Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Should Rush Limbaugh apologize for these comments?

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He was illustrating the absurd by taking their absurdity to its logical exteme.

No foul in my opinion.

You be cool with those comments if they were directed at your mother, sister or wife?
With this line of thinking, isn't it then plausible that companies will seek out the least effective, minimal coverage so things like PAP smears, prostate exams, sonograms, ultrasound, blood transfusions, skin grafts, cancer screenings or any other medical procedure is not covered? All the employer has to say is "I prayed about it and I don't think we should cover it."

Is this a clumsy stab at eliminating health care by hiding behind an altar?

No they will not. Companies rely on profit and if it's not an effect product that works they will not make it anymore. Sales regulate if a product remains or not.
A policy like this has got to be cheap and cheap sells! Are you relying on market forces to make health care decisions?

Is there nothing that market forces cannot do? They can dictate who lives and who dies. You're just making death panels open offices on Wall Street.

Free market is the best regulator. If it works it sales, if it does not work is doesn't sale.
Birth Control is in the best interests of society, it helps prevent the spread of STDs, prevents unwanted pregnancies and abortions
Get this logic: we don't like you getting birth control because it makes you a slut. We don't want you to have an abortion because it makes you a murderer. Now, go forth and multiply, but don't look for any help you murdering slut.

It's not a war on women, is it? It's a religious crusade to build a firewall around the morals of the 1950s. And those morals were so steadfast that no one but the lunatics would ever dream of rebelling against them.

Conservatives: not only are they backward, but they never read history so they can retrace their steps without looking cruel, foolish and repressive.
No they will not. Companies rely on profit and if it's not an effect product that works they will not make it anymore. Sales regulate if a product remains or not.
A policy like this has got to be cheap and cheap sells! Are you relying on market forces to make health care decisions?

Is there nothing that market forces cannot do? They can dictate who lives and who dies. You're just making death panels open offices on Wall Street.

Free market is the best regulator. If it works it sales, if it does not work is doesn't sale.

What's the bottom line for women's health? What's the free market price on that?
He was illustrating the absurd by taking their absurdity to its logical exteme.

No foul in my opinion.

You be cool with those comments if they were directed at your mother, sister or wife?

this is a war between good (republican party) and evil (democratic party). anything can be said. didn't you know?

Birth Control is in the best interests of society, it helps prevent the spread of STDs, prevents unwanted pregnancies and abortions
only condom's help in preventing spread of STD's but this isn't about condoms is it?

No it is about preventing unwanted pregnancies and therefore preventing abortions. And alleviating some medical issues.
Though you rethugs were so anti abortion. But can't seem to support the drug that helps prevent pregnancies. wtf is wrong with you people?
Birth Control is in the best interests of society, it helps prevent the spread of STDs, prevents unwanted pregnancies and abortions
Get this logic: we don't like you getting birth control because it makes you a slut. We don't want you to have an abortion because it makes you a murderer. Now, go forth and multiply, but don't look for any help you murdering slut.

It's not a war on women, is it? It's a religious crusade to build a firewall around the morals of the 1950s. And those morals were so steadfast that no one but the lunatics would ever dream of rebelling against them.

Conservatives: not only are they backward, but they never read history so they can retrace their steps without looking cruel, foolish and repressive.

You can go to any truck stop and buy a condom for 75 cents. I don't think that will break anyone. Plus every condom bought is helping to employ someone else.
The people who have a problem with this are the Churches who live in mortal fear someone out there might be enjoying himself.

The GOP is absolutely brain-dead for wanting to go down this road.

The lefty atheist bigot spouts off again... :rolleyes:

That's the fucking reality, man. The GOP has sagged since they started going on about this.

Obama played you idiots like a violin.

He's got you fighting amongst yourselves over this issue. It was sweet watching Romney go back and forth yesterday about the Blunt Amendment... (He was against it before he was for it.)

Have they really? Look at the poll results above. Listen to what Catholics and their Bishops are saying. Close those Think Progress an Huff Po browser tabs and actually go somewhere that doesn't spout lib bullshit all day. This whole birth control flap is seriously hurting obama despite what the Lib Media tells you.

More than any other action this government can take, the one I oppose the most is invading and occupying other sovereign countries, blowing the shit out of those countries, killing thousands of innocent residents, being responsible for the deaths of thousands of young American military lives, for the loss of limbs, for the loss of minds, for the destruction of young military families, and at the cost of trillions of dollars that we truly don't have. All for a result that is debatable at best.

I don't feel hatred often. But I truly hate that.

And I still have to pay for it.

Looking forward to the spin on this one.

Jesus, no one is taking birth control away from anyone.................they just want them to pay for it themselves. Like I did, like my daughter does, like my granddaughter does, like my sister does, like my nieces do, like my female friends so.


Why should you have to go down to the "county health department" when you should be gettting it from your insurance provider?

The thing is, when you offer insurance in lieu of pay, then it is open to regulation, just like pay is.

You can't ignore the minimum wage laws or the overtime laws because of your religion, and you can't ignore the requirements to provide reproductive health services.
You cannot force by legislative FIAT people to pay for services they don't belive in nor participate in on behalf of those too lazy to do so on thier own nor take responsibility for.

This is all about living life with no consequences and others paying for what the individual should do on thier own.

Ah but you can force them by "fiat" to pay for:

-Lunches for rich people.
-Dinners for rich people.
-Flights for rich people.
-Broadway for rich people.
-Parties for rich people.

And a whole lot of other goodies that get written off in the name of conducting "business".

You guys are fucking hilarious. :lol:
For some religions, blood transfusions are strictly and exclusively a moral issue. Would you think that this is good health policy too?

No it isn't, some die because of that view.
It is their religious view and the 1st amendment gives them that freedom.
Whether you like it or not.
Because of that view none of them have accidental gotten aids either.
Do you wonder how many cases of AIDS have been prevented by using condoms?

Can you conceive of a situation where someone needs a blood transfusion and yet cannot get one due to 'religious' views? What's stopping an insurance carrier from writing policies that exclude any other medical service if not for religious reasons, but merely for financial reasons?

Your whole premise is wrong. No one is denying contraception. It's whether contraception should be free. If someone needs a blood tramsfusion and the normal business policy of the insurance company is to require a co-pay should the co-pay be eliminated because some religions have a prohibition against blood transfusions?

No one is denying contraception to anyone. It's who should pay for it.

Insurance companies deny coverage for medical procedures all the time. Because an insurance company denies coverage for that lifestyle lift, does it mean that they are also going to deny coverage for that appendectomy? Contraception is at the very least, an elective. Failure to use contraceptives won't kill a woman absent some very out of the ordinary circumstances. There are alternatives to contraceptives. No one has to take contraceptives to keep them alive.
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More than any other action this government can take, the one I oppose the most is invading and occupying other sovereign countries, blowing the shit out of those countries, killing thousands of innocent residents, being responsible for the deaths of thousands of young American military lives, for the loss of limbs, for the loss of minds, for the destruction of young military families, and at the cost of trillions of dollars that we truly don't have. All for a result that is debatable at best.

I don't feel hatred often. But I truly hate that.

And I still have to pay for it.

Looking forward to the spin on this one.


Freedom on the march. :thup:
good gawd, why the hell are WE suppose to care or condemn Rush?

Did the media bring Mrs. Palin on their shows to whine about how Maher called her a, twat?

and all we heard here about it, was silence and cheers..

some of you have your panties Permanently stuck up your ass.

More than any other action this government can take, the one I oppose the most is invading and occupying other sovereign countries, blowing the shit out of those countries, killing thousands of innocent residents, being responsible for the deaths of thousands of young American military lives, for the loss of limbs, for the loss of minds, for the destruction of young military families, and at the cost of trillions of dollars that we truly don't have. All for a result that is debatable at best.

I don't feel hatred often. But I truly hate that.

And I still have to pay for it.

Looking forward to the spin on this one.


It's in our constitution. Article I, Section 8
Birth Control is in the best interests of society, it helps prevent the spread of STDs, prevents unwanted pregnancies and abortions
Get this logic: we don't like you getting birth control because it makes you a slut. We don't want you to have an abortion because it makes you a murderer. Now, go forth and multiply, but don't look for any help you murdering slut.

It's not a war on women, is it? It's a religious crusade to build a firewall around the morals of the 1950s. And those morals were so steadfast that no one but the lunatics would ever dream of rebelling against them.

Conservatives: not only are they backward, but they never read history so they can retrace their steps without looking cruel, foolish and repressive.

You can go to any truck stop and buy a condom for 75 cents. I don't think that will break anyone. Plus every condom bought is helping to employ someone else.
Condoms are not the totality of the issue. Birth Control pills and the health benefit to women is the issue.
No it isn't, some die because of that view.
It is their religious view and the 1st amendment gives them that freedom.
Whether you like it or not.
Because of that view none of them have accidental gotten aids either.
Do you wonder how many cases of AIDS have been prevented by using condoms?

Can you conceive of a situation where someone needs a blood transfusion and yet cannot get one due to 'religious' views? What's stopping an insurance carrier from writing policies that exclude any other medical service if not for religious reasons, but merely for financial reasons?

Your whole premise is wrong. No one is denying contraception. It's whether contraception should be free. If someone needs a blood tramsfusion and the normal business policy of the insurance company is to require a co-pay should the co-pay be eliminated because some religions have a prohibition against blood transfusions?

No one is denying contraception to anyone. It's who should pay for it.

Insurance companies deny coverage for medical procedures all the time. Because an insurance company denies coverage for that lifestyle lift, does it mean that they are also going to deny coverage for that appendectomy? Contraception is at the very least, an elective. Failure to use contraceptives won't kill a woman absent some very out of the ordinary circumstances. There are alternatives to contraceptives. No one has to take contraceptives to keep them alive.
Are contraceptive devices a health issue or a life style issue? Whose health is effected by an unwanted pregnancy? And should an unwanted pregnancy occur, what's the solution? Think first. Is the solution based on religious and political factors or real medical considerations?

If you want government out of your life, shouldn't you think of your health as well as your pocketbook? Denying health care procedures by way of religion and politics is dangerous to health, and eventually the politics that made such a stupid decision.
Get this logic: we don't like you getting birth control because it makes you a slut. We don't want you to have an abortion because it makes you a murderer. Now, go forth and multiply, but don't look for any help you murdering slut.

It's not a war on women, is it? It's a religious crusade to build a firewall around the morals of the 1950s. And those morals were so steadfast that no one but the lunatics would ever dream of rebelling against them.

Conservatives: not only are they backward, but they never read history so they can retrace their steps without looking cruel, foolish and repressive.

You can go to any truck stop and buy a condom for 75 cents. I don't think that will break anyone. Plus every condom bought is helping to employ someone else.
Condoms are not the totality of the issue. Birth Control pills and the health benefit to women is the issue.

rightwinger said birth control prevents STD's condoms are the only thing that helps to prevent STD's. The pill has no effect on a woman's health and birth control in any form is not 100% effective in preventing unwanted births.
Why can't the pro-abortionists ever discuss their murderous agenda without trying to force religion into the conversation?

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