Will ANYONE in the government be held accountable for violations of the first amendment via Twitter?

Will anyone be held to account for the government violating the first amendment rights of citizens?

  • Yes

  • No

  • There were no first amendment violations

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And so far, in this thread, we have


So-called Americans, saying, yeah yeah they're a private entity, and generally minimizing the entire thing.

If the Trump admin had done this--if HIS FBI had done this, they would all lose their MINDS. And I would have no excuse to give.

You can't have a country with this, you just can't. At least not an America.
Are you pretending you are American?

If so, that would explain your lack of knowledge about private property rights and your selective application of it.

The Trump administration DID do it.
When you are commenting on process and not content, you have lost already.

But you knew this.
When your double standard is exposed, you have no argument to begin with.
"Hey Mac, I do know that no law has been created here, so this isn't actually a First Amendment issue. HOWEVER, I do feel that actions like these fly in the face of the SPIRIT of the First Amendment, by controlling speech -- even in a private setting -- picking winners & losers, and not allowing people to express themselves freely. Would you agree with that?"

"I sure would, SweetSue92. I couldn't agree more. And I can tell you I've had hundreds, if not thousands, of squabbles with lefties here over the years with the way they have weaponized political correctness to control and intimidate speech, so I have a long history with them on this topic. Yes, they seem to have a natural impulse to shut people down, and they still haven't learned that it backfires on them. They STILL won't admit how shit like that brought us Trumpism in the FIRST damn place".

"Oh, okay, good. I'm glad I gave you the opportunity to clarify. I certainly wouldn't want to make assumptions based on ignorance. I get your point, even if I don't fully agree."

"Well, thanks for asking. I don't get that very often here."

"You bet. You have yourself one fine-ass Sunday, Mac."

"You too, SweetSue".

Entirely wrong.

This is not about political correctness. About liberals being liberals or about "Trumpism".

This is about THE GOVT shutting down free speech. Not about the tender sensibilities of Leftists.

You're trying to equivocate and it's not working
Are you pretending you are American?

If so, that would explain your lack of knowledge about private property rights and your selective application of it.

The Trump administration DID do it.

Oh hit me with this. Go.
"Hey Mac, I do know that no law has been created here, so this isn't actually a First Amendment issue. HOWEVER, I do feel that actions like these fly in the face of the SPIRIT of the First Amendment, by controlling speech -- even in a private setting -- picking winners & losers, and not allowing people to express themselves freely. Would you agree with that?"

"I sure would, SweetSue92. I couldn't agree more. And I can tell you I've had hundreds, if not thousands, of squabbles with lefties here over the years with the way they have weaponized political correctness to control and intimidate speech, so I have a long history with them on this topic. Yes, they seem to have a natural impulse to shut people down, and they still haven't learned that it backfires on them. They STILL won't admit how shit like that brought us Trumpism in the FIRST damn place".

"Oh, okay, good. I'm glad I gave you the opportunity to clarify. I certainly wouldn't want to make assumptions based on ignorance. I get your point, even if I don't fully agree."

"Well, thanks for asking. I don't get that very often here."

"You bet. You have yourself one fine-ass Sunday, Mac."

"You too, SweetSue".
Not sure I agree here either Mac. Unless it’s a public utility or there are issues of anti trust a private company should not be required or expected to allow unregulated free speech nor are they. It’s no different than a loud, disruptive patron at a bar being asked to leave.
Not sure I agree here either Mac. Unless it’s a public utility or there are issues of anti trust a private company should not be required or expected to allow unregulated free speech nor they. It’s no different than a loud, disruptive patron at a bar being asked to leave.

I'm beginning to believe the liberals in this thread ARE THIS DENSE.

A patron in a bar can be kicked out if the owner doesn't like your hair, shirt, or language--whatever.


How can Americans not understand this?
I'm beginning to believe the liberals in this thread ARE THIS DENSE.

A patron in a bar can be kicked out if the owner doesn't like your hair, shirt, or language--whatever.


How can Americans not understand this?
How is it forcing Twitter?
Elon can ban everyone and talk to himself if he likes.

Did the FBI make him ban Kanye....for politics?

If you love it, imagine how much you would have loved it if it were Trump's FBI banning liberals left and right.

Gosh....all the fascism you all imagined belongs to.....YOU.
Well, the OP said that Elon is violating Kanye's first amendment.

Perhaps one of your students can read it to you.
How is it forcing Twitter?

It doesn't even have to be forcing. IF you have the FBI working with Twitter to SUPPRESS the speech of Americans--that will do it.

It's so absolutely appalling to me that any American would be okay with this. Imagine Trump had done this. Honestly.

This country must split. Free speech is fundamental
With being American? You“re so ready to call those who disagree with you unAmerican.

And to amend: not "disagree with me"

Think that the govt should work to suppress free speech it doesn't like?

Um YEAH. That's about as unamerican as it gets
You're attempting to split hairs.
I'll take that as a concession that you know I'm right.
Imagine if the gop politicians applied undue pressure to silence lefties on the msm.... y'all be screaming bloody murder.

They'd be burning down the streets
From: Twitter granted requests from both the Trump White House and the Biden campaign to remove content in 2020, report says

But Taibbi also touched on other content moderation actions, writing that by 2020 it was "routine" for Twitter to receive requests to remove content from third-party actors.

"Both parties had access to these tools. For instance, in 2020, requests from both the Trump White House and the Biden campaign were received and honored," he said, adding that "celebrities and unknowns alike could be removed or reviewed at the behest of a political party."…

Taibbi did not provide evidence the White House — or the Biden campaign — "ordered" or coerced Twitter into removing content. The government asking a private company to do something and the company agreeing is not inherently a violation of the First Amendment, as David French wrote in The Atlantic.

Taibbi did not include any additional details or an example of a request from the White House.

Taibbi wrote that the request and remove system "wasn't balanced" and favored Democrats, citing campaign donations made by Twitter staff. He did not provide evidence the system favored Democrats or that tweets were removed that did not violate the terms of service.

The only thing that appears to be badly handled was suppressing the laptop story, which Twitter eventually backtracked. Biden was not in office then and nothing is provided showing his campaign was involved.

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