Will Democrats ever calm the fuck down or is permanent outrage their new normal?

Not long.
yes, it will continue until Trump acts decently or is removed by impeachment

Nope, only until nuked, then they won't matter.
McConnell has to get 51 votes on a matter of the Constitution. The Dems will hold firm with 48, so they only need two of the six potential defectors in the GOP. We will see.

John McCain will be loyal to the Republicans but not loyal to Trump

That camp includes Rubio, Cruz, Collins and Graham
Spineless McCain, little rubio, cross-dress graham and really-a-democrat collins are not conservatives. Dip shit

They are needed to get Republicans over 50 votes in the Senate ..Dip Shit
Will Democrats ever calm the fuck down?

Yes. Just as soon as Putin's illegitimate puppet is impeached. Since Democrats are going to make Republicans be the ones to do it, it might take slightly longer, but not if Trumplethinskin keeps going the way he's going.

Who afraid of the big bad putin? the big bad putin, the big bad putin, who's afraid of the big bad putin? Seawytch because she's a tool.

Where do you deduce fear in any of my statements? Stating the facts is hardly fearful.


Any proof that Trump is a Putin Puppet? I mean besides the typical Occupy Democrats screed.


You mean other than our intelligence agencies saying Putin hacked us to help his BFF win? You mean other than an investigation by our intelligence community into collusion between members of Trump's administration and Russia? You mean other than a 35 page dossier that President Obama and Petulant Trump were given a two page synopsis of that stated Russia has something on the Gropenfuher?

Think Putin's fuck buddy Trump will lift the sanctions?

All this "proof" and no actual proof.


It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.
yes, it will continue until Trump acts decently or is removed by impeachment

Nope, only until nuked, then they won't matter.
McConnell has to get 51 votes on a matter of the Constitution. The Dems will hold firm with 48, so they only need two of the six potential defectors in the GOP. We will see.

John McCain will be loyal to the Republicans but not loyal to Trump

That camp includes Rubio, Cruz, Collins and Graham
Spineless McCain, little rubio, cross-dress graham and really-a-democrat collins are not conservatives. Dip shit

They are needed to get Republicans over 50 votes in the Senate ..Dip Shit
Once they figure out they are irrelevant they'll fall lockstep
This is the new normal but it can't last. The left is getting crazier and more hysterical by the moment. They will have to act on their threats. Then we will see how violent they intend to be.
Who afraid of the big bad putin? the big bad putin, the big bad putin, who's afraid of the big bad putin? Seawytch because she's a tool.

Where do you deduce fear in any of my statements? Stating the facts is hardly fearful.


Any proof that Trump is a Putin Puppet? I mean besides the typical Occupy Democrats screed.


You mean other than our intelligence agencies saying Putin hacked us to help his BFF win? You mean other than an investigation by our intelligence community into collusion between members of Trump's administration and Russia? You mean other than a 35 page dossier that President Obama and Petulant Trump were given a two page synopsis of that stated Russia has something on the Gropenfuher?

Think Putin's fuck buddy Trump will lift the sanctions?

All this "proof" and no actual proof.


It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.

You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
The Trump SC nominee deserves the same resect that republicans gave to Obamas pick. This will be a long ugly and disgusting battle ahead
And like Obama's pick he doesn't deserve it but I would love nothing more than to break this guys heart like they did Obama's pick.
Absolutely correct, at this point the empty seat in the SC should have been filled months ago, except for republican intransigence
Okay, but it wasn't, and the reality is that Trump gets to make a nomination and his party has the power to confirm it.

It's either right to completely obstruct a SC pick, or it's wrong. If you didn't like it when Republicans did it, you shouldn't be real happy when democrats do it. If you cheered Harry Reid when he went nuclear to push through Obama's picks, you just might get to see the Republicans expanding the mushroom cloud to ram through Trump's.
This is the new normal but it can't last. The left is getting crazier and more hysterical by the moment. They will have to act on their threats. Then we will see how violent they intend to be.
I do think they're overplaying their hand and it will backfire.
Nope, only until nuked, then they won't matter.
McConnell has to get 51 votes on a matter of the Constitution. The Dems will hold firm with 48, so they only need two of the six potential defectors in the GOP. We will see.

John McCain will be loyal to the Republicans but not loyal to Trump

That camp includes Rubio, Cruz, Collins and Graham
Spineless McCain, little rubio, cross-dress graham and really-a-democrat collins are not conservatives. Dip shit

They are needed to get Republicans over 50 votes in the Senate ..Dip Shit
Once they figure out they are irrelevant they'll fall lockstep

If Trumps approval rate does not stay above 40%, he will lose those marginal votes
why is it when republicans get back the same shit they threw at dems for 8 years they get their panties all wet ?? MAN UP repubs ,,for once in your life .....try and take it as good as you threw it
Where were all the rightwinf protests for the last eight years. You don't even know what a man is.
Evident you don't have the best part of a man,,,,,,and the rightwing protests took place in your f-ed up congress refusing to do anything obama wanted ,,,,how many fillibusters did repubs throw at obama?
Congressional sessions are held in the streets now? But yes, the rightwing refused to vote liberal. Sorry.
America too btw.
It's simply outrageous that this very bad man managed to get to be US president. Hence the outrage.

And just for perspective, RWnuts, when was the Right NOT outraged over the election of Obama?
And that guy Obama actually won two landslide elections with larger EC votes than Drumplethinskin with the popular vote to boot.
And yet his party lost the Congress very quickly. To say nothing of The D party losing state houses across the country. The D party is the party of the wealthy 1% establishment, but average Ds haven't figured it out yet.
McConnell has to get 51 votes on a matter of the Constitution. The Dems will hold firm with 48, so they only need two of the six potential defectors in the GOP. We will see.

John McCain will be loyal to the Republicans but not loyal to Trump

That camp includes Rubio, Cruz, Collins and Graham
Spineless McCain, little rubio, cross-dress graham and really-a-democrat collins are not conservatives. Dip shit

They are needed to get Republicans over 50 votes in the Senate ..Dip Shit
Once they figure out they are irrelevant they'll fall lockstep

If Trumps approval rate does not stay above 40%, he will lose those marginal votes

The nationwide approval doesn't mean anything. It can be skewed by overreaching hatred on the coasts, in States where Trump had and will have no shot.

The interesting impact may be in the congressional districts in Blue States that have a tendency to go Red. Civil disorder on the part of progressives would hurt blue dogs in those areas.
McConnell has to get 51 votes on a matter of the Constitution. The Dems will hold firm with 48, so they only need two of the six potential defectors in the GOP. We will see.

John McCain will be loyal to the Republicans but not loyal to Trump

That camp includes Rubio, Cruz, Collins and Graham
Spineless McCain, little rubio, cross-dress graham and really-a-democrat collins are not conservatives. Dip shit

They are needed to get Republicans over 50 votes in the Senate ..Dip Shit
Once they figure out they are irrelevant they'll fall lockstep

If Trumps approval rate does not stay above 40%, he will lose those marginal votes
No, they will have to support him in the long run at least till the midterms
John McCain will be loyal to the Republicans but not loyal to Trump

That camp includes Rubio, Cruz, Collins and Graham
Spineless McCain, little rubio, cross-dress graham and really-a-democrat collins are not conservatives. Dip shit

They are needed to get Republicans over 50 votes in the Senate ..Dip Shit
Once they figure out they are irrelevant they'll fall lockstep

If Trumps approval rate does not stay above 40%, he will lose those marginal votes

The nationwide approval doesn't mean anything. It can be skewed by overreaching hatred on the coasts, in States where Trump had and will have no shot.

The interesting impact may be in the congressional districts in Blue States that have a tendency to go Red. Civil disorder on the part of progressives would hurt blue dogs in those areas.
The nationwide approval means bunchces, as you well know. If the unrest continues to grow in the states that voted for Trump, his slide downward will increase quickly.
Last edited:
Spineless McCain, little rubio, cross-dress graham and really-a-democrat collins are not conservatives. Dip shit

They are needed to get Republicans over 50 votes in the Senate ..Dip Shit
Once they figure out they are irrelevant they'll fall lockstep

If Trumps approval rate does not stay above 40%, he will lose those marginal votes

The nationwide approval doesn't mean anything. It can be skewed by overreaching hatred on the coasts, in States where Trump had and will have no shot.

The interesting impact may be in the congressional districts in Blue States that have a tendency to go Red. Civil disorder on the part of progressives would hurt blue dogs in those areas.
The nationwide approval means buhces, as you well know. If the unrest continues to grow in the states that voted for Trump, his slide downward will increase quickly.

Right now all the unrest is in States that didn't vote for him and in constituencies that already hated him. The people that voted for him are approving of what he is doing.

The question is what happens to the "never trumpers" who see what he does, and like it.
Trump should send liberal paper bags to breath into until they calm down
Some of them should have eye holes

They are needed to get Republicans over 50 votes in the Senate ..Dip Shit
Once they figure out they are irrelevant they'll fall lockstep

If Trumps approval rate does not stay above 40%, he will lose those marginal votes

The nationwide approval doesn't mean anything. It can be skewed by overreaching hatred on the coasts, in States where Trump had and will have no shot.

The interesting impact may be in the congressional districts in Blue States that have a tendency to go Red. Civil disorder on the part of progressives would hurt blue dogs in those areas.
The nationwide approval means buhces, as you well know. If the unrest continues to grow in the states that voted for Trump, his slide downward will increase quickly.

Right now all the unrest is in States that didn't vote for him and in constituencies that already hated him. The people that voted for him are approving of what he is doing.

The question is what happens to the "never trumpers" who see what he does, and like it.
The women's marches in the thirty states that went with him prove you wrong.

The 'never trumpers' grow in numbers daily and in the red states.
John McCain will be loyal to the Republicans but not loyal to Trump

That camp includes Rubio, Cruz, Collins and Graham
Spineless McCain, little rubio, cross-dress graham and really-a-democrat collins are not conservatives. Dip shit

They are needed to get Republicans over 50 votes in the Senate ..Dip Shit
Once they figure out they are irrelevant they'll fall lockstep

If Trumps approval rate does not stay above 40%, he will lose those marginal votes

The nationwide approval doesn't mean anything. It can be skewed by overreaching hatred on the coasts, in States where Trump had and will have no shot.

The interesting impact may be in the congressional districts in Blue States that have a tendency to go Red. Civil disorder on the part of progressives would hurt blue dogs in those areas.

New surveys come out every few days....if they consistently show Trump below 40%, he will lose his influence over Congressional mavericks
They are needed to get Republicans over 50 votes in the Senate ..Dip Shit
Once they figure out they are irrelevant they'll fall lockstep

If Trumps approval rate does not stay above 40%, he will lose those marginal votes

The nationwide approval doesn't mean anything. It can be skewed by overreaching hatred on the coasts, in States where Trump had and will have no shot.

The interesting impact may be in the congressional districts in Blue States that have a tendency to go Red. Civil disorder on the part of progressives would hurt blue dogs in those areas.
The nationwide approval means buhces, as you well know. If the unrest continues to grow in the states that voted for Trump, his slide downward will increase quickly.

Right now all the unrest is in States that didn't vote for him and in constituencies that already hated him. The people that voted for him are approving of what he is doing.

The question is what happens to the "never trumpers" who see what he does, and like it.

lol, yeah, a minority of Americans voted for him, a smaller minority approve of the job he's doing.

It took the disastrous GW Bush almost 5 years to go down to 43% approval.

It took Trump about a week.
Once they figure out they are irrelevant they'll fall lockstep

If Trumps approval rate does not stay above 40%, he will lose those marginal votes

The nationwide approval doesn't mean anything. It can be skewed by overreaching hatred on the coasts, in States where Trump had and will have no shot.

The interesting impact may be in the congressional districts in Blue States that have a tendency to go Red. Civil disorder on the part of progressives would hurt blue dogs in those areas.
The nationwide approval means buhces, as you well know. If the unrest continues to grow in the states that voted for Trump, his slide downward will increase quickly.

Right now all the unrest is in States that didn't vote for him and in constituencies that already hated him. The people that voted for him are approving of what he is doing.

The question is what happens to the "never trumpers" who see what he does, and like it.
The women's marches in the thirty states that went with him prove you wrong.

The 'never trumpers' grow in numbers daily and in the red states.

Those women were ones who voted against him anyway.

And they were "progressive women's marches". Stop trying to claim an entire demographic as your own.

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