Will ANYONE in the government be held accountable for violations of the first amendment via Twitter?

Will anyone be held to account for the government violating the first amendment rights of citizens?

  • Yes

  • No

  • There were no first amendment violations

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It sure seems like you seem to want to give the FBI and other agencies a pass for working with Twitter to censor stories that have since been proven to be true. Maybe we are all misinterpreting your position here.
If you're going to communicate with me, read what I actually write. If I don't say something, don't assume it. If you're not clear, ask.

I'm not an ideologue. My opinions do not fall obediently in line with those of either party. I have disagreements with both on virtually every issue.

That's all I'm asking.
I see the first two responses are from idiots who can't grasp the idea that the government is BANNED from interfering in the free speech of its citizens yet went out of its way to do that very thing by putting pressure on Twitter and most likely every other social media site
Trump's government you mean? Yeah, he should be impeached.
I see the first two responses are from idiots who can't grasp the idea that the government is BANNED from interfering in the free speech of its citizens yet went out of its way to do that very thing by putting pressure on Twitter and most likely every other social media site

Government is banned from establishing laws that prohibit free speech

They are welcome to assist private entities in determining misinformation and propaganda
Had the govt. shut down Twitter over what was posted it would be a different story.
Public schools are government institutions and the teachers are essentially government officials. It is not their job to teach sexual perversions to children.
You support grooming now do you?

And lol at the Disney reference. Taking tax exempt statuses is within the rights of DeSantis and his administration.

Stop fucking deflecting like a child and STAY ON TOPIC
IT IS ALL WITHIN THE LEGAL RIGHTS of an administration.

lol. It is ok to use the government to censor free speech when it comes to discussion of race or a PRIVATE company’s FREE SPEECH rights. You are certainly selective.
To anyone but the most partisan it is clear that first amendment violations are abundant but will ANYONE be held to account for it?

If not our so called constitutional rights are nothing but a figment of our imagination IMO.
I don't know the answer to your question, yes, no, or indifference. Elon Musk will be publishing a lot of the misery of the infliction of false witness against innocent people in the near future, because after he reviewed the site, he decided to use his wealth in a way that would reduce the false witnesses, whoever and whereever they are.
I see the first two responses are from idiots who can't grasp the idea that the government is BANNED from interfering in the free speech of its citizens yet went out of its way to do that very thing by putting pressure on Twitter and most likely every other social media site
But they do, with YOUR SUPPORT, when they punished Disney for it’s free speech.

Now that IS a case of using the government actively suppress free speech.

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