Will ANYONE in the government be held accountable for violations of the first amendment via Twitter?

Will anyone be held to account for the government violating the first amendment rights of citizens?

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  • No

  • There were no first amendment violations

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But they do, with YOUR SUPPORT, when they punished Disney for it’s free speech.

Now that IS a case of using the government actively suppress free speech.

No one told Disney they couldn't continue to denounce the law. DeSantis took away many of their cushy tax breaks. Are cushy tax breaks protected in the Constitution? Specifically, the Bill of Rights?

The Disney situation was "play stupid games, win stupid prizes"

It was not, "If you play wrong, you can't play at all"

Different scenarios.
I'm convinced nothing will be done about these violations. Democrats seem immune from liability.

It always seems that way

And then the entire house of cards falls down

I have never lost hope, because I know that a house built on lies, corruption and gaslighting will fail.
when private individuals conspire with govt officials they can become state actors

the govt can’t use private individuals as an end run around the constitution to violate people’s rights
Sorry, the law fails to recognize your attempts at guilt by association.
To anyone but the most partisan it is clear that first amendment violations are abundant but will ANYONE be held to account for it?

If not our so called constitutional rights are nothing but a figment of our imagination IMO.
Where in the Constitution does it say that a private company can't moderate it's published content whichever way it sees fit?
The problem is that our justice dept and many federal judges protect Democrats from prosecution.
Prosecution for breaking what law?

The problem is that you nutters are clueless and then you get upset that reality is not matching your fantasies about it.
To anyone but the most partisan it is clear that first amendment violations are abundant but will ANYONE be held to account for it?

If not our so called constitutional rights are nothing but a figment of our imagination IMO.
Not by Trump or the current Republican leadership- absolutely not!
Hillary got away with initiating the largest criminal political scandal in US history, among many other crimes over decades...

Obama and his administration got away with committing treason via a failed coup attempt...

Pelosi and Democrats got away with multiple failed coup Impeachment attempts based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses during which they were proven to have treasonously manufactured false evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting President from office...

The FBI got away with violating the Constitution, the Rule of Law, the Patriot Act no less than 12 times, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on US citizens / a US President & his team, knowingly participating in a failed coup attempt, obstructing justice / hiding key evidence IOT protect a criminal President and his son / family, admittedly conducting multiple 'entrapment scheme' operations against US citizens, colluding w/the WH and DOJ to brand parents as 'domestic terrorists', and engaging in conspiracy and collusion to violate the 1st Amendment.

The leftist Gestapo and other criminals / traitors will never be held accountable for their crimes, as they continue to destroy the country.

Every time they get away with their crimes and treason they become more emboldened and determined to continue to do more.
Well, I wouldn’t say that they will never be held accountable, they will, just not by Republicans

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