Will Biden Ever Denounce ANTIFA?

His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.
Antifa is really just this boogeyman that only exists in repubs’ imagination. Sure they were kind of a thing a couple of years ago, but they really don’t exist anymore. Nowadays you pretend they still exist because you desperately want a whataboutism for all of the violence and extremism coming from the right.

Holy shit!
Are you serious?

so all of the rioting and looting ..errr... I mean “peaceful protests” where people in black outfits and masks are burning down businesses, throwing bottles at cops, attacking people in the streets... it’s all make believe??
We see it in the news, and they hardly report the half of it... but those people we SEE WITH OUR OWN EYES who claim to be Antifa, really aren’t Antifa?!?

And where are the videos of all these white supremacists committing violent acts??
The media’s favorite boogey man (since you want to talk about boogey men) are “white supremacists”.
But those elusive nazi’s that are everywhere just don’t seem to be caught on video as they commit all this rampant violence that is everywhere.
Why is that?

90% of the time some “hate crime “ is committed by these evil nazis (jussie smollet, bubba the imaginary noise race car driver, etc etc) winds up being a hoax.

honestly, people like yourself live in an absolute fantasy land the likes of which is truly incredible. You have countless occurrences of Antifa violence in the nightly news for months now, story after story with video tape evidence, interviews with people stating they are Antifa members, people tweeting that they are Antifa members, etc...
Yet you deny its existence.

meanwhile absolutely zero such evidence exists of all these white supremacists commuting violence, just talking heads in the media speaking oftheir existence with zero examples or proof... but to you it’s absolutely fact.

Jesus. You are either completely brainwashed, or knowingly lying to push an agenda.
That makes you either ignorant/stupid, or you’re a lying scumbag.
See you morons attribute anything to ANTIFA. The Floyd riots have nothing to do with ANTIFA. You simply pretend ANTIFA is related to it. People aren’t rioting because of leftwing politics you idiot. They are rioting because of police brutality. That’s it. That’s the only issue that unites them.

Actual STATISTICS show that rightwing extremism is the biggest threat domestically but you morons just pretend otherwise.
Democrats domestic terrorist have killed 30 people and done billions in damage.

You and Democrat leaders defend your terrorist because you are traitors to our nation.

Democrat leaders need to rounded up, tried for treason, and publicly executed. Democrats don't think this will ever happen... but it could...
As soon as you can find out exactly who ANTIFA really is, maybe I can come to a conclusion one way or another. But you and yours keep bringing up this mythical creature. If ANTIFA is as strong as you claim, it must have a leader and a structure. Funny how you can never point out who those are. Is the ANTIFA Leader hanging out in some out of the way bar with the Yeti and Big Foot? Now, if you want us to believe in Antifa, tell us exactly who the leaders are. Let's put a face we can identify. Otherwise, it's just another version of the 3rd Red Scare.
This is Snopes level dishonesty and bullshit. Yeah, Antifa is "mythical" like the Easter Bunny....
if the Easter Bunny was a violent, psychopathic fanatic. Kiss my butt!

But you kept saying Antifa is BLM. sob, it''s gotta bee BLM. Sob.
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.

As soon as you can find out exactly who ANTIFA really is, maybe I can come to a conclusion one way or another. But you and yours keep bringing up this mythical creature. If ANTIFA is as strong as you claim, it must have a leader and a structure. Funny how you can never point out who those are. Is the ANTIFA Leader hanging out in some out of the way bar with the Yeti and Big Foot? Now, if you want us to believe in Antifa, tell us exactly who the leaders are. Let's put a face we can identify. Otherwise, it's just another version of the 3rd Red Scare.
The klan doesnt have a leader and structure, it's independant groups. ANTIFA operates the same way asshat.

Yet the leaders of the KKK can be identified. Fancy that.
As soon as you can find out exactly who ANTIFA really is, maybe I can come to a conclusion one way or another. But you and yours keep bringing up this mythical creature. If ANTIFA is as strong as you claim, it must have a leader and a structure. Funny how you can never point out who those are. Is the ANTIFA Leader hanging out in some out of the way bar with the Yeti and Big Foot? Now, if you want us to believe in Antifa, tell us exactly who the leaders are. Let's put a face we can identify. Otherwise, it's just another version of the 3rd Red Scare.
This is Snopes level dishonesty and bullshit. Yeah, Antifa is "mythical" like the Easter Bunny....
if the Easter Bunny was a violent, psychopathic fanatic. Kiss my butt!
Trump's FBI director says antifa isnt a terror group, which probably explains why Biden wont denounce it. Because its not worth denouncing?

As soon as you can find out exactly who ANTIFA really is, maybe I can come to a conclusion one way or another. But you and yours keep bringing up this mythical creature. If ANTIFA is as strong as you claim, it must have a leader and a structure. Funny how you can never point out who those are. Is the ANTIFA Leader hanging out in some out of the way bar with the Yeti and Big Foot? Now, if you want us to believe in Antifa, tell us exactly who the leaders are. Let's put a face we can identify. Otherwise, it's just another version of the 3rd Red Scare.
This is Snopes level dishonesty and bullshit. Yeah, Antifa is "mythical" like the Easter Bunny....
if the Easter Bunny was a violent, psychopathic fanatic. Kiss my butt!
Trump's FBI director says antifa isnt a terror group, which probably explains why Biden wont denounce it. Because its not worth denouncing?

How dare you introduce facts into this conspiracy. Stop it. Just Stop it.
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.
Antifa is really just this boogeyman that only exists in repubs’ imagination. Sure they were kind of a thing a couple of years ago, but they really don’t exist anymore. Nowadays you pretend they still exist because you desperately want a whataboutism for all of the violence and extremism coming from the right.

Holy shit!
Are you serious?

so all of the rioting and looting ..errr... I mean “peaceful protests” where people in black outfits and masks are burning down businesses, throwing bottles at cops, attacking people in the streets... it’s all make believe??
We see it in the news, and they hardly report the half of it... but those people we SEE WITH OUR OWN EYES who claim to be Antifa, really aren’t Antifa?!?

And where are the videos of all these white supremacists committing violent acts??
The media’s favorite boogey man (since you want to talk about boogey men) are “white supremacists”.
But those elusive nazi’s that are everywhere just don’t seem to be caught on video as they commit all this rampant violence that is everywhere.
Why is that?

90% of the time some “hate crime “ is committed by these evil nazis (jussie smollet, bubba the imaginary noise race car driver, etc etc) winds up being a hoax.

honestly, people like yourself live in an absolute fantasy land the likes of which is truly incredible. You have countless occurrences of Antifa violence in the nightly news for months now, story after story with video tape evidence, interviews with people stating they are Antifa members, people tweeting that they are Antifa members, etc...
Yet you deny its existence.

meanwhile absolutely zero such evidence exists of all these white supremacists commuting violence, just talking heads in the media speaking oftheir existence with zero examples or proof... but to you it’s absolutely fact.

Jesus. You are either completely brainwashed, or knowingly lying to push an agenda.
That makes you either ignorant/stupid, or you’re a lying scumbag.
See you morons attribute anything to ANTIFA. The Floyd riots have nothing to do with ANTIFA. You simply pretend ANTIFA is related to it. People aren’t rioting because of leftwing politics you idiot. They are rioting because of police brutality. That’s it. That’s the only issue that unites them.

Actual STATISTICS show that rightwing extremism is the biggest threat domestically but you morons just pretend otherwise.

you ducked everything i stated.
You go on believing “stats” from people like the SPLC and leftist clowns like that.
Just ignore what your own eyes tell you.
The stupid is strong with you.
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.
Antifa is really just this boogeyman that only exists in repubs’ imagination. Sure they were kind of a thing a couple of years ago, but they really don’t exist anymore. Nowadays you pretend they still exist because you desperately want a whataboutism for all of the violence and extremism coming from the right.

Holy shit!
Are you serious?

so all of the rioting and looting ..errr... I mean “peaceful protests” where people in black outfits and masks are burning down businesses, throwing bottles at cops, attacking people in the streets... it’s all make believe??
We see it in the news, and they hardly report the half of it... but those people we SEE WITH OUR OWN EYES who claim to be Antifa, really aren’t Antifa?!?

And where are the videos of all these white supremacists committing violent acts??
The media’s favorite boogey man (since you want to talk about boogey men) are “white supremacists”.
But those elusive nazi’s that are everywhere just don’t seem to be caught on video as they commit all this rampant violence that is everywhere.
Why is that?

90% of the time some “hate crime “ is committed by these evil nazis (jussie smollet, bubba the imaginary noise race car driver, etc etc) winds up being a hoax.

honestly, people like yourself live in an absolute fantasy land the likes of which is truly incredible. You have countless occurrences of Antifa violence in the nightly news for months now, story after story with video tape evidence, interviews with people stating they are Antifa members, people tweeting that they are Antifa members, etc...
Yet you deny its existence.

meanwhile absolutely zero such evidence exists of all these white supremacists commuting violence, just talking heads in the media speaking oftheir existence with zero examples or proof... but to you it’s absolutely fact.

Jesus. You are either completely brainwashed, or knowingly lying to push an agenda.
That makes you either ignorant/stupid, or you’re a lying scumbag.
See you morons attribute anything to ANTIFA. The Floyd riots have nothing to do with ANTIFA. You simply pretend ANTIFA is related to it. People aren’t rioting because of leftwing politics you idiot. They are rioting because of police brutality. That’s it. That’s the only issue that unites them.

Actual STATISTICS show that rightwing extremism is the biggest threat domestically but you morons just pretend otherwise.

you ducked everything i stated.
You go on believing “stats” from people like the SPLC and leftist clowns like that.
Just ignore what your own eyes tell you.
The stupid is strong with you.
Hey idiot you do know the Charleston attack was on video right? There’s also the New Zealand Mosque shooter who said he was inspired by Trump. The FBI itself says rightwing terrorism is the biggest threat.
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.

As soon as you can find out exactly who ANTIFA really is, maybe I can come to a conclusion one way or another. But you and yours keep bringing up this mythical creature. If ANTIFA is as strong as you claim, it must have a leader and a structure. Funny how you can never point out who those are. Is the ANTIFA Leader hanging out in some out of the way bar with the Yeti and Big Foot? Now, if you want us to believe in Antifa, tell us exactly who the leaders are. Let's put a face we can identify. Otherwise, it's just another version of the 3rd Red Scare.
The klan doesnt have a leader and structure, it's independant groups. ANTIFA operates the same way asshat.

Yet the leaders of the KKK can be identified. Fancy that.
Call me when the KKK breaks a law.
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.
Joe does not know what antifa is
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.
Joe does not know what antifa is
Oh, he does. They’re his flying monkeys.
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.
Joe does not know what antifa is
Oh, he does. They’re his flying monkeys.
All of Joes flying monkeys were out to work stocking store shelves
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.
Joe does not know what antifa is
Sure he does...

Their website (antifa.com) is helping him raise money by redirecting to his campaign website!!!
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.

As soon as you can find out exactly who ANTIFA really is, maybe I can come to a conclusion one way or another. But you and yours keep bringing up this mythical creature. If ANTIFA is as strong as you claim, it must have a leader and a structure. Funny how you can never point out who those are. Is the ANTIFA Leader hanging out in some out of the way bar with the Yeti and Big Foot? Now, if you want us to believe in Antifa, tell us exactly who the leaders are. Let's put a face we can identify. Otherwise, it's just another version of the 3rd Red Scare.
The klan doesnt have a leader and structure, it's independant groups. ANTIFA operates the same way asshat.

Yet the leaders of the KKK can be identified. Fancy that.
Well the leaders of some of the larger orgs sure. Who is the leader of the KKK now?
Joe says Antifa is not real - it's just an 'IDEA'....like 'PEDOPHILIA'....

His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.
Antifa is really just this boogeyman that only exists in repubs’ imagination. Sure they were kind of a thing a couple of years ago, but they really don’t exist anymore. Nowadays you pretend they still exist because you desperately want a whataboutism for all of the violence and extremism coming from the right.

Holy shit!
Are you serious?

so all of the rioting and looting ..errr... I mean “peaceful protests” where people in black outfits and masks are burning down businesses, throwing bottles at cops, attacking people in the streets... it’s all make believe??
We see it in the news, and they hardly report the half of it... but those people we SEE WITH OUR OWN EYES who claim to be Antifa, really aren’t Antifa?!?

And where are the videos of all these white supremacists committing violent acts??
The media’s favorite boogey man (since you want to talk about boogey men) are “white supremacists”.
But those elusive nazi’s that are everywhere just don’t seem to be caught on video as they commit all this rampant violence that is everywhere.
Why is that?

90% of the time some “hate crime “ is committed by these evil nazis (jussie smollet, bubba the imaginary noise race car driver, etc etc) winds up being a hoax.

honestly, people like yourself live in an absolute fantasy land the likes of which is truly incredible. You have countless occurrences of Antifa violence in the nightly news for months now, story after story with video tape evidence, interviews with people stating they are Antifa members, people tweeting that they are Antifa members, etc...
Yet you deny its existence.

meanwhile absolutely zero such evidence exists of all these white supremacists commuting violence, just talking heads in the media speaking oftheir existence with zero examples or proof... but to you it’s absolutely fact.

Jesus. You are either completely brainwashed, or knowingly lying to push an agenda.
That makes you either ignorant/stupid, or you’re a lying scumbag.
See you morons attribute anything to ANTIFA. The Floyd riots have nothing to do with ANTIFA. You simply pretend ANTIFA is related to it. People aren’t rioting because of leftwing politics you idiot. They are rioting because of police brutality. That’s it. That’s the only issue that unites them.

Actual STATISTICS show that rightwing extremism is the biggest threat domestically but you morons just pretend otherwise.

you ducked everything i stated.
You go on believing “stats” from people like the SPLC and leftist clowns like that.
Just ignore what your own eyes tell you.
The stupid is strong with you.
Hey idiot you do know the Charleston attack was on video right? There’s also the New Zealand Mosque shooter who said he was inspired by Trump. The FBI itself says rightwing terrorism is the biggest threat.

wait wait.
So those are your examples???
2 incidents which have occurred over the past 3-4 years, from around the globe???
And the Charleston guy drove through a crowd mobbing his car.
But let’s say they are both “right wing extremists”. Let’s give you tgat.
2 occurrences around the globe over a 3-4 year period.
You equate that to left wing ANTIFA violence occuring in multiple cities across this nation, every single day, and occuring now.

you say this with a straight face?
So why is Trump’s own FBI not worried about them but ARE worried about the Proud Boys and white supremacist groups? Why do you pretend such groups aren’t violent? Do you notice no one has died in the name of ANTIFA?
Not for lack of trying, simpleton. Antifa rioters tried to burn multiple police officers alive in Seattle.
And then they tried the same trick in Portland.

Why does the FBI consider Proud Boys, who have never harmed anyone except in self defense, a threat but not Antifa? Tell me who the Proud Boys have killed?

Why does the left consider itself smart? Clearly they are the dumbest mthr fckers in the world.
And clearly inside the FBI, ideologues are pumping out agitprop like it's going out of style.

If Trump has one glaring failure it's been his inability to clean out the Fifth Columnists within the Deep State.
Biden doesn't have to condemn the BLM and ANTIFA terrorists because the filthy ass Communist Libtard media will never ask him to do it.

They are more interested in asking about his favorite color.
How dare you introduce facts into this conspiracy. Stop it. Just Stop it.
Chris Wray's agitprop is not a "fact". Learn what makes a fact different from an opinion or a politicized claim.

More Russia Russia Russia or covering for what everyone can see coming from Antifa are not "facts"
Only a witless ideologue would say otherwise. In the next term it's time to clean the FBI leadership
that is spewing out misinformation at a prodigious rate.

Let me know when Proud Boys try to burn police officers alive as they set police stations on fire, after
sealing up exits. Get wise to yourself and see why you are so gullible and easily fooled.
Trump's FBI director says antifa isnt a terror group, which probably explains why Biden wont denounce it. Because its not worth denouncing?
Trump labels Antifa a terrorist organization. President Trump Takes on Violent Protesters, Labels 'Antifa' a Terrorist Organization
Could we label a group of psychopaths that seals closed exits to a police station and then sets that police station on fire "terrorists"?

Or how about this? Video shows protesters throw explosives at Seattle cops during riot

I don't think rational thinking people would disagree. Only a confirmed political ideologue would
to take political cover.

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