Will crack take down the Democratic Party?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In light of the Hunter Biden lap top evidence should the American people demand that Biden, Clinton, and Obama go before a Grand Jury? Should these crooked politicians be prosecuted under RICO for running racketeering operations selling out the American middle class to personally enrich themselves? Biden and Clinton in particular made millions as professional politicians and as you watch Biden brag about browbeating Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor, notice that he tells them to call the president (Obama) if they don’t believe he has the authority to use extortion to withhold a billion dollars in aid.

Clinton and Biden have been using the national security of the United States and the American people’s money as a cash register to become among the wealthiest politicians in the history of the country. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Biden’s loose end (Hunter) may end up hanging three of the most powerful democratic operatives in America and it may doom the party for many years to come. It may also shatter the FBI and the DOJ fatally. If Trump wins it is over for the Democratic Party.

If Trump wins it is over for the Democratic Party.
You are correct, and thats why the Durham report is not going to come out until next year. They dont want the massive amount of rioting that will ensue, prior to the election.
This also why we are seeing record breaking early voting turnouts across this country.
America is saying enough is enough.
Could be...

In light of the Hunter Biden lap top evidence should the American people demand that Biden, Clinton, and Obama go before a Grand Jury? Should these crooked politicians be prosecuted under RICO for running racketeering operations selling out the American middle class to personally enrich themselves? Biden and Clinton in particular made millions as professional politicians and as you watch Biden brag about browbeating Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor, notice that he tells them to call the president (Obama) if they don’t believe he has the authority to use extortion to withhold a billion dollars in aid.

Clinton and Biden have been using the national security of the United States and the American people’s money as a cash register to become among the wealthiest politicians in the history of the country. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Biden’s loose end (Hunter) may end up hanging three of the most powerful democratic operatives in America and it may doom the party for many years to come. It may also shatter the FBI and the DOJ fatally. If Trump wins it is over for the Democratic Party.

Only if Trump wins. If kamala harris wins.......I mean if joe biden wins, this is over....done. And not just in the fact it won't be prosecuted...it will be disappeared down the memory hole...it will not have happened.........this happened during the "Scandal Free" obama adminstration where they used the FBI to destroy General Flynn, and the FBI, CIA, DOJ and STate Dept. to get illegal FISA warrants against Trump, the opposition party....

if harris wins....I mean if joe wins........this is over.

Vote Trump....save this country....
In light of the Hunter Biden lap top evidence should the American people demand that Biden, Clinton, and Obama go before a Grand Jury? Should these crooked politicians be prosecuted under RICO for running racketeering operations selling out the American middle class to personally enrich themselves? Biden and Clinton in particular made millions as professional politicians and as you watch Biden brag about browbeating Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor, notice that he tells them to call the president (Obama) if they don’t believe he has the authority to use extortion to withhold a billion dollars in aid.

Clinton and Biden have been using the national security of the United States and the American people’s money as a cash register to become among the wealthiest politicians in the history of the country. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Biden’s loose end (Hunter) may end up hanging three of the most powerful democratic operatives in America and it may doom the party for many years to come. It may also shatter the FBI and the DOJ fatally. If Trump wins it is over for the Democratic Party.

Only if Trump wins. If kamala harris wins.......I mean if joe biden wins, this is over....done. And not just in the fact it won't be prosecuted...it will be disappeared down the memory hole...it will not have happened.........this happened during the "Scandal Free" obama adminstration where they used the FBI to destroy General Flynn, and the FBI, CIA, DOJ and STate Dept. to get illegal FISA warrants against Trump, the opposition party....

if harris wins....I mean if joe wins........this is over.

Vote Trump....save this country....
you are correct of course Joe will order his DOJ to stop any and all investigations
In light of the Hunter Biden lap top evidence should the American people demand that Biden, Clinton, and Obama go before a Grand Jury? Should these crooked politicians be prosecuted under RICO for running racketeering operations selling out the American middle class to personally enrich themselves? Biden and Clinton in particular made millions as professional politicians and as you watch Biden brag about browbeating Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor, notice that he tells them to call the president (Obama) if they don’t believe he has the authority to use extortion to withhold a billion dollars in aid.

Clinton and Biden have been using the national security of the United States and the American people’s money as a cash register to become among the wealthiest politicians in the history of the country. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Biden’s loose end (Hunter) may end up hanging three of the most powerful democratic operatives in America and it may doom the party for many years to come. It may also shatter the FBI and the DOJ fatally. If Trump wins it is over for the Democratic Party.

Only if Trump wins. If kamala harris wins.......I mean if joe biden wins, this is over....done. And not just in the fact it won't be prosecuted...it will be disappeared down the memory hole...it will not have happened.........this happened during the "Scandal Free" obama adminstration where they used the FBI to destroy General Flynn, and the FBI, CIA, DOJ and STate Dept. to get illegal FISA warrants against Trump, the opposition party....

if harris wins....I mean if joe wins........this is over.

Vote Trump....save this country....
you are correct of course Joe will order his DOJ to stop any and all investigations

Not only that, they will likely arrest the Computer shop owner and go after the reporters who tried to report this.......they are no longer playing the democracy game......they jailed the guy who made the youtube video to cover for Bhengazi, and they are prosecuting the Mcloskeys .......they won't stop there.....
In light of the Hunter Biden lap top evidence should the American people demand that Biden, Clinton, and Obama go before a Grand Jury? Should these crooked politicians be prosecuted under RICO for running racketeering operations selling out the American middle class to personally enrich themselves? Biden and Clinton in particular made millions as professional politicians and as you watch Biden brag about browbeating Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor, notice that he tells them to call the president (Obama) if they don’t believe he has the authority to use extortion to withhold a billion dollars in aid.

Clinton and Biden have been using the national security of the United States and the American people’s money as a cash register to become among the wealthiest politicians in the history of the country. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Biden’s loose end (Hunter) may end up hanging three of the most powerful democratic operatives in America and it may doom the party for many years to come. It may also shatter the FBI and the DOJ fatally. If Trump wins it is over for the Democratic Party.

Only if Trump wins. If kamala harris wins.......I mean if joe biden wins, this is over....done. And not just in the fact it won't be prosecuted...it will be disappeared down the memory hole...it will not have happened.........this happened during the "Scandal Free" obama adminstration where they used the FBI to destroy General Flynn, and the FBI, CIA, DOJ and STate Dept. to get illegal FISA warrants against Trump, the opposition party....

if harris wins....I mean if joe wins........this is over.

Vote Trump....save this country....
you are correct of course Joe will order his DOJ to stop any and all investigations

Not only that, they will likely arrest the Computer shop owner and go after the reporters who tried to report this.......they are no longer playing the democracy game......they jailed the guy who made the youtube video to cover for Bhengazi, and they are prosecuting the Mcloskeys .......they won't stop there.....
which should be a concern for All American citizens
In light of the Hunter Biden lap top evidence should the American people demand that Biden, Clinton, and Obama go before a Grand Jury? Should these crooked politicians be prosecuted under RICO for running racketeering operations selling out the American middle class to personally enrich themselves? Biden and Clinton in particular made millions as professional politicians and as you watch Biden brag about browbeating Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor, notice that he tells them to call the president (Obama) if they don’t believe he has the authority to use extortion to withhold a billion dollars in aid.

Clinton and Biden have been using the national security of the United States and the American people’s money as a cash register to become among the wealthiest politicians in the history of the country. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Biden’s loose end (Hunter) may end up hanging three of the most powerful democratic operatives in America and it may doom the party for many years to come. It may also shatter the FBI and the DOJ fatally. If Trump wins it is over for the Democratic Party.

Only if Trump wins. If kamala harris wins.......I mean if joe biden wins, this is over....done. And not just in the fact it won't be prosecuted...it will be disappeared down the memory hole...it will not have happened.........this happened during the "Scandal Free" obama adminstration where they used the FBI to destroy General Flynn, and the FBI, CIA, DOJ and STate Dept. to get illegal FISA warrants against Trump, the opposition party....

if harris wins....I mean if joe wins........this is over.

Vote Trump....save this country....
you are correct of course Joe will order his DOJ to stop any and all investigations

Not only that, they will likely arrest the Computer shop owner and go after the reporters who tried to report this.......they are no longer playing the democracy game......they jailed the guy who made the youtube video to cover for Bhengazi, and they are prosecuting the Mcloskeys .......they won't stop there.....
which should be a concern for All American citizens

It would be if they only knew........but most people have no idea this scandal is actually happening.....
Imagine a fake laptop story exciting the masses. Copies of the original. Probably never bothered to call the owner to pick up you laptop so that he can get paid. Instead let see what's on it. The FBI is still investigating. Yeah the guy will go to jail for lying to the FBI but he will get a pardon
In light of the Hunter Biden lap top evidence should the American people demand that Biden, Clinton, and Obama go before a Grand Jury? Should these crooked politicians be prosecuted under RICO for running racketeering operations selling out the American middle class to personally enrich themselves? Biden and Clinton in particular made millions as professional politicians and as you watch Biden brag about browbeating Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor, notice that he tells them to call the president (Obama) if they don’t believe he has the authority to use extortion to withhold a billion dollars in aid.

Clinton and Biden have been using the national security of the United States and the American people’s money as a cash register to become among the wealthiest politicians in the history of the country. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Biden’s loose end (Hunter) may end up hanging three of the most powerful democratic operatives in America and it may doom the party for many years to come. It may also shatter the FBI and the DOJ fatally. If Trump wins it is over for the Democratic Party.

It's fiction.
In light of the Hunter Biden lap top evidence should the American people demand that Biden, Clinton, and Obama go before a Grand Jury? Should these crooked politicians be prosecuted under RICO for running racketeering operations selling out the American middle class to personally enrich themselves? Biden and Clinton in particular made millions as professional politicians and as you watch Biden brag about browbeating Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor, notice that he tells them to call the president (Obama) if they don’t believe he has the authority to use extortion to withhold a billion dollars in aid.

Clinton and Biden have been using the national security of the United States and the American people’s money as a cash register to become among the wealthiest politicians in the history of the country. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Biden’s loose end (Hunter) may end up hanging three of the most powerful democratic operatives in America and it may doom the party for many years to come. It may also shatter the FBI and the DOJ fatally. If Trump wins it is over for the Democratic Party.

"...should the American people demand that Biden, Clinton, and Obama go before a Grand Jury?"

"Should" or "will"?

1.I like to imagine that I am cynical enough to accept life’s exigencies, when it comes to disappointments. But it that were true, I wouldn’t expect justice, and that the noble and principled would come out on top. But…alas….I am less than sanguine when evil goes unpunished.

2. So….if Trump loses and evil wins this round, it would not be 180° from many of my predictions. And while I have grown to accept the most corrupt political family, the Clintons, grow rich in material rewards and in status, sometimes my rube-like innocence takes a bruise.

3. I admit that I truly believed it when I wrote this, that Durham was coming to our rescue:

“John Durham…Barr has assigned US Attn'y Durham to investigate ......guess what?
Right! The Russia Hoax!!!!

"Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to Review Origins of Russia Inquiry
John H. Durham, the United States attorney in Connecticut, has a history of serving as a special prosecutor investigating potential wrongdoing among national security officials, including the F.B.I.’s ties to a crime boss in Boston and accusations of C.I.A. abuses of detainees.

His inquiry is the third known investigation focused on the opening of an F.B.I. counterintelligence investigation during the 2016 presidential campaign into possible ties between Russia’s election interference and Trump associates."
Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to Review Origins of Russia Inquiry

4. But this occurred:

“No Durham Report or Indictments before Election Day
No Durham Report or Indictments before Election Day | National Review

…does not bode well for justice, rectitude, or future corruption practices.

5. And this:

‘Unmasking’ probe commissioned by Barr concludes without charges or any public report”


6. Thayer must have anticipated these events, when he wrote

Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,
But there is no joy in Mudville—mighty Casey has struck out.
Not only that, they will likely arrest the Computer shop owner and go after the reporters who tried to report this.......they are no longer playing the democracy game......they jailed the guy who made the youtube video to cover for Bhengazi, and they are prosecuting the Mcloskeys .......they won't stop there.....

Works for me. I hope they send the whole leadership of the NRA to prison while they are at it.
In light of the Hunter Biden lap top evidence should the American people demand that Biden, Clinton, and Obama go before a Grand Jury? Should these crooked politicians be prosecuted under RICO for running racketeering operations selling out the American middle class to personally enrich themselves? Biden and Clinton in particular made millions as professional politicians and as you watch Biden brag about browbeating Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor, notice that he tells them to call the president (Obama) if they don’t believe he has the authority to use extortion to withhold a billion dollars in aid.

Clinton and Biden have been using the national security of the United States and the American people’s money as a cash register to become among the wealthiest politicians in the history of the country. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Biden’s loose end (Hunter) may end up hanging three of the most powerful democratic operatives in America and it may doom the party for many years to come. It may also shatter the FBI and the DOJ fatally. If Trump wins it is over for the Democratic Party.

It's fiction.
It's obviously fact.
In light of the Hunter Biden lap top evidence should the American people demand that Biden, Clinton, and Obama go before a Grand Jury? Should these crooked politicians be prosecuted under RICO for running racketeering operations selling out the American middle class to personally enrich themselves? Biden and Clinton in particular made millions as professional politicians and as you watch Biden brag about browbeating Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor, notice that he tells them to call the president (Obama) if they don’t believe he has the authority to use extortion to withhold a billion dollars in aid.

Clinton and Biden have been using the national security of the United States and the American people’s money as a cash register to become among the wealthiest politicians in the history of the country. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Biden’s loose end (Hunter) may end up hanging three of the most powerful democratic operatives in America and it may doom the party for many years to come. It may also shatter the FBI and the DOJ fatally. If Trump wins it is over for the Democratic Party.

As long as there are stupid people sucking the tit of government there will be democRats

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