Will Congress force another shutdown because they can’t get Trump to do enough for the citizens of other nations? Treason?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
In 2018 they forced a 35 day shutdown, the longest in history, when they couldn’t secure a good enough deal for the DACA kids and the Dreamers.
This time it may be that they can’t fund gender studies in Pakistan.
Why aren’t Republicans calling this 116th Congress what they are..TREASONOUS!
In 2018 they forced a 35 day shutdown, the longest in history, when they couldn’t secure a good enough deal for the DACA kids and the Dreamers.
This time it may be that they can’t fund gender studies in Pakistan.
Why aren’t Republicans calling this 116th Congress what they are..TREASONOUS!

Both the House and the Senate passed the bill to continue funding the government. Any government shutdown is the responsibility of just one person and his name is Donald Trump.
In 2018 they forced a 35 day shutdown, the longest in history, when they couldn’t secure a good enough deal for the DACA kids and the Dreamers.
This time it may be that they can’t fund gender studies in Pakistan.
Why aren’t Republicans calling this 116th Congress what they are..TREASONOUS!

Both the House and the Senate passed the bill to continue funding the government. Any government shutdown is the responsibility of just one person and his name is Donald Trump.

Nobody but you twisted Leftists are that ignorant...Where did this Fuck Americans Bill originate?
In 2018 they forced a 35 day shutdown, the longest in history, when they couldn’t secure a good enough deal for the DACA kids and the Dreamers.
This time it may be that they can’t fund gender studies in Pakistan.
Why aren’t Republicans calling this 116th Congress what they are..TREASONOUS!

Both the House and the Senate passed the bill to continue funding the government. Any government shutdown is the responsibility of just one person and his name is Donald Trump.

Nobody but you twisted Leftists are that ignorant...Where did this Fuck Americans Bill originate?
All spending bill originate in the House. Senate and the white house were in on the negotiations. Trump had no problem until after it passed both houses and Congress left town. He vetoed the NDAA, they can show up an override his veto, but not much you can do about a bill that has not been vetoed but not be passed on days congress not meeting. Winston is just about right. Ball is in donnie's court. He left Secretary Mnuthcin who negotiated for white house out to dangle in the wind. I understand he is pretty pissed, negotiating for and keeping white house informed, but not being told the plan by white house was to object, while he thought he had the go ahead and called himself negotiating in good faith. As for trump and good faith negotions, Homey the Clown described him best, saying "Homey don't play that"!
Shut the damn government down ... I thought Republicans wanted smaller government ... let Mississippi and Alabama handle their own problems ... they don't want free stuff, why "print" money to give them? ... 3/4's Federal government is just duplication of what States are better at handling themselves ...

Beggars, all of you ...
Shut the damn government down ... I thought Republicans wanted smaller government ... let Mississippi and Alabama handle their own problems ... they don't want free stuff, why "print" money to give them? ... 3/4's Federal government is just duplication of what States are better at handling themselves ...

Beggars, all of you ...
A lot of senior citizens get social security on the 1st. Mine comes on the 3rd Wed. which is the 20th, although military retirement comes on the 1st. Does not matter in my case if shut down for a few months, but could put the hurt on other retirees and government workers.
A lot of senior citizens get social security on the 1st. Mine comes on the 3rd Wed. which is the 20th, although military retirement comes on the 1st. Does not matter in my case if shut down for a few months, but could put the hurt on other retirees and government workers.

That's only a problem in Red States ... the ones who are too poor to support themselves ... it's a seamless transition for Blue States, where the money is ... remove the Federal tax burden and Blue States look real good ...

Let Texas tax dollars support all these Red States that joined them suing Blue States for electing the wrong candidate ... go ahead and secede ... maybe this time we let you ...
A lot of senior citizens get social security on the 1st. Mine comes on the 3rd Wed. which is the 20th, although military retirement comes on the 1st. Does not matter in my case if shut down for a few months, but could put the hurt on other retirees and government workers.

That's only a problem in Red States ... the ones who are too poor to support themselves ... it's a seamless transition for Blue States, where the money is ... remove the Federal tax burden and Blue States look real good ...

Let Texas tax dollars support all these Red States that joined them suing Blue States for electing the wrong candidate ... go ahead and secede ... maybe this time we let you ...
Not a problem unless you work for the FBI, Customs or border enforcement, national forestry, Bureau of Prisons, national park service, Air Traffic Control, NTSB. USDA ,meat inspectors, national weather service, or a few dozen other agencies and all those kind of people that would not get checks on the 1st if there is a government shut down. Sure they will get back pay, but this playing chicken with federal budget is more like chicken sh#t. The fiscal management haggling of both parties and houses of congress and the pres are to blame.
A lot of senior citizens get social security on the 1st. Mine comes on the 3rd Wed. which is the 20th, although military retirement comes on the 1st. Does not matter in my case if shut down for a few months, but could put the hurt on other retirees and government workers.

That's only a problem in Red States ... the ones who are too poor to support themselves ... it's a seamless transition for Blue States, where the money is ... remove the Federal tax burden and Blue States look real good ...

Let Texas tax dollars support all these Red States that joined them suing Blue States for electing the wrong candidate ... go ahead and secede ... maybe this time we let you ...
We constantly hear about how Leftist Democrats hate those giant prosperous mega corps and the little amount they pay in Corp taxes right until they want to boast about California’s GDP...So which is it, do they hate them or love them?
A lot of senior citizens get social security on the 1st. Mine comes on the 3rd Wed. which is the 20th, although military retirement comes on the 1st. Does not matter in my case if shut down for a few months, but could put the hurt on other retirees and government workers.

That's only a problem in Red States ... the ones who are too poor to support themselves ... it's a seamless transition for Blue States, where the money is ... remove the Federal tax burden and Blue States look real good ...

Let Texas tax dollars support all these Red States that joined them suing Blue States for electing the wrong candidate ... go ahead and secede ... maybe this time we let you ...
Also...I thought you hated inequalities? Isn't is feast or famine for the Mexifornia citizenry? What's up with that prog model in the prog capital of America?
Not a problem unless you work for the FBI, Customs or border enforcement, national forestry, Bureau of Prisons, national park service, Air Traffic Control, NTSB. USDA ,meat inspectors, national weather service, or a few dozen other agencies and all those kind of people that would not get checks on the 1st if there is a government shut down. Sure they will get back pay, but this playing chicken with federal budget is more like chicken sh#t.

FBI, forestry, prisons, park service, NTSB, USDA, food inspectors ... all that can be handled by the States ... if they want to ... if not, so what? ... ATC and the weather service are borderline ... if a State doesn't pay, just route air traffic around, if farmers don't get weather forecasts, they lose ... their problem ...

New Orleans is one of the busiest shipping channels in the world, let them build their own damn levees ... bunch of States just sucking off the teat, the ones who would be hurt the most by this upcoming shutdown ... and they vote in favor of this treatment ... let the Red States fund themselves for a while then ... let the big mean liberal Blue States keep their money and use it to solve their problems ...

The fiscal management haggling of both parties and houses of congress and the pres are to blame.

Near as I can figure ... there hasn't been a proper appropreations bill passed into law in many many years ... every few months, we get yet another continuing resolution ... no planing, no guidence, no budgeting; just spend spend spend ... $30 trillion debt in 12 years, do the math ...
Also...I thought you hated inequalities? Isn't is feast or famine for the Mexifornia citizenry? What's up with that prog model in the prog capital of America?

I certainly hate being treated as a 2nd or 3rd class citizen ... don't you? ... don't get me started with them evil Sacramento double-crossers ... bastards all ...
Not a problem unless you work for the FBI, Customs or border enforcement, national forestry, Bureau of Prisons, national park service, Air Traffic Control, NTSB. USDA ,meat inspectors, national weather service, or a few dozen other agencies and all those kind of people that would not get checks on the 1st if there is a government shut down. Sure they will get back pay, but this playing chicken with federal budget is more like chicken sh#t.

FBI, forestry, prisons, park service, NTSB, USDA, food inspectors ... all that can be handled by the States ... if they want to ... if not, so what? ... ATC and the weather service are borderline ... if a State doesn't pay, just route air traffic around, if farmers don't get weather forecasts, they lose ... their problem ...

New Orleans is one of the busiest shipping channels in the world, let them build their own damn levees ... bunch of States just sucking off the teat, the ones who would be hurt the most by this upcoming shutdown ... and they vote in favor of this treatment ... let the Red States fund themselves for a while then ... let the big mean liberal Blue States keep their money and use it to solve their problems ...

The fiscal management haggling of both parties and houses of congress and the pres are to blame.

Near as I can figure ... there hasn't been a proper appropreations bill passed into law in many many years ... every few months, we get yet another continuing resolution ... no planing, no guidence, no budgeting; just spend spend spend ... $30 trillion debt in 12 years, do the math ...
Never mind. He caved and signed it. So no Government shutdown. Now Mitch is going to spank him with a veto overide on the National Defense Authorization act, so trump won't even get to defund the military. I would be surprised if trump ever goes back the Washington.
Never mind. He caved and signed it. So no Government shutdown. Now Mitch is going to spank him with a veto overide on the National Defense Authorization act, so trump won't even get to defund the military. I would be surprised if trump ever goes back the Washington.

What a sell-out ... Trump supporters should be ashamed of themselves ... your loser hero just threw down the reigns ... a quitter ...

Never mind. He caved and signed it. So no Government shutdown. Now Mitch is going to spank him with a veto overide on the National Defense Authorization act, so trump won't even get to defund the military. I would be surprised if trump ever goes back the Washington.

What a sell-out ... Trump supporters should be ashamed of themselves ... your loser hero just threw down the reigns ... a quitter ...

Some of them probably are or will be.

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