn't actually a First Amendment issue. HOWEVER, I do feel that actions like these fly in the face of the SPIRIT of the First Amendment, by controlling speech -- even in a private setting -- picking winners & losers, and not allowing people to express themselves freely. Would you agree with that?"

"I sure would, SweetSue92. I couldn't agree more. And I can tell you I've had hundreds, if not thousands, of squabbles with lefties here over the years with the way they have weaponized political correctness to control and intimidate speech, so I have a long history with them on this topic. Yes, they seem to have a natural impulse to shut people down, and they still haven't learned that it backfires on them. They STILL won't admit how shit like that brought us Trumpism in the FIRST damn place".

"Oh, okay, good. I'm glad I gave you the opportunity to clarify. I certainly wouldn't want to make assumptions based on ignorance. I get your point, even if I don't fully agree."

"Well, thanks for asking. I don't get that very often here."

"You bet. You have yourself one fine-ass Sunday, Mac."

"You too, SweetSue".
Sure. Why are they only being released selectively without context?

Twitter in 2020 granted requests from both President Donald Trump's White House and candidate Joe Biden's campaign to remove content, according to a thread published Friday by independent journalist Matt Taibbi.

When you are commenting on process and not content, you have lost already.

But you knew this.

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