Will Biden Ever Denounce ANTIFA?

His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.

As soon as you can find out exactly who ANTIFA really is, maybe I can come to a conclusion one way or another. But you and yours keep bringing up this mythical creature. If ANTIFA is as strong as you claim, it must have a leader and a structure. Funny how you can never point out who those are. Is the ANTIFA Leader hanging out in some out of the way bar with the Yeti and Big Foot? Now, if you want us to believe in Antifa, tell us exactly who the leaders are. Let's put a face we can identify. Otherwise, it's just another version of the 3rd Red Scare.
The klan doesnt have a leader and structure, it's independant groups. ANTIFA operates the same way asshat.

Yet the leaders of the KKK can be identified. Fancy that.
Call me when the KKK breaks a law.

Your number must be ringing itself off the wall, adolf.
Well do tell......go ahead if the klan is causing issues, surely you have something to show us.

The KKK knows better. Homeland and the FBI would be on them like stink on a skunk. They have been ID'd by name, places, addresses,phone numbers, etc.. already.
So they aren't a threat?
Your number must be ringing itself off the wall, adolf.

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

You want to see Adolf? Look in the mirror, asshole

One small (or large problem) You aren't Republican. You are Fascist or Party of the Rump. All the so called "Greatness"' you keep harping on was inherited from the last administration. The trend was already headed that direction. All Rump had to do is not Fuck it Up. Somehow, he figured a way to slow it down and spend out his ass and try to mess things up for generations. So you don't have many great things to crow about. But there are quite a few failures that you sure do overlook which I won't bother to mention.

If you get a chance to read the Mussolini Handbook of 1926 that he operated from to bring Fascism to power, compare that to Rumps efforts. I don't call Rump a Nazi. He's closer to a Mussolini Wannabe and see how that worked out.
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.

As soon as you can find out exactly who ANTIFA really is, maybe I can come to a conclusion one way or another. But you and yours keep bringing up this mythical creature. If ANTIFA is as strong as you claim, it must have a leader and a structure. Funny how you can never point out who those are. Is the ANTIFA Leader hanging out in some out of the way bar with the Yeti and Big Foot? Now, if you want us to believe in Antifa, tell us exactly who the leaders are. Let's put a face we can identify. Otherwise, it's just another version of the 3rd Red Scare.
The klan doesnt have a leader and structure, it's independant groups. ANTIFA operates the same way asshat.

Yet the leaders of the KKK can be identified. Fancy that.
Well the leaders of some of the larger orgs sure. Who is the leader of the KKK now?

Don't know and don't care. When I get to be in charge of the FBI or Homeland Security, I will care.
So you don't know...just like ANTIFA.....well ain't that a bitch. I win!

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Sort of like Rump is winning right now, down to 36% which is the number of his Cult45 base. You just keep winning.
You just pick numbers out of your ass......keep believing polls,
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.

As soon as you can find out exactly who ANTIFA really is, maybe I can come to a conclusion one way or another. But you and yours keep bringing up this mythical creature. If ANTIFA is as strong as you claim, it must have a leader and a structure. Funny how you can never point out who those are. Is the ANTIFA Leader hanging out in some out of the way bar with the Yeti and Big Foot? Now, if you want us to believe in Antifa, tell us exactly who the leaders are. Let's put a face we can identify. Otherwise, it's just another version of the 3rd Red Scare.
The klan doesnt have a leader and structure, it's independant groups. ANTIFA operates the same way asshat.

Yet the leaders of the KKK can be identified. Fancy that.
Call me when the KKK breaks a law.

Your number must be ringing itself off the wall, adolf.
Well do tell......go ahead if the klan is causing issues, surely you have something to show us.

The KKK knows better. Homeland and the FBI would be on them like stink on a skunk. They have been ID'd by name, places, addresses,phone numbers, etc.. already.
So they aren't a threat?

If they weren't closely monitored, they could be at a national level. But they are at a local level at all times.
Your number must be ringing itself off the wall, adolf.

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

You want to see Adolf? Look in the mirror, asshole

One small (or large problem) You aren't Republican. You are Fascist or Party of the Rump. All the so called "Greatness"' you keep harping on was inherited from the last administration. The trend was already headed that direction. All Rump had to do is not Fuck it Up. Somehow, he figured a way to slow it down and spend out his ass and try to mess things up for generations. So you don't have many great things to crow about. But there are quite a few failures that you sure do overlook which I won't bother to mention.

If you get a chance to read the Mussolini Handbook of 1926 that he operated from to bring Fascism to power, compare that to Rumps efforts. I don't call Rump a Nazi. He's closer to a Mussolini Wannabe and see how that worked out.
Fuck off...you were going to blame him no matter what, so suck a dick
His convoluted “all violence is bad” statements to try to make it appear Republicans are rioting is just political doublespeak he’s learned in his 5 decades of being a career politician.

My guess is as he gets desperate in his sinking polls he denounces them. Everything is purely political with the Deep State parasite. Good and evil do not exist, just agendas for gaining more power.

As soon as you can find out exactly who ANTIFA really is, maybe I can come to a conclusion one way or another. But you and yours keep bringing up this mythical creature. If ANTIFA is as strong as you claim, it must have a leader and a structure. Funny how you can never point out who those are. Is the ANTIFA Leader hanging out in some out of the way bar with the Yeti and Big Foot? Now, if you want us to believe in Antifa, tell us exactly who the leaders are. Let's put a face we can identify. Otherwise, it's just another version of the 3rd Red Scare.
The klan doesnt have a leader and structure, it's independant groups. ANTIFA operates the same way asshat.

Yet the leaders of the KKK can be identified. Fancy that.
Call me when the KKK breaks a law.

Your number must be ringing itself off the wall, adolf.
Well do tell......go ahead if the klan is causing issues, surely you have something to show us.

The KKK knows better. Homeland and the FBI would be on them like stink on a skunk. They have been ID'd by name, places, addresses,phone numbers, etc.. already.
So they aren't a threat?

If they weren't closely monitored, they could be at a national level. But they are at a local level at all times.
No shit, so they aren't at a national level. You just proved my point....again

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